123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572 |
- """Revised simplex method for linear programming
- The *revised simplex* method uses the method described in [1]_, except
- that a factorization [2]_ of the basis matrix, rather than its inverse,
- is efficiently maintained and used to solve the linear systems at each
- iteration of the algorithm.
- .. versionadded:: 1.3.0
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Bertsimas, Dimitris, and J. Tsitsiklis. "Introduction to linear
- programming." Athena Scientific 1 (1997): 997.
- .. [2] Bartels, Richard H. "A stabilization of the simplex method."
- Journal in Numerische Mathematik 16.5 (1971): 414-434.
- """
- # Author: Matt Haberland
- import numpy as np
- from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
- from scipy.linalg import solve
- from ._optimize import _check_unknown_options
- from ._bglu_dense import LU
- from ._bglu_dense import BGLU as BGLU
- from ._linprog_util import _postsolve
- from ._optimize import OptimizeResult
- def _phase_one(A, b, x0, callback, postsolve_args, maxiter, tol, disp,
- maxupdate, mast, pivot):
- """
- The purpose of phase one is to find an initial basic feasible solution
- (BFS) to the original problem.
- Generates an auxiliary problem with a trivial BFS and an objective that
- minimizes infeasibility of the original problem. Solves the auxiliary
- problem using the main simplex routine (phase two). This either yields
- a BFS to the original problem or determines that the original problem is
- infeasible. If feasible, phase one detects redundant rows in the original
- constraint matrix and removes them, then chooses additional indices as
- necessary to complete a basis/BFS for the original problem.
- """
- m, n = A.shape
- status = 0
- # generate auxiliary problem to get initial BFS
- A, b, c, basis, x, status = _generate_auxiliary_problem(A, b, x0, tol)
- if status == 6:
- residual = c.dot(x)
- iter_k = 0
- return x, basis, A, b, residual, status, iter_k
- # solve auxiliary problem
- phase_one_n = n
- iter_k = 0
- x, basis, status, iter_k = _phase_two(c, A, x, basis, callback,
- postsolve_args,
- maxiter, tol, disp,
- maxupdate, mast, pivot,
- iter_k, phase_one_n)
- # check for infeasibility
- residual = c.dot(x)
- if status == 0 and residual > tol:
- status = 2
- # drive artificial variables out of basis
- # TODO: test redundant row removal better
- # TODO: make solve more efficient with BGLU? This could take a while.
- keep_rows = np.ones(m, dtype=bool)
- for basis_column in basis[basis >= n]:
- B = A[:, basis]
- try:
- basis_finder = np.abs(solve(B, A)) # inefficient
- pertinent_row = np.argmax(basis_finder[:, basis_column])
- eligible_columns = np.ones(n, dtype=bool)
- eligible_columns[basis[basis < n]] = 0
- eligible_column_indices = np.where(eligible_columns)[0]
- index = np.argmax(basis_finder[:, :n]
- [pertinent_row, eligible_columns])
- new_basis_column = eligible_column_indices[index]
- if basis_finder[pertinent_row, new_basis_column] < tol:
- keep_rows[pertinent_row] = False
- else:
- basis[basis == basis_column] = new_basis_column
- except LinAlgError:
- status = 4
- # form solution to original problem
- A = A[keep_rows, :n]
- basis = basis[keep_rows]
- x = x[:n]
- m = A.shape[0]
- return x, basis, A, b, residual, status, iter_k
- def _get_more_basis_columns(A, basis):
- """
- Called when the auxiliary problem terminates with artificial columns in
- the basis, which must be removed and replaced with non-artificial
- columns. Finds additional columns that do not make the matrix singular.
- """
- m, n = A.shape
- # options for inclusion are those that aren't already in the basis
- a = np.arange(m+n)
- bl = np.zeros(len(a), dtype=bool)
- bl[basis] = 1
- options = a[~bl]
- options = options[options < n] # and they have to be non-artificial
- # form basis matrix
- B = np.zeros((m, m))
- B[:, 0:len(basis)] = A[:, basis]
- if (basis.size > 0 and
- np.linalg.matrix_rank(B[:, :len(basis)]) < len(basis)):
- raise Exception("Basis has dependent columns")
- rank = 0 # just enter the loop
- for i in range(n): # somewhat arbitrary, but we need another way out
- # permute the options, and take as many as needed
- new_basis = np.random.permutation(options)[:m-len(basis)]
- B[:, len(basis):] = A[:, new_basis] # update the basis matrix
- rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(B) # check the rank
- if rank == m:
- break
- return np.concatenate((basis, new_basis))
- def _generate_auxiliary_problem(A, b, x0, tol):
- """
- Modifies original problem to create an auxiliary problem with a trivial
- initial basic feasible solution and an objective that minimizes
- infeasibility in the original problem.
- Conceptually, this is done by stacking an identity matrix on the right of
- the original constraint matrix, adding artificial variables to correspond
- with each of these new columns, and generating a cost vector that is all
- zeros except for ones corresponding with each of the new variables.
- A initial basic feasible solution is trivial: all variables are zero
- except for the artificial variables, which are set equal to the
- corresponding element of the right hand side `b`.
- Runnning the simplex method on this auxiliary problem drives all of the
- artificial variables - and thus the cost - to zero if the original problem
- is feasible. The original problem is declared infeasible otherwise.
- Much of the complexity below is to improve efficiency by using singleton
- columns in the original problem where possible, thus generating artificial
- variables only as necessary, and using an initial 'guess' basic feasible
- solution.
- """
- status = 0
- m, n = A.shape
- if x0 is not None:
- x = x0
- else:
- x = np.zeros(n)
- r = b - A@x # residual; this must be all zeros for feasibility
- A[r < 0] = -A[r < 0] # express problem with RHS positive for trivial BFS
- b[r < 0] = -b[r < 0] # to the auxiliary problem
- r[r < 0] *= -1
- # Rows which we will need to find a trivial way to zero.
- # This should just be the rows where there is a nonzero residual.
- # But then we would not necessarily have a column singleton in every row.
- # This makes it difficult to find an initial basis.
- if x0 is None:
- nonzero_constraints = np.arange(m)
- else:
- nonzero_constraints = np.where(r > tol)[0]
- # these are (at least some of) the initial basis columns
- basis = np.where(np.abs(x) > tol)[0]
- if len(nonzero_constraints) == 0 and len(basis) <= m: # already a BFS
- c = np.zeros(n)
- basis = _get_more_basis_columns(A, basis)
- return A, b, c, basis, x, status
- elif (len(nonzero_constraints) > m - len(basis) or
- np.any(x < 0)): # can't get trivial BFS
- c = np.zeros(n)
- status = 6
- return A, b, c, basis, x, status
- # chooses existing columns appropriate for inclusion in initial basis
- cols, rows = _select_singleton_columns(A, r)
- # find the rows we need to zero that we _can_ zero with column singletons
- i_tofix = np.isin(rows, nonzero_constraints)
- # these columns can't already be in the basis, though
- # we are going to add them to the basis and change the corresponding x val
- i_notinbasis = np.logical_not(np.isin(cols, basis))
- i_fix_without_aux = np.logical_and(i_tofix, i_notinbasis)
- rows = rows[i_fix_without_aux]
- cols = cols[i_fix_without_aux]
- # indices of the rows we can only zero with auxiliary variable
- # these rows will get a one in each auxiliary column
- arows = nonzero_constraints[np.logical_not(
- np.isin(nonzero_constraints, rows))]
- n_aux = len(arows)
- acols = n + np.arange(n_aux) # indices of auxiliary columns
- basis_ng = np.concatenate((cols, acols)) # basis columns not from guess
- basis_ng_rows = np.concatenate((rows, arows)) # rows we need to zero
- # add auxiliary singleton columns
- A = np.hstack((A, np.zeros((m, n_aux))))
- A[arows, acols] = 1
- # generate initial BFS
- x = np.concatenate((x, np.zeros(n_aux)))
- x[basis_ng] = r[basis_ng_rows]/A[basis_ng_rows, basis_ng]
- # generate costs to minimize infeasibility
- c = np.zeros(n_aux + n)
- c[acols] = 1
- # basis columns correspond with nonzeros in guess, those with column
- # singletons we used to zero remaining constraints, and any additional
- # columns to get a full set (m columns)
- basis = np.concatenate((basis, basis_ng))
- basis = _get_more_basis_columns(A, basis) # add columns as needed
- return A, b, c, basis, x, status
- def _select_singleton_columns(A, b):
- """
- Finds singleton columns for which the singleton entry is of the same sign
- as the right-hand side; these columns are eligible for inclusion in an
- initial basis. Determines the rows in which the singleton entries are
- located. For each of these rows, returns the indices of the one singleton
- column and its corresponding row.
- """
- # find indices of all singleton columns and corresponding row indicies
- column_indices = np.nonzero(np.sum(np.abs(A) != 0, axis=0) == 1)[0]
- columns = A[:, column_indices] # array of singleton columns
- row_indices = np.zeros(len(column_indices), dtype=int)
- nonzero_rows, nonzero_columns = np.nonzero(columns)
- row_indices[nonzero_columns] = nonzero_rows # corresponding row indicies
- # keep only singletons with entries that have same sign as RHS
- # this is necessary because all elements of BFS must be non-negative
- same_sign = A[row_indices, column_indices]*b[row_indices] >= 0
- column_indices = column_indices[same_sign][::-1]
- row_indices = row_indices[same_sign][::-1]
- # Reversing the order so that steps below select rightmost columns
- # for initial basis, which will tend to be slack variables. (If the
- # guess corresponds with a basic feasible solution but a constraint
- # is not satisfied with the corresponding slack variable zero, the slack
- # variable must be basic.)
- # for each row, keep rightmost singleton column with an entry in that row
- unique_row_indices, first_columns = np.unique(row_indices,
- return_index=True)
- return column_indices[first_columns], unique_row_indices
- def _find_nonzero_rows(A, tol):
- """
- Returns logical array indicating the locations of rows with at least
- one nonzero element.
- """
- return np.any(np.abs(A) > tol, axis=1)
- def _select_enter_pivot(c_hat, bl, a, rule="bland", tol=1e-12):
- """
- Selects a pivot to enter the basis. Currently Bland's rule - the smallest
- index that has a negative reduced cost - is the default.
- """
- if rule.lower() == "mrc": # index with minimum reduced cost
- return a[~bl][np.argmin(c_hat)]
- else: # smallest index w/ negative reduced cost
- return a[~bl][c_hat < -tol][0]
- def _display_iter(phase, iteration, slack, con, fun):
- """
- Print indicators of optimization status to the console.
- """
- header = True if not iteration % 20 else False
- if header:
- print("Phase",
- "Iteration",
- "Minimum Slack ",
- "Constraint Residual",
- "Objective ")
- # :<X.Y left aligns Y digits in X digit spaces
- fmt = '{0:<6}{1:<10}{2:<20.13}{3:<20.13}{4:<20.13}'
- try:
- slack = np.min(slack)
- except ValueError:
- slack = "NA"
- print(fmt.format(phase, iteration, slack, np.linalg.norm(con), fun))
- def _display_and_callback(phase_one_n, x, postsolve_args, status,
- iteration, disp, callback):
- if phase_one_n is not None:
- phase = 1
- x_postsolve = x[:phase_one_n]
- else:
- phase = 2
- x_postsolve = x
- x_o, fun, slack, con = _postsolve(x_postsolve,
- postsolve_args)
- if callback is not None:
- res = OptimizeResult({'x': x_o, 'fun': fun, 'slack': slack,
- 'con': con, 'nit': iteration,
- 'phase': phase, 'complete': False,
- 'status': status, 'message': "",
- 'success': False})
- callback(res)
- if disp:
- _display_iter(phase, iteration, slack, con, fun)
- def _phase_two(c, A, x, b, callback, postsolve_args, maxiter, tol, disp,
- maxupdate, mast, pivot, iteration=0, phase_one_n=None):
- """
- The heart of the simplex method. Beginning with a basic feasible solution,
- moves to adjacent basic feasible solutions successively lower reduced cost.
- Terminates when there are no basic feasible solutions with lower reduced
- cost or if the problem is determined to be unbounded.
- This implementation follows the revised simplex method based on LU
- decomposition. Rather than maintaining a tableau or an inverse of the
- basis matrix, we keep a factorization of the basis matrix that allows
- efficient solution of linear systems while avoiding stability issues
- associated with inverted matrices.
- """
- m, n = A.shape
- status = 0
- a = np.arange(n) # indices of columns of A
- ab = np.arange(m) # indices of columns of B
- if maxupdate:
- # basis matrix factorization object; similar to B = A[:, b]
- B = BGLU(A, b, maxupdate, mast)
- else:
- B = LU(A, b)
- for iteration in range(iteration, maxiter):
- if disp or callback is not None:
- _display_and_callback(phase_one_n, x, postsolve_args, status,
- iteration, disp, callback)
- bl = np.zeros(len(a), dtype=bool)
- bl[b] = 1
- xb = x[b] # basic variables
- cb = c[b] # basic costs
- try:
- v = B.solve(cb, transposed=True) # similar to v = solve(B.T, cb)
- except LinAlgError:
- status = 4
- break
- # TODO: cythonize?
- c_hat = c - v.dot(A) # reduced cost
- c_hat = c_hat[~bl]
- # Above is much faster than:
- # N = A[:, ~bl] # slow!
- # c_hat = c[~bl] - v.T.dot(N)
- # Can we perform the multiplication only on the nonbasic columns?
- if np.all(c_hat >= -tol): # all reduced costs positive -> terminate
- break
- j = _select_enter_pivot(c_hat, bl, a, rule=pivot, tol=tol)
- u = B.solve(A[:, j]) # similar to u = solve(B, A[:, j])
- i = u > tol # if none of the u are positive, unbounded
- if not np.any(i):
- status = 3
- break
- th = xb[i]/u[i]
- l = np.argmin(th) # implicitly selects smallest subscript
- th_star = th[l] # step size
- x[b] = x[b] - th_star*u # take step
- x[j] = th_star
- B.update(ab[i][l], j) # modify basis
- b = B.b # similar to b[ab[i][l]] =
- else:
- # If the end of the for loop is reached (without a break statement),
- # then another step has been taken, so the iteration counter should
- # increment, info should be displayed, and callback should be called.
- iteration += 1
- status = 1
- if disp or callback is not None:
- _display_and_callback(phase_one_n, x, postsolve_args, status,
- iteration, disp, callback)
- return x, b, status, iteration
- def _linprog_rs(c, c0, A, b, x0, callback, postsolve_args,
- maxiter=5000, tol=1e-12, disp=False,
- maxupdate=10, mast=False, pivot="mrc",
- **unknown_options):
- """
- Solve the following linear programming problem via a two-phase
- revised simplex algorithm.::
- minimize: c @ x
- subject to: A @ x == b
- 0 <= x < oo
- User-facing documentation is in _linprog_doc.py.
- Parameters
- ----------
- c : 1-D array
- Coefficients of the linear objective function to be minimized.
- c0 : float
- Constant term in objective function due to fixed (and eliminated)
- variables. (Currently unused.)
- A : 2-D array
- 2-D array which, when matrix-multiplied by ``x``, gives the values of
- the equality constraints at ``x``.
- b : 1-D array
- 1-D array of values representing the RHS of each equality constraint
- (row) in ``A_eq``.
- x0 : 1-D array, optional
- Starting values of the independent variables, which will be refined by
- the optimization algorithm. For the revised simplex method, these must
- correspond with a basic feasible solution.
- callback : callable, optional
- If a callback function is provided, it will be called within each
- iteration of the algorithm. The callback function must accept a single
- `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult` consisting of the following fields:
- x : 1-D array
- Current solution vector.
- fun : float
- Current value of the objective function ``c @ x``.
- success : bool
- True only when an algorithm has completed successfully,
- so this is always False as the callback function is called
- only while the algorithm is still iterating.
- slack : 1-D array
- The values of the slack variables. Each slack variable
- corresponds to an inequality constraint. If the slack is zero,
- the corresponding constraint is active.
- con : 1-D array
- The (nominally zero) residuals of the equality constraints,
- that is, ``b - A_eq @ x``.
- phase : int
- The phase of the algorithm being executed.
- status : int
- For revised simplex, this is always 0 because if a different
- status is detected, the algorithm terminates.
- nit : int
- The number of iterations performed.
- message : str
- A string descriptor of the exit status of the optimization.
- postsolve_args : tuple
- Data needed by _postsolve to convert the solution to the standard-form
- problem into the solution to the original problem.
- Options
- -------
- maxiter : int
- The maximum number of iterations to perform in either phase.
- tol : float
- The tolerance which determines when a solution is "close enough" to
- zero in Phase 1 to be considered a basic feasible solution or close
- enough to positive to serve as an optimal solution.
- disp : bool
- Set to ``True`` if indicators of optimization status are to be printed
- to the console each iteration.
- maxupdate : int
- The maximum number of updates performed on the LU factorization.
- After this many updates is reached, the basis matrix is factorized
- from scratch.
- mast : bool
- Minimize Amortized Solve Time. If enabled, the average time to solve
- a linear system using the basis factorization is measured. Typically,
- the average solve time will decrease with each successive solve after
- initial factorization, as factorization takes much more time than the
- solve operation (and updates). Eventually, however, the updated
- factorization becomes sufficiently complex that the average solve time
- begins to increase. When this is detected, the basis is refactorized
- from scratch. Enable this option to maximize speed at the risk of
- nondeterministic behavior. Ignored if ``maxupdate`` is 0.
- pivot : "mrc" or "bland"
- Pivot rule: Minimum Reduced Cost (default) or Bland's rule. Choose
- Bland's rule if iteration limit is reached and cycling is suspected.
- unknown_options : dict
- Optional arguments not used by this particular solver. If
- `unknown_options` is non-empty a warning is issued listing all
- unused options.
- Returns
- -------
- x : 1-D array
- Solution vector.
- status : int
- An integer representing the exit status of the optimization::
- 0 : Optimization terminated successfully
- 1 : Iteration limit reached
- 2 : Problem appears to be infeasible
- 3 : Problem appears to be unbounded
- 4 : Numerical difficulties encountered
- 5 : No constraints; turn presolve on
- 6 : Guess x0 cannot be converted to a basic feasible solution
- message : str
- A string descriptor of the exit status of the optimization.
- iteration : int
- The number of iterations taken to solve the problem.
- """
- _check_unknown_options(unknown_options)
- messages = ["Optimization terminated successfully.",
- "Iteration limit reached.",
- "The problem appears infeasible, as the phase one auxiliary "
- "problem terminated successfully with a residual of {0:.1e}, "
- "greater than the tolerance {1} required for the solution to "
- "be considered feasible. Consider increasing the tolerance to "
- "be greater than {0:.1e}. If this tolerance is unnaceptably "
- "large, the problem is likely infeasible.",
- "The problem is unbounded, as the simplex algorithm found "
- "a basic feasible solution from which there is a direction "
- "with negative reduced cost in which all decision variables "
- "increase.",
- "Numerical difficulties encountered; consider trying "
- "method='interior-point'.",
- "Problems with no constraints are trivially solved; please "
- "turn presolve on.",
- "The guess x0 cannot be converted to a basic feasible "
- "solution. "
- ]
- if A.size == 0: # address test_unbounded_below_no_presolve_corrected
- return np.zeros(c.shape), 5, messages[5], 0
- x, basis, A, b, residual, status, iteration = (
- _phase_one(A, b, x0, callback, postsolve_args,
- maxiter, tol, disp, maxupdate, mast, pivot))
- if status == 0:
- x, basis, status, iteration = _phase_two(c, A, x, basis, callback,
- postsolve_args,
- maxiter, tol, disp,
- maxupdate, mast, pivot,
- iteration)
- return x, status, messages[status].format(residual, tol), iteration