123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476 |
- from itertools import permutations
- import numpy as np
- import math
- from ._continuous_distns import norm
- import scipy.stats
- from dataclasses import make_dataclass
- PageTrendTestResult = make_dataclass("PageTrendTestResult",
- ("statistic", "pvalue", "method"))
- def page_trend_test(data, ranked=False, predicted_ranks=None, method='auto'):
- r"""
- Perform Page's Test, a measure of trend in observations between treatments.
- Page's Test (also known as Page's :math:`L` test) is useful when:
- * there are :math:`n \geq 3` treatments,
- * :math:`m \geq 2` subjects are observed for each treatment, and
- * the observations are hypothesized to have a particular order.
- Specifically, the test considers the null hypothesis that
- .. math::
- m_1 = m_2 = m_3 \cdots = m_n,
- where :math:`m_j` is the mean of the observed quantity under treatment
- :math:`j`, against the alternative hypothesis that
- .. math::
- m_1 \leq m_2 \leq m_3 \leq \cdots \leq m_n,
- where at least one inequality is strict.
- As noted by [4]_, Page's :math:`L` test has greater statistical power than
- the Friedman test against the alternative that there is a difference in
- trend, as Friedman's test only considers a difference in the means of the
- observations without considering their order. Whereas Spearman :math:`\rho`
- considers the correlation between the ranked observations of two variables
- (e.g. the airspeed velocity of a swallow vs. the weight of the coconut it
- carries), Page's :math:`L` is concerned with a trend in an observation
- (e.g. the airspeed velocity of a swallow) across several distinct
- treatments (e.g. carrying each of five coconuts of different weight) even
- as the observation is repeated with multiple subjects (e.g. one European
- swallow and one African swallow).
- Parameters
- ----------
- data : array-like
- A :math:`m \times n` array; the element in row :math:`i` and
- column :math:`j` is the observation corresponding with subject
- :math:`i` and treatment :math:`j`. By default, the columns are
- assumed to be arranged in order of increasing predicted mean.
- ranked : boolean, optional
- By default, `data` is assumed to be observations rather than ranks;
- it will be ranked with `scipy.stats.rankdata` along ``axis=1``. If
- `data` is provided in the form of ranks, pass argument ``True``.
- predicted_ranks : array-like, optional
- The predicted ranks of the column means. If not specified,
- the columns are assumed to be arranged in order of increasing
- predicted mean, so the default `predicted_ranks` are
- :math:`[1, 2, \dots, n-1, n]`.
- method : {'auto', 'asymptotic', 'exact'}, optional
- Selects the method used to calculate the *p*-value. The following
- options are available.
- * 'auto': selects between 'exact' and 'asymptotic' to
- achieve reasonably accurate results in reasonable time (default)
- * 'asymptotic': compares the standardized test statistic against
- the normal distribution
- * 'exact': computes the exact *p*-value by comparing the observed
- :math:`L` statistic against those realized by all possible
- permutations of ranks (under the null hypothesis that each
- permutation is equally likely)
- Returns
- -------
- res : PageTrendTestResult
- An object containing attributes:
- statistic : float
- Page's :math:`L` test statistic.
- pvalue : float
- The associated *p*-value
- method : {'asymptotic', 'exact'}
- The method used to compute the *p*-value
- See Also
- --------
- rankdata, friedmanchisquare, spearmanr
- Notes
- -----
- As noted in [1]_, "the :math:`n` 'treatments' could just as well represent
- :math:`n` objects or events or performances or persons or trials ranked."
- Similarly, the :math:`m` 'subjects' could equally stand for :math:`m`
- "groupings by ability or some other control variable, or judges doing
- the ranking, or random replications of some other sort."
- The procedure for calculating the :math:`L` statistic, adapted from
- [1]_, is:
- 1. "Predetermine with careful logic the appropriate hypotheses
- concerning the predicted ording of the experimental results.
- If no reasonable basis for ordering any treatments is known, the
- :math:`L` test is not appropriate."
- 2. "As in other experiments, determine at what level of confidence
- you will reject the null hypothesis that there is no agreement of
- experimental results with the monotonic hypothesis."
- 3. "Cast the experimental material into a two-way table of :math:`n`
- columns (treatments, objects ranked, conditions) and :math:`m`
- rows (subjects, replication groups, levels of control variables)."
- 4. "When experimental observations are recorded, rank them across each
- row", e.g. ``ranks = scipy.stats.rankdata(data, axis=1)``.
- 5. "Add the ranks in each column", e.g.
- ``colsums = np.sum(ranks, axis=0)``.
- 6. "Multiply each sum of ranks by the predicted rank for that same
- column", e.g. ``products = predicted_ranks * colsums``.
- 7. "Sum all such products", e.g. ``L = products.sum()``.
- [1]_ continues by suggesting use of the standardized statistic
- .. math::
- \chi_L^2 = \frac{\left[12L-3mn(n+1)^2\right]^2}{mn^2(n^2-1)(n+1)}
- "which is distributed approximately as chi-square with 1 degree of
- freedom. The ordinary use of :math:`\chi^2` tables would be
- equivalent to a two-sided test of agreement. If a one-sided test
- is desired, *as will almost always be the case*, the probability
- discovered in the chi-square table should be *halved*."
- However, this standardized statistic does not distinguish between the
- observed values being well correlated with the predicted ranks and being
- _anti_-correlated with the predicted ranks. Instead, we follow [2]_
- and calculate the standardized statistic
- .. math::
- \Lambda = \frac{L - E_0}{\sqrt{V_0}},
- where :math:`E_0 = \frac{1}{4} mn(n+1)^2` and
- :math:`V_0 = \frac{1}{144} mn^2(n+1)(n^2-1)`, "which is asymptotically
- normal under the null hypothesis".
- The *p*-value for ``method='exact'`` is generated by comparing the observed
- value of :math:`L` against the :math:`L` values generated for all
- :math:`(n!)^m` possible permutations of ranks. The calculation is performed
- using the recursive method of [5].
- The *p*-values are not adjusted for the possibility of ties. When
- ties are present, the reported ``'exact'`` *p*-values may be somewhat
- larger (i.e. more conservative) than the true *p*-value [2]_. The
- ``'asymptotic'``` *p*-values, however, tend to be smaller (i.e. less
- conservative) than the ``'exact'`` *p*-values.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Ellis Batten Page, "Ordered hypotheses for multiple treatments:
- a significant test for linear ranks", *Journal of the American
- Statistical Association* 58(301), p. 216--230, 1963.
- .. [2] Markus Neuhauser, *Nonparametric Statistical Test: A computational
- approach*, CRC Press, p. 150--152, 2012.
- .. [3] Statext LLC, "Page's L Trend Test - Easy Statistics", *Statext -
- Statistics Study*, https://www.statext.com/practice/PageTrendTest03.php,
- Accessed July 12, 2020.
- .. [4] "Page's Trend Test", *Wikipedia*, WikimediaFoundation,
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page%27s_trend_test,
- Accessed July 12, 2020.
- .. [5] Robert E. Odeh, "The exact distribution of Page's L-statistic in
- the two-way layout", *Communications in Statistics - Simulation and
- Computation*, 6(1), p. 49--61, 1977.
- Examples
- --------
- We use the example from [3]_: 10 students are asked to rate three
- teaching methods - tutorial, lecture, and seminar - on a scale of 1-5,
- with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. We have decided that
- a confidence level of 99% is required to reject the null hypothesis in
- favor of our alternative: that the seminar will have the highest ratings
- and the tutorial will have the lowest. Initially, the data have been
- tabulated with each row representing an individual student's ratings of
- the three methods in the following order: tutorial, lecture, seminar.
- >>> table = [[3, 4, 3],
- ... [2, 2, 4],
- ... [3, 3, 5],
- ... [1, 3, 2],
- ... [2, 3, 2],
- ... [2, 4, 5],
- ... [1, 2, 4],
- ... [3, 4, 4],
- ... [2, 4, 5],
- ... [1, 3, 4]]
- Because the tutorial is hypothesized to have the lowest ratings, the
- column corresponding with tutorial rankings should be first; the seminar
- is hypothesized to have the highest ratings, so its column should be last.
- Since the columns are already arranged in this order of increasing
- predicted mean, we can pass the table directly into `page_trend_test`.
- >>> from scipy.stats import page_trend_test
- >>> res = page_trend_test(table)
- >>> res
- PageTrendTestResult(statistic=133.5, pvalue=0.0018191161948127822,
- method='exact')
- This *p*-value indicates that there is a 0.1819% chance that
- the :math:`L` statistic would reach such an extreme value under the null
- hypothesis. Because 0.1819% is less than 1%, we have evidence to reject
- the null hypothesis in favor of our alternative at a 99% confidence level.
- The value of the :math:`L` statistic is 133.5. To check this manually,
- we rank the data such that high scores correspond with high ranks, settling
- ties with an average rank:
- >>> from scipy.stats import rankdata
- >>> ranks = rankdata(table, axis=1)
- >>> ranks
- array([[1.5, 3. , 1.5],
- [1.5, 1.5, 3. ],
- [1.5, 1.5, 3. ],
- [1. , 3. , 2. ],
- [1.5, 3. , 1.5],
- [1. , 2. , 3. ],
- [1. , 2. , 3. ],
- [1. , 2.5, 2.5],
- [1. , 2. , 3. ],
- [1. , 2. , 3. ]])
- We add the ranks within each column, multiply the sums by the
- predicted ranks, and sum the products.
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> m, n = ranks.shape
- >>> predicted_ranks = np.arange(1, n+1)
- >>> L = (predicted_ranks * np.sum(ranks, axis=0)).sum()
- >>> res.statistic == L
- True
- As presented in [3]_, the asymptotic approximation of the *p*-value is the
- survival function of the normal distribution evaluated at the standardized
- test statistic:
- >>> from scipy.stats import norm
- >>> E0 = (m*n*(n+1)**2)/4
- >>> V0 = (m*n**2*(n+1)*(n**2-1))/144
- >>> Lambda = (L-E0)/np.sqrt(V0)
- >>> p = norm.sf(Lambda)
- >>> p
- 0.0012693433690751756
- This does not precisely match the *p*-value reported by `page_trend_test`
- above. The asymptotic distribution is not very accurate, nor conservative,
- for :math:`m \leq 12` and :math:`n \leq 8`, so `page_trend_test` chose to
- use ``method='exact'`` based on the dimensions of the table and the
- recommendations in Page's original paper [1]_. To override
- `page_trend_test`'s choice, provide the `method` argument.
- >>> res = page_trend_test(table, method="asymptotic")
- >>> res
- PageTrendTestResult(statistic=133.5, pvalue=0.0012693433690751756,
- method='asymptotic')
- If the data are already ranked, we can pass in the ``ranks`` instead of
- the ``table`` to save computation time.
- >>> res = page_trend_test(ranks, # ranks of data
- ... ranked=True, # data is already ranked
- ... )
- >>> res
- PageTrendTestResult(statistic=133.5, pvalue=0.0018191161948127822,
- method='exact')
- Suppose the raw data had been tabulated in an order different from the
- order of predicted means, say lecture, seminar, tutorial.
- >>> table = np.asarray(table)[:, [1, 2, 0]]
- Since the arrangement of this table is not consistent with the assumed
- ordering, we can either rearrange the table or provide the
- `predicted_ranks`. Remembering that the lecture is predicted
- to have the middle rank, the seminar the highest, and tutorial the lowest,
- we pass:
- >>> res = page_trend_test(table, # data as originally tabulated
- ... predicted_ranks=[2, 3, 1], # our predicted order
- ... )
- >>> res
- PageTrendTestResult(statistic=133.5, pvalue=0.0018191161948127822,
- method='exact')
- """
- # Possible values of the method parameter and the corresponding function
- # used to evaluate the p value
- methods = {"asymptotic": _l_p_asymptotic,
- "exact": _l_p_exact,
- "auto": None}
- if method not in methods:
- raise ValueError(f"`method` must be in {set(methods)}")
- ranks = np.array(data, copy=False)
- if ranks.ndim != 2: # TODO: relax this to accept 3d arrays?
- raise ValueError("`data` must be a 2d array.")
- m, n = ranks.shape
- if m < 2 or n < 3:
- raise ValueError("Page's L is only appropriate for data with two "
- "or more rows and three or more columns.")
- if np.any(np.isnan(data)):
- raise ValueError("`data` contains NaNs, which cannot be ranked "
- "meaningfully")
- # ensure NumPy array and rank the data if it's not already ranked
- if ranked:
- # Only a basic check on whether data is ranked. Checking that the data
- # is properly ranked could take as much time as ranking it.
- if not (ranks.min() >= 1 and ranks.max() <= ranks.shape[1]):
- raise ValueError("`data` is not properly ranked. Rank the data or "
- "pass `ranked=False`.")
- else:
- ranks = scipy.stats.rankdata(data, axis=-1)
- # generate predicted ranks if not provided, ensure valid NumPy array
- if predicted_ranks is None:
- predicted_ranks = np.arange(1, n+1)
- else:
- predicted_ranks = np.array(predicted_ranks, copy=False)
- if (predicted_ranks.ndim < 1 or
- (set(predicted_ranks) != set(range(1, n+1)) or
- len(predicted_ranks) != n)):
- raise ValueError(f"`predicted_ranks` must include each integer "
- f"from 1 to {n} (the number of columns in "
- f"`data`) exactly once.")
- if type(ranked) is not bool:
- raise TypeError("`ranked` must be boolean.")
- # Calculate the L statistic
- L = _l_vectorized(ranks, predicted_ranks)
- # Calculate the p-value
- if method == "auto":
- method = _choose_method(ranks)
- p_fun = methods[method] # get the function corresponding with the method
- p = p_fun(L, m, n)
- page_result = PageTrendTestResult(statistic=L, pvalue=p, method=method)
- return page_result
- def _choose_method(ranks):
- '''Choose method for computing p-value automatically'''
- m, n = ranks.shape
- if n > 8 or (m > 12 and n > 3) or m > 20: # as in [1], [4]
- method = "asymptotic"
- else:
- method = "exact"
- return method
- def _l_vectorized(ranks, predicted_ranks):
- '''Calculate's Page's L statistic for each page of a 3d array'''
- colsums = ranks.sum(axis=-2, keepdims=True)
- products = predicted_ranks * colsums
- Ls = products.sum(axis=-1)
- Ls = Ls[0] if Ls.size == 1 else Ls.ravel()
- return Ls
- def _l_p_asymptotic(L, m, n):
- '''Calculate the p-value of Page's L from the asymptotic distribution'''
- # Using [1] as a reference, the asymptotic p-value would be calculated as:
- # chi_L = (12*L - 3*m*n*(n+1)**2)**2/(m*n**2*(n**2-1)*(n+1))
- # p = chi2.sf(chi_L, df=1, loc=0, scale=1)/2
- # but this is insentive to the direction of the hypothesized ranking
- # See [2] page 151
- E0 = (m*n*(n+1)**2)/4
- V0 = (m*n**2*(n+1)*(n**2-1))/144
- Lambda = (L-E0)/np.sqrt(V0)
- # This is a one-sided "greater" test - calculate the probability that the
- # L statistic under H0 would be greater than the observed L statistic
- p = norm.sf(Lambda)
- return p
- def _l_p_exact(L, m, n):
- '''Calculate the p-value of Page's L exactly'''
- # [1] uses m, n; [5] uses n, k.
- # Switch convention here because exact calculation code references [5].
- L, n, k = int(L), int(m), int(n)
- _pagel_state.set_k(k)
- return _pagel_state.sf(L, n)
- class _PageL:
- '''Maintains state between `page_trend_test` executions'''
- def __init__(self):
- '''Lightweight initialization'''
- self.all_pmfs = {}
- def set_k(self, k):
- '''Calculate lower and upper limits of L for single row'''
- self.k = k
- # See [5] top of page 52
- self.a, self.b = (k*(k+1)*(k+2))//6, (k*(k+1)*(2*k+1))//6
- def sf(self, l, n):
- '''Survival function of Page's L statistic'''
- ps = [self.pmf(l, n) for l in range(l, n*self.b + 1)]
- return np.sum(ps)
- def p_l_k_1(self):
- '''Relative frequency of each L value over all possible single rows'''
- # See [5] Equation (6)
- ranks = range(1, self.k+1)
- # generate all possible rows of length k
- rank_perms = np.array(list(permutations(ranks)))
- # compute Page's L for all possible rows
- Ls = (ranks*rank_perms).sum(axis=1)
- # count occurences of each L value
- counts = np.histogram(Ls, np.arange(self.a-0.5, self.b+1.5))[0]
- # factorial(k) is number of possible permutations
- return counts/math.factorial(self.k)
- def pmf(self, l, n):
- '''Recursive function to evaluate p(l, k, n); see [5] Equation 1'''
- if n not in self.all_pmfs:
- self.all_pmfs[n] = {}
- if self.k not in self.all_pmfs[n]:
- self.all_pmfs[n][self.k] = {}
- # Cache results to avoid repeating calculation. Initially this was
- # written with lru_cache, but this seems faster? Also, we could add
- # an option to save this for future lookup.
- if l in self.all_pmfs[n][self.k]:
- return self.all_pmfs[n][self.k][l]
- if n == 1:
- ps = self.p_l_k_1() # [5] Equation 6
- ls = range(self.a, self.b+1)
- # not fast, but we'll only be here once
- self.all_pmfs[n][self.k] = {l: p for l, p in zip(ls, ps)}
- return self.all_pmfs[n][self.k][l]
- p = 0
- low = max(l-(n-1)*self.b, self.a) # [5] Equation 2
- high = min(l-(n-1)*self.a, self.b)
- # [5] Equation 1
- for t in range(low, high+1):
- p1 = self.pmf(l-t, n-1)
- p2 = self.pmf(t, 1)
- p += p1*p2
- self.all_pmfs[n][self.k][l] = p
- return p
- # Maintain state for faster repeat calls to page_trend_test w/ method='exact'
- _pagel_state = _PageL()