# Map Tools A set of utility tools for map data ## PCD Grid Divider `PCD Grid Divider` creates PCDs divided into grids from PCDs that are not divided into grids. ### How to launch * From a sourced terminal:\ `rosrun map_tools pcd_grid_divider point_type grid_size output_directory input_pcd1 input_pcd2 ...` ``point_type``: PointXYZ | PointXYZI | PointXYZRGB ``grid_size``: integer (1,5,10,100...) In the directory you specified, you will see PCDs that divided into grids. The naming rule is ``*grid_size*_*lower bound of x*_*lower bound of y*.pcd`` ## PCD Filter `PCD Filter` downsamples PCDs by voxel grid filter. ### How to launch * From a sourced termina:\ `rosrun map_tools pcd_filter point_type leaf_size input_pcd1 input_pcd2 ...` ``point_type``: PointXYZ | PointXYZI | PointXYZRGB ``leaf_size``: double (1,5,10,100...) The downsampled files are saved in the same directory as the input pcd file. The naming rule is ``*leaf_size*_*original_name*``