ExtractedPosition.msg 706 B

  1. # This message defines the information required to describe a lamp (bulb)
  2. # in a traffic signal, according to the information extracted from the ADAS Map
  3. # and the extrinsic camera calibration
  4. int32 signalId # Traffic Signal Lamp ID
  5. int32 u # Lamp ROI x in image coords
  6. int32 v # Lamp ROI y in image coords
  7. int32 radius # Lamp Radius
  8. float64 x # X position in map coordinates
  9. float64 y # Y position in map coordinates
  10. float64 z # Z position in map coordinates
  11. float64 hang # Azimuth "Horizontal Angle"
  12. int8 type # Lamp Type (red, yellow, green, ...)
  13. int32 linkId # Closest LinkID (lane) in VectorMap
  14. int32 plId # PoleID to which this Lamp belongs to