123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545 |
- import time
- import numpy as np
- from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
- from .._differentiable_functions import VectorFunction
- from .._constraints import (
- NonlinearConstraint, LinearConstraint, PreparedConstraint, strict_bounds)
- from .._hessian_update_strategy import BFGS
- from .._optimize import OptimizeResult
- from .._differentiable_functions import ScalarFunction
- from .equality_constrained_sqp import equality_constrained_sqp
- from .canonical_constraint import (CanonicalConstraint,
- initial_constraints_as_canonical)
- from .tr_interior_point import tr_interior_point
- from .report import BasicReport, SQPReport, IPReport
- 0: "The maximum number of function evaluations is exceeded.",
- 1: "`gtol` termination condition is satisfied.",
- 2: "`xtol` termination condition is satisfied.",
- 3: "`callback` function requested termination."
- }
- class HessianLinearOperator:
- """Build LinearOperator from hessp"""
- def __init__(self, hessp, n):
- self.hessp = hessp
- self.n = n
- def __call__(self, x, *args):
- def matvec(p):
- return self.hessp(x, p, *args)
- return LinearOperator((self.n, self.n), matvec=matvec)
- class LagrangianHessian:
- """The Hessian of the Lagrangian as LinearOperator.
- The Lagrangian is computed as the objective function plus all the
- constraints multiplied with some numbers (Lagrange multipliers).
- """
- def __init__(self, n, objective_hess, constraints_hess):
- self.n = n
- self.objective_hess = objective_hess
- self.constraints_hess = constraints_hess
- def __call__(self, x, v_eq=np.empty(0), v_ineq=np.empty(0)):
- H_objective = self.objective_hess(x)
- H_constraints = self.constraints_hess(x, v_eq, v_ineq)
- def matvec(p):
- return H_objective.dot(p) + H_constraints.dot(p)
- return LinearOperator((self.n, self.n), matvec)
- def update_state_sqp(state, x, last_iteration_failed, objective, prepared_constraints,
- start_time, tr_radius, constr_penalty, cg_info):
- state.nit += 1
- state.nfev = objective.nfev
- state.njev = objective.ngev
- state.nhev = objective.nhev
- state.constr_nfev = [c.fun.nfev if isinstance(c.fun, VectorFunction) else 0
- for c in prepared_constraints]
- state.constr_njev = [c.fun.njev if isinstance(c.fun, VectorFunction) else 0
- for c in prepared_constraints]
- state.constr_nhev = [c.fun.nhev if isinstance(c.fun, VectorFunction) else 0
- for c in prepared_constraints]
- if not last_iteration_failed:
- state.x = x
- state.fun = objective.f
- state.grad = objective.g
- state.v = [c.fun.v for c in prepared_constraints]
- state.constr = [c.fun.f for c in prepared_constraints]
- state.jac = [c.fun.J for c in prepared_constraints]
- # Compute Lagrangian Gradient
- state.lagrangian_grad = np.copy(state.grad)
- for c in prepared_constraints:
- state.lagrangian_grad += c.fun.J.T.dot(c.fun.v)
- state.optimality = np.linalg.norm(state.lagrangian_grad, np.inf)
- # Compute maximum constraint violation
- state.constr_violation = 0
- for i in range(len(prepared_constraints)):
- lb, ub = prepared_constraints[i].bounds
- c = state.constr[i]
- state.constr_violation = np.max([state.constr_violation,
- np.max(lb - c),
- np.max(c - ub)])
- state.execution_time = time.time() - start_time
- state.tr_radius = tr_radius
- state.constr_penalty = constr_penalty
- state.cg_niter += cg_info["niter"]
- state.cg_stop_cond = cg_info["stop_cond"]
- return state
- def update_state_ip(state, x, last_iteration_failed, objective,
- prepared_constraints, start_time,
- tr_radius, constr_penalty, cg_info,
- barrier_parameter, barrier_tolerance):
- state = update_state_sqp(state, x, last_iteration_failed, objective,
- prepared_constraints, start_time, tr_radius,
- constr_penalty, cg_info)
- state.barrier_parameter = barrier_parameter
- state.barrier_tolerance = barrier_tolerance
- return state
- def _minimize_trustregion_constr(fun, x0, args, grad,
- hess, hessp, bounds, constraints,
- xtol=1e-8, gtol=1e-8,
- barrier_tol=1e-8,
- sparse_jacobian=None,
- callback=None, maxiter=1000,
- verbose=0, finite_diff_rel_step=None,
- initial_constr_penalty=1.0, initial_tr_radius=1.0,
- initial_barrier_parameter=0.1,
- initial_barrier_tolerance=0.1,
- factorization_method=None,
- disp=False):
- """Minimize a scalar function subject to constraints.
- Parameters
- ----------
- gtol : float, optional
- Tolerance for termination by the norm of the Lagrangian gradient.
- The algorithm will terminate when both the infinity norm (i.e., max
- abs value) of the Lagrangian gradient and the constraint violation
- are smaller than ``gtol``. Default is 1e-8.
- xtol : float, optional
- Tolerance for termination by the change of the independent variable.
- The algorithm will terminate when ``tr_radius < xtol``, where
- ``tr_radius`` is the radius of the trust region used in the algorithm.
- Default is 1e-8.
- barrier_tol : float, optional
- Threshold on the barrier parameter for the algorithm termination.
- When inequality constraints are present, the algorithm will terminate
- only when the barrier parameter is less than `barrier_tol`.
- Default is 1e-8.
- sparse_jacobian : {bool, None}, optional
- Determines how to represent Jacobians of the constraints. If bool,
- then Jacobians of all the constraints will be converted to the
- corresponding format. If None (default), then Jacobians won't be
- converted, but the algorithm can proceed only if they all have the
- same format.
- initial_tr_radius: float, optional
- Initial trust radius. The trust radius gives the maximum distance
- between solution points in consecutive iterations. It reflects the
- trust the algorithm puts in the local approximation of the optimization
- problem. For an accurate local approximation the trust-region should be
- large and for an approximation valid only close to the current point it
- should be a small one. The trust radius is automatically updated throughout
- the optimization process, with ``initial_tr_radius`` being its initial value.
- Default is 1 (recommended in [1]_, p. 19).
- initial_constr_penalty : float, optional
- Initial constraints penalty parameter. The penalty parameter is used for
- balancing the requirements of decreasing the objective function
- and satisfying the constraints. It is used for defining the merit function:
- ``merit_function(x) = fun(x) + constr_penalty * constr_norm_l2(x)``,
- where ``constr_norm_l2(x)`` is the l2 norm of a vector containing all
- the constraints. The merit function is used for accepting or rejecting
- trial points and ``constr_penalty`` weights the two conflicting goals
- of reducing objective function and constraints. The penalty is automatically
- updated throughout the optimization process, with
- ``initial_constr_penalty`` being its initial value. Default is 1
- (recommended in [1]_, p 19).
- initial_barrier_parameter, initial_barrier_tolerance: float, optional
- Initial barrier parameter and initial tolerance for the barrier subproblem.
- Both are used only when inequality constraints are present. For dealing with
- optimization problems ``min_x f(x)`` subject to inequality constraints
- ``c(x) <= 0`` the algorithm introduces slack variables, solving the problem
- ``min_(x,s) f(x) + barrier_parameter*sum(ln(s))`` subject to the equality
- constraints ``c(x) + s = 0`` instead of the original problem. This subproblem
- is solved for decreasing values of ``barrier_parameter`` and with decreasing
- tolerances for the termination, starting with ``initial_barrier_parameter``
- for the barrier parameter and ``initial_barrier_tolerance`` for the
- barrier tolerance. Default is 0.1 for both values (recommended in [1]_ p. 19).
- Also note that ``barrier_parameter`` and ``barrier_tolerance`` are updated
- with the same prefactor.
- factorization_method : string or None, optional
- Method to factorize the Jacobian of the constraints. Use None (default)
- for the auto selection or one of:
- - 'NormalEquation' (requires scikit-sparse)
- - 'AugmentedSystem'
- - 'QRFactorization'
- - 'SVDFactorization'
- The methods 'NormalEquation' and 'AugmentedSystem' can be used only
- with sparse constraints. The projections required by the algorithm
- will be computed using, respectively, the normal equation and the
- augmented system approaches explained in [1]_. 'NormalEquation'
- computes the Cholesky factorization of ``A A.T`` and 'AugmentedSystem'
- performs the LU factorization of an augmented system. They usually
- provide similar results. 'AugmentedSystem' is used by default for
- sparse matrices.
- The methods 'QRFactorization' and 'SVDFactorization' can be used
- only with dense constraints. They compute the required projections
- using, respectively, QR and SVD factorizations. The 'SVDFactorization'
- method can cope with Jacobian matrices with deficient row rank and will
- be used whenever other factorization methods fail (which may imply the
- conversion of sparse matrices to a dense format when required).
- By default, 'QRFactorization' is used for dense matrices.
- finite_diff_rel_step : None or array_like, optional
- Relative step size for the finite difference approximation.
- maxiter : int, optional
- Maximum number of algorithm iterations. Default is 1000.
- verbose : {0, 1, 2}, optional
- Level of algorithm's verbosity:
- * 0 (default) : work silently.
- * 1 : display a termination report.
- * 2 : display progress during iterations.
- * 3 : display progress during iterations (more complete report).
- disp : bool, optional
- If True (default), then `verbose` will be set to 1 if it was 0.
- Returns
- -------
- `OptimizeResult` with the fields documented below. Note the following:
- 1. All values corresponding to the constraints are ordered as they
- were passed to the solver. And values corresponding to `bounds`
- constraints are put *after* other constraints.
- 2. All numbers of function, Jacobian or Hessian evaluations correspond
- to numbers of actual Python function calls. It means, for example,
- that if a Jacobian is estimated by finite differences, then the
- number of Jacobian evaluations will be zero and the number of
- function evaluations will be incremented by all calls during the
- finite difference estimation.
- x : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Solution found.
- optimality : float
- Infinity norm of the Lagrangian gradient at the solution.
- constr_violation : float
- Maximum constraint violation at the solution.
- fun : float
- Objective function at the solution.
- grad : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Gradient of the objective function at the solution.
- lagrangian_grad : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Gradient of the Lagrangian function at the solution.
- nit : int
- Total number of iterations.
- nfev : integer
- Number of the objective function evaluations.
- njev : integer
- Number of the objective function gradient evaluations.
- nhev : integer
- Number of the objective function Hessian evaluations.
- cg_niter : int
- Total number of the conjugate gradient method iterations.
- method : {'equality_constrained_sqp', 'tr_interior_point'}
- Optimization method used.
- constr : list of ndarray
- List of constraint values at the solution.
- jac : list of {ndarray, sparse matrix}
- List of the Jacobian matrices of the constraints at the solution.
- v : list of ndarray
- List of the Lagrange multipliers for the constraints at the solution.
- For an inequality constraint a positive multiplier means that the upper
- bound is active, a negative multiplier means that the lower bound is
- active and if a multiplier is zero it means the constraint is not
- active.
- constr_nfev : list of int
- Number of constraint evaluations for each of the constraints.
- constr_njev : list of int
- Number of Jacobian matrix evaluations for each of the constraints.
- constr_nhev : list of int
- Number of Hessian evaluations for each of the constraints.
- tr_radius : float
- Radius of the trust region at the last iteration.
- constr_penalty : float
- Penalty parameter at the last iteration, see `initial_constr_penalty`.
- barrier_tolerance : float
- Tolerance for the barrier subproblem at the last iteration.
- Only for problems with inequality constraints.
- barrier_parameter : float
- Barrier parameter at the last iteration. Only for problems
- with inequality constraints.
- execution_time : float
- Total execution time.
- message : str
- Termination message.
- status : {0, 1, 2, 3}
- Termination status:
- * 0 : The maximum number of function evaluations is exceeded.
- * 1 : `gtol` termination condition is satisfied.
- * 2 : `xtol` termination condition is satisfied.
- * 3 : `callback` function requested termination.
- cg_stop_cond : int
- Reason for CG subproblem termination at the last iteration:
- * 0 : CG subproblem not evaluated.
- * 1 : Iteration limit was reached.
- * 2 : Reached the trust-region boundary.
- * 3 : Negative curvature detected.
- * 4 : Tolerance was satisfied.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Conn, A. R., Gould, N. I., & Toint, P. L.
- Trust region methods. 2000. Siam. pp. 19.
- """
- x0 = np.atleast_1d(x0).astype(float)
- n_vars = np.size(x0)
- if hess is None:
- if callable(hessp):
- hess = HessianLinearOperator(hessp, n_vars)
- else:
- hess = BFGS()
- if disp and verbose == 0:
- verbose = 1
- if bounds is not None:
- finite_diff_bounds = strict_bounds(bounds.lb, bounds.ub,
- bounds.keep_feasible, n_vars)
- else:
- finite_diff_bounds = (-np.inf, np.inf)
- # Define Objective Function
- objective = ScalarFunction(fun, x0, args, grad, hess,
- finite_diff_rel_step, finite_diff_bounds)
- # Put constraints in list format when needed.
- if isinstance(constraints, (NonlinearConstraint, LinearConstraint)):
- constraints = [constraints]
- # Prepare constraints.
- prepared_constraints = [
- PreparedConstraint(c, x0, sparse_jacobian, finite_diff_bounds)
- for c in constraints]
- # Check that all constraints are either sparse or dense.
- n_sparse = sum(c.fun.sparse_jacobian for c in prepared_constraints)
- if 0 < n_sparse < len(prepared_constraints):
- raise ValueError("All constraints must have the same kind of the "
- "Jacobian --- either all sparse or all dense. "
- "You can set the sparsity globally by setting "
- "`sparse_jacobian` to either True of False.")
- if prepared_constraints:
- sparse_jacobian = n_sparse > 0
- if bounds is not None:
- if sparse_jacobian is None:
- sparse_jacobian = True
- prepared_constraints.append(PreparedConstraint(bounds, x0,
- sparse_jacobian))
- # Concatenate initial constraints to the canonical form.
- c_eq0, c_ineq0, J_eq0, J_ineq0 = initial_constraints_as_canonical(
- n_vars, prepared_constraints, sparse_jacobian)
- # Prepare all canonical constraints and concatenate it into one.
- canonical_all = [CanonicalConstraint.from_PreparedConstraint(c)
- for c in prepared_constraints]
- if len(canonical_all) == 0:
- canonical = CanonicalConstraint.empty(n_vars)
- elif len(canonical_all) == 1:
- canonical = canonical_all[0]
- else:
- canonical = CanonicalConstraint.concatenate(canonical_all,
- sparse_jacobian)
- # Generate the Hessian of the Lagrangian.
- lagrangian_hess = LagrangianHessian(n_vars, objective.hess, canonical.hess)
- # Choose appropriate method
- if canonical.n_ineq == 0:
- method = 'equality_constrained_sqp'
- else:
- method = 'tr_interior_point'
- # Construct OptimizeResult
- state = OptimizeResult(
- nit=0, nfev=0, njev=0, nhev=0,
- cg_niter=0, cg_stop_cond=0,
- fun=objective.f, grad=objective.g,
- lagrangian_grad=np.copy(objective.g),
- constr=[c.fun.f for c in prepared_constraints],
- jac=[c.fun.J for c in prepared_constraints],
- constr_nfev=[0 for c in prepared_constraints],
- constr_njev=[0 for c in prepared_constraints],
- constr_nhev=[0 for c in prepared_constraints],
- v=[c.fun.v for c in prepared_constraints],
- method=method)
- # Start counting
- start_time = time.time()
- # Define stop criteria
- if method == 'equality_constrained_sqp':
- def stop_criteria(state, x, last_iteration_failed,
- optimality, constr_violation,
- tr_radius, constr_penalty, cg_info):
- state = update_state_sqp(state, x, last_iteration_failed,
- objective, prepared_constraints,
- start_time, tr_radius, constr_penalty,
- cg_info)
- if verbose == 2:
- BasicReport.print_iteration(state.nit,
- state.nfev,
- state.cg_niter,
- state.fun,
- state.tr_radius,
- state.optimality,
- state.constr_violation)
- elif verbose > 2:
- SQPReport.print_iteration(state.nit,
- state.nfev,
- state.cg_niter,
- state.fun,
- state.tr_radius,
- state.optimality,
- state.constr_violation,
- state.constr_penalty,
- state.cg_stop_cond)
- state.status = None
- state.niter = state.nit # Alias for callback (backward-compatibility)
- if callback is not None and callback(np.copy(state.x), state):
- state.status = 3
- elif state.optimality < gtol and state.constr_violation < gtol:
- state.status = 1
- elif state.tr_radius < xtol:
- state.status = 2
- elif state.nit >= maxiter:
- state.status = 0
- return state.status in (0, 1, 2, 3)
- elif method == 'tr_interior_point':
- def stop_criteria(state, x, last_iteration_failed, tr_radius,
- constr_penalty, cg_info, barrier_parameter,
- barrier_tolerance):
- state = update_state_ip(state, x, last_iteration_failed,
- objective, prepared_constraints,
- start_time, tr_radius, constr_penalty,
- cg_info, barrier_parameter, barrier_tolerance)
- if verbose == 2:
- BasicReport.print_iteration(state.nit,
- state.nfev,
- state.cg_niter,
- state.fun,
- state.tr_radius,
- state.optimality,
- state.constr_violation)
- elif verbose > 2:
- IPReport.print_iteration(state.nit,
- state.nfev,
- state.cg_niter,
- state.fun,
- state.tr_radius,
- state.optimality,
- state.constr_violation,
- state.constr_penalty,
- state.barrier_parameter,
- state.cg_stop_cond)
- state.status = None
- state.niter = state.nit # Alias for callback (backward compatibility)
- if callback is not None and callback(np.copy(state.x), state):
- state.status = 3
- elif state.optimality < gtol and state.constr_violation < gtol:
- state.status = 1
- elif (state.tr_radius < xtol
- and state.barrier_parameter < barrier_tol):
- state.status = 2
- elif state.nit >= maxiter:
- state.status = 0
- return state.status in (0, 1, 2, 3)
- if verbose == 2:
- BasicReport.print_header()
- elif verbose > 2:
- if method == 'equality_constrained_sqp':
- SQPReport.print_header()
- elif method == 'tr_interior_point':
- IPReport.print_header()
- # Call inferior function to do the optimization
- if method == 'equality_constrained_sqp':
- def fun_and_constr(x):
- f = objective.fun(x)
- c_eq, _ = canonical.fun(x)
- return f, c_eq
- def grad_and_jac(x):
- g = objective.grad(x)
- J_eq, _ = canonical.jac(x)
- return g, J_eq
- _, result = equality_constrained_sqp(
- fun_and_constr, grad_and_jac, lagrangian_hess,
- x0, objective.f, objective.g,
- c_eq0, J_eq0,
- stop_criteria, state,
- initial_constr_penalty, initial_tr_radius,
- factorization_method)
- elif method == 'tr_interior_point':
- _, result = tr_interior_point(
- objective.fun, objective.grad, lagrangian_hess,
- n_vars, canonical.n_ineq, canonical.n_eq,
- canonical.fun, canonical.jac,
- x0, objective.f, objective.g,
- c_ineq0, J_ineq0, c_eq0, J_eq0,
- stop_criteria,
- canonical.keep_feasible,
- xtol, state, initial_barrier_parameter,
- initial_barrier_tolerance,
- initial_constr_penalty, initial_tr_radius,
- factorization_method)
- # Status 3 occurs when the callback function requests termination,
- # this is assumed to not be a success.
- result.success = True if result.status in (1, 2) else False
- result.message = TERMINATION_MESSAGES[result.status]
- # Alias (for backward compatibility with 1.1.0)
- result.niter = result.nit
- if verbose == 2:
- BasicReport.print_footer()
- elif verbose > 2:
- if method == 'equality_constrained_sqp':
- SQPReport.print_footer()
- elif method == 'tr_interior_point':
- IPReport.print_footer()
- if verbose >= 1:
- print(result.message)
- print("Number of iterations: {}, function evaluations: {}, "
- "CG iterations: {}, optimality: {:.2e}, "
- "constraint violation: {:.2e}, execution time: {:4.2} s."
- .format(result.nit, result.nfev, result.cg_niter,
- result.optimality, result.constr_violation,
- result.execution_time))
- return result