123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429 |
- # Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
- import shutil
- from copy import copy
- from pathlib import Path
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- import torch
- from PIL import Image
- from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
- from ultralytics import RTDETR, YOLO
- from ultralytics.data.build import load_inference_source
- from ultralytics.utils.downloads import download
- from ultralytics.utils.torch_utils import TORCH_1_9
- WEIGHTS_DIR = Path(SETTINGS['weights_dir'])
- MODEL = WEIGHTS_DIR / 'path with spaces' / 'yolov8n.pt' # test spaces in path
- CFG = 'yolov8n.yaml'
- SOURCE = ASSETS / 'bus.jpg'
- TMP = (ROOT / '../tests/tmp').resolve() # temp directory for test files
- def test_model_forward():
- model = YOLO(CFG)
- model(source=None, imgsz=32, augment=True) # also test no source and augment
- def test_model_methods():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- # Model methods
- model.info(verbose=True, detailed=True)
- model = model.reset_weights()
- model = model.load(MODEL)
- model.to('cpu')
- model.fuse()
- # Model properties
- _ = model.names
- _ = model.device
- _ = model.transforms
- _ = model.task_map
- def test_predict_txt():
- # Write a list of sources (file, dir, glob, recursive glob) to a txt file
- txt_file = TMP / 'sources.txt'
- with open(txt_file, 'w') as f:
- for x in [ASSETS / 'bus.jpg', ASSETS, ASSETS / '*', ASSETS / '**/*.jpg']:
- f.write(f'{x}\n')
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model(source=txt_file, imgsz=32)
- def test_predict_img():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- seg_model = YOLO(WEIGHTS_DIR / 'yolov8n-seg.pt')
- cls_model = YOLO(WEIGHTS_DIR / 'yolov8n-cls.pt')
- pose_model = YOLO(WEIGHTS_DIR / 'yolov8n-pose.pt')
- im = cv2.imread(str(SOURCE))
- assert len(model(source=Image.open(SOURCE), save=True, verbose=True, imgsz=32)) == 1 # PIL
- assert len(model(source=im, save=True, save_txt=True, imgsz=32)) == 1 # ndarray
- assert len(model(source=[im, im], save=True, save_txt=True, imgsz=32)) == 2 # batch
- assert len(list(model(source=[im, im], save=True, stream=True, imgsz=32))) == 2 # stream
- assert len(model(torch.zeros(320, 640, 3).numpy(), imgsz=32)) == 1 # tensor to numpy
- batch = [
- str(SOURCE), # filename
- Path(SOURCE), # Path
- 'https://ultralytics.com/images/zidane.jpg' if ONLINE else SOURCE, # URI
- cv2.imread(str(SOURCE)), # OpenCV
- Image.open(SOURCE), # PIL
- np.zeros((320, 640, 3))] # numpy
- assert len(model(batch, imgsz=32)) == len(batch) # multiple sources in a batch
- # Test tensor inference
- im = cv2.imread(str(SOURCE)) # OpenCV
- t = cv2.resize(im, (32, 32))
- t = ToTensor()(t)
- t = torch.stack([t, t, t, t])
- results = model(t, imgsz=32)
- assert len(results) == t.shape[0]
- results = seg_model(t, imgsz=32)
- assert len(results) == t.shape[0]
- results = cls_model(t, imgsz=32)
- assert len(results) == t.shape[0]
- results = pose_model(t, imgsz=32)
- assert len(results) == t.shape[0]
- def test_predict_grey_and_4ch():
- # Convert SOURCE to greyscale and 4-ch
- im = Image.open(SOURCE)
- directory = TMP / 'im4'
- directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- source_greyscale = directory / 'greyscale.jpg'
- source_rgba = directory / '4ch.png'
- source_non_utf = directory / 'non_UTF_测试文件_tést_image.jpg'
- source_spaces = directory / 'image with spaces.jpg'
- im.convert('L').save(source_greyscale) # greyscale
- im.convert('RGBA').save(source_rgba) # 4-ch PNG with alpha
- im.save(source_non_utf) # non-UTF characters in filename
- im.save(source_spaces) # spaces in filename
- # Inference
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- for f in source_rgba, source_greyscale, source_non_utf, source_spaces:
- for source in Image.open(f), cv2.imread(str(f)), f:
- results = model(source, save=True, verbose=True, imgsz=32)
- assert len(results) == 1 # verify that an image was run
- f.unlink() # cleanup
- @pytest.mark.skipif(not ONLINE, reason='environment is offline')
- def test_track_stream():
- # Test YouTube streaming inference (short 10 frame video) with non-default ByteTrack tracker
- # imgsz=160 required for tracking for higher confidence and better matches
- import yaml
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model.predict('https://youtu.be/G17sBkb38XQ', imgsz=96, save=True)
- model.track('https://ultralytics.com/assets/decelera_portrait_min.mov', imgsz=160, tracker='bytetrack.yaml')
- model.track('https://ultralytics.com/assets/decelera_portrait_min.mov', imgsz=160, tracker='botsort.yaml')
- # Test Global Motion Compensation (GMC) methods
- for gmc in 'orb', 'sift', 'ecc':
- with open(ROOT / 'cfg/trackers/botsort.yaml') as f:
- data = yaml.safe_load(f)
- tracker = TMP / f'botsort-{gmc}.yaml'
- data['gmc_method'] = gmc
- with open(tracker, 'w') as f:
- yaml.safe_dump(data, f)
- model.track('https://ultralytics.com/assets/decelera_portrait_min.mov', imgsz=160, tracker=tracker)
- def test_val():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model.val(data='coco8.yaml', imgsz=32, save_hybrid=True)
- def test_train_scratch():
- model = YOLO(CFG)
- model.train(data='coco8.yaml', epochs=2, imgsz=32, cache='disk', batch=-1, close_mosaic=1, name='model')
- model(SOURCE)
- def test_train_pretrained():
- model = YOLO(WEIGHTS_DIR / 'yolov8n-seg.pt')
- model.train(data='coco8-seg.yaml', epochs=1, imgsz=32, cache='ram', copy_paste=0.5, mixup=0.5, name=0)
- model(SOURCE)
- def test_export_torchscript():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- f = model.export(format='torchscript', optimize=True)
- YOLO(f)(SOURCE) # exported model inference
- def test_export_onnx():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- f = model.export(format='onnx', dynamic=True)
- YOLO(f)(SOURCE) # exported model inference
- def test_export_openvino():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- f = model.export(format='openvino')
- YOLO(f)(SOURCE) # exported model inference
- def test_export_coreml():
- if not WINDOWS: # RuntimeError: BlobWriter not loaded with coremltools 7.0 on windows
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model.export(format='coreml', nms=True)
- # if MACOS:
- # YOLO(f)(SOURCE) # model prediction only supported on macOS
- def test_export_tflite(enabled=False):
- # TF suffers from install conflicts on Windows and macOS
- if enabled and LINUX:
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- f = model.export(format='tflite')
- def test_export_pb(enabled=False):
- # TF suffers from install conflicts on Windows and macOS
- if enabled and LINUX:
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- f = model.export(format='pb')
- def test_export_paddle(enabled=False):
- # Paddle protobuf requirements conflicting with onnx protobuf requirements
- if enabled:
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model.export(format='paddle')
- def test_export_ncnn():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- f = model.export(format='ncnn')
- YOLO(f)(SOURCE) # exported model inference
- def test_all_model_yamls():
- for m in (ROOT / 'cfg' / 'models').rglob('*.yaml'):
- if 'rtdetr' in m.name:
- if TORCH_1_9: # torch<=1.8 issue - TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'batch_first'
- RTDETR(m.name)(SOURCE, imgsz=640)
- else:
- YOLO(m.name)
- def test_workflow():
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model.train(data='coco8.yaml', epochs=1, imgsz=32)
- model.val()
- model.predict(SOURCE)
- model.export(format='onnx') # export a model to ONNX format
- def test_predict_callback_and_setup():
- # Test callback addition for prediction
- def on_predict_batch_end(predictor): # results -> List[batch_size]
- path, im0s, _, _ = predictor.batch
- im0s = im0s if isinstance(im0s, list) else [im0s]
- bs = [predictor.dataset.bs for _ in range(len(path))]
- predictor.results = zip(predictor.results, im0s, bs)
- model = YOLO(MODEL)
- model.add_callback('on_predict_batch_end', on_predict_batch_end)
- dataset = load_inference_source(source=SOURCE)
- bs = dataset.bs # noqa access predictor properties
- results = model.predict(dataset, stream=True) # source already setup
- for r, im0, bs in results:
- print('test_callback', im0.shape)
- print('test_callback', bs)
- boxes = r.boxes # Boxes object for bbox outputs
- print(boxes)
- def test_results():
- for m in 'yolov8n-pose.pt', 'yolov8n-seg.pt', 'yolov8n.pt', 'yolov8n-cls.pt':
- model = YOLO(m)
- results = model([SOURCE, SOURCE])
- for r in results:
- r = r.cpu().numpy()
- r = r.to(device='cpu', dtype=torch.float32)
- r.save_txt(txt_file='runs/tests/label.txt', save_conf=True)
- r.save_crop(save_dir='runs/tests/crops/')
- r.tojson(normalize=True)
- r.plot(pil=True)
- r.plot(conf=True, boxes=True)
- print(r)
- print(r.path)
- for k in r.keys:
- print(getattr(r, k))
- @pytest.mark.skipif(not ONLINE, reason='environment is offline')
- def test_data_utils():
- # Test functions in ultralytics/data/utils.py
- from ultralytics.data.utils import HUBDatasetStats, autosplit
- from ultralytics.utils.downloads import zip_directory
- # from ultralytics.utils.files import WorkingDirectory
- # with WorkingDirectory(ROOT.parent / 'tests'):
- download('https://github.com/ultralytics/hub/raw/main/example_datasets/coco8.zip', unzip=False)
- shutil.move('coco8.zip', TMP)
- stats = HUBDatasetStats(TMP / 'coco8.zip', task='detect')
- stats.get_json(save=True)
- stats.process_images()
- autosplit(TMP / 'coco8')
- zip_directory(TMP / 'coco8/images/val') # zip
- @pytest.mark.skipif(not ONLINE, reason='environment is offline')
- def test_data_converter():
- # Test dataset converters
- from ultralytics.data.converter import coco80_to_coco91_class, convert_coco
- file = 'instances_val2017.json'
- download(f'https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/releases/download/v1.0/{file}')
- shutil.move(file, TMP)
- convert_coco(labels_dir=TMP, use_segments=True, use_keypoints=False, cls91to80=True)
- coco80_to_coco91_class()
- def test_data_annotator():
- from ultralytics.data.annotator import auto_annotate
- auto_annotate(ASSETS, det_model='yolov8n.pt', sam_model='mobile_sam.pt', output_dir=TMP / 'auto_annotate_labels')
- def test_events():
- # Test event sending
- from ultralytics.hub.utils import Events
- events = Events()
- events.enabled = True
- cfg = copy(DEFAULT_CFG) # does not require deepcopy
- cfg.mode = 'test'
- events(cfg)
- def test_utils_init():
- from ultralytics.utils import get_git_branch, get_git_origin_url, get_ubuntu_version, is_github_actions_ci
- get_ubuntu_version()
- is_github_actions_ci()
- get_git_origin_url()
- get_git_branch()
- def test_utils_checks():
- from ultralytics.utils.checks import (check_imgsz, check_imshow, check_requirements, check_yolov5u_filename,
- git_describe, print_args)
- check_yolov5u_filename('yolov5n.pt')
- # check_imshow(warn=True)
- git_describe(ROOT)
- check_requirements() # check requirements.txt
- check_imgsz([600, 600], max_dim=1)
- check_imshow()
- print_args()
- def test_utils_benchmarks():
- from ultralytics.utils.benchmarks import ProfileModels
- ProfileModels(['yolov8n.yaml'], imgsz=32, min_time=1, num_timed_runs=3, num_warmup_runs=1).profile()
- def test_utils_torchutils():
- from ultralytics.nn.modules.conv import Conv
- from ultralytics.utils.torch_utils import get_flops_with_torch_profiler, profile, time_sync
- x = torch.randn(1, 64, 20, 20)
- m = Conv(64, 64, k=1, s=2)
- profile(x, [m], n=3)
- get_flops_with_torch_profiler(m)
- time_sync()
- def test_utils_downloads():
- from ultralytics.utils.downloads import get_google_drive_file_info
- get_google_drive_file_info('https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqT-cJgANNrhIHCrEufUYhQ4RqiWG_lJ/view?usp=drive_link')
- def test_utils_ops():
- from ultralytics.utils.ops import (ltwh2xywh, ltwh2xyxy, make_divisible, xywh2ltwh, xywh2xyxy, xywhn2xyxy,
- xywhr2xyxyxyxy, xyxy2ltwh, xyxy2xywh, xyxy2xywhn, xyxyxyxy2xywhr)
- make_divisible(17, torch.tensor([8]))
- boxes = torch.rand(10, 4) # xywh
- torch.allclose(boxes, xyxy2xywh(xywh2xyxy(boxes)))
- torch.allclose(boxes, xyxy2xywhn(xywhn2xyxy(boxes)))
- torch.allclose(boxes, ltwh2xywh(xywh2ltwh(boxes)))
- torch.allclose(boxes, xyxy2ltwh(ltwh2xyxy(boxes)))
- boxes = torch.rand(10, 5) # xywhr for OBB
- boxes[:, 4] = torch.randn(10) * 30
- torch.allclose(boxes, xyxyxyxy2xywhr(xywhr2xyxyxyxy(boxes)), rtol=1e-3)
- def test_utils_files():
- from ultralytics.utils.files import file_age, file_date, get_latest_run, spaces_in_path
- file_age(SOURCE)
- file_date(SOURCE)
- get_latest_run(ROOT / 'runs')
- path = TMP / 'path/with spaces'
- path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with spaces_in_path(path) as new_path:
- print(new_path)
- def test_nn_modules_conv():
- from ultralytics.nn.modules.conv import CBAM, Conv2, ConvTranspose, DWConvTranspose2d, Focus
- c1, c2 = 8, 16 # input and output channels
- x = torch.zeros(4, c1, 10, 10) # BCHW
- # Run all modules not otherwise covered in tests
- DWConvTranspose2d(c1, c2)(x)
- ConvTranspose(c1, c2)(x)
- Focus(c1, c2)(x)
- CBAM(c1)(x)
- # Fuse ops
- m = Conv2(c1, c2)
- m.fuse_convs()
- m(x)
- def test_nn_modules_block():
- from ultralytics.nn.modules.block import C1, C3TR, BottleneckCSP, C3Ghost, C3x
- c1, c2 = 8, 16 # input and output channels
- x = torch.zeros(4, c1, 10, 10) # BCHW
- # Run all modules not otherwise covered in tests
- C1(c1, c2)(x)
- C3x(c1, c2)(x)
- C3TR(c1, c2)(x)
- C3Ghost(c1, c2)(x)
- BottleneckCSP(c1, c2)(x)
- def test_hub():
- from ultralytics.hub import export_fmts_hub, logout
- export_fmts_hub()
- logout()