1234567891011121314151617181920212223 |
- [bdist_wheel]
- universal=1
- [metadata]
- license_files = LICENSE
- [pep8]
- max-line-length = 120
- [flake8]
- # note: we ignore all 501s (line too long) anyway as they're taken care of by black
- max-line-length = 120
- ignore = E203, E402, W503, W504, F821, E501, B, C4, EXE
- per-file-ignores =
- __init__.py: F401, F403, F405
- ./hubconf.py: F401
- torchvision/models/mobilenet.py: F401, F403
- torchvision/models/quantization/mobilenet.py: F401, F403
- test/smoke_test.py: F401
- exclude = venv
- [pydocstyle]
- select = D417 # Missing argument descriptions in the docstring