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  1. from __future__ import annotations
  2. from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, field
  3. import textwrap
  4. from typing import Any, Callable, Union
  5. from import Generator
  6. import numpy as np
  7. import pandas as pd
  8. import matplotlib as mpl
  9. from numpy import ndarray
  10. from pandas import DataFrame
  11. from matplotlib.artist import Artist
  12. from seaborn._core.scales import Scale
  13. from import (
  15. Property,
  16. RGBATuple,
  17. DashPattern,
  18. DashPatternWithOffset,
  19. )
  20. from seaborn._core.exceptions import PlotSpecError
  21. class Mappable:
  22. def __init__(
  23. self,
  24. val: Any = None,
  25. depend: str | None = None,
  26. rc: str | None = None,
  27. auto: bool = False,
  28. grouping: bool = True,
  29. ):
  30. """
  31. Property that can be mapped from data or set directly, with flexible defaults.
  32. Parameters
  33. ----------
  34. val : Any
  35. Use this value as the default.
  36. depend : str
  37. Use the value of this feature as the default.
  38. rc : str
  39. Use the value of this rcParam as the default.
  40. auto : bool
  41. The default value will depend on other parameters at compile time.
  42. grouping : bool
  43. If True, use the mapped variable to define groups.
  44. """
  45. if depend is not None:
  46. assert depend in PROPERTIES
  47. if rc is not None:
  48. assert rc in mpl.rcParams
  49. self._val = val
  50. self._rc = rc
  51. self._depend = depend
  52. self._auto = auto
  53. self._grouping = grouping
  54. def __repr__(self):
  55. """Nice formatting for when object appears in Mark init signature."""
  56. if self._val is not None:
  57. s = f"<{repr(self._val)}>"
  58. elif self._depend is not None:
  59. s = f"<depend:{self._depend}>"
  60. elif self._rc is not None:
  61. s = f"<rc:{self._rc}>"
  62. elif self._auto:
  63. s = "<auto>"
  64. else:
  65. s = "<undefined>"
  66. return s
  67. @property
  68. def depend(self) -> Any:
  69. """Return the name of the feature to source a default value from."""
  70. return self._depend
  71. @property
  72. def grouping(self) -> bool:
  73. return self._grouping
  74. @property
  75. def default(self) -> Any:
  76. """Get the default value for this feature, or access the relevant rcParam."""
  77. if self._val is not None:
  78. return self._val
  79. elif self._rc is not None:
  80. return mpl.rcParams.get(self._rc)
  81. # TODO where is the right place to put this kind of type aliasing?
  82. MappableBool = Union[bool, Mappable]
  83. MappableString = Union[str, Mappable]
  84. MappableFloat = Union[float, Mappable]
  85. MappableColor = Union[str, tuple, Mappable]
  86. MappableStyle = Union[str, DashPattern, DashPatternWithOffset, Mappable]
  87. @dataclass
  88. class Mark:
  89. """Base class for objects that visually represent data."""
  90. artist_kws: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
  91. @property
  92. def _mappable_props(self):
  93. return {
  94. getattr(self, for f in fields(self)
  95. if isinstance(f.default, Mappable)
  96. }
  97. @property
  98. def _grouping_props(self):
  99. # TODO does it make sense to have variation within a Mark's
  100. # properties about whether they are grouping?
  101. return [
  102. for f in fields(self)
  103. if isinstance(f.default, Mappable) and f.default.grouping
  104. ]
  105. # TODO make this method private? Would extender every need to call directly?
  106. def _resolve(
  107. self,
  108. data: DataFrame | dict[str, Any],
  109. name: str,
  110. scales: dict[str, Scale] | None = None,
  111. ) -> Any:
  112. """Obtain default, specified, or mapped value for a named feature.
  113. Parameters
  114. ----------
  115. data : DataFrame or dict with scalar values
  116. Container with data values for features that will be semantically mapped.
  117. name : string
  118. Identity of the feature / semantic.
  119. scales: dict
  120. Mapping from variable to corresponding scale object.
  121. Returns
  122. -------
  123. value or array of values
  124. Outer return type depends on whether `data` is a dict (implying that
  125. we want a single value) or DataFrame (implying that we want an array
  126. of values with matching length).
  127. """
  128. feature = self._mappable_props[name]
  129. prop = PROPERTIES.get(name, Property(name))
  130. directly_specified = not isinstance(feature, Mappable)
  131. return_multiple = isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)
  132. return_array = return_multiple and not name.endswith("style")
  133. # Special case width because it needs to be resolved and added to the dataframe
  134. # during layer prep (so the Move operations use it properly).
  135. # TODO how does width *scaling* work, e.g. for violin width by count?
  136. if name == "width":
  137. directly_specified = directly_specified and name not in data
  138. if directly_specified:
  139. feature = prop.standardize(feature)
  140. if return_multiple:
  141. feature = [feature] * len(data)
  142. if return_array:
  143. feature = np.array(feature)
  144. return feature
  145. if name in data:
  146. if scales is None or name not in scales:
  147. # TODO Might this obviate the identity scale? Just don't add a scale?
  148. feature = data[name]
  149. else:
  150. scale = scales[name]
  151. value = data[name]
  152. try:
  153. feature = scale(value)
  154. except Exception as err:
  155. raise PlotSpecError._during("Scaling operation", name) from err
  156. if return_array:
  157. feature = np.asarray(feature)
  158. return feature
  159. if feature.depend is not None:
  160. # TODO add source_func or similar to transform the source value?
  161. # e.g. set linewidth as a proportion of pointsize?
  162. return self._resolve(data, feature.depend, scales)
  163. default = prop.standardize(feature.default)
  164. if return_multiple:
  165. default = [default] * len(data)
  166. if return_array:
  167. default = np.array(default)
  168. return default
  169. def _infer_orient(self, scales: dict) -> str: # TODO type scales
  170. # TODO The original version of this (in seaborn._base) did more checking.
  171. # Paring that down here for the prototype to see what restrictions make sense.
  172. # TODO rethink this to map from scale type to "DV priority" and use that?
  173. # e.g. Nominal > Discrete > Continuous
  174. x = 0 if "x" not in scales else scales["x"]._priority
  175. y = 0 if "y" not in scales else scales["y"]._priority
  176. if y > x:
  177. return "y"
  178. else:
  179. return "x"
  180. def _plot(
  181. self,
  182. split_generator: Callable[[], Generator],
  183. scales: dict[str, Scale],
  184. orient: str,
  185. ) -> None:
  186. """Main interface for creating a plot."""
  187. raise NotImplementedError()
  188. def _legend_artist(
  189. self, variables: list[str], value: Any, scales: dict[str, Scale],
  190. ) -> Artist | None:
  191. return None
  192. def resolve_properties(
  193. mark: Mark, data: DataFrame, scales: dict[str, Scale]
  194. ) -> dict[str, Any]:
  195. props = {
  196. name: mark._resolve(data, name, scales) for name in mark._mappable_props
  197. }
  198. return props
  199. def resolve_color(
  200. mark: Mark,
  201. data: DataFrame | dict,
  202. prefix: str = "",
  203. scales: dict[str, Scale] | None = None,
  204. ) -> RGBATuple | ndarray:
  205. """
  206. Obtain a default, specified, or mapped value for a color feature.
  207. This method exists separately to support the relationship between a
  208. color and its corresponding alpha. We want to respect alpha values that
  209. are passed in specified (or mapped) color values but also make use of a
  210. separate `alpha` variable, which can be mapped. This approach may also
  211. be extended to support mapping of specific color channels (i.e.
  212. luminance, chroma) in the future.
  213. Parameters
  214. ----------
  215. mark :
  216. Mark with the color property.
  217. data :
  218. Container with data values for features that will be semantically mapped.
  219. prefix :
  220. Support "color", "fillcolor", etc.
  221. """
  222. color = mark._resolve(data, f"{prefix}color", scales)
  223. if f"{prefix}alpha" in mark._mappable_props:
  224. alpha = mark._resolve(data, f"{prefix}alpha", scales)
  225. else:
  226. alpha = mark._resolve(data, "alpha", scales)
  227. def visible(x, axis=None):
  228. """Detect "invisible" colors to set alpha appropriately."""
  229. # TODO First clause only needed to handle non-rgba arrays,
  230. # which we are trying to handle upstream
  231. return np.array(x).dtype.kind != "f" or np.isfinite(x).all(axis)
  232. # Second check here catches vectors of strings with identity scale
  233. # It could probably be handled better upstream. This is a tricky problem
  234. if np.ndim(color) < 2 and all(isinstance(x, float) for x in color):
  235. if len(color) == 4:
  236. return mpl.colors.to_rgba(color)
  237. alpha = alpha if visible(color) else np.nan
  238. return mpl.colors.to_rgba(color, alpha)
  239. else:
  240. if np.ndim(color) == 2 and color.shape[1] == 4:
  241. return mpl.colors.to_rgba_array(color)
  242. alpha = np.where(visible(color, axis=1), alpha, np.nan)
  243. return mpl.colors.to_rgba_array(color, alpha)
  244. # TODO should we be implementing fill here too?
  245. # (i.e. set fillalpha to 0 when fill=False)
  246. def document_properties(mark):
  247. properties = [ for f in fields(mark) if isinstance(f.default, Mappable)]
  248. text = [
  249. "",
  250. " This mark defines the following properties:",
  251. textwrap.fill(
  252. ", ".join([f"|{p}|" for p in properties]),
  253. width=78, initial_indent=" " * 8, subsequent_indent=" " * 8,
  254. ),
  255. ]
  256. docstring_lines = mark.__doc__.split("\n")
  257. new_docstring = "\n".join([
  258. *docstring_lines[:2],
  259. *text,
  260. *docstring_lines[2:],
  261. ])
  262. mark.__doc__ = new_docstring
  263. return mark