123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274 |
- from __future__ import annotations
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- from typing import ClassVar, Callable, Optional, Union, cast
- import numpy as np
- from pandas import DataFrame
- from seaborn._core.groupby import GroupBy
- from seaborn._core.scales import Scale
- from seaborn._core.typing import Default
- default = Default()
- @dataclass
- class Move:
- """Base class for objects that apply simple positional transforms."""
- group_by_orient: ClassVar[bool] = True
- def __call__(
- self, data: DataFrame, groupby: GroupBy, orient: str, scales: dict[str, Scale],
- ) -> DataFrame:
- raise NotImplementedError
- @dataclass
- class Jitter(Move):
- """
- Random displacement along one or both axes to reduce overplotting.
- Parameters
- ----------
- width : float
- Magnitude of jitter, relative to mark width, along the orientation axis.
- If not provided, the default value will be 0 when `x` or `y` are set, otherwise
- there will be a small amount of jitter applied by default.
- x : float
- Magnitude of jitter, in data units, along the x axis.
- y : float
- Magnitude of jitter, in data units, along the y axis.
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Jitter.rst
- """
- width: float | Default = default
- x: float = 0
- y: float = 0
- seed: int | None = None
- def __call__(
- self, data: DataFrame, groupby: GroupBy, orient: str, scales: dict[str, Scale],
- ) -> DataFrame:
- data = data.copy()
- rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seed)
- def jitter(data, col, scale):
- noise = rng.uniform(-.5, +.5, len(data))
- offsets = noise * scale
- return data[col] + offsets
- if self.width is default:
- width = 0.0 if self.x or self.y else 0.2
- else:
- width = cast(float, self.width)
- if self.width:
- data[orient] = jitter(data, orient, width * data["width"])
- if self.x:
- data["x"] = jitter(data, "x", self.x)
- if self.y:
- data["y"] = jitter(data, "y", self.y)
- return data
- @dataclass
- class Dodge(Move):
- """
- Displacement and narrowing of overlapping marks along orientation axis.
- Parameters
- ----------
- empty : {'keep', 'drop', 'fill'}
- gap : float
- Size of gap between dodged marks.
- by : list of variable names
- Variables to apply the movement to, otherwise use all.
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Dodge.rst
- """
- empty: str = "keep" # Options: keep, drop, fill
- gap: float = 0
- # TODO accept just a str here?
- # TODO should this always be present?
- # TODO should the default be an "all" singleton?
- by: Optional[list[str]] = None
- def __call__(
- self, data: DataFrame, groupby: GroupBy, orient: str, scales: dict[str, Scale],
- ) -> DataFrame:
- grouping_vars = [v for v in groupby.order if v in data]
- groups = groupby.agg(data, {"width": "max"})
- if self.empty == "fill":
- groups = groups.dropna()
- def groupby_pos(s):
- grouper = [groups[v] for v in [orient, "col", "row"] if v in data]
- return s.groupby(grouper, sort=False, observed=True)
- def scale_widths(w):
- # TODO what value to fill missing widths??? Hard problem...
- # TODO short circuit this if outer widths has no variance?
- empty = 0 if self.empty == "fill" else w.mean()
- filled = w.fillna(empty)
- scale = filled.max()
- norm = filled.sum()
- if self.empty == "keep":
- w = filled
- return w / norm * scale
- def widths_to_offsets(w):
- return w.shift(1).fillna(0).cumsum() + (w - w.sum()) / 2
- new_widths = groupby_pos(groups["width"]).transform(scale_widths)
- offsets = groupby_pos(new_widths).transform(widths_to_offsets)
- if self.gap:
- new_widths *= 1 - self.gap
- groups["_dodged"] = groups[orient] + offsets
- groups["width"] = new_widths
- out = (
- data
- .drop("width", axis=1)
- .merge(groups, on=grouping_vars, how="left")
- .drop(orient, axis=1)
- .rename(columns={"_dodged": orient})
- )
- return out
- @dataclass
- class Stack(Move):
- """
- Displacement of overlapping bar or area marks along the value axis.
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Stack.rst
- """
- # TODO center? (or should this be a different move, eg. Stream())
- def _stack(self, df, orient):
- # TODO should stack do something with ymin/ymax style marks?
- # Should there be an upstream conversion to baseline/height parameterization?
- if df["baseline"].nunique() > 1:
- err = "Stack move cannot be used when baselines are already heterogeneous"
- raise RuntimeError(err)
- other = {"x": "y", "y": "x"}[orient]
- stacked_lengths = (df[other] - df["baseline"]).dropna().cumsum()
- offsets = stacked_lengths.shift(1).fillna(0)
- df[other] = stacked_lengths
- df["baseline"] = df["baseline"] + offsets
- return df
- def __call__(
- self, data: DataFrame, groupby: GroupBy, orient: str, scales: dict[str, Scale],
- ) -> DataFrame:
- # TODO where to ensure that other semantic variables are sorted properly?
- # TODO why are we not using the passed in groupby here?
- groupers = ["col", "row", orient]
- return GroupBy(groupers).apply(data, self._stack, orient)
- @dataclass
- class Shift(Move):
- """
- Displacement of all marks with the same magnitude / direction.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x, y : float
- Magnitude of shift, in data units, along each axis.
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Shift.rst
- """
- x: float = 0
- y: float = 0
- def __call__(
- self, data: DataFrame, groupby: GroupBy, orient: str, scales: dict[str, Scale],
- ) -> DataFrame:
- data = data.copy(deep=False)
- data["x"] = data["x"] + self.x
- data["y"] = data["y"] + self.y
- return data
- @dataclass
- class Norm(Move):
- """
- Divisive scaling on the value axis after aggregating within groups.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func : str or callable
- Function called on each group to define the comparison value.
- where : str
- Query string defining the subset used to define the comparison values.
- by : list of variables
- Variables used to define aggregation groups.
- percent : bool
- If True, multiply the result by 100.
- Examples
- --------
- .. include:: ../docstrings/objects.Norm.rst
- """
- func: Union[Callable, str] = "max"
- where: Optional[str] = None
- by: Optional[list[str]] = None
- percent: bool = False
- group_by_orient: ClassVar[bool] = False
- def _norm(self, df, var):
- if self.where is None:
- denom_data = df[var]
- else:
- denom_data = df.query(self.where)[var]
- df[var] = df[var] / denom_data.agg(self.func)
- if self.percent:
- df[var] = df[var] * 100
- return df
- def __call__(
- self, data: DataFrame, groupby: GroupBy, orient: str, scales: dict[str, Scale],
- ) -> DataFrame:
- other = {"x": "y", "y": "x"}[orient]
- return groupby.apply(data, self._norm, other)
- # TODO
- # @dataclass
- # class Ridge(Move):
- # ...