123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546 |
- """Module for RBF interpolation."""
- import warnings
- from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
- import numpy as np
- from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
- from scipy.spatial import KDTree
- from scipy.special import comb
- from scipy.linalg.lapack import dgesv # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- from ._rbfinterp_pythran import (_build_system,
- _build_evaluation_coefficients,
- _polynomial_matrix)
- __all__ = ["RBFInterpolator"]
- # These RBFs are implemented.
- "linear",
- "thin_plate_spline",
- "cubic",
- "quintic",
- "multiquadric",
- "inverse_multiquadric",
- "inverse_quadratic",
- "gaussian"
- }
- # The shape parameter does not need to be specified when using these RBFs.
- _SCALE_INVARIANT = {"linear", "thin_plate_spline", "cubic", "quintic"}
- # For RBFs that are conditionally positive definite of order m, the interpolant
- # should include polynomial terms with degree >= m - 1. Define the minimum
- # degrees here. These values are from Chapter 8 of Fasshauer's "Meshfree
- # Approximation Methods with MATLAB". The RBFs that are not in this dictionary
- # are positive definite and do not need polynomial terms.
- "multiquadric": 0,
- "linear": 0,
- "thin_plate_spline": 1,
- "cubic": 1,
- "quintic": 2
- }
- def _monomial_powers(ndim, degree):
- """Return the powers for each monomial in a polynomial.
- Parameters
- ----------
- ndim : int
- Number of variables in the polynomial.
- degree : int
- Degree of the polynomial.
- Returns
- -------
- (nmonos, ndim) int ndarray
- Array where each row contains the powers for each variable in a
- monomial.
- """
- nmonos = comb(degree + ndim, ndim, exact=True)
- out = np.zeros((nmonos, ndim), dtype=int)
- count = 0
- for deg in range(degree + 1):
- for mono in combinations_with_replacement(range(ndim), deg):
- # `mono` is a tuple of variables in the current monomial with
- # multiplicity indicating power (e.g., (0, 1, 1) represents x*y**2)
- for var in mono:
- out[count, var] += 1
- count += 1
- return out
- def _build_and_solve_system(y, d, smoothing, kernel, epsilon, powers):
- """Build and solve the RBF interpolation system of equations.
- Parameters
- ----------
- y : (P, N) float ndarray
- Data point coordinates.
- d : (P, S) float ndarray
- Data values at `y`.
- smoothing : (P,) float ndarray
- Smoothing parameter for each data point.
- kernel : str
- Name of the RBF.
- epsilon : float
- Shape parameter.
- powers : (R, N) int ndarray
- The exponents for each monomial in the polynomial.
- Returns
- -------
- coeffs : (P + R, S) float ndarray
- Coefficients for each RBF and monomial.
- shift : (N,) float ndarray
- Domain shift used to create the polynomial matrix.
- scale : (N,) float ndarray
- Domain scaling used to create the polynomial matrix.
- """
- lhs, rhs, shift, scale = _build_system(
- y, d, smoothing, kernel, epsilon, powers
- )
- _, _, coeffs, info = dgesv(lhs, rhs, overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=True)
- if info < 0:
- raise ValueError(f"The {-info}-th argument had an illegal value.")
- elif info > 0:
- msg = "Singular matrix."
- nmonos = powers.shape[0]
- if nmonos > 0:
- pmat = _polynomial_matrix((y - shift)/scale, powers)
- rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(pmat)
- if rank < nmonos:
- msg = (
- "Singular matrix. The matrix of monomials evaluated at "
- "the data point coordinates does not have full column "
- f"rank ({rank}/{nmonos})."
- )
- raise LinAlgError(msg)
- return shift, scale, coeffs
- class RBFInterpolator:
- """Radial basis function (RBF) interpolation in N dimensions.
- Parameters
- ----------
- y : (P, N) array_like
- Data point coordinates.
- d : (P, ...) array_like
- Data values at `y`.
- neighbors : int, optional
- If specified, the value of the interpolant at each evaluation point
- will be computed using only this many nearest data points. All the data
- points are used by default.
- smoothing : float or (P,) array_like, optional
- Smoothing parameter. The interpolant perfectly fits the data when this
- is set to 0. For large values, the interpolant approaches a least
- squares fit of a polynomial with the specified degree. Default is 0.
- kernel : str, optional
- Type of RBF. This should be one of
- - 'linear' : ``-r``
- - 'thin_plate_spline' : ``r**2 * log(r)``
- - 'cubic' : ``r**3``
- - 'quintic' : ``-r**5``
- - 'multiquadric' : ``-sqrt(1 + r**2)``
- - 'inverse_multiquadric' : ``1/sqrt(1 + r**2)``
- - 'inverse_quadratic' : ``1/(1 + r**2)``
- - 'gaussian' : ``exp(-r**2)``
- Default is 'thin_plate_spline'.
- epsilon : float, optional
- Shape parameter that scales the input to the RBF. If `kernel` is
- 'linear', 'thin_plate_spline', 'cubic', or 'quintic', this defaults to
- 1 and can be ignored because it has the same effect as scaling the
- smoothing parameter. Otherwise, this must be specified.
- degree : int, optional
- Degree of the added polynomial. For some RBFs the interpolant may not
- be well-posed if the polynomial degree is too small. Those RBFs and
- their corresponding minimum degrees are
- - 'multiquadric' : 0
- - 'linear' : 0
- - 'thin_plate_spline' : 1
- - 'cubic' : 1
- - 'quintic' : 2
- The default value is the minimum degree for `kernel` or 0 if there is
- no minimum degree. Set this to -1 for no added polynomial.
- Notes
- -----
- An RBF is a scalar valued function in N-dimensional space whose value at
- :math:`x` can be expressed in terms of :math:`r=||x - c||`, where :math:`c`
- is the center of the RBF.
- An RBF interpolant for the vector of data values :math:`d`, which are from
- locations :math:`y`, is a linear combination of RBFs centered at :math:`y`
- plus a polynomial with a specified degree. The RBF interpolant is written
- as
- .. math::
- f(x) = K(x, y) a + P(x) b,
- where :math:`K(x, y)` is a matrix of RBFs with centers at :math:`y`
- evaluated at the points :math:`x`, and :math:`P(x)` is a matrix of
- monomials, which span polynomials with the specified degree, evaluated at
- :math:`x`. The coefficients :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the solution to the
- linear equations
- .. math::
- (K(y, y) + \\lambda I) a + P(y) b = d
- and
- .. math::
- P(y)^T a = 0,
- where :math:`\\lambda` is a non-negative smoothing parameter that controls
- how well we want to fit the data. The data are fit exactly when the
- smoothing parameter is 0.
- The above system is uniquely solvable if the following requirements are
- met:
- - :math:`P(y)` must have full column rank. :math:`P(y)` always has full
- column rank when `degree` is -1 or 0. When `degree` is 1,
- :math:`P(y)` has full column rank if the data point locations are not
- all collinear (N=2), coplanar (N=3), etc.
- - If `kernel` is 'multiquadric', 'linear', 'thin_plate_spline',
- 'cubic', or 'quintic', then `degree` must not be lower than the
- minimum value listed above.
- - If `smoothing` is 0, then each data point location must be distinct.
- When using an RBF that is not scale invariant ('multiquadric',
- 'inverse_multiquadric', 'inverse_quadratic', or 'gaussian'), an appropriate
- shape parameter must be chosen (e.g., through cross validation). Smaller
- values for the shape parameter correspond to wider RBFs. The problem can
- become ill-conditioned or singular when the shape parameter is too small.
- The memory required to solve for the RBF interpolation coefficients
- increases quadratically with the number of data points, which can become
- impractical when interpolating more than about a thousand data points.
- To overcome memory limitations for large interpolation problems, the
- `neighbors` argument can be specified to compute an RBF interpolant for
- each evaluation point using only the nearest data points.
- .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
- See Also
- --------
- NearestNDInterpolator
- LinearNDInterpolator
- CloughTocher2DInterpolator
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Fasshauer, G., 2007. Meshfree Approximation Methods with Matlab.
- World Scientific Publishing Co.
- .. [2] http://amadeus.math.iit.edu/~fass/603_ch3.pdf
- .. [3] Wahba, G., 1990. Spline Models for Observational Data. SIAM.
- .. [4] http://pages.stat.wisc.edu/~wahba/stat860public/lect/lect8/lect8.pdf
- Examples
- --------
- Demonstrate interpolating scattered data to a grid in 2-D.
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- >>> from scipy.interpolate import RBFInterpolator
- >>> from scipy.stats.qmc import Halton
- >>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
- >>> xobs = 2*Halton(2, seed=rng).random(100) - 1
- >>> yobs = np.sum(xobs, axis=1)*np.exp(-6*np.sum(xobs**2, axis=1))
- >>> xgrid = np.mgrid[-1:1:50j, -1:1:50j]
- >>> xflat = xgrid.reshape(2, -1).T
- >>> yflat = RBFInterpolator(xobs, yobs)(xflat)
- >>> ygrid = yflat.reshape(50, 50)
- >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- >>> ax.pcolormesh(*xgrid, ygrid, vmin=-0.25, vmax=0.25, shading='gouraud')
- >>> p = ax.scatter(*xobs.T, c=yobs, s=50, ec='k', vmin=-0.25, vmax=0.25)
- >>> fig.colorbar(p)
- >>> plt.show()
- """
- def __init__(self, y, d,
- neighbors=None,
- smoothing=0.0,
- kernel="thin_plate_spline",
- epsilon=None,
- degree=None):
- y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float, order="C")
- if y.ndim != 2:
- raise ValueError("`y` must be a 2-dimensional array.")
- ny, ndim = y.shape
- d_dtype = complex if np.iscomplexobj(d) else float
- d = np.asarray(d, dtype=d_dtype, order="C")
- if d.shape[0] != ny:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Expected the first axis of `d` to have length {ny}."
- )
- d_shape = d.shape[1:]
- d = d.reshape((ny, -1))
- # If `d` is complex, convert it to a float array with twice as many
- # columns. Otherwise, the LHS matrix would need to be converted to
- # complex and take up 2x more memory than necessary.
- d = d.view(float)
- if np.isscalar(smoothing):
- smoothing = np.full(ny, smoothing, dtype=float)
- else:
- smoothing = np.asarray(smoothing, dtype=float, order="C")
- if smoothing.shape != (ny,):
- raise ValueError(
- "Expected `smoothing` to be a scalar or have shape "
- f"({ny},)."
- )
- kernel = kernel.lower()
- if kernel not in _AVAILABLE:
- raise ValueError(f"`kernel` must be one of {_AVAILABLE}.")
- if epsilon is None:
- if kernel in _SCALE_INVARIANT:
- epsilon = 1.0
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- "`epsilon` must be specified if `kernel` is not one of "
- )
- else:
- epsilon = float(epsilon)
- min_degree = _NAME_TO_MIN_DEGREE.get(kernel, -1)
- if degree is None:
- degree = max(min_degree, 0)
- else:
- degree = int(degree)
- if degree < -1:
- raise ValueError("`degree` must be at least -1.")
- elif degree < min_degree:
- warnings.warn(
- f"`degree` should not be below {min_degree} when `kernel` "
- f"is '{kernel}'. The interpolant may not be uniquely "
- "solvable, and the smoothing parameter may have an "
- "unintuitive effect.",
- UserWarning
- )
- if neighbors is None:
- nobs = ny
- else:
- # Make sure the number of nearest neighbors used for interpolation
- # does not exceed the number of observations.
- neighbors = int(min(neighbors, ny))
- nobs = neighbors
- powers = _monomial_powers(ndim, degree)
- # The polynomial matrix must have full column rank in order for the
- # interpolant to be well-posed, which is not possible if there are
- # fewer observations than monomials.
- if powers.shape[0] > nobs:
- raise ValueError(
- f"At least {powers.shape[0]} data points are required when "
- f"`degree` is {degree} and the number of dimensions is {ndim}."
- )
- if neighbors is None:
- shift, scale, coeffs = _build_and_solve_system(
- y, d, smoothing, kernel, epsilon, powers
- )
- # Make these attributes private since they do not always exist.
- self._shift = shift
- self._scale = scale
- self._coeffs = coeffs
- else:
- self._tree = KDTree(y)
- self.y = y
- self.d = d
- self.d_shape = d_shape
- self.d_dtype = d_dtype
- self.neighbors = neighbors
- self.smoothing = smoothing
- self.kernel = kernel
- self.epsilon = epsilon
- self.powers = powers
- def _chunk_evaluator(
- self,
- x,
- y,
- shift,
- scale,
- coeffs,
- memory_budget=1000000
- ):
- """
- Evaluate the interpolation while controlling memory consumption.
- We chunk the input if we need more memory than specified.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : (Q, N) float ndarray
- array of points on which to evaluate
- y: (P, N) float ndarray
- array of points on which we know function values
- shift: (N, ) ndarray
- Domain shift used to create the polynomial matrix.
- scale : (N,) float ndarray
- Domain scaling used to create the polynomial matrix.
- coeffs: (P+R, S) float ndarray
- Coefficients in front of basis functions
- memory_budget: int
- Total amount of memory (in units of sizeof(float)) we wish
- to devote for storing the array of coefficients for
- interpolated points. If we need more memory than that, we
- chunk the input.
- Returns
- -------
- (Q, S) float ndarray
- Interpolated array
- """
- nx, ndim = x.shape
- if self.neighbors is None:
- nnei = len(y)
- else:
- nnei = self.neighbors
- # in each chunk we consume the same space we already occupy
- chunksize = memory_budget // ((self.powers.shape[0] + nnei)) + 1
- if chunksize <= nx:
- out = np.empty((nx, self.d.shape[1]), dtype=float)
- for i in range(0, nx, chunksize):
- vec = _build_evaluation_coefficients(
- x[i:i + chunksize, :],
- y,
- self.kernel,
- self.epsilon,
- self.powers,
- shift,
- scale)
- out[i:i + chunksize, :] = np.dot(vec, coeffs)
- else:
- vec = _build_evaluation_coefficients(
- x,
- y,
- self.kernel,
- self.epsilon,
- self.powers,
- shift,
- scale)
- out = np.dot(vec, coeffs)
- return out
- def __call__(self, x):
- """Evaluate the interpolant at `x`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : (Q, N) array_like
- Evaluation point coordinates.
- Returns
- -------
- (Q, ...) ndarray
- Values of the interpolant at `x`.
- """
- x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float, order="C")
- if x.ndim != 2:
- raise ValueError("`x` must be a 2-dimensional array.")
- nx, ndim = x.shape
- if ndim != self.y.shape[1]:
- raise ValueError("Expected the second axis of `x` to have length "
- f"{self.y.shape[1]}.")
- # Our memory budget for storing RBF coefficients is
- # based on how many floats in memory we already occupy
- # If this number is below 1e6 we just use 1e6
- # This memory budget is used to decide how we chunk
- # the inputs
- memory_budget = max(x.size + self.y.size + self.d.size, 1000000)
- if self.neighbors is None:
- out = self._chunk_evaluator(
- x,
- self.y,
- self._shift,
- self._scale,
- self._coeffs,
- memory_budget=memory_budget)
- else:
- # Get the indices of the k nearest observation points to each
- # evaluation point.
- _, yindices = self._tree.query(x, self.neighbors)
- if self.neighbors == 1:
- # `KDTree` squeezes the output when neighbors=1.
- yindices = yindices[:, None]
- # Multiple evaluation points may have the same neighborhood of
- # observation points. Make the neighborhoods unique so that we only
- # compute the interpolation coefficients once for each
- # neighborhood.
- yindices = np.sort(yindices, axis=1)
- yindices, inv = np.unique(yindices, return_inverse=True, axis=0)
- # `inv` tells us which neighborhood will be used by each evaluation
- # point. Now we find which evaluation points will be using each
- # neighborhood.
- xindices = [[] for _ in range(len(yindices))]
- for i, j in enumerate(inv):
- xindices[j].append(i)
- out = np.empty((nx, self.d.shape[1]), dtype=float)
- for xidx, yidx in zip(xindices, yindices):
- # `yidx` are the indices of the observations in this
- # neighborhood. `xidx` are the indices of the evaluation points
- # that are using this neighborhood.
- xnbr = x[xidx]
- ynbr = self.y[yidx]
- dnbr = self.d[yidx]
- snbr = self.smoothing[yidx]
- shift, scale, coeffs = _build_and_solve_system(
- ynbr,
- dnbr,
- snbr,
- self.kernel,
- self.epsilon,
- self.powers,
- )
- out[xidx] = self._chunk_evaluator(
- xnbr,
- ynbr,
- shift,
- scale,
- coeffs,
- memory_budget=memory_budget)
- out = out.view(self.d_dtype)
- out = out.reshape((nx, ) + self.d_shape)
- return out