21 KB

  1. """
  2. Rust code printer
  3. The `RustCodePrinter` converts SymPy expressions into Rust expressions.
  4. A complete code generator, which uses `rust_code` extensively, can be found
  5. in `sympy.utilities.codegen`. The `codegen` module can be used to generate
  6. complete source code files.
  7. """
  8. # Possible Improvement
  9. #
  10. # * make sure we follow Rust Style Guidelines_
  11. # * make use of pattern matching
  12. # * better support for reference
  13. # * generate generic code and use trait to make sure they have specific methods
  14. # * use crates_ to get more math support
  15. # - num_
  16. # + BigInt_, BigUint_
  17. # + Complex_
  18. # + Rational64_, Rational32_, BigRational_
  19. #
  20. # .. _crates:
  21. # .. _Guidelines:
  22. # .. _num:
  23. # .. _BigInt:
  24. # .. _BigUint:
  25. # .. _Complex:
  26. # .. _Rational32:
  27. # .. _Rational64:
  28. # .. _BigRational:
  29. from __future__ import annotations
  30. from typing import Any
  31. from sympy.core import S, Rational, Float, Lambda
  32. from sympy.core.numbers import equal_valued
  33. from sympy.printing.codeprinter import CodePrinter
  34. # Rust's methods for integer and float can be found at here :
  35. #
  36. # * `Rust - Primitive Type f64 <>`_
  37. # * `Rust - Primitive Type i64 <>`_
  38. #
  39. # Function Style :
  40. #
  41. # 1. args[0].func(args[1:]), method with arguments
  42. # 2. args[0].func(), method without arguments
  43. # 3. args[1].func(), method without arguments (e.g. (e, x) => x.exp())
  44. # 4. func(args), function with arguments
  45. # dictionary mapping SymPy function to (argument_conditions, Rust_function).
  46. # Used in RustCodePrinter._print_Function(self)
  47. # f64 method in Rust
  48. known_functions = {
  49. # "": "is_nan",
  50. # "": "is_infinite",
  51. # "": "is_finite",
  52. # "": "is_normal",
  53. # "": "classify",
  54. "floor": "floor",
  55. "ceiling": "ceil",
  56. # "": "round",
  57. # "": "trunc",
  58. # "": "fract",
  59. "Abs": "abs",
  60. "sign": "signum",
  61. # "": "is_sign_positive",
  62. # "": "is_sign_negative",
  63. # "": "mul_add",
  64. "Pow": [(lambda base, exp: equal_valued(exp, -1), "recip", 2), # 1.0/x
  65. (lambda base, exp: equal_valued(exp, 0.5), "sqrt", 2), # x ** 0.5
  66. (lambda base, exp: equal_valued(exp, -0.5), "sqrt().recip", 2), # 1/(x ** 0.5)
  67. (lambda base, exp: exp == Rational(1, 3), "cbrt", 2), # x ** (1/3)
  68. (lambda base, exp: equal_valued(base, 2), "exp2", 3), # 2 ** x
  69. (lambda base, exp: exp.is_integer, "powi", 1), # x ** y, for i32
  70. (lambda base, exp: not exp.is_integer, "powf", 1)], # x ** y, for f64
  71. "exp": [(lambda exp: True, "exp", 2)], # e ** x
  72. "log": "ln",
  73. # "": "log", # number.log(base)
  74. # "": "log2",
  75. # "": "log10",
  76. # "": "to_degrees",
  77. # "": "to_radians",
  78. "Max": "max",
  79. "Min": "min",
  80. # "": "hypot", # (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5
  81. "sin": "sin",
  82. "cos": "cos",
  83. "tan": "tan",
  84. "asin": "asin",
  85. "acos": "acos",
  86. "atan": "atan",
  87. "atan2": "atan2",
  88. # "": "sin_cos",
  89. # "": "exp_m1", # e ** x - 1
  90. # "": "ln_1p", # ln(1 + x)
  91. "sinh": "sinh",
  92. "cosh": "cosh",
  93. "tanh": "tanh",
  94. "asinh": "asinh",
  95. "acosh": "acosh",
  96. "atanh": "atanh",
  97. "sqrt": "sqrt", # To enable automatic rewrites
  98. }
  99. # i64 method in Rust
  100. # known_functions_i64 = {
  101. # "": "min_value",
  102. # "": "max_value",
  103. # "": "from_str_radix",
  104. # "": "count_ones",
  105. # "": "count_zeros",
  106. # "": "leading_zeros",
  107. # "": "trainling_zeros",
  108. # "": "rotate_left",
  109. # "": "rotate_right",
  110. # "": "swap_bytes",
  111. # "": "from_be",
  112. # "": "from_le",
  113. # "": "to_be", # to big endian
  114. # "": "to_le", # to little endian
  115. # "": "checked_add",
  116. # "": "checked_sub",
  117. # "": "checked_mul",
  118. # "": "checked_div",
  119. # "": "checked_rem",
  120. # "": "checked_neg",
  121. # "": "checked_shl",
  122. # "": "checked_shr",
  123. # "": "checked_abs",
  124. # "": "saturating_add",
  125. # "": "saturating_sub",
  126. # "": "saturating_mul",
  127. # "": "wrapping_add",
  128. # "": "wrapping_sub",
  129. # "": "wrapping_mul",
  130. # "": "wrapping_div",
  131. # "": "wrapping_rem",
  132. # "": "wrapping_neg",
  133. # "": "wrapping_shl",
  134. # "": "wrapping_shr",
  135. # "": "wrapping_abs",
  136. # "": "overflowing_add",
  137. # "": "overflowing_sub",
  138. # "": "overflowing_mul",
  139. # "": "overflowing_div",
  140. # "": "overflowing_rem",
  141. # "": "overflowing_neg",
  142. # "": "overflowing_shl",
  143. # "": "overflowing_shr",
  144. # "": "overflowing_abs",
  145. # "Pow": "pow",
  146. # "Abs": "abs",
  147. # "sign": "signum",
  148. # "": "is_positive",
  149. # "": "is_negnative",
  150. # }
  151. # These are the core reserved words in the Rust language. Taken from:
  152. #
  153. reserved_words = ['abstract',
  154. 'alignof',
  155. 'as',
  156. 'become',
  157. 'box',
  158. 'break',
  159. 'const',
  160. 'continue',
  161. 'crate',
  162. 'do',
  163. 'else',
  164. 'enum',
  165. 'extern',
  166. 'false',
  167. 'final',
  168. 'fn',
  169. 'for',
  170. 'if',
  171. 'impl',
  172. 'in',
  173. 'let',
  174. 'loop',
  175. 'macro',
  176. 'match',
  177. 'mod',
  178. 'move',
  179. 'mut',
  180. 'offsetof',
  181. 'override',
  182. 'priv',
  183. 'proc',
  184. 'pub',
  185. 'pure',
  186. 'ref',
  187. 'return',
  188. 'Self',
  189. 'self',
  190. 'sizeof',
  191. 'static',
  192. 'struct',
  193. 'super',
  194. 'trait',
  195. 'true',
  196. 'type',
  197. 'typeof',
  198. 'unsafe',
  199. 'unsized',
  200. 'use',
  201. 'virtual',
  202. 'where',
  203. 'while',
  204. 'yield']
  205. class RustCodePrinter(CodePrinter):
  206. """A printer to convert SymPy expressions to strings of Rust code"""
  207. printmethod = "_rust_code"
  208. language = "Rust"
  209. _default_settings: dict[str, Any] = {
  210. 'order': None,
  211. 'full_prec': 'auto',
  212. 'precision': 17,
  213. 'user_functions': {},
  214. 'human': True,
  215. 'contract': True,
  216. 'dereference': set(),
  217. 'error_on_reserved': False,
  218. 'reserved_word_suffix': '_',
  219. 'inline': False,
  220. }
  221. def __init__(self, settings={}):
  222. CodePrinter.__init__(self, settings)
  223. self.known_functions = dict(known_functions)
  224. userfuncs = settings.get('user_functions', {})
  225. self.known_functions.update(userfuncs)
  226. self._dereference = set(settings.get('dereference', []))
  227. self.reserved_words = set(reserved_words)
  228. def _rate_index_position(self, p):
  229. return p*5
  230. def _get_statement(self, codestring):
  231. return "%s;" % codestring
  232. def _get_comment(self, text):
  233. return "// %s" % text
  234. def _declare_number_const(self, name, value):
  235. return "const %s: f64 = %s;" % (name, value)
  236. def _format_code(self, lines):
  237. return self.indent_code(lines)
  238. def _traverse_matrix_indices(self, mat):
  239. rows, cols = mat.shape
  240. return ((i, j) for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols))
  241. def _get_loop_opening_ending(self, indices):
  242. open_lines = []
  243. close_lines = []
  244. loopstart = "for %(var)s in %(start)s..%(end)s {"
  245. for i in indices:
  246. # Rust arrays start at 0 and end at dimension-1
  247. open_lines.append(loopstart % {
  248. 'var': self._print(i),
  249. 'start': self._print(i.lower),
  250. 'end': self._print(i.upper + 1)})
  251. close_lines.append("}")
  252. return open_lines, close_lines
  253. def _print_caller_var(self, expr):
  254. if len(expr.args) > 1:
  255. # for something like `sin(x + y + z)`,
  256. # make sure we can get '(x + y + z).sin()'
  257. # instead of 'x + y + z.sin()'
  258. return '(' + self._print(expr) + ')'
  259. elif expr.is_number:
  260. return self._print(expr, _type=True)
  261. else:
  262. return self._print(expr)
  263. def _print_Function(self, expr):
  264. """
  265. basic function for printing `Function`
  266. Function Style :
  267. 1. args[0].func(args[1:]), method with arguments
  268. 2. args[0].func(), method without arguments
  269. 3. args[1].func(), method without arguments (e.g. (e, x) => x.exp())
  270. 4. func(args), function with arguments
  271. """
  272. if expr.func.__name__ in self.known_functions:
  273. cond_func = self.known_functions[expr.func.__name__]
  274. func = None
  275. style = 1
  276. if isinstance(cond_func, str):
  277. func = cond_func
  278. else:
  279. for cond, func, style in cond_func:
  280. if cond(*expr.args):
  281. break
  282. if func is not None:
  283. if style == 1:
  284. ret = "%(var)s.%(method)s(%(args)s)" % {
  285. 'var': self._print_caller_var(expr.args[0]),
  286. 'method': func,
  287. 'args': self.stringify(expr.args[1:], ", ") if len(expr.args) > 1 else ''
  288. }
  289. elif style == 2:
  290. ret = "%(var)s.%(method)s()" % {
  291. 'var': self._print_caller_var(expr.args[0]),
  292. 'method': func,
  293. }
  294. elif style == 3:
  295. ret = "%(var)s.%(method)s()" % {
  296. 'var': self._print_caller_var(expr.args[1]),
  297. 'method': func,
  298. }
  299. else:
  300. ret = "%(func)s(%(args)s)" % {
  301. 'func': func,
  302. 'args': self.stringify(expr.args, ", "),
  303. }
  304. return ret
  305. elif hasattr(expr, '_imp_') and isinstance(expr._imp_, Lambda):
  306. # inlined function
  307. return self._print(expr._imp_(*expr.args))
  308. elif expr.func.__name__ in self._rewriteable_functions:
  309. # Simple rewrite to supported function possible
  310. target_f, required_fs = self._rewriteable_functions[expr.func.__name__]
  311. if self._can_print(target_f) and all(self._can_print(f) for f in required_fs):
  312. return self._print(expr.rewrite(target_f))
  313. else:
  314. return self._print_not_supported(expr)
  315. def _print_Pow(self, expr):
  316. if expr.base.is_integer and not expr.exp.is_integer:
  317. expr = type(expr)(Float(expr.base), expr.exp)
  318. return self._print(expr)
  319. return self._print_Function(expr)
  320. def _print_Float(self, expr, _type=False):
  321. ret = super()._print_Float(expr)
  322. if _type:
  323. return ret + '_f64'
  324. else:
  325. return ret
  326. def _print_Integer(self, expr, _type=False):
  327. ret = super()._print_Integer(expr)
  328. if _type:
  329. return ret + '_i32'
  330. else:
  331. return ret
  332. def _print_Rational(self, expr):
  333. p, q = int(expr.p), int(expr.q)
  334. return '%d_f64/%d.0' % (p, q)
  335. def _print_Relational(self, expr):
  336. lhs_code = self._print(expr.lhs)
  337. rhs_code = self._print(expr.rhs)
  338. op = expr.rel_op
  339. return "{} {} {}".format(lhs_code, op, rhs_code)
  340. def _print_Indexed(self, expr):
  341. # calculate index for 1d array
  342. dims = expr.shape
  343. elem = S.Zero
  344. offset = S.One
  345. for i in reversed(range(expr.rank)):
  346. elem += expr.indices[i]*offset
  347. offset *= dims[i]
  348. return "%s[%s]" % (self._print(expr.base.label), self._print(elem))
  349. def _print_Idx(self, expr):
  350. return
  351. def _print_Dummy(self, expr):
  352. return
  353. def _print_Exp1(self, expr, _type=False):
  354. return "E"
  355. def _print_Pi(self, expr, _type=False):
  356. return 'PI'
  357. def _print_Infinity(self, expr, _type=False):
  358. return 'INFINITY'
  359. def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, expr, _type=False):
  360. return 'NEG_INFINITY'
  361. def _print_BooleanTrue(self, expr, _type=False):
  362. return "true"
  363. def _print_BooleanFalse(self, expr, _type=False):
  364. return "false"
  365. def _print_bool(self, expr, _type=False):
  366. return str(expr).lower()
  367. def _print_NaN(self, expr, _type=False):
  368. return "NAN"
  369. def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
  370. if expr.args[-1].cond != True:
  371. # We need the last conditional to be a True, otherwise the resulting
  372. # function may not return a result.
  373. raise ValueError("All Piecewise expressions must contain an "
  374. "(expr, True) statement to be used as a default "
  375. "condition. Without one, the generated "
  376. "expression may not evaluate to anything under "
  377. "some condition.")
  378. lines = []
  379. for i, (e, c) in enumerate(expr.args):
  380. if i == 0:
  381. lines.append("if (%s) {" % self._print(c))
  382. elif i == len(expr.args) - 1 and c == True:
  383. lines[-1] += " else {"
  384. else:
  385. lines[-1] += " else if (%s) {" % self._print(c)
  386. code0 = self._print(e)
  387. lines.append(code0)
  388. lines.append("}")
  389. if self._settings['inline']:
  390. return " ".join(lines)
  391. else:
  392. return "\n".join(lines)
  393. def _print_ITE(self, expr):
  394. from sympy.functions import Piecewise
  395. return self._print(expr.rewrite(Piecewise, deep=False))
  396. def _print_MatrixBase(self, A):
  397. if A.cols == 1:
  398. return "[%s]" % ", ".join(self._print(a) for a in A)
  399. else:
  400. raise ValueError("Full Matrix Support in Rust need Crates (")
  401. def _print_SparseRepMatrix(self, mat):
  402. # do not allow sparse matrices to be made dense
  403. return self._print_not_supported(mat)
  404. def _print_MatrixElement(self, expr):
  405. return "%s[%s]" % (expr.parent,
  406. expr.j + expr.i*expr.parent.shape[1])
  407. def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
  408. name = super()._print_Symbol(expr)
  409. if expr in self._dereference:
  410. return '(*%s)' % name
  411. else:
  412. return name
  413. def _print_Assignment(self, expr):
  414. from sympy.tensor.indexed import IndexedBase
  415. lhs = expr.lhs
  416. rhs = expr.rhs
  417. if self._settings["contract"] and (lhs.has(IndexedBase) or
  418. rhs.has(IndexedBase)):
  419. # Here we check if there is looping to be done, and if so
  420. # print the required loops.
  421. return self._doprint_loops(rhs, lhs)
  422. else:
  423. lhs_code = self._print(lhs)
  424. rhs_code = self._print(rhs)
  425. return self._get_statement("%s = %s" % (lhs_code, rhs_code))
  426. def indent_code(self, code):
  427. """Accepts a string of code or a list of code lines"""
  428. if isinstance(code, str):
  429. code_lines = self.indent_code(code.splitlines(True))
  430. return ''.join(code_lines)
  431. tab = " "
  432. inc_token = ('{', '(', '{\n', '(\n')
  433. dec_token = ('}', ')')
  434. code = [ line.lstrip(' \t') for line in code ]
  435. increase = [ int(any(map(line.endswith, inc_token))) for line in code ]
  436. decrease = [ int(any(map(line.startswith, dec_token)))
  437. for line in code ]
  438. pretty = []
  439. level = 0
  440. for n, line in enumerate(code):
  441. if line in ('', '\n'):
  442. pretty.append(line)
  443. continue
  444. level -= decrease[n]
  445. pretty.append("%s%s" % (tab*level, line))
  446. level += increase[n]
  447. return pretty
  448. def rust_code(expr, assign_to=None, **settings):
  449. """Converts an expr to a string of Rust code
  450. Parameters
  451. ==========
  452. expr : Expr
  453. A SymPy expression to be converted.
  454. assign_to : optional
  455. When given, the argument is used as the name of the variable to which
  456. the expression is assigned. Can be a string, ``Symbol``,
  457. ``MatrixSymbol``, or ``Indexed`` type. This is helpful in case of
  458. line-wrapping, or for expressions that generate multi-line statements.
  459. precision : integer, optional
  460. The precision for numbers such as pi [default=15].
  461. user_functions : dict, optional
  462. A dictionary where the keys are string representations of either
  463. ``FunctionClass`` or ``UndefinedFunction`` instances and the values
  464. are their desired C string representations. Alternatively, the
  465. dictionary value can be a list of tuples i.e. [(argument_test,
  466. cfunction_string)]. See below for examples.
  467. dereference : iterable, optional
  468. An iterable of symbols that should be dereferenced in the printed code
  469. expression. These would be values passed by address to the function.
  470. For example, if ``dereference=[a]``, the resulting code would print
  471. ``(*a)`` instead of ``a``.
  472. human : bool, optional
  473. If True, the result is a single string that may contain some constant
  474. declarations for the number symbols. If False, the same information is
  475. returned in a tuple of (symbols_to_declare, not_supported_functions,
  476. code_text). [default=True].
  477. contract: bool, optional
  478. If True, ``Indexed`` instances are assumed to obey tensor contraction
  479. rules and the corresponding nested loops over indices are generated.
  480. Setting contract=False will not generate loops, instead the user is
  481. responsible to provide values for the indices in the code.
  482. [default=True].
  483. Examples
  484. ========
  485. >>> from sympy import rust_code, symbols, Rational, sin, ceiling, Abs, Function
  486. >>> x, tau = symbols("x, tau")
  487. >>> rust_code((2*tau)**Rational(7, 2))
  488. '8*1.4142135623731*tau.powf(7_f64/2.0)'
  489. >>> rust_code(sin(x), assign_to="s")
  490. 's = x.sin();'
  491. Simple custom printing can be defined for certain types by passing a
  492. dictionary of {"type" : "function"} to the ``user_functions`` kwarg.
  493. Alternatively, the dictionary value can be a list of tuples i.e.
  494. [(argument_test, cfunction_string)].
  495. >>> custom_functions = {
  496. ... "ceiling": "CEIL",
  497. ... "Abs": [(lambda x: not x.is_integer, "fabs", 4),
  498. ... (lambda x: x.is_integer, "ABS", 4)],
  499. ... "func": "f"
  500. ... }
  501. >>> func = Function('func')
  502. >>> rust_code(func(Abs(x) + ceiling(x)), user_functions=custom_functions)
  503. '(fabs(x) + x.CEIL()).f()'
  504. ``Piecewise`` expressions are converted into conditionals. If an
  505. ``assign_to`` variable is provided an if statement is created, otherwise
  506. the ternary operator is used. Note that if the ``Piecewise`` lacks a
  507. default term, represented by ``(expr, True)`` then an error will be thrown.
  508. This is to prevent generating an expression that may not evaluate to
  509. anything.
  510. >>> from sympy import Piecewise
  511. >>> expr = Piecewise((x + 1, x > 0), (x, True))
  512. >>> print(rust_code(expr, tau))
  513. tau = if (x > 0) {
  514. x + 1
  515. } else {
  516. x
  517. };
  518. Support for loops is provided through ``Indexed`` types. With
  519. ``contract=True`` these expressions will be turned into loops, whereas
  520. ``contract=False`` will just print the assignment expression that should be
  521. looped over:
  522. >>> from sympy import Eq, IndexedBase, Idx
  523. >>> len_y = 5
  524. >>> y = IndexedBase('y', shape=(len_y,))
  525. >>> t = IndexedBase('t', shape=(len_y,))
  526. >>> Dy = IndexedBase('Dy', shape=(len_y-1,))
  527. >>> i = Idx('i', len_y-1)
  528. >>> e=Eq(Dy[i], (y[i+1]-y[i])/(t[i+1]-t[i]))
  529. >>> rust_code(e.rhs, assign_to=e.lhs, contract=False)
  530. 'Dy[i] = (y[i + 1] - y[i])/(t[i + 1] - t[i]);'
  531. Matrices are also supported, but a ``MatrixSymbol`` of the same dimensions
  532. must be provided to ``assign_to``. Note that any expression that can be
  533. generated normally can also exist inside a Matrix:
  534. >>> from sympy import Matrix, MatrixSymbol
  535. >>> mat = Matrix([x**2, Piecewise((x + 1, x > 0), (x, True)), sin(x)])
  536. >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 1)
  537. >>> print(rust_code(mat, A))
  538. A = [x.powi(2), if (x > 0) {
  539. x + 1
  540. } else {
  541. x
  542. }, x.sin()];
  543. """
  544. return RustCodePrinter(settings).doprint(expr, assign_to)
  545. def print_rust_code(expr, **settings):
  546. """Prints Rust representation of the given expression."""
  547. print(rust_code(expr, **settings))