ConfigRcnn.msg 564 B

  1. Header header
  2. float32 score_threshold #minimum score required to keep the detection [0.0, 1.0] (default 0.6)
  3. float32 group_threshold #minimum overlap percentage area required to supress detections(NMS threshold) [0.0, 1.0] (default 0.3)
  4. float32 slices_overlap #overlap percentage between image slices [0.0, 1.0] (default 0.7)
  5. float32 b_mean
  6. float32 g_mean
  7. float32 r_mean
  8. uint8 image_slices #number of times to slice the image and search (1, 100], larger value might improve detection but reduce performance (default 16)
  9. uint8 use_gpu
  10. uint8 gpu_device_id