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The controller package for vehicles manufactured by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.


Yamaha Golfcar Academic Pack version of G30Es-Li has the By-wire ECU based on CAN communication. CAN message format is private, so we provide CAN communication and parsing functions as a binary g30esli.a in ymc package.

G30ES-Li Interface

This node has two modes and some condition of transition as in this figure. If you press throttle or brake pedal, By-wire mode is forced to transition to Manual Mode (override function).

  • Control Mode: If you use a joystick, the command to a vehicle is able to be selected.
    • Autoware Mode: CAN commands are generated following /vehicle_cmd topic.
    • Joystick Mode: CAN commands are generated following /ds4 topic.
  • By-wire Mode: You can change to enable/disable By-wire mode.
    • Auto Mode: A vehicle allows to be controlled by CAN commands.
    • Manual Mode: You can drive as usual.

G30ES-Li Interface

How to Use

  1. Confirm safety around your vehicle.

  2. Launch Autoware nodes and check to correctly provide /vehicle_cmd topic.

  3. Connect and setup CAN interface. (NOTE: We generally use PEAK System PCAN-USB)

    $ rosrun ymc canset up canX

4-1. Launch g30esli_interface node.

$ roslaunch ymc g30esli_interface.launch device:=canX

And then your car should move by vehicle_cmd topic.

4-2. If you want to use DS4 joystick, launch with use_ds4 option and connect your joystick controller.

$ roslaunch ymc g30esli_interface.launch device:=canX use_ds4:=true ds4_wired:=true   ## USB


$ roslaunch ymc g30esli_interface.launch device:=canX use_ds4:=true ds4_wired:=false  ## Bluetooth

And then, your car should move by joystick controller. For controlling by vehicle_cmd, press PS button.

DS4 Button Binding

Button Description
CROSS Send speed ( 3 <= v <= 19 [km/h] ), change to JOYSTICK mode
SQUARE Smooth brake, change to JOYSTICK mode
CIRCLE Semi-emergency brake
TRIANGLE Emergency brake
R1 Reverse shift
L1 Neutral shift
R2 Change speed linearly ( v = 16 * R2 + 3 [km/h] )
L2 Change max steering linearly ( theta = (17 * L2 + 20) * ANALOG_L [deg] )
ANALOG_L Steering angle ( -37 <= theta <= +37 [deg] )
DIGITAL_UP / LEFT / RIGHT / DOWN Blinker clear / left / right / hazard
SHARE Engage vehicle
OPTION Disengage vehicle
PS change to AUTO mode

Please see ds4 package to know installation and details.


Parameter Type Description Default
engaged Bool Enable Auto Mode at startup true
device String CAN interface name can0
steering_offset_deg Double Steering offset [deg] 0.0
command_timeout Int vehicle_cmd timeout [ms] 1000
use_ds4 Bool Enable DS4 joystick and start in joystick mode false
ds4_wired Bool Select DS4 connection (true = USB, false = Bluetooth) false
ds4_timeout Int Bluetooth timeout in ds4_driver [ms] 1000


Node [/g30esli_interface]
 * /vehicle/battery [std_msgs/Float32]
 * /vehicle/twist [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]
 * /vehicle_status [autoware_msgs/VehicleStatus]

 * /vehicle/engage [std_msgs/Bool]
 * /vehicle_cmd [autoware_msgs/VehicleCmd]