123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960 |
- from functools import partial
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib as mpl
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from ._base import (
- VectorPlotter,
- )
- from .utils import (
- adjust_legend_subtitles,
- _default_color,
- _deprecate_ci,
- _get_transform_functions,
- _normalize_kwargs,
- _scatter_legend_artist,
- )
- from ._statistics import EstimateAggregator
- from .axisgrid import FacetGrid, _facet_docs
- from ._docstrings import DocstringComponents, _core_docs
- __all__ = ["relplot", "scatterplot", "lineplot"]
- _relational_narrative = DocstringComponents(dict(
- # --- Introductory prose
- main_api="""
- The relationship between `x` and `y` can be shown for different subsets
- of the data using the `hue`, `size`, and `style` parameters. These
- parameters control what visual semantics are used to identify the different
- subsets. It is possible to show up to three dimensions independently by
- using all three semantic types, but this style of plot can be hard to
- interpret and is often ineffective. Using redundant semantics (i.e. both
- `hue` and `style` for the same variable) can be helpful for making
- graphics more accessible.
- See the :ref:`tutorial <relational_tutorial>` for more information.
- """,
- relational_semantic="""
- The default treatment of the `hue` (and to a lesser extent, `size`)
- semantic, if present, depends on whether the variable is inferred to
- represent "numeric" or "categorical" data. In particular, numeric variables
- are represented with a sequential colormap by default, and the legend
- entries show regular "ticks" with values that may or may not exist in the
- data. This behavior can be controlled through various parameters, as
- described and illustrated below.
- """,
- ))
- _relational_docs = dict(
- # --- Shared function parameters
- data_vars="""
- x, y : names of variables in `data` or vector data
- Input data variables; must be numeric. Can pass data directly or
- reference columns in `data`.
- """,
- data="""
- data : DataFrame, array, or list of arrays
- Input data structure. If `x` and `y` are specified as names, this
- should be a "long-form" DataFrame containing those columns. Otherwise
- it is treated as "wide-form" data and grouping variables are ignored.
- See the examples for the various ways this parameter can be specified
- and the different effects of each.
- """,
- palette="""
- palette : string, list, dict, or matplotlib colormap
- An object that determines how colors are chosen when `hue` is used.
- It can be the name of a seaborn palette or matplotlib colormap, a list
- of colors (anything matplotlib understands), a dict mapping levels
- of the `hue` variable to colors, or a matplotlib colormap object.
- """,
- hue_order="""
- hue_order : list
- Specified order for the appearance of the `hue` variable levels,
- otherwise they are determined from the data. Not relevant when the
- `hue` variable is numeric.
- """,
- hue_norm="""
- hue_norm : tuple or :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` object
- Normalization in data units for colormap applied to the `hue`
- variable when it is numeric. Not relevant if `hue` is categorical.
- """,
- sizes="""
- sizes : list, dict, or tuple
- An object that determines how sizes are chosen when `size` is used.
- List or dict arguments should provide a size for each unique data value,
- which forces a categorical interpretation. The argument may also be a
- min, max tuple.
- """,
- size_order="""
- size_order : list
- Specified order for appearance of the `size` variable levels,
- otherwise they are determined from the data. Not relevant when the
- `size` variable is numeric.
- """,
- size_norm="""
- size_norm : tuple or Normalize object
- Normalization in data units for scaling plot objects when the
- `size` variable is numeric.
- """,
- dashes="""
- dashes : boolean, list, or dictionary
- Object determining how to draw the lines for different levels of the
- `style` variable. Setting to `True` will use default dash codes, or
- you can pass a list of dash codes or a dictionary mapping levels of the
- `style` variable to dash codes. Setting to `False` will use solid
- lines for all subsets. Dashes are specified as in matplotlib: a tuple
- of `(segment, gap)` lengths, or an empty string to draw a solid line.
- """,
- markers="""
- markers : boolean, list, or dictionary
- Object determining how to draw the markers for different levels of the
- `style` variable. Setting to `True` will use default markers, or
- you can pass a list of markers or a dictionary mapping levels of the
- `style` variable to markers. Setting to `False` will draw
- marker-less lines. Markers are specified as in matplotlib.
- """,
- style_order="""
- style_order : list
- Specified order for appearance of the `style` variable levels
- otherwise they are determined from the data. Not relevant when the
- `style` variable is numeric.
- """,
- units="""
- units : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable identifying sampling units. When used, a separate
- line will be drawn for each unit with appropriate semantics, but no
- legend entry will be added. Useful for showing distribution of
- experimental replicates when exact identities are not needed.
- """,
- estimator="""
- estimator : name of pandas method or callable or None
- Method for aggregating across multiple observations of the `y`
- variable at the same `x` level. If `None`, all observations will
- be drawn.
- """,
- ci="""
- ci : int or "sd" or None
- Size of the confidence interval to draw when aggregating.
- .. deprecated:: 0.12.0
- Use the new `errorbar` parameter for more flexibility.
- """,
- n_boot="""
- n_boot : int
- Number of bootstraps to use for computing the confidence interval.
- """,
- seed="""
- seed : int, numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState
- Seed or random number generator for reproducible bootstrapping.
- """,
- legend="""
- legend : "auto", "brief", "full", or False
- How to draw the legend. If "brief", numeric `hue` and `size`
- variables will be represented with a sample of evenly spaced values.
- If "full", every group will get an entry in the legend. If "auto",
- choose between brief or full representation based on number of levels.
- If `False`, no legend data is added and no legend is drawn.
- """,
- ax_in="""
- ax : matplotlib Axes
- Axes object to draw the plot onto, otherwise uses the current Axes.
- """,
- ax_out="""
- ax : matplotlib Axes
- Returns the Axes object with the plot drawn onto it.
- """,
- )
- _param_docs = DocstringComponents.from_nested_components(
- core=_core_docs["params"],
- facets=DocstringComponents(_facet_docs),
- rel=DocstringComponents(_relational_docs),
- stat=DocstringComponents.from_function_params(EstimateAggregator.__init__),
- )
- class _RelationalPlotter(VectorPlotter):
- wide_structure = {
- "x": "@index", "y": "@values", "hue": "@columns", "style": "@columns",
- }
- # TODO where best to define default parameters?
- sort = True
- class _LinePlotter(_RelationalPlotter):
- _legend_attributes = ["color", "linewidth", "marker", "dashes"]
- def __init__(
- self, *,
- data=None, variables={},
- estimator=None, n_boot=None, seed=None, errorbar=None,
- sort=True, orient="x", err_style=None, err_kws=None, legend=None
- ):
- # TODO this is messy, we want the mapping to be agnostic about
- # the kind of plot to draw, but for the time being we need to set
- # this information so the SizeMapping can use it
- self._default_size_range = (
- np.r_[.5, 2] * mpl.rcParams["lines.linewidth"]
- )
- super().__init__(data=data, variables=variables)
- self.estimator = estimator
- self.errorbar = errorbar
- self.n_boot = n_boot
- self.seed = seed
- self.sort = sort
- self.orient = orient
- self.err_style = err_style
- self.err_kws = {} if err_kws is None else err_kws
- self.legend = legend
- def plot(self, ax, kws):
- """Draw the plot onto an axes, passing matplotlib kwargs."""
- # Draw a test plot, using the passed in kwargs. The goal here is to
- # honor both (a) the current state of the plot cycler and (b) the
- # specified kwargs on all the lines we will draw, overriding when
- # relevant with the data semantics. Note that we won't cycle
- # internally; in other words, if `hue` is not used, all elements will
- # have the same color, but they will have the color that you would have
- # gotten from the corresponding matplotlib function, and calling the
- # function will advance the axes property cycle.
- kws = _normalize_kwargs(kws, mpl.lines.Line2D)
- kws.setdefault("markeredgewidth", 0.75)
- kws.setdefault("markeredgecolor", "w")
- # Set default error kwargs
- err_kws = self.err_kws.copy()
- if self.err_style == "band":
- err_kws.setdefault("alpha", .2)
- elif self.err_style == "bars":
- pass
- elif self.err_style is not None:
- err = "`err_style` must be 'band' or 'bars', not {}"
- raise ValueError(err.format(self.err_style))
- # Initialize the aggregation object
- agg = EstimateAggregator(
- self.estimator, self.errorbar, n_boot=self.n_boot, seed=self.seed,
- )
- # TODO abstract variable to aggregate over here-ish. Better name?
- orient = self.orient
- if orient not in {"x", "y"}:
- err = f"`orient` must be either 'x' or 'y', not {orient!r}."
- raise ValueError(err)
- other = {"x": "y", "y": "x"}[orient]
- # TODO How to handle NA? We don't want NA to propagate through to the
- # estimate/CI when some values are present, but we would also like
- # matplotlib to show "gaps" in the line when all values are missing.
- # This is straightforward absent aggregation, but complicated with it.
- # If we want to use nas, we need to conditionalize dropna in iter_data.
- # Loop over the semantic subsets and add to the plot
- grouping_vars = "hue", "size", "style"
- for sub_vars, sub_data in self.iter_data(grouping_vars, from_comp_data=True):
- if self.sort:
- sort_vars = ["units", orient, other]
- sort_cols = [var for var in sort_vars if var in self.variables]
- sub_data = sub_data.sort_values(sort_cols)
- if (
- self.estimator is not None
- and sub_data[orient].value_counts().max() > 1
- ):
- if "units" in self.variables:
- # TODO eventually relax this constraint
- err = "estimator must be None when specifying units"
- raise ValueError(err)
- grouped = sub_data.groupby(orient, sort=self.sort)
- # Could pass as_index=False instead of reset_index,
- # but that fails on a corner case with older pandas.
- sub_data = grouped.apply(agg, other).reset_index()
- else:
- sub_data[f"{other}min"] = np.nan
- sub_data[f"{other}max"] = np.nan
- # Apply inverse axis scaling
- for var in "xy":
- _, inv = _get_transform_functions(ax, var)
- for col in sub_data.filter(regex=f"^{var}"):
- sub_data[col] = inv(sub_data[col])
- # --- Draw the main line(s)
- if "units" in self.variables: # XXX why not add to grouping variables?
- lines = []
- for _, unit_data in sub_data.groupby("units"):
- lines.extend(ax.plot(unit_data["x"], unit_data["y"], **kws))
- else:
- lines = ax.plot(sub_data["x"], sub_data["y"], **kws)
- for line in lines:
- if "hue" in sub_vars:
- line.set_color(self._hue_map(sub_vars["hue"]))
- if "size" in sub_vars:
- line.set_linewidth(self._size_map(sub_vars["size"]))
- if "style" in sub_vars:
- attributes = self._style_map(sub_vars["style"])
- if "dashes" in attributes:
- line.set_dashes(attributes["dashes"])
- if "marker" in attributes:
- line.set_marker(attributes["marker"])
- line_color = line.get_color()
- line_alpha = line.get_alpha()
- line_capstyle = line.get_solid_capstyle()
- # --- Draw the confidence intervals
- if self.estimator is not None and self.errorbar is not None:
- # TODO handling of orientation will need to happen here
- if self.err_style == "band":
- func = {"x": ax.fill_between, "y": ax.fill_betweenx}[orient]
- func(
- sub_data[orient],
- sub_data[f"{other}min"], sub_data[f"{other}max"],
- color=line_color, **err_kws
- )
- elif self.err_style == "bars":
- error_param = {
- f"{other}err": (
- sub_data[other] - sub_data[f"{other}min"],
- sub_data[f"{other}max"] - sub_data[other],
- )
- }
- ebars = ax.errorbar(
- sub_data["x"], sub_data["y"], **error_param,
- linestyle="", color=line_color, alpha=line_alpha,
- **err_kws
- )
- # Set the capstyle properly on the error bars
- for obj in ebars.get_children():
- if isinstance(obj, mpl.collections.LineCollection):
- obj.set_capstyle(line_capstyle)
- # Finalize the axes details
- self._add_axis_labels(ax)
- if self.legend:
- legend_artist = partial(mpl.lines.Line2D, xdata=[], ydata=[])
- attrs = {"hue": "color", "size": "linewidth", "style": None}
- self.add_legend_data(ax, legend_artist, kws, attrs)
- handles, _ = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
- if handles:
- legend = ax.legend(title=self.legend_title)
- adjust_legend_subtitles(legend)
- class _ScatterPlotter(_RelationalPlotter):
- _legend_attributes = ["color", "s", "marker"]
- def __init__(self, *, data=None, variables={}, legend=None):
- # TODO this is messy, we want the mapping to be agnostic about
- # the kind of plot to draw, but for the time being we need to set
- # this information so the SizeMapping can use it
- self._default_size_range = (
- np.r_[.5, 2] * np.square(mpl.rcParams["lines.markersize"])
- )
- super().__init__(data=data, variables=variables)
- self.legend = legend
- def plot(self, ax, kws):
- # --- Determine the visual attributes of the plot
- data = self.comp_data.dropna()
- if data.empty:
- return
- kws = _normalize_kwargs(kws, mpl.collections.PathCollection)
- # Define the vectors of x and y positions
- empty = np.full(len(data), np.nan)
- x = data.get("x", empty)
- y = data.get("y", empty)
- # Apply inverse scaling to the coordinate variables
- _, inv_x = _get_transform_functions(ax, "x")
- _, inv_y = _get_transform_functions(ax, "y")
- x, y = inv_x(x), inv_y(y)
- if "style" in self.variables:
- # Use a representative marker so scatter sets the edgecolor
- # properly for line art markers. We currently enforce either
- # all or none line art so this works.
- example_level = self._style_map.levels[0]
- example_marker = self._style_map(example_level, "marker")
- kws.setdefault("marker", example_marker)
- # Conditionally set the marker edgecolor based on whether the marker is "filled"
- # See https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/17849 for context
- m = kws.get("marker", mpl.rcParams.get("marker", "o"))
- if not isinstance(m, mpl.markers.MarkerStyle):
- # TODO in more recent matplotlib (which?) can pass a MarkerStyle here
- m = mpl.markers.MarkerStyle(m)
- if m.is_filled():
- kws.setdefault("edgecolor", "w")
- # Draw the scatter plot
- points = ax.scatter(x=x, y=y, **kws)
- # Apply the mapping from semantic variables to artist attributes
- if "hue" in self.variables:
- points.set_facecolors(self._hue_map(data["hue"]))
- if "size" in self.variables:
- points.set_sizes(self._size_map(data["size"]))
- if "style" in self.variables:
- p = [self._style_map(val, "path") for val in data["style"]]
- points.set_paths(p)
- # Apply dependent default attributes
- if "linewidth" not in kws:
- sizes = points.get_sizes()
- linewidth = .08 * np.sqrt(np.percentile(sizes, 10))
- points.set_linewidths(linewidth)
- kws["linewidth"] = linewidth
- # Finalize the axes details
- self._add_axis_labels(ax)
- if self.legend:
- attrs = {"hue": "color", "size": "s", "style": None}
- self.add_legend_data(ax, _scatter_legend_artist, kws, attrs)
- handles, _ = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
- if handles:
- legend = ax.legend(title=self.legend_title)
- adjust_legend_subtitles(legend)
- def lineplot(
- data=None, *,
- x=None, y=None, hue=None, size=None, style=None, units=None,
- palette=None, hue_order=None, hue_norm=None,
- sizes=None, size_order=None, size_norm=None,
- dashes=True, markers=None, style_order=None,
- estimator="mean", errorbar=("ci", 95), n_boot=1000, seed=None,
- orient="x", sort=True, err_style="band", err_kws=None,
- legend="auto", ci="deprecated", ax=None, **kwargs
- ):
- # Handle deprecation of ci parameter
- errorbar = _deprecate_ci(errorbar, ci)
- p = _LinePlotter(
- data=data,
- variables=dict(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, size=size, style=style, units=units),
- estimator=estimator, n_boot=n_boot, seed=seed, errorbar=errorbar,
- sort=sort, orient=orient, err_style=err_style, err_kws=err_kws,
- legend=legend,
- )
- p.map_hue(palette=palette, order=hue_order, norm=hue_norm)
- p.map_size(sizes=sizes, order=size_order, norm=size_norm)
- p.map_style(markers=markers, dashes=dashes, order=style_order)
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- if "style" not in p.variables and not {"ls", "linestyle"} & set(kwargs): # XXX
- kwargs["dashes"] = "" if dashes is None or isinstance(dashes, bool) else dashes
- if not p.has_xy_data:
- return ax
- p._attach(ax)
- # Other functions have color as an explicit param,
- # and we should probably do that here too
- color = kwargs.pop("color", kwargs.pop("c", None))
- kwargs["color"] = _default_color(ax.plot, hue, color, kwargs)
- p.plot(ax, kwargs)
- return ax
- lineplot.__doc__ = """\
- Draw a line plot with possibility of several semantic groupings.
- {narrative.main_api}
- {narrative.relational_semantic}
- By default, the plot aggregates over multiple `y` values at each value of
- `x` and shows an estimate of the central tendency and a confidence
- interval for that estimate.
- Parameters
- ----------
- {params.core.data}
- {params.core.xy}
- hue : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce lines with different colors.
- Can be either categorical or numeric, although color mapping will
- behave differently in latter case.
- size : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce lines with different widths.
- Can be either categorical or numeric, although size mapping will
- behave differently in latter case.
- style : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce lines with different dashes
- and/or markers. Can have a numeric dtype but will always be treated
- as categorical.
- {params.rel.units}
- {params.core.palette}
- {params.core.hue_order}
- {params.core.hue_norm}
- {params.rel.sizes}
- {params.rel.size_order}
- {params.rel.size_norm}
- {params.rel.dashes}
- {params.rel.markers}
- {params.rel.style_order}
- {params.rel.estimator}
- {params.stat.errorbar}
- {params.rel.n_boot}
- {params.rel.seed}
- orient : "x" or "y"
- Dimension along which the data are sorted / aggregated. Equivalently,
- the "independent variable" of the resulting function.
- sort : boolean
- If True, the data will be sorted by the x and y variables, otherwise
- lines will connect points in the order they appear in the dataset.
- err_style : "band" or "bars"
- Whether to draw the confidence intervals with translucent error bands
- or discrete error bars.
- err_kws : dict of keyword arguments
- Additional parameters to control the aesthetics of the error bars. The
- kwargs are passed either to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between`
- or :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar`, depending on `err_style`.
- {params.rel.legend}
- {params.rel.ci}
- {params.core.ax}
- kwargs : key, value mappings
- Other keyword arguments are passed down to
- :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`.
- Returns
- -------
- {returns.ax}
- See Also
- --------
- {seealso.scatterplot}
- {seealso.pointplot}
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/lineplot.rst
- """.format(
- narrative=_relational_narrative,
- params=_param_docs,
- returns=_core_docs["returns"],
- seealso=_core_docs["seealso"],
- )
- def scatterplot(
- data=None, *,
- x=None, y=None, hue=None, size=None, style=None,
- palette=None, hue_order=None, hue_norm=None,
- sizes=None, size_order=None, size_norm=None,
- markers=True, style_order=None, legend="auto", ax=None,
- **kwargs
- ):
- p = _ScatterPlotter(
- data=data,
- variables=dict(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, size=size, style=style),
- legend=legend
- )
- p.map_hue(palette=palette, order=hue_order, norm=hue_norm)
- p.map_size(sizes=sizes, order=size_order, norm=size_norm)
- p.map_style(markers=markers, order=style_order)
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- if not p.has_xy_data:
- return ax
- p._attach(ax)
- color = kwargs.pop("color", None)
- kwargs["color"] = _default_color(ax.scatter, hue, color, kwargs)
- p.plot(ax, kwargs)
- return ax
- scatterplot.__doc__ = """\
- Draw a scatter plot with possibility of several semantic groupings.
- {narrative.main_api}
- {narrative.relational_semantic}
- Parameters
- ----------
- {params.core.data}
- {params.core.xy}
- hue : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce points with different colors.
- Can be either categorical or numeric, although color mapping will
- behave differently in latter case.
- size : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce points with different sizes.
- Can be either categorical or numeric, although size mapping will
- behave differently in latter case.
- style : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce points with different markers.
- Can have a numeric dtype but will always be treated as categorical.
- {params.core.palette}
- {params.core.hue_order}
- {params.core.hue_norm}
- {params.rel.sizes}
- {params.rel.size_order}
- {params.rel.size_norm}
- {params.rel.markers}
- {params.rel.style_order}
- {params.rel.legend}
- {params.core.ax}
- kwargs : key, value mappings
- Other keyword arguments are passed down to
- :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`.
- Returns
- -------
- {returns.ax}
- See Also
- --------
- {seealso.lineplot}
- {seealso.stripplot}
- {seealso.swarmplot}
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/scatterplot.rst
- """.format(
- narrative=_relational_narrative,
- params=_param_docs,
- returns=_core_docs["returns"],
- seealso=_core_docs["seealso"],
- )
- def relplot(
- data=None, *,
- x=None, y=None, hue=None, size=None, style=None, units=None,
- row=None, col=None, col_wrap=None, row_order=None, col_order=None,
- palette=None, hue_order=None, hue_norm=None,
- sizes=None, size_order=None, size_norm=None,
- markers=None, dashes=None, style_order=None,
- legend="auto", kind="scatter", height=5, aspect=1, facet_kws=None,
- **kwargs
- ):
- if kind == "scatter":
- Plotter = _ScatterPlotter
- func = scatterplot
- markers = True if markers is None else markers
- elif kind == "line":
- Plotter = _LinePlotter
- func = lineplot
- dashes = True if dashes is None else dashes
- else:
- err = f"Plot kind {kind} not recognized"
- raise ValueError(err)
- # Check for attempt to plot onto specific axes and warn
- if "ax" in kwargs:
- msg = (
- "relplot is a figure-level function and does not accept "
- "the `ax` parameter. You may wish to try {}".format(kind + "plot")
- )
- warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
- kwargs.pop("ax")
- # Use the full dataset to map the semantics
- variables = dict(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, size=size, style=style)
- if kind == "line":
- variables["units"] = units
- elif units is not None:
- msg = "The `units` parameter of `relplot` has no effect with kind='scatter'"
- warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
- p = Plotter(
- data=data,
- variables=variables,
- legend=legend,
- )
- p.map_hue(palette=palette, order=hue_order, norm=hue_norm)
- p.map_size(sizes=sizes, order=size_order, norm=size_norm)
- p.map_style(markers=markers, dashes=dashes, order=style_order)
- # Extract the semantic mappings
- if "hue" in p.variables:
- palette = p._hue_map.lookup_table
- hue_order = p._hue_map.levels
- hue_norm = p._hue_map.norm
- else:
- palette = hue_order = hue_norm = None
- if "size" in p.variables:
- sizes = p._size_map.lookup_table
- size_order = p._size_map.levels
- size_norm = p._size_map.norm
- if "style" in p.variables:
- style_order = p._style_map.levels
- if markers:
- markers = {k: p._style_map(k, "marker") for k in style_order}
- else:
- markers = None
- if dashes:
- dashes = {k: p._style_map(k, "dashes") for k in style_order}
- else:
- dashes = None
- else:
- markers = dashes = style_order = None
- # Now extract the data that would be used to draw a single plot
- variables = p.variables
- plot_data = p.plot_data
- # Define the common plotting parameters
- plot_kws = dict(
- palette=palette, hue_order=hue_order, hue_norm=hue_norm,
- sizes=sizes, size_order=size_order, size_norm=size_norm,
- markers=markers, dashes=dashes, style_order=style_order,
- legend=False,
- )
- plot_kws.update(kwargs)
- if kind == "scatter":
- plot_kws.pop("dashes")
- # Add the grid semantics onto the plotter
- grid_variables = dict(
- x=x, y=y, row=row, col=col,
- hue=hue, size=size, style=style,
- )
- if kind == "line":
- grid_variables["units"] = units
- p.assign_variables(data, grid_variables)
- # Define the named variables for plotting on each facet
- # Rename the variables with a leading underscore to avoid
- # collisions with faceting variable names
- plot_variables = {v: f"_{v}" for v in variables}
- plot_kws.update(plot_variables)
- # Pass the row/col variables to FacetGrid with their original
- # names so that the axes titles render correctly
- for var in ["row", "col"]:
- # Handle faceting variables that lack name information
- if var in p.variables and p.variables[var] is None:
- p.variables[var] = f"_{var}_"
- grid_kws = {v: p.variables.get(v) for v in ["row", "col"]}
- # Rename the columns of the plot_data structure appropriately
- new_cols = plot_variables.copy()
- new_cols.update(grid_kws)
- full_data = p.plot_data.rename(columns=new_cols)
- # Set up the FacetGrid object
- facet_kws = {} if facet_kws is None else facet_kws.copy()
- g = FacetGrid(
- data=full_data.dropna(axis=1, how="all"),
- **grid_kws,
- col_wrap=col_wrap, row_order=row_order, col_order=col_order,
- height=height, aspect=aspect, dropna=False,
- **facet_kws
- )
- # Draw the plot
- g.map_dataframe(func, **plot_kws)
- # Label the axes, using the original variables
- # Pass "" when the variable name is None to overwrite internal variables
- g.set_axis_labels(variables.get("x") or "", variables.get("y") or "")
- if legend:
- # Replace the original plot data so the legend uses numeric data with
- # the correct type, since we force a categorical mapping above.
- p.plot_data = plot_data
- # Handle the additional non-semantic keyword arguments out here.
- # We're selective because some kwargs may be seaborn function specific
- # and not relevant to the matplotlib artists going into the legend.
- # Ideally, we will have a better solution where we don't need to re-make
- # the legend out here and will have parity with the axes-level functions.
- keys = ["c", "color", "alpha", "m", "marker"]
- if kind == "scatter":
- legend_artist = _scatter_legend_artist
- keys += ["s", "facecolor", "fc", "edgecolor", "ec", "linewidth", "lw"]
- else:
- legend_artist = partial(mpl.lines.Line2D, xdata=[], ydata=[])
- keys += [
- "markersize", "ms",
- "markeredgewidth", "mew",
- "markeredgecolor", "mec",
- "linestyle", "ls",
- "linewidth", "lw",
- ]
- common_kws = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in keys}
- attrs = {"hue": "color", "style": None}
- if kind == "scatter":
- attrs["size"] = "s"
- elif kind == "line":
- attrs["size"] = "linewidth"
- p.add_legend_data(g.axes.flat[0], legend_artist, common_kws, attrs)
- if p.legend_data:
- g.add_legend(legend_data=p.legend_data,
- label_order=p.legend_order,
- title=p.legend_title,
- adjust_subtitles=True)
- # Rename the columns of the FacetGrid's `data` attribute
- # to match the original column names
- orig_cols = {
- f"_{k}": f"_{k}_" if v is None else v for k, v in variables.items()
- }
- grid_data = g.data.rename(columns=orig_cols)
- if data is not None and (x is not None or y is not None):
- if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
- data = pd.DataFrame(data)
- g.data = pd.merge(
- data,
- grid_data[grid_data.columns.difference(data.columns)],
- left_index=True,
- right_index=True,
- )
- else:
- g.data = grid_data
- return g
- relplot.__doc__ = """\
- Figure-level interface for drawing relational plots onto a FacetGrid.
- This function provides access to several different axes-level functions
- that show the relationship between two variables with semantic mappings
- of subsets. The `kind` parameter selects the underlying axes-level
- function to use:
- - :func:`scatterplot` (with `kind="scatter"`; the default)
- - :func:`lineplot` (with `kind="line"`)
- Extra keyword arguments are passed to the underlying function, so you
- should refer to the documentation for each to see kind-specific options.
- {narrative.main_api}
- {narrative.relational_semantic}
- After plotting, the :class:`FacetGrid` with the plot is returned and can
- be used directly to tweak supporting plot details or add other layers.
- Parameters
- ----------
- {params.core.data}
- {params.core.xy}
- hue : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce elements with different colors.
- Can be either categorical or numeric, although color mapping will
- behave differently in latter case.
- size : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce elements with different sizes.
- Can be either categorical or numeric, although size mapping will
- behave differently in latter case.
- style : vector or key in `data`
- Grouping variable that will produce elements with different styles.
- Can have a numeric dtype but will always be treated as categorical.
- {params.rel.units}
- {params.facets.rowcol}
- {params.facets.col_wrap}
- row_order, col_order : lists of strings
- Order to organize the rows and/or columns of the grid in, otherwise the
- orders are inferred from the data objects.
- {params.core.palette}
- {params.core.hue_order}
- {params.core.hue_norm}
- {params.rel.sizes}
- {params.rel.size_order}
- {params.rel.size_norm}
- {params.rel.style_order}
- {params.rel.dashes}
- {params.rel.markers}
- {params.rel.legend}
- kind : string
- Kind of plot to draw, corresponding to a seaborn relational plot.
- Options are `"scatter"` or `"line"`.
- {params.facets.height}
- {params.facets.aspect}
- facet_kws : dict
- Dictionary of other keyword arguments to pass to :class:`FacetGrid`.
- kwargs : key, value pairings
- Other keyword arguments are passed through to the underlying plotting
- function.
- Returns
- -------
- {returns.facetgrid}
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/relplot.rst
- """.format(
- narrative=_relational_narrative,
- params=_param_docs,
- returns=_core_docs["returns"],
- )