123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289 |
- """
- The objects in this module allow the usage of the MatchPy pattern matching
- library on SymPy expressions.
- """
- import re
- from typing import List, Callable
- from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify
- from sympy.external import import_module
- from sympy.functions import (log, sin, cos, tan, cot, csc, sec, erf, gamma, uppergamma)
- from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import acosh, asinh, atanh, acoth, acsch, asech, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, sech, csch
- from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import atan, acsc, asin, acot, acos, asec
- from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import fresnelc, fresnels, erfc, erfi, Ei
- from sympy.core.add import Add
- from sympy.core.basic import Basic
- from sympy.core.expr import Expr
- from sympy.core.mul import Mul
- from sympy.core.power import Pow
- from sympy.core.relational import (Equality, Unequality)
- from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
- from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp
- from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
- from sympy.printing.repr import srepr
- from sympy.utilities.decorator import doctest_depends_on
- matchpy = import_module("matchpy")
- if matchpy:
- from matchpy import Operation, CommutativeOperation, AssociativeOperation, OneIdentityOperation
- from matchpy.expressions.functions import op_iter, create_operation_expression, op_len
- Operation.register(Integral)
- Operation.register(Pow)
- OneIdentityOperation.register(Pow)
- Operation.register(Add)
- OneIdentityOperation.register(Add)
- CommutativeOperation.register(Add)
- AssociativeOperation.register(Add)
- Operation.register(Mul)
- OneIdentityOperation.register(Mul)
- CommutativeOperation.register(Mul)
- AssociativeOperation.register(Mul)
- Operation.register(Equality)
- CommutativeOperation.register(Equality)
- Operation.register(Unequality)
- CommutativeOperation.register(Unequality)
- Operation.register(exp)
- Operation.register(log)
- Operation.register(gamma)
- Operation.register(uppergamma)
- Operation.register(fresnels)
- Operation.register(fresnelc)
- Operation.register(erf)
- Operation.register(Ei)
- Operation.register(erfc)
- Operation.register(erfi)
- Operation.register(sin)
- Operation.register(cos)
- Operation.register(tan)
- Operation.register(cot)
- Operation.register(csc)
- Operation.register(sec)
- Operation.register(sinh)
- Operation.register(cosh)
- Operation.register(tanh)
- Operation.register(coth)
- Operation.register(csch)
- Operation.register(sech)
- Operation.register(asin)
- Operation.register(acos)
- Operation.register(atan)
- Operation.register(acot)
- Operation.register(acsc)
- Operation.register(asec)
- Operation.register(asinh)
- Operation.register(acosh)
- Operation.register(atanh)
- Operation.register(acoth)
- Operation.register(acsch)
- Operation.register(asech)
- @op_iter.register(Integral) # type: ignore
- def _(operation):
- return iter((operation._args[0],) + operation._args[1])
- @op_iter.register(Basic) # type: ignore
- def _(operation):
- return iter(operation._args)
- @op_len.register(Integral) # type: ignore
- def _(operation):
- return 1 + len(operation._args[1])
- @op_len.register(Basic) # type: ignore
- def _(operation):
- return len(operation._args)
- @create_operation_expression.register(Basic)
- def sympy_op_factory(old_operation, new_operands, variable_name=True):
- return type(old_operation)(*new_operands)
- if matchpy:
- from matchpy import Wildcard
- else:
- class Wildcard: # type: ignore
- def __init__(self, min_length, fixed_size, variable_name, optional):
- self.min_count = min_length
- self.fixed_size = fixed_size
- self.variable_name = variable_name
- self.optional = optional
- @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',))
- class _WildAbstract(Wildcard, Symbol):
- min_length: int # abstract field required in subclasses
- fixed_size: bool # abstract field required in subclasses
- def __init__(self, variable_name=None, optional=None, **assumptions):
- min_length = self.min_length
- fixed_size = self.fixed_size
- if optional is not None:
- optional = _sympify(optional)
- Wildcard.__init__(self, min_length, fixed_size, str(variable_name), optional)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {
- "min_length": self.min_length,
- "fixed_size": self.fixed_size,
- "min_count": self.min_count,
- "variable_name": self.variable_name,
- "optional": self.optional,
- }
- def __new__(cls, variable_name=None, optional=None, **assumptions):
- cls._sanitize(assumptions, cls)
- return _WildAbstract.__xnew__(cls, variable_name, optional, **assumptions)
- def __getnewargs__(self):
- return self.variable_name, self.optional
- @staticmethod
- def __xnew__(cls, variable_name=None, optional=None, **assumptions):
- obj = Symbol.__xnew__(cls, variable_name, **assumptions)
- return obj
- def _hashable_content(self):
- if self.optional:
- return super()._hashable_content() + (self.min_count, self.fixed_size, self.variable_name, self.optional)
- else:
- return super()._hashable_content() + (self.min_count, self.fixed_size, self.variable_name)
- def __copy__(self) -> '_WildAbstract':
- return type(self)(variable_name=self.variable_name, optional=self.optional)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',))
- class WildDot(_WildAbstract):
- min_length = 1
- fixed_size = True
- @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',))
- class WildPlus(_WildAbstract):
- min_length = 1
- fixed_size = False
- @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',))
- class WildStar(_WildAbstract):
- min_length = 0
- fixed_size = False
- def _get_srepr(expr):
- s = srepr(expr)
- s = re.sub(r"WildDot\('(\w+)'\)", r"\1", s)
- s = re.sub(r"WildPlus\('(\w+)'\)", r"*\1", s)
- s = re.sub(r"WildStar\('(\w+)'\)", r"*\1", s)
- return s
- @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',))
- class Replacer:
- """
- Replacer object to perform multiple pattern matching and subexpression
- replacements in SymPy expressions.
- Examples
- ========
- Example to construct a simple first degree equation solver:
- >>> from sympy.utilities.matchpy_connector import WildDot, Replacer
- >>> from sympy import Equality, Symbol
- >>> x = Symbol("x")
- >>> a_ = WildDot("a_", optional=1)
- >>> b_ = WildDot("b_", optional=0)
- The lines above have defined two wildcards, ``a_`` and ``b_``, the
- coefficients of the equation `a x + b = 0`. The optional values specified
- indicate which expression to return in case no match is found, they are
- necessary in equations like `a x = 0` and `x + b = 0`.
- Create two constraints to make sure that ``a_`` and ``b_`` will not match
- any expression containing ``x``:
- >>> from matchpy import CustomConstraint
- >>> free_x_a = CustomConstraint(lambda a_: not a_.has(x))
- >>> free_x_b = CustomConstraint(lambda b_: not b_.has(x))
- Now create the rule replacer with the constraints:
- >>> replacer = Replacer(common_constraints=[free_x_a, free_x_b])
- Add the matching rule:
- >>> replacer.add(Equality(a_*x + b_, 0), -b_/a_)
- Let's try it:
- >>> replacer.replace(Equality(3*x + 4, 0))
- -4/3
- Notice that it will not match equations expressed with other patterns:
- >>> eq = Equality(3*x, 4)
- >>> replacer.replace(eq)
- Eq(3*x, 4)
- In order to extend the matching patterns, define another one (we also need
- to clear the cache, because the previous result has already been memorized
- and the pattern matcher will not iterate again if given the same expression)
- >>> replacer.add(Equality(a_*x, b_), b_/a_)
- >>> replacer._replacer.matcher.clear()
- >>> replacer.replace(eq)
- 4/3
- """
- def __init__(self, common_constraints: list = []):
- self._replacer = matchpy.ManyToOneReplacer()
- self._common_constraint = common_constraints
- def _get_lambda(self, lambda_str: str) -> Callable[..., Expr]:
- exec("from sympy import *")
- return eval(lambda_str, locals())
- def _get_custom_constraint(self, constraint_expr: Expr, condition_template: str) -> Callable[..., Expr]:
- wilds = [x.name for x in constraint_expr.atoms(_WildAbstract)]
- lambdaargs = ', '.join(wilds)
- fullexpr = _get_srepr(constraint_expr)
- condition = condition_template.format(fullexpr)
- return matchpy.CustomConstraint(
- self._get_lambda(f"lambda {lambdaargs}: ({condition})"))
- def _get_custom_constraint_nonfalse(self, constraint_expr: Expr) -> Callable[..., Expr]:
- return self._get_custom_constraint(constraint_expr, "({}) != False")
- def _get_custom_constraint_true(self, constraint_expr: Expr) -> Callable[..., Expr]:
- return self._get_custom_constraint(constraint_expr, "({}) == True")
- def add(self, expr: Expr, result: Expr, conditions_true: List[Expr] = [], conditions_nonfalse: List[Expr] = []) -> None:
- expr = _sympify(expr)
- result = _sympify(result)
- lambda_str = f"lambda {', '.join((x.name for x in expr.atoms(_WildAbstract)))}: {_get_srepr(result)}"
- lambda_expr = self._get_lambda(lambda_str)
- constraints = self._common_constraint[:]
- constraint_conditions_true = [
- self._get_custom_constraint_true(cond) for cond in conditions_true]
- constraint_conditions_nonfalse = [
- self._get_custom_constraint_nonfalse(cond) for cond in conditions_nonfalse]
- constraints.extend(constraint_conditions_true)
- constraints.extend(constraint_conditions_nonfalse)
- self._replacer.add(
- matchpy.ReplacementRule(matchpy.Pattern(expr, *constraints), lambda_expr))
- def replace(self, expr: Expr) -> Expr:
- return self._replacer.replace(expr)