123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587 |
- import numpy as np
- from .base import OdeSolver, DenseOutput
- from .common import (validate_max_step, validate_tol, select_initial_step,
- norm, warn_extraneous, validate_first_step)
- from . import dop853_coefficients
- # Multiply steps computed from asymptotic behaviour of errors by this.
- SAFETY = 0.9
- MIN_FACTOR = 0.2 # Minimum allowed decrease in a step size.
- MAX_FACTOR = 10 # Maximum allowed increase in a step size.
- def rk_step(fun, t, y, f, h, A, B, C, K):
- """Perform a single Runge-Kutta step.
- This function computes a prediction of an explicit Runge-Kutta method and
- also estimates the error of a less accurate method.
- Notation for Butcher tableau is as in [1]_.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fun : callable
- Right-hand side of the system.
- t : float
- Current time.
- y : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Current state.
- f : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Current value of the derivative, i.e., ``fun(x, y)``.
- h : float
- Step to use.
- A : ndarray, shape (n_stages, n_stages)
- Coefficients for combining previous RK stages to compute the next
- stage. For explicit methods the coefficients at and above the main
- diagonal are zeros.
- B : ndarray, shape (n_stages,)
- Coefficients for combining RK stages for computing the final
- prediction.
- C : ndarray, shape (n_stages,)
- Coefficients for incrementing time for consecutive RK stages.
- The value for the first stage is always zero.
- K : ndarray, shape (n_stages + 1, n)
- Storage array for putting RK stages here. Stages are stored in rows.
- The last row is a linear combination of the previous rows with
- coefficients
- Returns
- -------
- y_new : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Solution at t + h computed with a higher accuracy.
- f_new : ndarray, shape (n,)
- Derivative ``fun(t + h, y_new)``.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] E. Hairer, S. P. Norsett G. Wanner, "Solving Ordinary Differential
- Equations I: Nonstiff Problems", Sec. II.4.
- """
- K[0] = f
- for s, (a, c) in enumerate(zip(A[1:], C[1:]), start=1):
- dy = np.dot(K[:s].T, a[:s]) * h
- K[s] = fun(t + c * h, y + dy)
- y_new = y + h * np.dot(K[:-1].T, B)
- f_new = fun(t + h, y_new)
- K[-1] = f_new
- return y_new, f_new
- class RungeKutta(OdeSolver):
- """Base class for explicit Runge-Kutta methods."""
- C: np.ndarray = NotImplemented
- A: np.ndarray = NotImplemented
- B: np.ndarray = NotImplemented
- E: np.ndarray = NotImplemented
- P: np.ndarray = NotImplemented
- order: int = NotImplemented
- error_estimator_order: int = NotImplemented
- n_stages: int = NotImplemented
- def __init__(self, fun, t0, y0, t_bound, max_step=np.inf,
- rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6, vectorized=False,
- first_step=None, **extraneous):
- warn_extraneous(extraneous)
- super().__init__(fun, t0, y0, t_bound, vectorized,
- support_complex=True)
- self.y_old = None
- self.max_step = validate_max_step(max_step)
- self.rtol, self.atol = validate_tol(rtol, atol, self.n)
- self.f = self.fun(self.t, self.y)
- if first_step is None:
- self.h_abs = select_initial_step(
- self.fun, self.t, self.y, self.f, self.direction,
- self.error_estimator_order, self.rtol, self.atol)
- else:
- self.h_abs = validate_first_step(first_step, t0, t_bound)
- self.K = np.empty((self.n_stages + 1, self.n), dtype=self.y.dtype)
- self.error_exponent = -1 / (self.error_estimator_order + 1)
- self.h_previous = None
- def _estimate_error(self, K, h):
- return np.dot(K.T, self.E) * h
- def _estimate_error_norm(self, K, h, scale):
- return norm(self._estimate_error(K, h) / scale)
- def _step_impl(self):
- t = self.t
- y = self.y
- max_step = self.max_step
- rtol = self.rtol
- atol = self.atol
- min_step = 10 * np.abs(np.nextafter(t, self.direction * np.inf) - t)
- if self.h_abs > max_step:
- h_abs = max_step
- elif self.h_abs < min_step:
- h_abs = min_step
- else:
- h_abs = self.h_abs
- step_accepted = False
- step_rejected = False
- while not step_accepted:
- if h_abs < min_step:
- return False, self.TOO_SMALL_STEP
- h = h_abs * self.direction
- t_new = t + h
- if self.direction * (t_new - self.t_bound) > 0:
- t_new = self.t_bound
- h = t_new - t
- h_abs = np.abs(h)
- y_new, f_new = rk_step(self.fun, t, y, self.f, h, self.A,
- self.B, self.C, self.K)
- scale = atol + np.maximum(np.abs(y), np.abs(y_new)) * rtol
- error_norm = self._estimate_error_norm(self.K, h, scale)
- if error_norm < 1:
- if error_norm == 0:
- factor = MAX_FACTOR
- else:
- factor = min(MAX_FACTOR,
- SAFETY * error_norm ** self.error_exponent)
- if step_rejected:
- factor = min(1, factor)
- h_abs *= factor
- step_accepted = True
- else:
- h_abs *= max(MIN_FACTOR,
- SAFETY * error_norm ** self.error_exponent)
- step_rejected = True
- self.h_previous = h
- self.y_old = y
- self.t = t_new
- self.y = y_new
- self.h_abs = h_abs
- self.f = f_new
- return True, None
- def _dense_output_impl(self):
- Q = self.K.T.dot(self.P)
- return RkDenseOutput(self.t_old, self.t, self.y_old, Q)
- class RK23(RungeKutta):
- """Explicit Runge-Kutta method of order 3(2).
- This uses the Bogacki-Shampine pair of formulas [1]_. The error is controlled
- assuming accuracy of the second-order method, but steps are taken using the
- third-order accurate formula (local extrapolation is done). A cubic Hermite
- polynomial is used for the dense output.
- Can be applied in the complex domain.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fun : callable
- Right-hand side of the system. The calling signature is ``fun(t, y)``.
- Here ``t`` is a scalar and there are two options for ndarray ``y``.
- It can either have shape (n,), then ``fun`` must return array_like with
- shape (n,). Or alternatively it can have shape (n, k), then ``fun``
- must return array_like with shape (n, k), i.e. each column
- corresponds to a single column in ``y``. The choice between the two
- options is determined by `vectorized` argument (see below).
- t0 : float
- Initial time.
- y0 : array_like, shape (n,)
- Initial state.
- t_bound : float
- Boundary time - the integration won't continue beyond it. It also
- determines the direction of the integration.
- first_step : float or None, optional
- Initial step size. Default is ``None`` which means that the algorithm
- should choose.
- max_step : float, optional
- Maximum allowed step size. Default is np.inf, i.e., the step size is not
- bounded and determined solely by the solver.
- rtol, atol : float and array_like, optional
- Relative and absolute tolerances. The solver keeps the local error
- estimates less than ``atol + rtol * abs(y)``. Here `rtol` controls a
- relative accuracy (number of correct digits), while `atol` controls
- absolute accuracy (number of correct decimal places). To achieve the
- desired `rtol`, set `atol` to be smaller than the smallest value that
- can be expected from ``rtol * abs(y)`` so that `rtol` dominates the
- allowable error. If `atol` is larger than ``rtol * abs(y)`` the
- number of correct digits is not guaranteed. Conversely, to achieve the
- desired `atol` set `rtol` such that ``rtol * abs(y)`` is always smaller
- than `atol`. If components of y have different scales, it might be
- beneficial to set different `atol` values for different components by
- passing array_like with shape (n,) for `atol`. Default values are
- 1e-3 for `rtol` and 1e-6 for `atol`.
- vectorized : bool, optional
- Whether `fun` is implemented in a vectorized fashion. Default is False.
- Attributes
- ----------
- n : int
- Number of equations.
- status : string
- Current status of the solver: 'running', 'finished' or 'failed'.
- t_bound : float
- Boundary time.
- direction : float
- Integration direction: +1 or -1.
- t : float
- Current time.
- y : ndarray
- Current state.
- t_old : float
- Previous time. None if no steps were made yet.
- step_size : float
- Size of the last successful step. None if no steps were made yet.
- nfev : int
- Number evaluations of the system's right-hand side.
- njev : int
- Number of evaluations of the Jacobian. Is always 0 for this solver as it does not use the Jacobian.
- nlu : int
- Number of LU decompositions. Is always 0 for this solver.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] P. Bogacki, L.F. Shampine, "A 3(2) Pair of Runge-Kutta Formulas",
- Appl. Math. Lett. Vol. 2, No. 4. pp. 321-325, 1989.
- """
- order = 3
- error_estimator_order = 2
- n_stages = 3
- C = np.array([0, 1/2, 3/4])
- A = np.array([
- [0, 0, 0],
- [1/2, 0, 0],
- [0, 3/4, 0]
- ])
- B = np.array([2/9, 1/3, 4/9])
- E = np.array([5/72, -1/12, -1/9, 1/8])
- P = np.array([[1, -4 / 3, 5 / 9],
- [0, 1, -2/3],
- [0, 4/3, -8/9],
- [0, -1, 1]])
- class RK45(RungeKutta):
- """Explicit Runge-Kutta method of order 5(4).
- This uses the Dormand-Prince pair of formulas [1]_. The error is controlled
- assuming accuracy of the fourth-order method accuracy, but steps are taken
- using the fifth-order accurate formula (local extrapolation is done).
- A quartic interpolation polynomial is used for the dense output [2]_.
- Can be applied in the complex domain.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fun : callable
- Right-hand side of the system. The calling signature is ``fun(t, y)``.
- Here ``t`` is a scalar, and there are two options for the ndarray ``y``:
- It can either have shape (n,); then ``fun`` must return array_like with
- shape (n,). Alternatively it can have shape (n, k); then ``fun``
- must return an array_like with shape (n, k), i.e., each column
- corresponds to a single column in ``y``. The choice between the two
- options is determined by `vectorized` argument (see below).
- t0 : float
- Initial time.
- y0 : array_like, shape (n,)
- Initial state.
- t_bound : float
- Boundary time - the integration won't continue beyond it. It also
- determines the direction of the integration.
- first_step : float or None, optional
- Initial step size. Default is ``None`` which means that the algorithm
- should choose.
- max_step : float, optional
- Maximum allowed step size. Default is np.inf, i.e., the step size is not
- bounded and determined solely by the solver.
- rtol, atol : float and array_like, optional
- Relative and absolute tolerances. The solver keeps the local error
- estimates less than ``atol + rtol * abs(y)``. Here `rtol` controls a
- relative accuracy (number of correct digits), while `atol` controls
- absolute accuracy (number of correct decimal places). To achieve the
- desired `rtol`, set `atol` to be smaller than the smallest value that
- can be expected from ``rtol * abs(y)`` so that `rtol` dominates the
- allowable error. If `atol` is larger than ``rtol * abs(y)`` the
- number of correct digits is not guaranteed. Conversely, to achieve the
- desired `atol` set `rtol` such that ``rtol * abs(y)`` is always smaller
- than `atol`. If components of y have different scales, it might be
- beneficial to set different `atol` values for different components by
- passing array_like with shape (n,) for `atol`. Default values are
- 1e-3 for `rtol` and 1e-6 for `atol`.
- vectorized : bool, optional
- Whether `fun` is implemented in a vectorized fashion. Default is False.
- Attributes
- ----------
- n : int
- Number of equations.
- status : string
- Current status of the solver: 'running', 'finished' or 'failed'.
- t_bound : float
- Boundary time.
- direction : float
- Integration direction: +1 or -1.
- t : float
- Current time.
- y : ndarray
- Current state.
- t_old : float
- Previous time. None if no steps were made yet.
- step_size : float
- Size of the last successful step. None if no steps were made yet.
- nfev : int
- Number evaluations of the system's right-hand side.
- njev : int
- Number of evaluations of the Jacobian. Is always 0 for this solver as it does not use the Jacobian.
- nlu : int
- Number of LU decompositions. Is always 0 for this solver.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] J. R. Dormand, P. J. Prince, "A family of embedded Runge-Kutta
- formulae", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 6,
- No. 1, pp. 19-26, 1980.
- .. [2] L. W. Shampine, "Some Practical Runge-Kutta Formulas", Mathematics
- of Computation,, Vol. 46, No. 173, pp. 135-150, 1986.
- """
- order = 5
- error_estimator_order = 4
- n_stages = 6
- C = np.array([0, 1/5, 3/10, 4/5, 8/9, 1])
- A = np.array([
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- [1/5, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- [3/40, 9/40, 0, 0, 0],
- [44/45, -56/15, 32/9, 0, 0],
- [19372/6561, -25360/2187, 64448/6561, -212/729, 0],
- [9017/3168, -355/33, 46732/5247, 49/176, -5103/18656]
- ])
- B = np.array([35/384, 0, 500/1113, 125/192, -2187/6784, 11/84])
- E = np.array([-71/57600, 0, 71/16695, -71/1920, 17253/339200, -22/525,
- 1/40])
- # Corresponds to the optimum value of c_6 from [2]_.
- P = np.array([
- [1, -8048581381/2820520608, 8663915743/2820520608,
- -12715105075/11282082432],
- [0, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, 131558114200/32700410799, -68118460800/10900136933,
- 87487479700/32700410799],
- [0, -1754552775/470086768, 14199869525/1410260304,
- -10690763975/1880347072],
- [0, 127303824393/49829197408, -318862633887/49829197408,
- 701980252875 / 199316789632],
- [0, -282668133/205662961, 2019193451/616988883, -1453857185/822651844],
- [0, 40617522/29380423, -110615467/29380423, 69997945/29380423]])
- class DOP853(RungeKutta):
- """Explicit Runge-Kutta method of order 8.
- This is a Python implementation of "DOP853" algorithm originally written
- in Fortran [1]_, [2]_. Note that this is not a literate translation, but
- the algorithmic core and coefficients are the same.
- Can be applied in the complex domain.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fun : callable
- Right-hand side of the system. The calling signature is ``fun(t, y)``.
- Here, ``t`` is a scalar, and there are two options for the ndarray ``y``:
- It can either have shape (n,); then ``fun`` must return array_like with
- shape (n,). Alternatively it can have shape (n, k); then ``fun``
- must return an array_like with shape (n, k), i.e. each column
- corresponds to a single column in ``y``. The choice between the two
- options is determined by `vectorized` argument (see below).
- t0 : float
- Initial time.
- y0 : array_like, shape (n,)
- Initial state.
- t_bound : float
- Boundary time - the integration won't continue beyond it. It also
- determines the direction of the integration.
- first_step : float or None, optional
- Initial step size. Default is ``None`` which means that the algorithm
- should choose.
- max_step : float, optional
- Maximum allowed step size. Default is np.inf, i.e. the step size is not
- bounded and determined solely by the solver.
- rtol, atol : float and array_like, optional
- Relative and absolute tolerances. The solver keeps the local error
- estimates less than ``atol + rtol * abs(y)``. Here `rtol` controls a
- relative accuracy (number of correct digits), while `atol` controls
- absolute accuracy (number of correct decimal places). To achieve the
- desired `rtol`, set `atol` to be smaller than the smallest value that
- can be expected from ``rtol * abs(y)`` so that `rtol` dominates the
- allowable error. If `atol` is larger than ``rtol * abs(y)`` the
- number of correct digits is not guaranteed. Conversely, to achieve the
- desired `atol` set `rtol` such that ``rtol * abs(y)`` is always smaller
- than `atol`. If components of y have different scales, it might be
- beneficial to set different `atol` values for different components by
- passing array_like with shape (n,) for `atol`. Default values are
- 1e-3 for `rtol` and 1e-6 for `atol`.
- vectorized : bool, optional
- Whether `fun` is implemented in a vectorized fashion. Default is False.
- Attributes
- ----------
- n : int
- Number of equations.
- status : string
- Current status of the solver: 'running', 'finished' or 'failed'.
- t_bound : float
- Boundary time.
- direction : float
- Integration direction: +1 or -1.
- t : float
- Current time.
- y : ndarray
- Current state.
- t_old : float
- Previous time. None if no steps were made yet.
- step_size : float
- Size of the last successful step. None if no steps were made yet.
- nfev : int
- Number evaluations of the system's right-hand side.
- njev : int
- Number of evaluations of the Jacobian. Is always 0 for this solver
- as it does not use the Jacobian.
- nlu : int
- Number of LU decompositions. Is always 0 for this solver.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] E. Hairer, S. P. Norsett G. Wanner, "Solving Ordinary Differential
- Equations I: Nonstiff Problems", Sec. II.
- .. [2] `Page with original Fortran code of DOP853
- <http://www.unige.ch/~hairer/software.html>`_.
- """
- n_stages = dop853_coefficients.N_STAGES
- order = 8
- error_estimator_order = 7
- A = dop853_coefficients.A[:n_stages, :n_stages]
- B = dop853_coefficients.B
- C = dop853_coefficients.C[:n_stages]
- E3 = dop853_coefficients.E3
- E5 = dop853_coefficients.E5
- D = dop853_coefficients.D
- A_EXTRA = dop853_coefficients.A[n_stages + 1:]
- C_EXTRA = dop853_coefficients.C[n_stages + 1:]
- def __init__(self, fun, t0, y0, t_bound, max_step=np.inf,
- rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6, vectorized=False,
- first_step=None, **extraneous):
- super().__init__(fun, t0, y0, t_bound, max_step, rtol, atol,
- vectorized, first_step, **extraneous)
- self.K_extended = np.empty((dop853_coefficients.N_STAGES_EXTENDED,
- self.n), dtype=self.y.dtype)
- self.K = self.K_extended[:self.n_stages + 1]
- def _estimate_error(self, K, h): # Left for testing purposes.
- err5 = np.dot(K.T, self.E5)
- err3 = np.dot(K.T, self.E3)
- denom = np.hypot(np.abs(err5), 0.1 * np.abs(err3))
- correction_factor = np.ones_like(err5)
- mask = denom > 0
- correction_factor[mask] = np.abs(err5[mask]) / denom[mask]
- return h * err5 * correction_factor
- def _estimate_error_norm(self, K, h, scale):
- err5 = np.dot(K.T, self.E5) / scale
- err3 = np.dot(K.T, self.E3) / scale
- err5_norm_2 = np.linalg.norm(err5)**2
- err3_norm_2 = np.linalg.norm(err3)**2
- if err5_norm_2 == 0 and err3_norm_2 == 0:
- return 0.0
- denom = err5_norm_2 + 0.01 * err3_norm_2
- return np.abs(h) * err5_norm_2 / np.sqrt(denom * len(scale))
- def _dense_output_impl(self):
- K = self.K_extended
- h = self.h_previous
- for s, (a, c) in enumerate(zip(self.A_EXTRA, self.C_EXTRA),
- start=self.n_stages + 1):
- dy = np.dot(K[:s].T, a[:s]) * h
- K[s] = self.fun(self.t_old + c * h, self.y_old + dy)
- F = np.empty((dop853_coefficients.INTERPOLATOR_POWER, self.n),
- dtype=self.y_old.dtype)
- f_old = K[0]
- delta_y = self.y - self.y_old
- F[0] = delta_y
- F[1] = h * f_old - delta_y
- F[2] = 2 * delta_y - h * (self.f + f_old)
- F[3:] = h * np.dot(self.D, K)
- return Dop853DenseOutput(self.t_old, self.t, self.y_old, F)
- class RkDenseOutput(DenseOutput):
- def __init__(self, t_old, t, y_old, Q):
- super().__init__(t_old, t)
- self.h = t - t_old
- self.Q = Q
- self.order = Q.shape[1] - 1
- self.y_old = y_old
- def _call_impl(self, t):
- x = (t - self.t_old) / self.h
- if t.ndim == 0:
- p = np.tile(x, self.order + 1)
- p = np.cumprod(p)
- else:
- p = np.tile(x, (self.order + 1, 1))
- p = np.cumprod(p, axis=0)
- y = self.h * np.dot(self.Q, p)
- if y.ndim == 2:
- y += self.y_old[:, None]
- else:
- y += self.y_old
- return y
- class Dop853DenseOutput(DenseOutput):
- def __init__(self, t_old, t, y_old, F):
- super().__init__(t_old, t)
- self.h = t - t_old
- self.F = F
- self.y_old = y_old
- def _call_impl(self, t):
- x = (t - self.t_old) / self.h
- if t.ndim == 0:
- y = np.zeros_like(self.y_old)
- else:
- x = x[:, None]
- y = np.zeros((len(x), len(self.y_old)), dtype=self.y_old.dtype)
- for i, f in enumerate(reversed(self.F)):
- y += f
- if i % 2 == 0:
- y *= x
- else:
- y *= 1 - x
- y += self.y_old
- return y.T