# Calibration Publisher This nodes publishes the camera intrinsics, extrinsics and registers the TF between the camera and LiDAR sensors. The data is read from an Autoware compatible calibration file. ## Publications * `sensor_msgs/CameraInfo`, default topic name `/NAMESPACE/camera_info`. * `autoware_msgs/projection_matrix`, default topic name `/NAMESPACE/camera_info` `NAMESPACE` if any. ## Subscriptions * `sensor_msgs/Image`, default topic name `/image_raw` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value | |--------------------------|-------|------------------------------------------------------|---------------| |`calibration_file` | String|Path to the Autoware calibration file | | |`register_lidar2camera_tf`| Bool |Whether or not to register TF between camera and lidar| `True` | |`publish_extrinsic_mat` | Bool |Whether or not to publish extrinsic_matrix topic | `True` | |`publish_camera_info` | Bool |Whether or not to publish camera_info topic | `True` | |`camera_frame` | String|Camera frame to be included in the header | `camera` | |`target_frame` | String|Target LiDAR frame to register in the TF | `velodyne` | |`image_topic_src` | String|Image source topic to synchronize CameraInfo | `/image_raw` | |`camera_info_topic` | String|Camera info topic name to publish intrinsics | `/camera_info`| |`projection_matrix_topic` | String|Topic name on which to publish Extrinsics | `/projection_matrix`|