123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526 |
- import typing
- import sympy
- from sympy.core import Add, Mul
- from sympy.core import Symbol, Expr, Float, Rational, Integer, Basic
- from sympy.core.function import UndefinedFunction, Function
- from sympy.core.relational import Relational, Unequality, Equality, LessThan, GreaterThan, StrictLessThan, StrictGreaterThan
- from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs
- from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp, log, Pow
- from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import sinh, cosh, tanh
- from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import Min, Max
- from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
- from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2
- from sympy.logic.boolalg import And, Or, Xor, Implies, Boolean
- from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanTrue, BooleanFalse, BooleanFunction, Not, ITE
- from sympy.printing.printer import Printer
- from sympy.sets import Interval
- class SMTLibPrinter(Printer):
- printmethod = "_smtlib"
- # based on dReal, an automated reasoning tool for solving problems that can be encoded as first-order logic formulas over the real numbers.
- # dReal's special strength is in handling problems that involve a wide range of nonlinear real functions.
- _default_settings: dict = {
- 'precision': None,
- 'known_types': {
- bool: 'Bool',
- int: 'Int',
- float: 'Real'
- },
- 'known_constants': {
- },
- 'known_functions': {
- Add: '+',
- Mul: '*',
- Equality: '=',
- LessThan: '<=',
- GreaterThan: '>=',
- StrictLessThan: '<',
- StrictGreaterThan: '>',
- exp: 'exp',
- log: 'log',
- Abs: 'abs',
- sin: 'sin',
- cos: 'cos',
- tan: 'tan',
- asin: 'arcsin',
- acos: 'arccos',
- atan: 'arctan',
- atan2: 'arctan2',
- sinh: 'sinh',
- cosh: 'cosh',
- tanh: 'tanh',
- Min: 'min',
- Max: 'max',
- Pow: 'pow',
- And: 'and',
- Or: 'or',
- Xor: 'xor',
- Not: 'not',
- ITE: 'ite',
- Implies: '=>',
- }
- }
- symbol_table: dict
- def __init__(self, settings: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
- symbol_table=None):
- settings = settings or {}
- self.symbol_table = symbol_table or {}
- Printer.__init__(self, settings)
- self._precision = self._settings['precision']
- self._known_types = dict(self._settings['known_types'])
- self._known_constants = dict(self._settings['known_constants'])
- self._known_functions = dict(self._settings['known_functions'])
- for _ in self._known_types.values(): assert self._is_legal_name(_)
- for _ in self._known_constants.values(): assert self._is_legal_name(_)
- # for _ in self._known_functions.values(): assert self._is_legal_name(_) # +, *, <, >, etc.
- def _is_legal_name(self, s: str):
- if not s: return False
- if s[0].isnumeric(): return False
- return all(_.isalnum() or _ == '_' for _ in s)
- def _s_expr(self, op: str, args: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> str:
- args_str = ' '.join(
- a if isinstance(a, str)
- else self._print(a)
- for a in args
- )
- return f'({op} {args_str})'
- def _print_Function(self, e):
- if e in self._known_functions:
- op = self._known_functions[e]
- elif type(e) in self._known_functions:
- op = self._known_functions[type(e)]
- elif type(type(e)) == UndefinedFunction:
- op = e.name
- else:
- op = self._known_functions[e] # throw KeyError
- return self._s_expr(op, e.args)
- def _print_Relational(self, e: Relational):
- return self._print_Function(e)
- def _print_BooleanFunction(self, e: BooleanFunction):
- return self._print_Function(e)
- def _print_Expr(self, e: Expr):
- return self._print_Function(e)
- def _print_Unequality(self, e: Unequality):
- if type(e) in self._known_functions:
- return self._print_Relational(e) # default
- else:
- eq_op = self._known_functions[Equality]
- not_op = self._known_functions[Not]
- return self._s_expr(not_op, [self._s_expr(eq_op, e.args)])
- def _print_Piecewise(self, e: Piecewise):
- def _print_Piecewise_recursive(args: typing.Union[list, tuple]):
- e, c = args[0]
- if len(args) == 1:
- assert (c is True) or isinstance(c, BooleanTrue)
- return self._print(e)
- else:
- ite = self._known_functions[ITE]
- return self._s_expr(ite, [
- c, e, _print_Piecewise_recursive(args[1:])
- ])
- return _print_Piecewise_recursive(e.args)
- def _print_Interval(self, e: Interval):
- if e.start.is_infinite and e.end.is_infinite:
- return ''
- elif e.start.is_infinite != e.end.is_infinite:
- raise ValueError(f'One-sided intervals (`{e}`) are not supported in SMT.')
- else:
- return f'[{e.start}, {e.end}]'
- # todo: Sympy does not support quantifiers yet as of 2022, but quantifiers can be handy in SMT.
- # For now, users can extend this class and build in their own quantifier support.
- # See `test_quantifier_extensions()` in test_smtlib.py for an example of how this might look.
- # def _print_ForAll(self, e: ForAll):
- # return self._s('forall', [
- # self._s('', [
- # self._s(sym.name, [self._type_name(sym), Interval(start, end)])
- # for sym, start, end in e.limits
- # ]),
- # e.function
- # ])
- def _print_BooleanTrue(self, x: BooleanTrue):
- return 'true'
- def _print_BooleanFalse(self, x: BooleanFalse):
- return 'false'
- def _print_Float(self, x: Float):
- f = x.evalf(self._precision) if self._precision else x.evalf()
- return str(f).rstrip('0')
- def _print_float(self, x: float):
- return str(x)
- def _print_Rational(self, x: Rational):
- return self._s_expr('/', [x.p, x.q])
- def _print_Integer(self, x: Integer):
- assert x.q == 1
- return str(x.p)
- def _print_int(self, x: int):
- return str(x)
- def _print_Symbol(self, x: Symbol):
- assert self._is_legal_name(x.name)
- return x.name
- def _print_NumberSymbol(self, x):
- name = self._known_constants.get(x)
- return name if name else self._print_Float(x)
- def _print_UndefinedFunction(self, x):
- assert self._is_legal_name(x.name)
- return x.name
- def _print_Exp1(self, x):
- return (
- self._print_Function(exp(1, evaluate=False))
- if exp in self._known_functions else
- self._print_NumberSymbol(x)
- )
- def emptyPrinter(self, expr):
- raise NotImplementedError(f'Cannot convert `{repr(expr)}` of type `{type(expr)}` to SMT.')
- def smtlib_code(
- expr,
- auto_assert=True, auto_declare=True,
- precision=None,
- symbol_table=None,
- known_types=None, known_constants=None, known_functions=None,
- prefix_expressions=None, suffix_expressions=None,
- log_warn=None
- ):
- r"""Converts ``expr`` to a string of smtlib code.
- Parameters
- ==========
- expr : Expr | List[Expr]
- A SymPy expression or system to be converted.
- auto_assert : bool, optional
- If false, do not modify expr and produce only the S-Expression equivalent of expr.
- If true, assume expr is a system and assert each boolean element.
- auto_declare : bool, optional
- If false, do not produce declarations for the symbols used in expr.
- If true, prepend all necessary declarations for variables used in expr based on symbol_table.
- precision : integer, optional
- The ``evalf(..)`` precision for numbers such as pi.
- symbol_table : dict, optional
- A dictionary where keys are ``Symbol`` or ``Function`` instances and values are their Python type i.e. ``bool``, ``int``, ``float``, or ``Callable[...]``.
- If incomplete, an attempt will be made to infer types from ``expr``.
- known_types: dict, optional
- A dictionary where keys are ``bool``, ``int``, ``float`` etc. and values are their corresponding SMT type names.
- If not given, a partial listing compatible with several solvers will be used.
- known_functions : dict, optional
- A dictionary where keys are ``Function``, ``Relational``, ``BooleanFunction``, or ``Expr`` instances and values are their SMT string representations.
- If not given, a partial listing optimized for dReal solver (but compatible with others) will be used.
- known_constants: dict, optional
- A dictionary where keys are ``NumberSymbol`` instances and values are their SMT variable names.
- When using this feature, extra caution must be taken to avoid naming collisions between user symbols and listed constants.
- If not given, constants will be expanded inline i.e. ``3.14159`` instead of ``MY_SMT_VARIABLE_FOR_PI``.
- prefix_expressions: list, optional
- A list of lists of ``str`` and/or expressions to convert into SMTLib and prefix to the output.
- suffix_expressions: list, optional
- A list of lists of ``str`` and/or expressions to convert into SMTLib and postfix to the output.
- log_warn: lambda function, optional
- A function to record all warnings during potentially risky operations.
- Soundness is a core value in SMT solving, so it is good to log all assumptions made.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy import smtlib_code, symbols, sin, Eq
- >>> x = symbols('x')
- >>> smtlib_code(sin(x).series(x).removeO(), log_warn=print)
- Could not infer type of `x`. Defaulting to float.
- Non-Boolean expression `x**5/120 - x**3/6 + x` will not be asserted. Converting to SMTLib verbatim.
- '(declare-const x Real)\n(+ x (* (/ -1 6) (pow x 3)) (* (/ 1 120) (pow x 5)))'
- >>> from sympy import Rational
- >>> x, y, tau = symbols("x, y, tau")
- >>> smtlib_code((2*tau)**Rational(7, 2), log_warn=print)
- Could not infer type of `tau`. Defaulting to float.
- Non-Boolean expression `8*sqrt(2)*tau**(7/2)` will not be asserted. Converting to SMTLib verbatim.
- '(declare-const tau Real)\n(* 8 (pow 2 (/ 1 2)) (pow tau (/ 7 2)))'
- ``Piecewise`` expressions are implemented with ``ite`` expressions by default.
- Note that if the ``Piecewise`` lacks a default term, represented by
- ``(expr, True)`` then an error will be thrown. This is to prevent
- generating an expression that may not evaluate to anything.
- >>> from sympy import Piecewise
- >>> pw = Piecewise((x + 1, x > 0), (x, True))
- >>> smtlib_code(Eq(pw, 3), symbol_table={x: float}, log_warn=print)
- '(declare-const x Real)\n(assert (= (ite (> x 0) (+ 1 x) x) 3))'
- Custom printing can be defined for certain types by passing a dictionary of
- PythonType : "SMT Name" to the ``known_types``, ``known_constants``, and ``known_functions`` kwargs.
- >>> from typing import Callable
- >>> from sympy import Function, Add
- >>> f = Function('f')
- >>> g = Function('g')
- >>> smt_builtin_funcs = { # functions our SMT solver will understand
- ... f: "existing_smtlib_fcn",
- ... Add: "sum",
- ... }
- >>> user_def_funcs = { # functions defined by the user must have their types specified explicitly
- ... g: Callable[[int], float],
- ... }
- >>> smtlib_code(f(x) + g(x), symbol_table=user_def_funcs, known_functions=smt_builtin_funcs, log_warn=print)
- Non-Boolean expression `f(x) + g(x)` will not be asserted. Converting to SMTLib verbatim.
- '(declare-const x Int)\n(declare-fun g (Int) Real)\n(sum (existing_smtlib_fcn x) (g x))'
- """
- log_warn = log_warn or (lambda _: None)
- if not isinstance(expr, list): expr = [expr]
- expr = [
- sympy.sympify(_, strict=True, evaluate=False, convert_xor=False)
- for _ in expr
- ]
- if not symbol_table: symbol_table = {}
- symbol_table = _auto_infer_smtlib_types(
- *expr, symbol_table=symbol_table
- )
- # Need SMTLibPrinter to populate known_functions and known_constants first.
- settings = {}
- if precision: settings['precision'] = precision
- del precision
- if known_types: settings['known_types'] = known_types
- del known_types
- if known_functions: settings['known_functions'] = known_functions
- del known_functions
- if known_constants: settings['known_constants'] = known_constants
- del known_constants
- if not prefix_expressions: prefix_expressions = []
- if not suffix_expressions: suffix_expressions = []
- p = SMTLibPrinter(settings, symbol_table)
- del symbol_table
- for e in expr:
- for sym in e.atoms(Symbol, Function):
- if (
- sym.is_Symbol and
- sym not in p._known_constants and
- sym not in p.symbol_table
- ):
- log_warn(f"Could not infer type of `{sym}`. Defaulting to float.")
- p.symbol_table[sym] = float
- if (
- sym.is_Function and
- type(sym) not in p._known_functions and
- type(sym) not in p.symbol_table and
- not sym.is_Piecewise
- ): raise TypeError(
- f"Unknown type of undefined function `{sym}`. "
- f"Must be mapped to ``str`` in known_functions or mapped to ``Callable[..]`` in symbol_table."
- )
- declarations = []
- if auto_declare:
- constants = {sym.name: sym for e in expr for sym in e.free_symbols
- if sym not in p._known_constants}
- functions = {fnc.name: fnc for e in expr for fnc in e.atoms(Function)
- if type(fnc) not in p._known_functions and not fnc.is_Piecewise}
- declarations = \
- [
- _auto_declare_smtlib(sym, p, log_warn)
- for sym in constants.values()
- ] + [
- _auto_declare_smtlib(fnc, p, log_warn)
- for fnc in functions.values()
- ]
- declarations = [decl for decl in declarations if decl]
- if auto_assert:
- expr = [_auto_assert_smtlib(e, p, log_warn) for e in expr]
- # return SMTLibPrinter().doprint(expr)
- return '\n'.join([
- *[
- e if isinstance(e, str) else p.doprint(e)
- for e in prefix_expressions
- ],
- *sorted(e for e in declarations),
- *[
- e if isinstance(e, str) else p.doprint(e)
- for e in expr
- ],
- *[
- e if isinstance(e, str) else p.doprint(e)
- for e in suffix_expressions
- ],
- ])
- def _auto_declare_smtlib(sym: typing.Union[Symbol, Function], p: SMTLibPrinter, log_warn: typing.Callable[[str], None]):
- if sym.is_Symbol:
- type_signature = p.symbol_table[sym]
- assert isinstance(type_signature, type)
- type_signature = p._known_types[type_signature]
- return p._s_expr('declare-const', [sym, type_signature])
- elif sym.is_Function:
- type_signature = p.symbol_table[type(sym)]
- assert callable(type_signature)
- type_signature = [p._known_types[_] for _ in type_signature.__args__]
- assert len(type_signature) > 0
- params_signature = f"({' '.join(type_signature[:-1])})"
- return_signature = type_signature[-1]
- return p._s_expr('declare-fun', [type(sym), params_signature, return_signature])
- else:
- log_warn(f"Non-Symbol/Function `{sym}` will not be declared.")
- return None
- def _auto_assert_smtlib(e: Expr, p: SMTLibPrinter, log_warn: typing.Callable[[str], None]):
- if isinstance(e, Boolean) or (
- e in p.symbol_table and p.symbol_table[e] == bool
- ) or (
- e.is_Function and
- type(e) in p.symbol_table and
- p.symbol_table[type(e)].__args__[-1] == bool
- ):
- return p._s_expr('assert', [e])
- else:
- log_warn(f"Non-Boolean expression `{e}` will not be asserted. Converting to SMTLib verbatim.")
- return e
- def _auto_infer_smtlib_types(
- *exprs: Basic,
- symbol_table: typing.Optional[dict] = None
- ) -> dict:
- # X is alone in an expr => X is bool
- # X in BooleanFunction.args => X is bool
- # X matches to a bool param of a symbol_table function => X is bool
- # X matches to an int param of a symbol_table function => X is int
- # X.is_integer => X is int
- # X == Y, where X is T => Y is T
- # see _auto_declare_smtlib(..)
- # X is not bool and X is not int and X is Symbol => X is float
- # else (e.g. X is Function) => error. must be specified explicitly.
- _symbols = dict(symbol_table) if symbol_table else {}
- def safe_update(syms: set, inf):
- for s in syms:
- assert s.is_Symbol
- if (old_type := _symbols.setdefault(s, inf)) != inf:
- raise TypeError(f"Could not infer type of `{s}`. Apparently both `{old_type}` and `{inf}`?")
- safe_update({
- e
- for e in exprs
- if e.is_Symbol
- }, bool)
- safe_update({
- symbol
- for e in exprs
- for boolfunc in e.atoms(BooleanFunction)
- for symbol in boolfunc.args
- if symbol.is_Symbol
- }, bool)
- safe_update({
- symbol
- for e in exprs
- for boolfunc in e.atoms(Function)
- if type(boolfunc) in _symbols
- for symbol, param in zip(boolfunc.args, _symbols[type(boolfunc)].__args__)
- if symbol.is_Symbol and param == bool
- }, bool)
- safe_update({
- symbol
- for e in exprs
- for intfunc in e.atoms(Function)
- if type(intfunc) in _symbols
- for symbol, param in zip(intfunc.args, _symbols[type(intfunc)].__args__)
- if symbol.is_Symbol and param == int
- }, int)
- safe_update({
- symbol
- for e in exprs
- for symbol in e.atoms(Symbol)
- if symbol.is_integer
- }, int)
- safe_update({
- symbol
- for e in exprs
- for symbol in e.atoms(Symbol)
- if symbol.is_real and not symbol.is_integer
- }, float)
- rels = [rel for expr in exprs for rel in expr.atoms(Equality)]
- rels = [
- (rel.lhs, rel.rhs) for rel in rels if rel.lhs.is_Symbol
- ] + [
- (rel.rhs, rel.lhs) for rel in rels if rel.rhs.is_Symbol
- ]
- for infer, reltd in rels:
- inference = (
- _symbols[infer] if infer in _symbols else
- _symbols[reltd] if reltd in _symbols else
- _symbols[type(reltd)].__args__[-1]
- if reltd.is_Function and type(reltd) in _symbols else
- bool if reltd.is_Boolean else
- int if reltd.is_integer or reltd.is_Integer else
- float if reltd.is_real else
- None
- )
- if inference: safe_update({infer}, inference)
- return _symbols