123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573 |
- .. _models:
- Models and pre-trained weights
- ##############################
- The ``torchvision.models`` subpackage contains definitions of models for addressing
- different tasks, including: image classification, pixelwise semantic
- segmentation, object detection, instance segmentation, person
- keypoint detection, video classification, and optical flow.
- General information on pre-trained weights
- ==========================================
- TorchVision offers pre-trained weights for every provided architecture, using
- the PyTorch :mod:`torch.hub`. Instancing a pre-trained model will download its
- weights to a cache directory. This directory can be set using the `TORCH_HOME`
- environment variable. See :func:`torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url` for details.
- .. note::
- The pre-trained models provided in this library may have their own licenses or
- terms and conditions derived from the dataset used for training. It is your
- responsibility to determine whether you have permission to use the models for
- your use case.
- .. note ::
- Backward compatibility is guaranteed for loading a serialized
- ``state_dict`` to the model created using old PyTorch version.
- On the contrary, loading entire saved models or serialized
- ``ScriptModules`` (serialized using older versions of PyTorch)
- may not preserve the historic behaviour. Refer to the following
- `documentation
- <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/serialization.html#id6>`_
- Initializing pre-trained models
- -------------------------------
- As of v0.13, TorchVision offers a new `Multi-weight support API
- <https://pytorch.org/blog/introducing-torchvision-new-multi-weight-support-api/>`_
- for loading different weights to the existing model builder methods:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.models import resnet50, ResNet50_Weights
- # Old weights with accuracy 76.130%
- resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1)
- # New weights with accuracy 80.858%
- resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V2)
- # Best available weights (currently alias for IMAGENET1K_V2)
- # Note that these weights may change across versions
- resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT)
- # Strings are also supported
- resnet50(weights="IMAGENET1K_V2")
- # No weights - random initialization
- resnet50(weights=None)
- Migrating to the new API is very straightforward. The following method calls between the 2 APIs are all equivalent:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.models import resnet50, ResNet50_Weights
- # Using pretrained weights:
- resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1)
- resnet50(weights="IMAGENET1K_V1")
- resnet50(pretrained=True) # deprecated
- resnet50(True) # deprecated
- # Using no weights:
- resnet50(weights=None)
- resnet50()
- resnet50(pretrained=False) # deprecated
- resnet50(False) # deprecated
- Note that the ``pretrained`` parameter is now deprecated, using it will emit warnings and will be removed on v0.15.
- Using the pre-trained models
- ----------------------------
- Before using the pre-trained models, one must preprocess the image
- (resize with right resolution/interpolation, apply inference transforms,
- rescale the values etc). There is no standard way to do this as it depends on
- how a given model was trained. It can vary across model families, variants or
- even weight versions. Using the correct preprocessing method is critical and
- failing to do so may lead to decreased accuracy or incorrect outputs.
- All the necessary information for the inference transforms of each pre-trained
- model is provided on its weights documentation. To simplify inference, TorchVision
- bundles the necessary preprocessing transforms into each model weight. These are
- accessible via the ``weight.transforms`` attribute:
- .. code:: python
- # Initialize the Weight Transforms
- weights = ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT
- preprocess = weights.transforms()
- # Apply it to the input image
- img_transformed = preprocess(img)
- Some models use modules which have different training and evaluation
- behavior, such as batch normalization. To switch between these modes, use
- ``model.train()`` or ``model.eval()`` as appropriate. See
- :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.train` or :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.eval` for details.
- .. code:: python
- # Initialize model
- weights = ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT
- model = resnet50(weights=weights)
- # Set model to eval mode
- model.eval()
- Listing and retrieving available models
- ---------------------------------------
- As of v0.14, TorchVision offers a new mechanism which allows listing and
- retrieving models and weights by their names. Here are a few examples on how to
- use them:
- .. code:: python
- # List available models
- all_models = list_models()
- classification_models = list_models(module=torchvision.models)
- # Initialize models
- m1 = get_model("mobilenet_v3_large", weights=None)
- m2 = get_model("quantized_mobilenet_v3_large", weights="DEFAULT")
- # Fetch weights
- weights = get_weight("MobileNet_V3_Large_QuantizedWeights.DEFAULT")
- assert weights == MobileNet_V3_Large_QuantizedWeights.DEFAULT
- weights_enum = get_model_weights("quantized_mobilenet_v3_large")
- assert weights_enum == MobileNet_V3_Large_QuantizedWeights
- weights_enum2 = get_model_weights(torchvision.models.quantization.mobilenet_v3_large)
- assert weights_enum == weights_enum2
- Here are the available public functions to retrieve models and their corresponding weights:
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models
- .. autosummary::
- :toctree: generated/
- :template: function.rst
- get_model
- get_model_weights
- get_weight
- list_models
- Using models from Hub
- ---------------------
- Most pre-trained models can be accessed directly via PyTorch Hub without having TorchVision installed:
- .. code:: python
- import torch
- # Option 1: passing weights param as string
- model = torch.hub.load("pytorch/vision", "resnet50", weights="IMAGENET1K_V2")
- # Option 2: passing weights param as enum
- weights = torch.hub.load("pytorch/vision", "get_weight", weights="ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V2")
- model = torch.hub.load("pytorch/vision", "resnet50", weights=weights)
- You can also retrieve all the available weights of a specific model via PyTorch Hub by doing:
- .. code:: python
- import torch
- weight_enum = torch.hub.load("pytorch/vision", "get_model_weights", name="resnet50")
- print([weight for weight in weight_enum])
- The only exception to the above are the detection models included on
- :mod:`torchvision.models.detection`. These models require TorchVision
- to be installed because they depend on custom C++ operators.
- Classification
- ==============
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models
- The following classification models are available, with or without pre-trained
- weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/alexnet
- models/convnext
- models/densenet
- models/efficientnet
- models/efficientnetv2
- models/googlenet
- models/inception
- models/maxvit
- models/mnasnet
- models/mobilenetv2
- models/mobilenetv3
- models/regnet
- models/resnet
- models/resnext
- models/shufflenetv2
- models/squeezenet
- models/swin_transformer
- models/vgg
- models/vision_transformer
- models/wide_resnet
- |
- Here is an example of how to use the pre-trained image classification models:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.io import read_image
- from torchvision.models import resnet50, ResNet50_Weights
- img = read_image("test/assets/encode_jpeg/grace_hopper_517x606.jpg")
- # Step 1: Initialize model with the best available weights
- weights = ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT
- model = resnet50(weights=weights)
- model.eval()
- # Step 2: Initialize the inference transforms
- preprocess = weights.transforms()
- # Step 3: Apply inference preprocessing transforms
- batch = preprocess(img).unsqueeze(0)
- # Step 4: Use the model and print the predicted category
- prediction = model(batch).squeeze(0).softmax(0)
- class_id = prediction.argmax().item()
- score = prediction[class_id].item()
- category_name = weights.meta["categories"][class_id]
- print(f"{category_name}: {100 * score:.1f}%")
- The classes of the pre-trained model outputs can be found at ``weights.meta["categories"]``.
- Table of all available classification weights
- ---------------------------------------------
- Accuracies are reported on ImageNet-1K using single crops:
- .. include:: generated/classification_table.rst
- Quantized models
- ----------------
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.quantization
- The following architectures provide support for INT8 quantized models, with or without
- pre-trained weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/googlenet_quant
- models/inception_quant
- models/mobilenetv2_quant
- models/mobilenetv3_quant
- models/resnet_quant
- models/resnext_quant
- models/shufflenetv2_quant
- |
- Here is an example of how to use the pre-trained quantized image classification models:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.io import read_image
- from torchvision.models.quantization import resnet50, ResNet50_QuantizedWeights
- img = read_image("test/assets/encode_jpeg/grace_hopper_517x606.jpg")
- # Step 1: Initialize model with the best available weights
- weights = ResNet50_QuantizedWeights.DEFAULT
- model = resnet50(weights=weights, quantize=True)
- model.eval()
- # Step 2: Initialize the inference transforms
- preprocess = weights.transforms()
- # Step 3: Apply inference preprocessing transforms
- batch = preprocess(img).unsqueeze(0)
- # Step 4: Use the model and print the predicted category
- prediction = model(batch).squeeze(0).softmax(0)
- class_id = prediction.argmax().item()
- score = prediction[class_id].item()
- category_name = weights.meta["categories"][class_id]
- print(f"{category_name}: {100 * score}%")
- The classes of the pre-trained model outputs can be found at ``weights.meta["categories"]``.
- Table of all available quantized classification weights
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Accuracies are reported on ImageNet-1K using single crops:
- .. include:: generated/classification_quant_table.rst
- Semantic Segmentation
- =====================
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.segmentation
- .. betastatus:: segmentation module
- The following semantic segmentation models are available, with or without
- pre-trained weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/deeplabv3
- models/fcn
- models/lraspp
- |
- Here is an example of how to use the pre-trained semantic segmentation models:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.io.image import read_image
- from torchvision.models.segmentation import fcn_resnet50, FCN_ResNet50_Weights
- from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
- img = read_image("gallery/assets/dog1.jpg")
- # Step 1: Initialize model with the best available weights
- weights = FCN_ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT
- model = fcn_resnet50(weights=weights)
- model.eval()
- # Step 2: Initialize the inference transforms
- preprocess = weights.transforms()
- # Step 3: Apply inference preprocessing transforms
- batch = preprocess(img).unsqueeze(0)
- # Step 4: Use the model and visualize the prediction
- prediction = model(batch)["out"]
- normalized_masks = prediction.softmax(dim=1)
- class_to_idx = {cls: idx for (idx, cls) in enumerate(weights.meta["categories"])}
- mask = normalized_masks[0, class_to_idx["dog"]]
- to_pil_image(mask).show()
- The classes of the pre-trained model outputs can be found at ``weights.meta["categories"]``.
- The output format of the models is illustrated in :ref:`semantic_seg_output`.
- Table of all available semantic segmentation weights
- ----------------------------------------------------
- All models are evaluated a subset of COCO val2017, on the 20 categories that are present in the Pascal VOC dataset:
- .. include:: generated/segmentation_table.rst
- .. _object_det_inst_seg_pers_keypoint_det:
- Object Detection, Instance Segmentation and Person Keypoint Detection
- =====================================================================
- The pre-trained models for detection, instance segmentation and
- keypoint detection are initialized with the classification models
- in torchvision. The models expect a list of ``Tensor[C, H, W]``.
- Check the constructor of the models for more information.
- .. betastatus:: detection module
- Object Detection
- ----------------
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.detection
- The following object detection models are available, with or without pre-trained
- weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/faster_rcnn
- models/fcos
- models/retinanet
- models/ssd
- models/ssdlite
- |
- Here is an example of how to use the pre-trained object detection models:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.io.image import read_image
- from torchvision.models.detection import fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2, FasterRCNN_ResNet50_FPN_V2_Weights
- from torchvision.utils import draw_bounding_boxes
- from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
- img = read_image("test/assets/encode_jpeg/grace_hopper_517x606.jpg")
- # Step 1: Initialize model with the best available weights
- weights = FasterRCNN_ResNet50_FPN_V2_Weights.DEFAULT
- model = fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2(weights=weights, box_score_thresh=0.9)
- model.eval()
- # Step 2: Initialize the inference transforms
- preprocess = weights.transforms()
- # Step 3: Apply inference preprocessing transforms
- batch = [preprocess(img)]
- # Step 4: Use the model and visualize the prediction
- prediction = model(batch)[0]
- labels = [weights.meta["categories"][i] for i in prediction["labels"]]
- box = draw_bounding_boxes(img, boxes=prediction["boxes"],
- labels=labels,
- colors="red",
- width=4, font_size=30)
- im = to_pil_image(box.detach())
- im.show()
- The classes of the pre-trained model outputs can be found at ``weights.meta["categories"]``.
- For details on how to plot the bounding boxes of the models, you may refer to :ref:`instance_seg_output`.
- Table of all available Object detection weights
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Box MAPs are reported on COCO val2017:
- .. include:: generated/detection_table.rst
- Instance Segmentation
- ---------------------
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.detection
- The following instance segmentation models are available, with or without pre-trained
- weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/mask_rcnn
- |
- For details on how to plot the masks of the models, you may refer to :ref:`instance_seg_output`.
- Table of all available Instance segmentation weights
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Box and Mask MAPs are reported on COCO val2017:
- .. include:: generated/instance_segmentation_table.rst
- Keypoint Detection
- ------------------
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.detection
- The following person keypoint detection models are available, with or without
- pre-trained weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/keypoint_rcnn
- |
- The classes of the pre-trained model outputs can be found at ``weights.meta["keypoint_names"]``.
- For details on how to plot the bounding boxes of the models, you may refer to :ref:`keypoint_output`.
- Table of all available Keypoint detection weights
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Box and Keypoint MAPs are reported on COCO val2017:
- .. include:: generated/detection_keypoint_table.rst
- Video Classification
- ====================
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.video
- .. betastatus:: video module
- The following video classification models are available, with or without
- pre-trained weights:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/video_mvit
- models/video_resnet
- models/video_s3d
- models/video_swin_transformer
- |
- Here is an example of how to use the pre-trained video classification models:
- .. code:: python
- from torchvision.io.video import read_video
- from torchvision.models.video import r3d_18, R3D_18_Weights
- vid, _, _ = read_video("test/assets/videos/v_SoccerJuggling_g23_c01.avi", output_format="TCHW")
- vid = vid[:32] # optionally shorten duration
- # Step 1: Initialize model with the best available weights
- weights = R3D_18_Weights.DEFAULT
- model = r3d_18(weights=weights)
- model.eval()
- # Step 2: Initialize the inference transforms
- preprocess = weights.transforms()
- # Step 3: Apply inference preprocessing transforms
- batch = preprocess(vid).unsqueeze(0)
- # Step 4: Use the model and print the predicted category
- prediction = model(batch).squeeze(0).softmax(0)
- label = prediction.argmax().item()
- score = prediction[label].item()
- category_name = weights.meta["categories"][label]
- print(f"{category_name}: {100 * score}%")
- The classes of the pre-trained model outputs can be found at ``weights.meta["categories"]``.
- Table of all available video classification weights
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Accuracies are reported on Kinetics-400 using single crops for clip length 16:
- .. include:: generated/video_table.rst
- Optical Flow
- ============
- .. currentmodule:: torchvision.models.optical_flow
- The following Optical Flow models are available, with or without pre-trained
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- models/raft