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  1. from functools import reduce
  2. from math import prod
  3. from sympy.core.numbers import igcdex, igcd
  4. from sympy.ntheory.primetest import isprime
  5. from import ZZ
  6. from sympy.polys.galoistools import gf_crt, gf_crt1, gf_crt2
  7. from sympy.utilities.misc import as_int
  8. def symmetric_residue(a, m):
  9. """Return the residual mod m such that it is within half of the modulus.
  10. >>> from sympy.ntheory.modular import symmetric_residue
  11. >>> symmetric_residue(1, 6)
  12. 1
  13. >>> symmetric_residue(4, 6)
  14. -2
  15. """
  16. if a <= m // 2:
  17. return a
  18. return a - m
  19. def crt(m, v, symmetric=False, check=True):
  20. r"""Chinese Remainder Theorem.
  21. The moduli in m are assumed to be pairwise coprime. The output
  22. is then an integer f, such that f = v_i mod m_i for each pair out
  23. of v and m. If ``symmetric`` is False a positive integer will be
  24. returned, else \|f\| will be less than or equal to the LCM of the
  25. moduli, and thus f may be negative.
  26. If the moduli are not co-prime the correct result will be returned
  27. if/when the test of the result is found to be incorrect. This result
  28. will be None if there is no solution.
  29. The keyword ``check`` can be set to False if it is known that the moduli
  30. are coprime.
  31. Examples
  32. ========
  33. As an example consider a set of residues ``U = [49, 76, 65]``
  34. and a set of moduli ``M = [99, 97, 95]``. Then we have::
  35. >>> from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt
  36. >>> crt([99, 97, 95], [49, 76, 65])
  37. (639985, 912285)
  38. This is the correct result because::
  39. >>> [639985 % m for m in [99, 97, 95]]
  40. [49, 76, 65]
  41. If the moduli are not co-prime, you may receive an incorrect result
  42. if you use ``check=False``:
  43. >>> crt([12, 6, 17], [3, 4, 2], check=False)
  44. (954, 1224)
  45. >>> [954 % m for m in [12, 6, 17]]
  46. [6, 0, 2]
  47. >>> crt([12, 6, 17], [3, 4, 2]) is None
  48. True
  49. >>> crt([3, 6], [2, 5])
  50. (5, 6)
  51. Note: the order of gf_crt's arguments is reversed relative to crt,
  52. and that solve_congruence takes residue, modulus pairs.
  53. Programmer's note: rather than checking that all pairs of moduli share
  54. no GCD (an O(n**2) test) and rather than factoring all moduli and seeing
  55. that there is no factor in common, a check that the result gives the
  56. indicated residuals is performed -- an O(n) operation.
  57. See Also
  58. ========
  59. solve_congruence
  60. sympy.polys.galoistools.gf_crt : low level crt routine used by this routine
  61. """
  62. if check:
  63. m = list(map(as_int, m))
  64. v = list(map(as_int, v))
  65. result = gf_crt(v, m, ZZ)
  66. mm = prod(m)
  67. if check:
  68. if not all(v % m == result % m for v, m in zip(v, m)):
  69. result = solve_congruence(*list(zip(v, m)),
  70. check=False, symmetric=symmetric)
  71. if result is None:
  72. return result
  73. result, mm = result
  74. if symmetric:
  75. return symmetric_residue(result, mm), mm
  76. return result, mm
  77. def crt1(m):
  78. """First part of Chinese Remainder Theorem, for multiple application.
  79. Examples
  80. ========
  81. >>> from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt1
  82. >>> crt1([18, 42, 6])
  83. (4536, [252, 108, 756], [0, 2, 0])
  84. """
  85. return gf_crt1(m, ZZ)
  86. def crt2(m, v, mm, e, s, symmetric=False):
  87. """Second part of Chinese Remainder Theorem, for multiple application.
  88. Examples
  89. ========
  90. >>> from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt1, crt2
  91. >>> mm, e, s = crt1([18, 42, 6])
  92. >>> crt2([18, 42, 6], [0, 0, 0], mm, e, s)
  93. (0, 4536)
  94. """
  95. result = gf_crt2(v, m, mm, e, s, ZZ)
  96. if symmetric:
  97. return symmetric_residue(result, mm), mm
  98. return result, mm
  99. def solve_congruence(*remainder_modulus_pairs, **hint):
  100. """Compute the integer ``n`` that has the residual ``ai`` when it is
  101. divided by ``mi`` where the ``ai`` and ``mi`` are given as pairs to
  102. this function: ((a1, m1), (a2, m2), ...). If there is no solution,
  103. return None. Otherwise return ``n`` and its modulus.
  104. The ``mi`` values need not be co-prime. If it is known that the moduli are
  105. not co-prime then the hint ``check`` can be set to False (default=True) and
  106. the check for a quicker solution via crt() (valid when the moduli are
  107. co-prime) will be skipped.
  108. If the hint ``symmetric`` is True (default is False), the value of ``n``
  109. will be within 1/2 of the modulus, possibly negative.
  110. Examples
  111. ========
  112. >>> from sympy.ntheory.modular import solve_congruence
  113. What number is 2 mod 3, 3 mod 5 and 2 mod 7?
  114. >>> solve_congruence((2, 3), (3, 5), (2, 7))
  115. (23, 105)
  116. >>> [23 % m for m in [3, 5, 7]]
  117. [2, 3, 2]
  118. If you prefer to work with all remainder in one list and
  119. all moduli in another, send the arguments like this:
  120. >>> solve_congruence(*zip((2, 3, 2), (3, 5, 7)))
  121. (23, 105)
  122. The moduli need not be co-prime; in this case there may or
  123. may not be a solution:
  124. >>> solve_congruence((2, 3), (4, 6)) is None
  125. True
  126. >>> solve_congruence((2, 3), (5, 6))
  127. (5, 6)
  128. The symmetric flag will make the result be within 1/2 of the modulus:
  129. >>> solve_congruence((2, 3), (5, 6), symmetric=True)
  130. (-1, 6)
  131. See Also
  132. ========
  133. crt : high level routine implementing the Chinese Remainder Theorem
  134. """
  135. def combine(c1, c2):
  136. """Return the tuple (a, m) which satisfies the requirement
  137. that n = a + i*m satisfy n = a1 + j*m1 and n = a2 = k*m2.
  138. References
  139. ==========
  140. .. [1]
  141. """
  142. a1, m1 = c1
  143. a2, m2 = c2
  144. a, b, c = m1, a2 - a1, m2
  145. g = reduce(igcd, [a, b, c])
  146. a, b, c = [i//g for i in [a, b, c]]
  147. if a != 1:
  148. inv_a, _, g = igcdex(a, c)
  149. if g != 1:
  150. return None
  151. b *= inv_a
  152. a, m = a1 + m1*b, m1*c
  153. return a, m
  154. rm = remainder_modulus_pairs
  155. symmetric = hint.get('symmetric', False)
  156. if hint.get('check', True):
  157. rm = [(as_int(r), as_int(m)) for r, m in rm]
  158. # ignore redundant pairs but raise an error otherwise; also
  159. # make sure that a unique set of bases is sent to gf_crt if
  160. # they are all prime.
  161. #
  162. # The routine will work out less-trivial violations and
  163. # return None, e.g. for the pairs (1,3) and (14,42) there
  164. # is no answer because 14 mod 42 (having a gcd of 14) implies
  165. # (14/2) mod (42/2), (14/7) mod (42/7) and (14/14) mod (42/14)
  166. # which, being 0 mod 3, is inconsistent with 1 mod 3. But to
  167. # preprocess the input beyond checking of another pair with 42
  168. # or 3 as the modulus (for this example) is not necessary.
  169. uniq = {}
  170. for r, m in rm:
  171. r %= m
  172. if m in uniq:
  173. if r != uniq[m]:
  174. return None
  175. continue
  176. uniq[m] = r
  177. rm = [(r, m) for m, r in uniq.items()]
  178. del uniq
  179. # if the moduli are co-prime, the crt will be significantly faster;
  180. # checking all pairs for being co-prime gets to be slow but a prime
  181. # test is a good trade-off
  182. if all(isprime(m) for r, m in rm):
  183. r, m = list(zip(*rm))
  184. return crt(m, r, symmetric=symmetric, check=False)
  185. rv = (0, 1)
  186. for rmi in rm:
  187. rv = combine(rv, rmi)
  188. if rv is None:
  189. break
  190. n, m = rv
  191. n = n % m
  192. else:
  193. if symmetric:
  194. return symmetric_residue(n, m), m
  195. return n, m