chengkaiqiang 6213262140 v-0.1.1-1:20240806 пре 6 месеци
include 6213262140 v-0.1.1-1:20240806 пре 6 месеци
src 6213262140 v-0.1.1-1:20240806 пре 6 месеци
CMakeLists.txt 6213262140 v-0.1.1-1:20240806 пре 6 месеци 6213262140 v-0.1.1-1:20240806 пре 6 месеци

Detected Object Visualizer

This node interprets the output of each of the perception nodes and creates the corresponding rviz visualization.


Launch file available parameters:

Parameter Type Description
marker_display_duration Double Time in ms to display the marker. Default 0.1.
object_speed_threshold Double Speed threshold to display. Default 0.1.
arrow_speed_threshold Double Arrow speed threshold to display. Default 0.25.
label_color Array Four double values (RGBA), representing the color of the object. Default [255,255,255,1].
arrow_color Array Four double values (RGBA), representing the color of the object. Default [0,255,0,1,0.8].
hull_color Array Four double values (RGBA), representing the color of the object. Default [51,204,51,0.8].
box_color Array Four double values (RGBA), representing the color of the object. Default [51,128,204,0.8].
centroid_color Array Four double values (RGBA), representing the color of the object. Default [77,121,255,0.8].

Subscribed topics

Topic Type Objective
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects autoware_msgs/DetectedObjectArray Objects Array topic to visualize

Published topics

Topic Type Objective
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects_markers visualization_msgs::MarkerArray A Label indicating the class and info of the object

The message includes each of the following namespaces:

Namespace Objective
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects_arrows An arrow indicating the direction (Marker::ARROW)
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects_hulls Convex Hull, the containing polygon (Marker::LINE_STRIP)
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects_boxes Bounding box containing the object (Marker::CUBE)
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects_centroids Sphere representing the centroid of the object in space (Marker::SPHERE)
ROS_NAMESPACE/objects_mdoels Model representing the object in space (Marker::MESH_RESOURCE)


This node is already included in the perception nodes' launch file.

If you need to use it manually, be sure to add the ROS_NAMESPACE if using rosrun.

For launch files, add the following line to your launch file:

<node pkg="detected_objects_visualizer" type="visualize_detected_objects" name="AN_INSTANCENAME_01"
          output="screen" ns="ROS_NAMESPACE"/>

i.e. to visualize the output of the lidar tracker use ROS_NAMESPACE=/detection/lidar_tracker in rosrun or ns="/detection/lidar_tracker" in the launch file.