Config.h 764 B

  1. #pragma once
  2. // Test these using #if AT_MKL_ENABLED(), not #ifdef, so that it's
  3. // obvious if you forgot to include Config.h
  4. // c.f.
  5. //
  6. // DO NOT put the macros for CUDA libraries in this file; they belong in cuda/CUDAConfig.h
  7. #define AT_MKLDNN_ENABLED() 0
  8. #define AT_MKL_ENABLED() 0
  9. #define AT_MKL_SEQUENTIAL() 0
  10. #define AT_FFTW_ENABLED() 0
  11. #define AT_POCKETFFT_ENABLED() 1
  12. #define AT_NNPACK_ENABLED() 1
  13. #define CAFFE2_STATIC_LINK_CUDA() 0
  14. #define AT_BUILD_WITH_BLAS() 1
  15. #define AT_BUILD_WITH_LAPACK() 1
  16. #define AT_PARALLEL_OPENMP 1
  17. #define AT_PARALLEL_NATIVE 0
  18. #define AT_PARALLEL_NATIVE_TBB 0
  19. #define AT_BLAS_F2C() 0
  20. #define AT_BLAS_USE_CBLAS_DOT() 1