## Status **DEVELOPMENT** ## Description rivz plugin for rosbag recording (*rosbag play module will be added in the future*) Two ways to set topics parameter for recording: 1. Use .yaml configure file as ***configure_example.yaml*** file. 2. Use ***Topic Refresh*** to real-time scan which topics are existing, then choose those you are interested in by checkboxes. **Note1**: Configure file and topic from checkboxes can be used at same time, even some topics are repeated (plugin will do duplicate checking when using both of them) **Note2**: If you want to clear configure file, you can restart plugin ## Todos - [ ] Tests ## Steps to Test 1. Start rviz and choose **Panels->Add New Panel->RosbagController** 2. You can use the plugin to record rosbags with specified topics (do not specify any topics means recording all)