3.8 KB

  1. # generated from colcon_core/shell/template/
  2. # This script extends the environment with the environment of other prefix
  3. # paths which were sourced when this file was generated as well as all packages
  4. # contained in this prefix path.
  5. # since a plain shell script can't determine its own path when being sourced
  6. # either use the provided COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX
  7. # or fall back to the build time prefix (if it exists)
  8. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX=/home/neousys/
  9. if [ ! -z "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX" ]; then
  10. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX"
  11. elif [ ! -d "$_colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX" ]; then
  12. echo "The build time path \"$_colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX\" doesn't exist. Either source a script for a different shell or set the environment variable \"COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX\" explicitly." 1>&2
  13. unset _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX
  14. return 1
  15. fi
  16. # function to source another script with conditional trace output
  17. # first argument: the path of the script
  18. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script() {
  19. if [ -f "$1" ]; then
  20. if [ -n "$COLCON_TRACE" ]; then
  21. echo ". \"$1\""
  22. fi
  23. . "$1"
  24. else
  25. echo "not found: \"$1\"" 1>&2
  26. fi
  27. }
  28. # source chained prefixes
  29. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  30. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/opt/ros/melodic"
  31. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  32. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  33. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_drive/catkin_ws_msg/devel"
  34. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  35. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  36. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_drive/catkin_ws_control/devel"
  37. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  38. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  39. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_drive/catkin_ws_sensor/devel"
  40. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  41. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  42. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_vehicle/vehicle_msg/devel"
  43. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  44. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  45. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_vehicle/vehicle_control/devel"
  46. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  47. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  48. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_vehicle/vehicle_driver/devel"
  49. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  50. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  51. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/ros_vehicle/vehicle_manager/devel"
  52. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  53. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  54. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="/home/neousys/"
  55. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  56. # source this prefix
  57. # setting COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX avoids relying on the build time prefix of the sourced script
  58. COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX="$_colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX"
  59. _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script "$COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX/"
  60. unset _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX
  61. unset _colcon_prefix_chain_sh_source_script