5.9 KB

  1. import json
  2. import locale
  3. import os
  4. import re
  5. import subprocess
  6. from collections import namedtuple
  7. from os.path import expanduser
  8. import requests
  9. Features = namedtuple(
  10. "Features",
  11. [
  12. "title",
  13. "body",
  14. "pr_number",
  15. "files_changed",
  16. "labels",
  17. ],
  18. )
  19. def dict_to_features(dct):
  20. return Features(
  21. title=dct["title"],
  22. body=dct["body"],
  23. pr_number=dct["pr_number"],
  24. files_changed=dct["files_changed"],
  25. labels=dct["labels"],
  26. )
  27. def features_to_dict(features):
  28. return dict(features._asdict())
  29. def run(command):
  30. """Returns (return-code, stdout, stderr)"""
  31. p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
  32. output, err = p.communicate()
  33. rc = p.returncode
  34. enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()
  35. output = output.decode(enc)
  36. err = err.decode(enc)
  37. return rc, output.strip(), err.strip()
  38. def commit_body(commit_hash):
  39. cmd = f"git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%b {commit_hash}"
  40. ret, out, err = run(cmd)
  41. return out if ret == 0 else None
  42. def commit_title(commit_hash):
  43. cmd = f"git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%s {commit_hash}"
  44. ret, out, err = run(cmd)
  45. return out if ret == 0 else None
  46. def commit_files_changed(commit_hash):
  47. cmd = f"git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r {commit_hash}"
  48. ret, out, err = run(cmd)
  49. return out.split("\n") if ret == 0 else None
  50. def parse_pr_number(body, commit_hash, title):
  51. regex = r"(#[0-9]+)"
  52. matches = re.findall(regex, title)
  53. if len(matches) == 0:
  54. if "revert" not in title.lower() and "updating submodules" not in title.lower():
  55. print(f"[{commit_hash}: {title}] Could not parse PR number, ignoring PR")
  56. return None
  57. if len(matches) > 1:
  58. print(f"[{commit_hash}: {title}] Got two PR numbers, using the last one")
  59. return matches[-1][1:]
  60. return matches[0][1:]
  61. def get_ghstack_token():
  62. pattern = "github_oauth = (.*)"
  63. with open(expanduser("~/.ghstackrc"), "r+") as f:
  64. config =
  65. matches = re.findall(pattern, config)
  66. if len(matches) == 0:
  67. raise RuntimeError("Can't find a github oauth token")
  68. return matches[0]
  69. token = get_ghstack_token()
  70. headers = {"Authorization": f"token {token}"}
  71. def run_query(query):
  72. request ="", json={"query": query}, headers=headers)
  73. if request.status_code == 200:
  74. return request.json()
  75. else:
  76. raise Exception(f"Query failed to run by returning code of {request.status_code}. {query}")
  77. def gh_labels(pr_number):
  78. query = f"""
  79. {{
  80. repository(owner: "pytorch", name: "vision") {{
  81. pullRequest(number: {pr_number}) {{
  82. labels(first: 10) {{
  83. edges {{
  84. node {{
  85. name
  86. }}
  87. }}
  88. }}
  89. }}
  90. }}
  91. }}
  92. """
  93. query = run_query(query)
  94. edges = query["data"]["repository"]["pullRequest"]["labels"]["edges"]
  95. return [edge["node"]["name"] for edge in edges]
  96. def get_features(commit_hash, return_dict=False):
  97. title, body, files_changed = (
  98. commit_title(commit_hash),
  99. commit_body(commit_hash),
  100. commit_files_changed(commit_hash),
  101. )
  102. pr_number = parse_pr_number(body, commit_hash, title)
  103. labels = []
  104. if pr_number is not None:
  105. labels = gh_labels(pr_number)
  106. result = Features(title, body, pr_number, files_changed, labels)
  107. if return_dict:
  108. return features_to_dict(result)
  109. return result
  110. class CommitDataCache:
  111. def __init__(self, path="results/data.json"):
  112. self.path = path
  113. = {}
  114. if os.path.exists(path):
  115. = self.read_from_disk()
  116. def get(self, commit):
  117. if commit not in
  118. # Fetch and cache the data
  119.[commit] = get_features(commit)
  120. self.write_to_disk()
  121. return[commit]
  122. def read_from_disk(self):
  123. with open(self.path) as f:
  124. data = json.load(f)
  125. data = {commit: dict_to_features(dct) for commit, dct in data.items()}
  126. return data
  127. def write_to_disk(self):
  128. data = {commit: features._asdict() for commit, features in}
  129. with open(self.path, "w") as f:
  130. json.dump(data, f)
  131. def get_commits_between(base_version, new_version):
  132. cmd = f"git merge-base {base_version} {new_version}"
  133. rc, merge_base, _ = run(cmd)
  134. assert rc == 0
  135. # Returns a list of something like
  136. # b33e38ec47 Allow a higher-precision step type for Vec256::arange (#34555)
  137. cmd = f"git log --reverse --oneline {merge_base}..{new_version}"
  138. rc, commits, _ = run(cmd)
  139. assert rc == 0
  140. log_lines = commits.split("\n")
  141. hashes, titles = zip(*[log_line.split(" ", 1) for log_line in log_lines])
  142. return hashes, titles
  143. def convert_to_dataframes(feature_list):
  144. import pandas as pd
  145. df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(feature_list, columns=Features._fields)
  146. return df
  147. def main(base_version, new_version):
  148. hashes, titles = get_commits_between(base_version, new_version)
  149. cdc = CommitDataCache("data.json")
  150. for idx, commit in enumerate(hashes):
  151. if idx % 10 == 0:
  152. print(f"{idx} / {len(hashes)}")
  153. cdc.get(commit)
  154. return cdc
  155. if __name__ == "__main__":
  156. # d = get_features('2ab93592529243862ce8ad5b6acf2628ef8d0dc8')
  157. # print(d)
  158. # hashes, titles = get_commits_between("tags/v0.9.0", "fc852f3b39fe25dd8bf1dedee8f19ea04aa84c15")
  159. # Usage: change the tags below accordingly to the current release, then save the json with
  160. # cdc.write_to_disk().
  161. # Then you can use (as a notebook)
  162. # to open the json and generate the release notes semi-automatically.
  163. cdc = main("tags/v0.9.0", "fc852f3b39fe25dd8bf1dedee8f19ea04aa84c15")
  164. from IPython import embed
  165. embed()