123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833 |
- import pickle
- import sys
- import os
- import io
- import subprocess
- import json
- from functools import lru_cache
- from typing import List, Tuple
- cache = lru_cache(None)
- __all__ = ["format_flamegraph", "segments", "memory", "compare"]
- def _frame_fmt(f, full_filename=False):
- i = f['line']
- fname = f['filename']
- if not full_filename:
- fname = fname.split('/')[-1]
- func = f['name']
- return f'{fname}:{i}:{func}'
- def format_flamegraph(flamegraph_lines, flamegraph_script=None):
- if flamegraph_script is None:
- flamegraph_script = f'/tmp/{os.getuid()}_flamegraph.pl'
- if not os.path.exists(flamegraph_script):
- import urllib.request
- print(f"Downloading flamegraph.pl to: {flamegraph_script}")
- urllib.request.urlretrieve(
- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph/master/flamegraph.pl', flamegraph_script)
- subprocess.run(['chmod', '+x', flamegraph_script])
- args = [flamegraph_script, '--countname', 'bytes']
- p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
- assert p.stdin is not None
- assert p.stdout is not None
- p.stdin.write(flamegraph_lines)
- p.stdin.close()
- result = p.stdout.read()
- p.stdout.close()
- p.wait()
- assert p.wait() == 0
- return result
- def _write_blocks(f, prefix, blocks):
- for b in blocks:
- if 'history' not in b:
- f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]} {b["size"]}\n')
- continue
- accounted_for_size = 0
- for h in b['history']:
- sz = h['real_size']
- accounted_for_size += sz
- if 'frames' in h:
- frames = h['frames']
- if frames:
- frame_s = ';'.join([_frame_fmt(f) for f in reversed(frames)])
- else:
- frame_s = "<non-python>"
- f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]};{frame_s} {sz}\n')
- else:
- f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]};<no-context> {sz}\n')
- gaps = b['size'] - accounted_for_size
- if gaps:
- f.write(f'{prefix};{b["state"]};<gaps> {gaps}\n')
- def segments(snapshot, format_flamegraph=format_flamegraph):
- f = io.StringIO()
- for seg in snapshot['segments']:
- prefix = f'stream_{seg["stream"]};seg_{seg["address"]}'
- _write_blocks(f, prefix, seg['blocks'])
- return format_flamegraph(f.getvalue())
- def memory(snapshot, format_flamegraph=format_flamegraph):
- f = io.StringIO()
- for seg in snapshot['segments']:
- prefix = f'stream_{seg["stream"]}'
- _write_blocks(f, prefix, seg['blocks'])
- return format_flamegraph(f.getvalue())
- def compare(before, after, format_flamegraph=format_flamegraph):
- def _seg_key(seg):
- return (seg['address'], seg['total_size'])
- def _seg_info(seg):
- return f'stream_{seg["stream"]};seg_{seg["address"]}'
- f = io.StringIO()
- before_segs = {_seg_key(seg) for seg in before}
- after_segs = {_seg_key(seg) for seg in after}
- print(f'only_before = {[a for a,_ in (before_segs - after_segs)]}')
- print(f'only_after = {[a for a,_ in (after_segs - before_segs)]}')
- for seg in before:
- if _seg_key(seg) not in after_segs:
- _write_blocks(f, f'only_before;{_seg_info(seg)}', seg['blocks'])
- for seg in after:
- if _seg_key(seg) not in before_segs:
- _write_blocks(f, f'only_after;{_seg_info(seg)}', seg['blocks'])
- return format_flamegraph(f.getvalue())
- def _format_size(num):
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1094841/get-human-readable-version-of-file-size
- for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]:
- if abs(num) < 1024.0:
- return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}B"
- num /= 1024.0
- return f"{num:.1f}YiB"
- class Bytes:
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __add__(self, rhs):
- return Bytes(self.value + rhs)
- def __repr__(self):
- return _format_size(self.value)
- def calc_active(seg):
- return sum(b['size'] for b in seg['blocks'] if b['state'] == 'active_allocated')
- def _report_free(free_external, free_internal):
- total = free_external + free_internal
- pct = (free_internal / total) * 100
- suffix = f' ({pct:.1f}% internal)'
- return f'{Bytes(total)}{suffix}'
- PAGE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 20
- legend = f"""\
- Legend:
- [a ] - a segment in the allocator
- ^-- a page {Bytes(PAGE_SIZE)} of memory in the segment
- a-z: pages filled with a single block's content
- ' ': page is completely free
- *: page if completely full with multiple blocks
- 0-9: page is partially full with tensors of multiple blocks (9 == 90% full)
- (X% internal) - of the free memory, X% is free because we rounded the size of the allocation.
- """
- def segsum(data):
- """" Visually reports how the allocator has filled its segments. This printout can help debug fragmentation issues
- since free fragments will appear as gaps in this printout. The amount of free space is reported for each segment.
- We distinguish between internal free memory which occurs because the allocator rounds the allocation size, and
- external free memory, which are the gaps between allocations in a segment.
- Args:
- data: snapshot dictionary created from _snapshot()
- """
- segments = []
- out = io.StringIO()
- out.write(f"Summary of segments >= {Bytes(PAGE_SIZE)} in size\n")
- total_reserved = 0
- total_allocated = 0
- free_external = 0
- free_internal = 0
- for seg in sorted(data['segments'], key=lambda x: (x['total_size'], calc_active(x))):
- total_reserved += seg['total_size']
- seg_free_external = 0
- seg_free_internal = 0
- seg_allocated = 0
- all_ranges = []
- boffset = 0
- for b in seg['blocks']:
- active = b['state'] == 'active_allocated'
- if 'history' in b:
- # use the more accureate real_size to account for internal fragmenetation if we have it
- for h in b['history']:
- if active:
- all_ranges.append((h['addr'] - seg['address'], h['real_size'], active))
- seg_allocated += h['real_size']
- assert len(b['history']) == 1
- seg_free_internal += b['size'] - h['real_size']
- else:
- if active:
- all_ranges.append((boffset, b['size'], True))
- seg_allocated += b['size']
- if not active:
- seg_free_external += b['size']
- boffset += b['size']
- total_allocated += seg_allocated
- free_external += seg_free_external
- free_internal += seg_free_internal
- nseg = (seg['total_size'] - 1) // PAGE_SIZE + 1
- occupied = [' ' for _ in range(nseg)]
- frac = [0.0 for _ in range(nseg)]
- active_size = 0
- for i, (start_, size, active) in enumerate(all_ranges):
- active_size += size
- finish_ = (start_ + size)
- start = start_ // PAGE_SIZE
- finish = (finish_ - 1) // PAGE_SIZE + 1
- m = chr((ord('a' if active else 'A') + (i % 26)))
- for j in range(start, finish):
- s = max(start_, j * PAGE_SIZE)
- e = min(finish_, (j + 1) * PAGE_SIZE)
- frac[j] += (e - s) / PAGE_SIZE
- if occupied[j] != ' ':
- occupied[j] = '0123456789*'[int(frac[j] * 10)]
- else:
- occupied[j] = m
- stream = '' if seg['stream'] == 0 else f', stream_{seg["stream"]}'
- body = ''.join(occupied)
- assert seg_free_external + seg_free_internal + seg_allocated == seg['total_size']
- stream = f' stream_{seg["stream"]}' if seg['stream'] != 0 else ''
- if seg['total_size'] >= PAGE_SIZE:
- out.write(f'[{body}] {Bytes(seg["total_size"])} allocated, '
- f'{_report_free(seg_free_external, seg_free_internal)} free{stream}\n')
- out.write(f'segments: {len(data["segments"])}\n')
- out.write(f'total_reserved: {Bytes(total_reserved)}\n')
- out.write(f'total_allocated: {Bytes(total_allocated)}\n')
- internal_external = f' ({Bytes(free_internal)} internal + {Bytes(free_external)} external)' if free_internal else ''
- out.write(f'total_free: {_report_free(free_external, free_internal)}\n')
- out.write(legend)
- assert free_internal + free_external + total_allocated == total_reserved
- return out.getvalue()
- def trace(data):
- out = io.StringIO()
- def format(entries):
- segment_intervals : list = []
- segment_addr_to_name = {}
- allocation_addr_to_name = {}
- free_names : list = []
- next_name = 0
- def _name():
- nonlocal next_name
- if free_names:
- return free_names.pop()
- r, m = next_name // 26, next_name % 26
- next_name += 1
- return f'{chr(ord("a") + m)}{"" if r == 0 else r}'
- def find_segment(addr):
- for name, saddr, size in segment_intervals:
- if addr >= saddr and addr < saddr + size:
- return name, saddr
- for i, seg in enumerate(data['segments']):
- saddr = seg['address']
- size = seg['allocated_size']
- if addr >= saddr and addr < saddr + size:
- return f'seg_{i}', saddr
- return None, None
- count = 0
- out.write(f'{len(entries)} entries\n')
- total_reserved = 0
- for seg in data['segments']:
- total_reserved += seg['total_size']
- for count, e in enumerate(entries):
- if e['action'] == 'alloc':
- addr, size = e['addr'], e['size']
- n = _name()
- seg_name, seg_addr = find_segment(addr)
- if seg_name is None:
- seg_name = "MEM"
- offset = addr
- else:
- offset = addr - seg_addr
- out.write(f'{n} = {seg_name}[{offset}:{Bytes(size)}]\n')
- allocation_addr_to_name[addr] = (n, size, count)
- count += size
- elif e['action'] == 'free_requested':
- addr, size = e['addr'], e['size']
- name, _, _ = allocation_addr_to_name.get(addr, (addr, None, None))
- out.write(f'del {name} # {Bytes(size)}\n')
- elif e['action'] == 'free_completed':
- addr, size = e['addr'], e['size']
- count -= size
- name, _, _ = allocation_addr_to_name.get(addr, (addr, None, None))
- out.write(f'# free completed for {name} {Bytes(size)}\n')
- if name in allocation_addr_to_name:
- free_names.append(name)
- del allocation_addr_to_name[name]
- elif e['action'] == 'segment_alloc':
- addr, size = e['addr'], e['size']
- name = _name()
- out.write(f'{name} = cudaMalloc({addr}, {Bytes(size)})\n')
- segment_intervals.append((name, addr, size))
- segment_addr_to_name[addr] = name
- elif e['action'] == 'segment_free':
- addr, size = e['addr'], e['size']
- name = segment_addr_to_name.get(addr, addr)
- out.write(f'cudaFree({name}) # {Bytes(size)}\n')
- if name in segment_addr_to_name:
- free_names.append(name)
- del segment_addr_to_name[name]
- elif e['action'] == 'oom':
- size = e['size']
- free = e['device_free']
- out.write(f'raise OutOfMemoryError() # {Bytes(size)} requested, {Bytes(free)} free in CUDA\n')
- else:
- out.write(f'{e}\n')
- out.write(f"TOTAL MEM: {Bytes(count)}")
- for i, d in enumerate(data['device_traces']):
- if d:
- out.write(f'Device {i} ----------------\n')
- format(d)
- return out.getvalue()
- class PlotWriter:
- def __init__(self):
- string_table: List[str] = []
- suffix_table: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
- elements = []
- actions: List[int] = []
- initially_allocated: List[int] = []
- @cache
- def intern_str(s):
- string_table.append(s)
- return len(string_table) - 1
- @cache
- def intern_suffix(sid, restid):
- suffix_table.append((sid, restid))
- return len(suffix_table) - 1
- def intern_stack(frames):
- sids = [intern_str(f) for f in frames]
- next_id = None
- for sid in reversed(sids):
- next_id = intern_suffix(sid, next_id)
- return next_id
- def add_element(size, lines):
- elements.append({'size': size, 'info': intern_stack(lines)})
- return len(elements) - 1
- def to_html():
- r = {
- 'actions': actions,
- 'elements': elements,
- 'suffix_table': suffix_table,
- 'string_table': string_table,
- 'initially_allocated': list(reversed(initially_allocated)),
- }
- plot_data = json.dumps(r)
- return _memory_over_time_template.replace('$PLOT_DATA', plot_data)
- self.add_element = add_element
- self.allocate = actions.append
- self.free = actions.append
- self.initially_allocated = initially_allocated.append
- self.to_html = to_html
- def trace_plot(data, device=None, plot_segments=False):
- w = PlotWriter()
- addr_to_alloc = {}
- if device is None:
- for i, t in enumerate(data['device_traces']):
- if len(t) > 0:
- if device is not None:
- raise ValueError(f'Both device {device} and {i} have traces, use --device to specify which trace.')
- device = i
- if device is None:
- raise ValueError('No trace information was recorded.')
- trace = data['device_traces'][device]
- if plot_segments:
- alloc = 'segment_alloc'
- free = 'segment_free'
- else:
- alloc = 'alloc'
- free = 'free_completed'
- def add_element(size, frames, extra=()):
- frames = [f"{_format_size(size)} allocation", *extra, *(_frame_fmt(f, full_filename=True) for f in frames)]
- return w.add_element(size, frames)
- for i, e in enumerate(trace):
- if e['action'] == alloc:
- elemid = add_element(e['size'], e['frames'])
- addr_to_alloc[e['addr']] = elemid
- w.allocate(elemid)
- elif e['action'] == free:
- idx = addr_to_alloc.pop(e['addr'], None)
- if idx is None:
- idx = add_element(e['size'], e['frames'], extra=('alloc not recorded, stack trace for free:',))
- w.initially_allocated(idx)
- w.free(idx)
- return w.to_html()
- def profile_plot(memory_profile, device=None):
- import torch
- from torch.profiler._memory_profiler import Action, TensorKey
- from torch._C._profiler import _EventType
- if device is None:
- if torch.cuda.is_available():
- device = torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device())
- else:
- device = torch.device('cpu')
- w = PlotWriter()
- allocation_stacks = {}
- for event in memory_profile._op_tree.sorted_nodes:
- if event.tag == _EventType.Allocation:
- parent = event.parent
- python_parents = []
- while parent:
- if parent.tag in (_EventType.PyCall, _EventType.PyCCall):
- python_parents.append(parent)
- parent = parent.parent
- key = TensorKey.from_allocation(event.extra_fields)
- # Corner case: If allocation doesn't have an ID (can't prove it was used as a Tensor)
- # key will be None. I should add some way to identify these, I just haven't yet.
- if key and event.extra_fields.alloc_size > 0:
- allocation_stacks[key] = python_parents
- def add_element(size, tensor_key, version):
- category = memory_profile._categories.get(tensor_key, version)
- if category is None:
- category = 'unknown'
- else:
- category = category.name.lower()
- stack = allocation_stacks.get(tensor_key, ())
- return w.add_element(size, [f"{_format_size(size)} allocation ({category})", *(p.name for p in stack)])
- kv_to_elem = {}
- for time, action, (tensor_key, version), size in memory_profile.timeline:
- if tensor_key.device != device:
- continue
- if action == Action.CREATE:
- kv_to_elem[(tensor_key, version)] = elemid = add_element(size, tensor_key, version)
- w.allocate(elemid)
- elif action == Action.DESTROY:
- w.free(kv_to_elem.pop((tensor_key, version)))
- elif action == Action.INCREMENT_VERSION:
- w.free(kv_to_elem.pop((tensor_key, version)))
- kv_to_elem[(tensor_key, version + 1)] = elemid = add_element(size, tensor_key, version + 1)
- w.allocate(elemid)
- elif action == Action.PREEXISTING:
- kv_to_elem[(tensor_key, version)] = elemid = add_element(size, tensor_key, version)
- w.initially_allocated(elemid)
- return w.to_html()
- # note: this template should eventually move to its own file,
- # however, we first need to package _memory_viz.py so that it can be
- # pip-installed separately from pytorch so it is easy to run e.g.
- # on a laptop with downloaded snapshots. Currently this is
- # accomplished by downloading _memory_viz.py so the template
- # needs to be included
- _memory_over_time_template = r"""
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head></head>
- <body>
- <script type="module">
- import * as d3 from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@7.7.0/+esm";
- import {schemeTableau10} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3-scale-chromatic@3";
- import {axisLeft} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3-axis@3";
- import {scaleLinear} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3-scale@4";
- import {zoom, zoomIdentity} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3-zoom@3";
- import {brushX} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/d3-brush@3";
- let alloc_data = $PLOT_DATA
- function process_alloc_data(fraction_of_memory_reported=1) {
- let current = []
- let current_data = []
- let data = []
- let max_size = 0
- let total_mem = 0
- let timestep = 0
- let max_at_time = []
- function advance(n, max) {
- timestep += n
- for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- max_at_time.push(max)
- }
- }
- let mini_points = []
- let sizes = alloc_data.elements.map(x => x.size).sort((x, y) => y - x)
- let total_size = sizes.reduce((x, y) => x + y)
- const memory_threshold = fraction_of_memory_reported * total_size
- let total_seen = 0
- let memory_threshold_size = 0
- for (const [i, size] of sizes.entries()) {
- total_seen += size
- if (total_seen > memory_threshold) {
- memory_threshold_size = size
- break
- }
- }
- function add_allocation(elem) {
- let size = alloc_data.elements[elem].size
- current.push(elem)
- let e = {elem: elem, timesteps: [timestep], offsets: [total_mem], size: alloc_data.elements[elem].size}
- current_data.push(e)
- data.push(e)
- total_mem += size
- }
- for (const elem of alloc_data.initially_allocated) {
- add_allocation(elem)
- }
- for (const action of alloc_data.actions) {
- const elem = action
- const idx = current.findIndex(x => x === elem)
- const size = alloc_data.elements[elem].size
- if (size < memory_threshold_size) {
- continue
- }
- // first time we see an action we add it
- // second time we remove it
- if (idx == -1) {
- add_allocation(elem)
- advance(1, total_mem)
- } else {
- advance(1, total_mem)
- const removed = current_data[idx]
- removed.timesteps.push(timestep)
- removed.offsets.push(removed.offsets.at(-1))
- current.splice(idx, 1)
- current_data.splice(idx, 1)
- if (idx < current.length) {
- for (let j = idx; j < current.length; j++) {
- const e = current_data[j]
- e.timesteps.push(timestep)
- e.offsets.push(e.offsets.at(-1))
- e.timesteps.push(timestep + 3)
- e.offsets.push(e.offsets.at(-1) - size)
- }
- advance(3, total_mem)
- }
- total_mem -= size
- }
- max_size = Math.max(total_mem, max_size)
- }
- for (const elem of current_data) {
- elem.timesteps.push(timestep)
- elem.offsets.push(elem.offsets.at(-1))
- }
- return {
- max_size: max_size,
- allocations_over_time: data,
- max_at_time: max_at_time,
- context_for_id: (elem) => {
- let strings = []
- let id = alloc_data.elements[elem].info
- while (id !== null) {
- const [sid, next_id] = alloc_data.suffix_table[id]
- strings.push(alloc_data.string_table[sid])
- id = next_id
- }
- return `${strings.join('\n')}\n`
- }
- }
- }
- function MemoryPlot(svg, data, left_pad, colors=schemeTableau10) {
- function format_points(d) {
- const size = d.size
- const xs = d.timesteps.map(t => xscale(t))
- const bottom = d.offsets.map(t => yscale(t))
- const top = d.offsets.map(t => yscale(t + size))
- const p0 = xs.map((x, i) => `${x},${bottom[i]}`)
- const p1 = xs.map((x, i) => `${x},${top[i]}`).reverse()
- return `${p0.join(' ')} ${p1.join(' ')}`
- }
- let max_timestep = data.max_at_time.length
- let max_size = data.max_size
- let width = svg.attr('width')
- let height = svg.attr('height')
- let plot_width = width - left_pad
- let plot_height = height
- let yscale = scaleLinear().domain([0, max_size]).range([plot_height, 0]);
- let heightscale = scaleLinear().domain([0, max_size]).range([0, plot_height]);
- let yaxis = axisLeft(yscale).tickFormat(d3.format("~s"))
- let xscale = scaleLinear().domain([0, max_timestep]).range([0, plot_width])
- let plot_coordinate_space = svg.append("g").attr("transform", `translate(${left_pad}, ${0})`)
- let plot_outer = plot_coordinate_space.append('g')
- function view_rect(a) {
- return a.append('rect').attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0)
- .attr('width', plot_width).attr('height', plot_height)
- .attr('fill', 'white')
- }
- view_rect(plot_outer)
- let cp = svg.append("clipPath").attr("id", "clip")
- view_rect(cp)
- plot_outer.attr('clip-path', "url(#clip)")
- let zoom_group = plot_outer.append("g")
- let scrub_group = zoom_group.append('g')
- let plot = scrub_group.selectAll("polygon")
- .data(data.allocations_over_time)
- .enter()
- .append("polygon")
- .attr('points', format_points)
- .attr('fill', d => colors[d.elem % colors.length])
- let axis = plot_coordinate_space.append('g').call(yaxis)
- let scale_mini = 0
- let translate_mini = 0
- function handleZoom(e) {
- const t = e.transform
- zoom_group.attr("transform", t)
- axis.call(yaxis.scale(e.transform.rescaleY(yscale)))
- }
- const thezoom = zoom().on('zoom', handleZoom)
- plot_outer.call(thezoom)
- return {
- select_window: (stepbegin, stepend, max) => {
- let begin = xscale(stepbegin)
- let size = xscale(stepend) - xscale(stepbegin);
- let scale = plot_width / size
- let translate = -begin
- let yscale = max_size/max
- scrub_group.attr("transform", `scale(${scale/yscale}, 1) translate(${translate}, 0)`)
- plot_outer.call(thezoom.transform, zoomIdentity.scale(yscale).translate(0, -(plot_height - plot_height/yscale)))
- },
- set_delegate: (delegate) => {
- plot.on('mouseover', function (e, d) { delegate.set_selected(d3.select(this)) } )
- .on('mousedown', function(e, d) { delegate.default_selected = d3.select(this)})
- .on('mouseleave', function (e, d) { delegate.set_selected(delegate.default_selected) } )
- }
- }
- }
- function ContextViewer(text, data) {
- let current_selected = null
- return {
- default_selected: null,
- set_selected: (d) => {
- if (current_selected !== null) {
- current_selected.attr('stroke', null).attr('stroke-width', null);
- }
- if (d === null) {
- text.text("")
- } else {
- const dd = d.datum()
- text.text(`${dd.elem} ${data.context_for_id(dd.elem)}`)
- d.attr('stroke', 'black').attr('stroke-width', 1).attr('vector-effect', 'non-scaling-stroke')
- }
- current_selected = d
- }
- }
- }
- function MiniMap(mini_svg, plot, data, left_pad, height=70) {
- let max_at_time = data.max_at_time
- let width = mini_svg.attr('width')
- let plot_width = width - left_pad
- let yscale = scaleLinear().domain([0, data.max_size]).range([height, 0]);
- let minixscale = scaleLinear().domain([0, max_at_time.length]).range([left_pad, width])
- let mini_points = [[max_at_time.length, 0], [0, 0]]
- for (const [i, m] of max_at_time.entries()) {
- let [lastx, lasty] = mini_points[mini_points.length - 1]
- if (m !== lasty) {
- mini_points.push([i, lasty])
- mini_points.push([i, m])
- } else if (i === max_at_time.length - 1) {
- mini_points.push([i, m])
- }
- }
- let points = mini_points.map(([t, o]) => `${minixscale(t)}, ${yscale(o)}`)
- points = points.join(' ')
- mini_svg.append('polygon').attr('points', points).attr('fill', schemeTableau10[0])
- let xscale = scaleLinear().domain([0, max_at_time.length]).range([0, plot_width])
- const brush = brushX()
- brush.extent([[left_pad, 0], [width, height]])
- brush.on('brush', function({selection}) {
- let [begin, end] = selection.map(x => x - left_pad)
- let stepbegin = Math.floor(xscale.invert(begin))
- let stepend = Math.floor(xscale.invert(end))
- let max = 0
- for (let i = stepbegin; i < stepend; i++) {
- max = Math.max(max, max_at_time[i])
- }
- plot.select_window(stepbegin, stepend, max)
- })
- mini_svg.call(brush)
- return {}
- }
- let left_pad = 70
- let width = 1024
- let height = 768
- let data = process_alloc_data()
- let body = d3.select("body")
- let plot = MemoryPlot(body.append("svg").attr('width', width).attr('height', height).attr('display', 'block'), data, left_pad)
- MiniMap(body.append("svg").attr('width', width).attr('height', 80).attr('display', 'block'), plot, data, left_pad)
- let delegate = ContextViewer(body.append("div").append("pre").text('none'), data)
- plot.set_delegate(delegate)
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
- """
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import os.path
- thedir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- if thedir in sys.path:
- # otherwise we find cuda/random.py as random...
- sys.path.remove(thedir)
- import argparse
- fn_name = 'torch.cuda.memory._snapshot()'
- pickled = f'pickled memory statistics from {fn_name}'
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f'Visualize memory dumps produced by {fn_name}')
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action')
- def _output(p):
- p.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.svg', help='flamegraph svg (default: output.svg)')
- description = 'Prints overall allocation statistics and a visualization of how the allocators segments are currently filled.'
- stats_a = subparsers.add_parser('stats', description=description)
- stats_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled)
- description = 'Prints buffer of the most recent allocation events embedded in the snapshot in a Pythonic style.'
- trace_a = subparsers.add_parser('trace', description=description)
- trace_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled)
- description = 'Generate a flamegraph that visualizes what memory is stored in each allocator segment (aka block)'
- segments_a = subparsers.add_parser('segments', description=description)
- segments_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled)
- _output(segments_a)
- description = "Generate a flamegraph the program locations contributing to CUDA memory usage."
- memory_a = subparsers.add_parser('memory', description=description)
- memory_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled)
- _output(memory_a)
- description = 'Generate a flamegraph that shows segments (aka blocks) that have been added ' \
- 'or removed between two different memorys snapshots.'
- compare_a = subparsers.add_parser('compare', description=description)
- compare_a.add_argument('before', help=pickled)
- compare_a.add_argument('after', help=pickled)
- _output(compare_a)
- description = "Generate a visualization over time of the memory usage recorded by the trace as an html file."
- trace_plot_a = subparsers.add_parser('trace_plot', description=description)
- trace_plot_a.add_argument('input', help=pickled)
- help = 'visualize trace from this device (default: chooses the only device with trace info or errors)'
- trace_plot_a.add_argument('-d', '--device', type=int, default=None, help=help)
- help = 'path to save the visualization(default: output.html)'
- trace_plot_a.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='output.html', help=help)
- help = 'visualize change to segments rather than individual allocations'
- trace_plot_a.add_argument('-s', '--segments', action='store_true', help=help)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- def _read(name):
- if name == '-':
- f = sys.stdin.buffer
- else:
- f = open(name, 'rb')
- data = pickle.load(f)
- if isinstance(data, list): # segments only...
- data = {'segments': data, 'traces': []}
- return data
- def _write(name, data):
- with open(name, 'w') as f:
- f.write(data)
- if args.action == 'segments':
- data = _read(args.input)
- _write(args.output, segments(data))
- elif args.action == 'memory':
- data = _read(args.input)
- _write(args.output, memory(data))
- elif args.action == 'stats':
- data = _read(args.input)
- print(segsum(data))
- elif args.action == 'trace':
- data = _read(args.input)
- print(trace(data))
- elif args.action == 'compare':
- before = _read(args.before)
- after = _read(args.after)
- _write(args.output, compare(before, after))
- elif args.action == 'trace_plot':
- data = _read(args.input)
- _write(args.output, trace_plot(data, device=args.device, plot_segments=args.segments))