123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359 |
- from sympy.core import (S, pi, oo, symbols, Rational, Integer,
- GoldenRatio, EulerGamma, Catalan, Lambda, Dummy,
- Eq, Ne, Le, Lt, Gt, Ge, Mod)
- from sympy.functions import (Piecewise, sin, cos, Abs, exp, ceiling, sqrt,
- sign, floor)
- from sympy.logic import ITE
- from sympy.testing.pytest import raises
- from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
- from sympy.tensor import IndexedBase, Idx
- from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol, SparseMatrix, Matrix
- from sympy.printing.rust import rust_code
- x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z')
- def test_Integer():
- assert rust_code(Integer(42)) == "42"
- assert rust_code(Integer(-56)) == "-56"
- def test_Relational():
- assert rust_code(Eq(x, y)) == "x == y"
- assert rust_code(Ne(x, y)) == "x != y"
- assert rust_code(Le(x, y)) == "x <= y"
- assert rust_code(Lt(x, y)) == "x < y"
- assert rust_code(Gt(x, y)) == "x > y"
- assert rust_code(Ge(x, y)) == "x >= y"
- def test_Rational():
- assert rust_code(Rational(3, 7)) == "3_f64/7.0"
- assert rust_code(Rational(18, 9)) == "2"
- assert rust_code(Rational(3, -7)) == "-3_f64/7.0"
- assert rust_code(Rational(-3, -7)) == "3_f64/7.0"
- assert rust_code(x + Rational(3, 7)) == "x + 3_f64/7.0"
- assert rust_code(Rational(3, 7)*x) == "(3_f64/7.0)*x"
- def test_basic_ops():
- assert rust_code(x + y) == "x + y"
- assert rust_code(x - y) == "x - y"
- assert rust_code(x * y) == "x*y"
- assert rust_code(x / y) == "x/y"
- assert rust_code(-x) == "-x"
- def test_printmethod():
- class fabs(Abs):
- def _rust_code(self, printer):
- return "%s.fabs()" % printer._print(self.args[0])
- assert rust_code(fabs(x)) == "x.fabs()"
- a = MatrixSymbol("a", 1, 3)
- assert rust_code(a[0,0]) == 'a[0]'
- def test_Functions():
- assert rust_code(sin(x) ** cos(x)) == "x.sin().powf(x.cos())"
- assert rust_code(abs(x)) == "x.abs()"
- assert rust_code(ceiling(x)) == "x.ceil()"
- assert rust_code(floor(x)) == "x.floor()"
- # Automatic rewrite
- assert rust_code(Mod(x, 3)) == 'x - 3*((1_f64/3.0)*x).floor()'
- def test_Pow():
- assert rust_code(1/x) == "x.recip()"
- assert rust_code(x**-1) == rust_code(x**-1.0) == "x.recip()"
- assert rust_code(sqrt(x)) == "x.sqrt()"
- assert rust_code(x**S.Half) == rust_code(x**0.5) == "x.sqrt()"
- assert rust_code(1/sqrt(x)) == "x.sqrt().recip()"
- assert rust_code(x**-S.Half) == rust_code(x**-0.5) == "x.sqrt().recip()"
- assert rust_code(1/pi) == "PI.recip()"
- assert rust_code(pi**-1) == rust_code(pi**-1.0) == "PI.recip()"
- assert rust_code(pi**-0.5) == "PI.sqrt().recip()"
- assert rust_code(x**Rational(1, 3)) == "x.cbrt()"
- assert rust_code(2**x) == "x.exp2()"
- assert rust_code(exp(x)) == "x.exp()"
- assert rust_code(x**3) == "x.powi(3)"
- assert rust_code(x**(y**3)) == "x.powf(y.powi(3))"
- assert rust_code(x**Rational(2, 3)) == "x.powf(2_f64/3.0)"
- g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2*x))
- assert rust_code(1/(g(x)*3.5)**(x - y**x)/(x**2 + y)) == \
- "(3.5*2*x).powf(-x + y.powf(x))/(x.powi(2) + y)"
- _cond_cfunc = [(lambda base, exp: exp.is_integer, "dpowi", 1),
- (lambda base, exp: not exp.is_integer, "pow", 1)]
- assert rust_code(x**3, user_functions={'Pow': _cond_cfunc}) == 'x.dpowi(3)'
- assert rust_code(x**3.2, user_functions={'Pow': _cond_cfunc}) == 'x.pow(3.2)'
- def test_constants():
- assert rust_code(pi) == "PI"
- assert rust_code(oo) == "INFINITY"
- assert rust_code(S.Infinity) == "INFINITY"
- assert rust_code(-oo) == "NEG_INFINITY"
- assert rust_code(S.NegativeInfinity) == "NEG_INFINITY"
- assert rust_code(S.NaN) == "NAN"
- assert rust_code(exp(1)) == "E"
- assert rust_code(S.Exp1) == "E"
- def test_constants_other():
- assert rust_code(2*GoldenRatio) == "const GoldenRatio: f64 = %s;\n2*GoldenRatio" % GoldenRatio.evalf(17)
- assert rust_code(
- 2*Catalan) == "const Catalan: f64 = %s;\n2*Catalan" % Catalan.evalf(17)
- assert rust_code(2*EulerGamma) == "const EulerGamma: f64 = %s;\n2*EulerGamma" % EulerGamma.evalf(17)
- def test_boolean():
- assert rust_code(True) == "true"
- assert rust_code(S.true) == "true"
- assert rust_code(False) == "false"
- assert rust_code(S.false) == "false"
- assert rust_code(x & y) == "x && y"
- assert rust_code(x | y) == "x || y"
- assert rust_code(~x) == "!x"
- assert rust_code(x & y & z) == "x && y && z"
- assert rust_code(x | y | z) == "x || y || z"
- assert rust_code((x & y) | z) == "z || x && y"
- assert rust_code((x | y) & z) == "z && (x || y)"
- def test_Piecewise():
- expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x + 2, True))
- assert rust_code(expr) == (
- "if (x < 1) {\n"
- " x\n"
- "} else {\n"
- " x + 2\n"
- "}")
- assert rust_code(expr, assign_to="r") == (
- "r = if (x < 1) {\n"
- " x\n"
- "} else {\n"
- " x + 2\n"
- "};")
- assert rust_code(expr, assign_to="r", inline=True) == (
- "r = if (x < 1) { x } else { x + 2 };")
- expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x + 1, x < 5), (x + 2, True))
- assert rust_code(expr, inline=True) == (
- "if (x < 1) { x } else if (x < 5) { x + 1 } else { x + 2 }")
- assert rust_code(expr, assign_to="r", inline=True) == (
- "r = if (x < 1) { x } else if (x < 5) { x + 1 } else { x + 2 };")
- assert rust_code(expr, assign_to="r") == (
- "r = if (x < 1) {\n"
- " x\n"
- "} else if (x < 5) {\n"
- " x + 1\n"
- "} else {\n"
- " x + 2\n"
- "};")
- expr = 2*Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x + 1, x < 5), (x + 2, True))
- assert rust_code(expr, inline=True) == (
- "2*if (x < 1) { x } else if (x < 5) { x + 1 } else { x + 2 }")
- expr = 2*Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x + 1, x < 5), (x + 2, True)) - 42
- assert rust_code(expr, inline=True) == (
- "2*if (x < 1) { x } else if (x < 5) { x + 1 } else { x + 2 } - 42")
- # Check that Piecewise without a True (default) condition error
- expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, x > 1), (sin(x), x > 0))
- raises(ValueError, lambda: rust_code(expr))
- def test_dereference_printing():
- expr = x + y + sin(z) + z
- assert rust_code(expr, dereference=[z]) == "x + y + (*z) + (*z).sin()"
- def test_sign():
- expr = sign(x) * y
- assert rust_code(expr) == "y*x.signum()"
- assert rust_code(expr, assign_to='r') == "r = y*x.signum();"
- expr = sign(x + y) + 42
- assert rust_code(expr) == "(x + y).signum() + 42"
- assert rust_code(expr, assign_to='r') == "r = (x + y).signum() + 42;"
- expr = sign(cos(x))
- assert rust_code(expr) == "x.cos().signum()"
- def test_reserved_words():
- x, y = symbols("x if")
- expr = sin(y)
- assert rust_code(expr) == "if_.sin()"
- assert rust_code(expr, dereference=[y]) == "(*if_).sin()"
- assert rust_code(expr, reserved_word_suffix='_unreserved') == "if_unreserved.sin()"
- with raises(ValueError):
- rust_code(expr, error_on_reserved=True)
- def test_ITE():
- expr = ITE(x < 1, y, z)
- assert rust_code(expr) == (
- "if (x < 1) {\n"
- " y\n"
- "} else {\n"
- " z\n"
- "}")
- def test_Indexed():
- n, m, o = symbols('n m o', integer=True)
- i, j, k = Idx('i', n), Idx('j', m), Idx('k', o)
- x = IndexedBase('x')[j]
- assert rust_code(x) == "x[j]"
- A = IndexedBase('A')[i, j]
- assert rust_code(A) == "A[m*i + j]"
- B = IndexedBase('B')[i, j, k]
- assert rust_code(B) == "B[m*o*i + o*j + k]"
- def test_dummy_loops():
- i, m = symbols('i m', integer=True, cls=Dummy)
- x = IndexedBase('x')
- y = IndexedBase('y')
- i = Idx(i, m)
- assert rust_code(x[i], assign_to=y[i]) == (
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " y[i] = x[i];\n"
- "}")
- def test_loops():
- m, n = symbols('m n', integer=True)
- A = IndexedBase('A')
- x = IndexedBase('x')
- y = IndexedBase('y')
- z = IndexedBase('z')
- i = Idx('i', m)
- j = Idx('j', n)
- assert rust_code(A[i, j]*x[j], assign_to=y[i]) == (
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " y[i] = 0;\n"
- "}\n"
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " for j in 0..n {\n"
- " y[i] = A[n*i + j]*x[j] + y[i];\n"
- " }\n"
- "}")
- assert rust_code(A[i, j]*x[j] + x[i] + z[i], assign_to=y[i]) == (
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " y[i] = x[i] + z[i];\n"
- "}\n"
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " for j in 0..n {\n"
- " y[i] = A[n*i + j]*x[j] + y[i];\n"
- " }\n"
- "}")
- def test_loops_multiple_contractions():
- n, m, o, p = symbols('n m o p', integer=True)
- a = IndexedBase('a')
- b = IndexedBase('b')
- y = IndexedBase('y')
- i = Idx('i', m)
- j = Idx('j', n)
- k = Idx('k', o)
- l = Idx('l', p)
- assert rust_code(b[j, k, l]*a[i, j, k, l], assign_to=y[i]) == (
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " y[i] = 0;\n"
- "}\n"
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " for j in 0..n {\n"
- " for k in 0..o {\n"
- " for l in 0..p {\n"
- " y[i] = a[%s]*b[%s] + y[i];\n" % (i*n*o*p + j*o*p + k*p + l, j*o*p + k*p + l) +\
- " }\n"
- " }\n"
- " }\n"
- "}")
- def test_loops_addfactor():
- m, n, o, p = symbols('m n o p', integer=True)
- a = IndexedBase('a')
- b = IndexedBase('b')
- c = IndexedBase('c')
- y = IndexedBase('y')
- i = Idx('i', m)
- j = Idx('j', n)
- k = Idx('k', o)
- l = Idx('l', p)
- code = rust_code((a[i, j, k, l] + b[i, j, k, l])*c[j, k, l], assign_to=y[i])
- assert code == (
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " y[i] = 0;\n"
- "}\n"
- "for i in 0..m {\n"
- " for j in 0..n {\n"
- " for k in 0..o {\n"
- " for l in 0..p {\n"
- " y[i] = (a[%s] + b[%s])*c[%s] + y[i];\n" % (i*n*o*p + j*o*p + k*p + l, i*n*o*p + j*o*p + k*p + l, j*o*p + k*p + l) +\
- " }\n"
- " }\n"
- " }\n"
- "}")
- def test_settings():
- raises(TypeError, lambda: rust_code(sin(x), method="garbage"))
- def test_inline_function():
- x = symbols('x')
- g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2*x))
- assert rust_code(g(x)) == "2*x"
- g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2*x/Catalan))
- assert rust_code(g(x)) == (
- "const Catalan: f64 = %s;\n2*x/Catalan" % Catalan.evalf(17))
- A = IndexedBase('A')
- i = Idx('i', symbols('n', integer=True))
- g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, x*(1 + x)*(2 + x)))
- assert rust_code(g(A[i]), assign_to=A[i]) == (
- "for i in 0..n {\n"
- " A[i] = (A[i] + 1)*(A[i] + 2)*A[i];\n"
- "}")
- def test_user_functions():
- x = symbols('x', integer=False)
- n = symbols('n', integer=True)
- custom_functions = {
- "ceiling": "ceil",
- "Abs": [(lambda x: not x.is_integer, "fabs", 4), (lambda x: x.is_integer, "abs", 4)],
- }
- assert rust_code(ceiling(x), user_functions=custom_functions) == "x.ceil()"
- assert rust_code(Abs(x), user_functions=custom_functions) == "fabs(x)"
- assert rust_code(Abs(n), user_functions=custom_functions) == "abs(n)"
- def test_matrix():
- assert rust_code(Matrix([1, 2, 3])) == '[1, 2, 3]'
- with raises(ValueError):
- rust_code(Matrix([[1, 2, 3]]))
- def test_sparse_matrix():
- # gh-15791
- assert 'Not supported in Rust' in rust_code(SparseMatrix([[1, 2, 3]]))