123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*
- # Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- """Windows specific tests."""
- import datetime
- import errno
- import glob
- import os
- import platform
- import re
- import signal
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import time
- import unittest
- import warnings
- import psutil
- from psutil import WINDOWS
- from psutil._compat import FileNotFoundError
- from psutil._compat import super
- from psutil._compat import which
- from psutil.tests import APPVEYOR
- from psutil.tests import GITHUB_ACTIONS
- from psutil.tests import HAS_BATTERY
- from psutil.tests import IS_64BIT
- from psutil.tests import PY3
- from psutil.tests import PYPY
- from psutil.tests import TOLERANCE_DISK_USAGE
- from psutil.tests import TOLERANCE_SYS_MEM
- from psutil.tests import PsutilTestCase
- from psutil.tests import mock
- from psutil.tests import retry_on_failure
- from psutil.tests import sh
- from psutil.tests import spawn_testproc
- from psutil.tests import terminate
- if WINDOWS and not PYPY:
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
- import win32api # requires "pip install pywin32"
- import win32con
- import win32process
- import wmi # requires "pip install wmi" / "make setup-dev-env"
- from psutil._pswindows import convert_oserror
- cext = psutil._psplatform.cext
- @unittest.skipIf(not WINDOWS, "WINDOWS only")
- @unittest.skipIf(PYPY, "pywin32 not available on PYPY")
- # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/1762#issuecomment-632892692
- @unittest.skipIf(GITHUB_ACTIONS and not PY3, "pywin32 broken on GITHUB + PY2")
- class WindowsTestCase(PsutilTestCase):
- pass
- def powershell(cmd):
- """Currently not used, but available just in case. Usage:
- >>> powershell(
- "Get-CIMInstance Win32_PageFileUsage | Select AllocatedBaseSize")
- """
- if not which("powershell.exe"):
- raise unittest.SkipTest("powershell.exe not available")
- cmdline = \
- 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive ' + \
- '-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "%s"' % cmd
- return sh(cmdline)
- def wmic(path, what, converter=int):
- """Currently not used, but available just in case. Usage:
- >>> wmic("Win32_OperatingSystem", "FreePhysicalMemory")
- 2134124534
- """
- out = sh("wmic path %s get %s" % (path, what)).strip()
- data = "".join(out.splitlines()[1:]).strip() # get rid of the header
- if converter is not None:
- if "," in what:
- return tuple([converter(x) for x in data.split()])
- else:
- return converter(data)
- else:
- return data
- # ===================================================================
- # System APIs
- # ===================================================================
- class TestCpuAPIs(WindowsTestCase):
- @unittest.skipIf('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' not in os.environ,
- 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS env var is not available')
- def test_cpu_count_vs_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS(self):
- # Will likely fail on many-cores systems:
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31209256
- num_cpus = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
- self.assertEqual(num_cpus, psutil.cpu_count())
- def test_cpu_count_vs_GetSystemInfo(self):
- # Will likely fail on many-cores systems:
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31209256
- sys_value = win32api.GetSystemInfo()[5]
- psutil_value = psutil.cpu_count()
- self.assertEqual(sys_value, psutil_value)
- def test_cpu_count_logical_vs_wmi(self):
- w = wmi.WMI()
- procs = sum(proc.NumberOfLogicalProcessors
- for proc in w.Win32_Processor())
- self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(), procs)
- def test_cpu_count_cores_vs_wmi(self):
- w = wmi.WMI()
- cores = sum(proc.NumberOfCores for proc in w.Win32_Processor())
- self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), cores)
- def test_cpu_count_vs_cpu_times(self):
- self.assertEqual(psutil.cpu_count(),
- len(psutil.cpu_times(percpu=True)))
- def test_cpu_freq(self):
- w = wmi.WMI()
- proc = w.Win32_Processor()[0]
- self.assertEqual(proc.CurrentClockSpeed, psutil.cpu_freq().current)
- self.assertEqual(proc.MaxClockSpeed, psutil.cpu_freq().max)
- class TestSystemAPIs(WindowsTestCase):
- def test_nic_names(self):
- out = sh('ipconfig /all')
- nics = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).keys()
- for nic in nics:
- if "pseudo-interface" in nic.replace(' ', '-').lower():
- continue
- if nic not in out:
- raise self.fail(
- "%r nic wasn't found in 'ipconfig /all' output" % nic)
- def test_total_phymem(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_ComputerSystem()[0]
- self.assertEqual(int(w.TotalPhysicalMemory),
- psutil.virtual_memory().total)
- def test_free_phymem(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory()[0]
- self.assertAlmostEqual(
- int(w.AvailableBytes), psutil.virtual_memory().free,
- def test_total_swapmem(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory()[0]
- self.assertEqual(int(w.CommitLimit) - psutil.virtual_memory().total,
- psutil.swap_memory().total)
- if (psutil.swap_memory().total == 0):
- self.assertEqual(0, psutil.swap_memory().free)
- self.assertEqual(0, psutil.swap_memory().used)
- def test_percent_swapmem(self):
- if (psutil.swap_memory().total > 0):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_PagingFile(
- Name="_Total")[0]
- # calculate swap usage to percent
- percentSwap = int(w.PercentUsage) * 100 / int(w.PercentUsage_Base)
- # exact percent may change but should be reasonable
- # assert within +/- 5% and between 0 and 100%
- self.assertGreaterEqual(psutil.swap_memory().percent, 0)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(psutil.swap_memory().percent, percentSwap,
- delta=5)
- self.assertLessEqual(psutil.swap_memory().percent, 100)
- # @unittest.skipIf(wmi is None, "wmi module is not installed")
- # def test__UPTIME(self):
- # # _UPTIME constant is not public but it is used internally
- # # as value to return for pid 0 creation time.
- # # WMI behaves the same.
- # w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- # p = psutil.Process(0)
- # wmic_create = str(w.CreationDate.split('.')[0])
- # psutil_create = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
- # time.localtime(p.create_time()))
- # Note: this test is not very reliable
- @unittest.skipIf(APPVEYOR, "test not relieable on appveyor")
- @retry_on_failure()
- def test_pids(self):
- # Note: this test might fail if the OS is starting/killing
- # other processes in the meantime
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process()
- wmi_pids = set([x.ProcessId for x in w])
- psutil_pids = set(psutil.pids())
- self.assertEqual(wmi_pids, psutil_pids)
- @retry_on_failure()
- def test_disks(self):
- ps_parts = psutil.disk_partitions(all=True)
- wmi_parts = wmi.WMI().Win32_LogicalDisk()
- for ps_part in ps_parts:
- for wmi_part in wmi_parts:
- if ps_part.device.replace('\\', '') == wmi_part.DeviceID:
- if not ps_part.mountpoint:
- # this is usually a CD-ROM with no disk inserted
- break
- if 'cdrom' in ps_part.opts:
- break
- if ps_part.mountpoint.startswith('A:'):
- break # floppy
- try:
- usage = psutil.disk_usage(ps_part.mountpoint)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- # usually this is the floppy
- break
- self.assertEqual(usage.total, int(wmi_part.Size))
- wmi_free = int(wmi_part.FreeSpace)
- self.assertEqual(usage.free, wmi_free)
- # 10 MB tolerance
- if abs(usage.free - wmi_free) > 10 * 1024 * 1024:
- raise self.fail("psutil=%s, wmi=%s" % (
- usage.free, wmi_free))
- break
- else:
- raise self.fail("can't find partition %s" % repr(ps_part))
- @retry_on_failure()
- def test_disk_usage(self):
- for disk in psutil.disk_partitions():
- if 'cdrom' in disk.opts:
- continue
- sys_value = win32api.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(disk.mountpoint)
- psutil_value = psutil.disk_usage(disk.mountpoint)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(sys_value[0], psutil_value.free,
- self.assertAlmostEqual(sys_value[1], psutil_value.total,
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value.used,
- psutil_value.total - psutil_value.free)
- def test_disk_partitions(self):
- sys_value = [
- x + '\\' for x in win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split("\\\x00")
- if x and not x.startswith('A:')]
- psutil_value = [x.mountpoint for x in psutil.disk_partitions(all=True)
- if not x.mountpoint.startswith('A:')]
- self.assertEqual(sys_value, psutil_value)
- def test_net_if_stats(self):
- ps_names = set(cext.net_if_stats())
- wmi_adapters = wmi.WMI().Win32_NetworkAdapter()
- wmi_names = set()
- for wmi_adapter in wmi_adapters:
- wmi_names.add(wmi_adapter.Name)
- wmi_names.add(wmi_adapter.NetConnectionID)
- self.assertTrue(ps_names & wmi_names,
- "no common entries in %s, %s" % (ps_names, wmi_names))
- def test_boot_time(self):
- wmi_os = wmi.WMI().Win32_OperatingSystem()
- wmi_btime_str = wmi_os[0].LastBootUpTime.split('.')[0]
- wmi_btime_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
- wmi_btime_str, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- psutil_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time())
- diff = abs((wmi_btime_dt - psutil_dt).total_seconds())
- self.assertLessEqual(diff, 5)
- def test_boot_time_fluctuation(self):
- # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1007
- with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=5):
- self.assertEqual(psutil.boot_time(), 5)
- with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=4):
- self.assertEqual(psutil.boot_time(), 5)
- with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=6):
- self.assertEqual(psutil.boot_time(), 5)
- with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=333):
- self.assertEqual(psutil.boot_time(), 333)
- # ===================================================================
- # sensors_battery()
- # ===================================================================
- class TestSensorsBattery(WindowsTestCase):
- def test_has_battery(self):
- if win32api.GetPwrCapabilities()['SystemBatteriesPresent']:
- self.assertIsNotNone(psutil.sensors_battery())
- else:
- self.assertIsNone(psutil.sensors_battery())
- @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_BATTERY, "no battery")
- def test_percent(self):
- w = wmi.WMI()
- battery_wmi = w.query('select * from Win32_Battery')[0]
- battery_psutil = psutil.sensors_battery()
- self.assertAlmostEqual(
- battery_psutil.percent, battery_wmi.EstimatedChargeRemaining,
- delta=1)
- @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_BATTERY, "no battery")
- def test_power_plugged(self):
- w = wmi.WMI()
- battery_wmi = w.query('select * from Win32_Battery')[0]
- battery_psutil = psutil.sensors_battery()
- # Status codes:
- # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394074(v=vs.85).aspx
- self.assertEqual(battery_psutil.power_plugged,
- battery_wmi.BatteryStatus == 2)
- def test_emulate_no_battery(self):
- with mock.patch("psutil._pswindows.cext.sensors_battery",
- return_value=(0, 128, 0, 0)) as m:
- self.assertIsNone(psutil.sensors_battery())
- assert m.called
- def test_emulate_power_connected(self):
- with mock.patch("psutil._pswindows.cext.sensors_battery",
- return_value=(1, 0, 0, 0)) as m:
- self.assertEqual(psutil.sensors_battery().secsleft,
- assert m.called
- def test_emulate_power_charging(self):
- with mock.patch("psutil._pswindows.cext.sensors_battery",
- return_value=(0, 8, 0, 0)) as m:
- self.assertEqual(psutil.sensors_battery().secsleft,
- assert m.called
- def test_emulate_secs_left_unknown(self):
- with mock.patch("psutil._pswindows.cext.sensors_battery",
- return_value=(0, 0, 0, -1)) as m:
- self.assertEqual(psutil.sensors_battery().secsleft,
- assert m.called
- # ===================================================================
- # Process APIs
- # ===================================================================
- class TestProcess(WindowsTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- cls.pid = spawn_testproc().pid
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls):
- terminate(cls.pid)
- def test_issue_24(self):
- p = psutil.Process(0)
- self.assertRaises(psutil.AccessDenied, p.kill)
- def test_special_pid(self):
- p = psutil.Process(4)
- self.assertEqual(p.name(), 'System')
- # use __str__ to access all common Process properties to check
- # that nothing strange happens
- str(p)
- p.username()
- self.assertGreaterEqual(p.create_time(), 0.0)
- try:
- rss, vms = p.memory_info()[:2]
- except psutil.AccessDenied:
- # expected on Windows Vista and Windows 7
- if platform.uname()[1] not in ('vista', 'win-7', 'win7'):
- raise
- else:
- self.assertGreater(rss, 0)
- def test_send_signal(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.send_signal, signal.SIGINT)
- def test_num_handles_increment(self):
- p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
- before = p.num_handles()
- handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- win32con.FALSE, os.getpid())
- after = p.num_handles()
- self.assertEqual(after, before + 1)
- win32api.CloseHandle(handle)
- self.assertEqual(p.num_handles(), before)
- def test_ctrl_signals(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.spawn_testproc().pid)
- p.send_signal(signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
- p.send_signal(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)
- p.kill()
- p.wait()
- self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess,
- p.send_signal, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
- self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess,
- p.send_signal, signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)
- def test_username(self):
- name = win32api.GetUserNameEx(win32con.NameSamCompatible)
- if name.endswith('$'):
- # When running as a service account (most likely to be
- # NetworkService), these user name calculations don't produce the
- # same result, causing the test to fail.
- raise unittest.SkipTest('running as service account')
- self.assertEqual(psutil.Process().username(), name)
- def test_cmdline(self):
- sys_value = re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', win32api.GetCommandLine()).strip()
- psutil_value = ' '.join(psutil.Process().cmdline())
- if sys_value[0] == '"' != psutil_value[0]:
- # The PyWin32 command line may retain quotes around argv[0] if they
- # were used unnecessarily, while psutil will omit them. So remove
- # the first 2 quotes from sys_value if not in psutil_value.
- # A path to an executable will not contain quotes, so this is safe.
- sys_value = sys_value.replace('"', '', 2)
- self.assertEqual(sys_value, psutil_value)
- # XXX - occasional failures
- # def test_cpu_times(self):
- # handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- # win32con.FALSE, os.getpid())
- # self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
- # sys_value = win32process.GetProcessTimes(handle)
- # psutil_value = psutil.Process().cpu_times()
- # self.assertAlmostEqual(
- # psutil_value.user, sys_value['UserTime'] / 10000000.0,
- # delta=0.2)
- # self.assertAlmostEqual(
- # psutil_value.user, sys_value['KernelTime'] / 10000000.0,
- # delta=0.2)
- def test_nice(self):
- handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- win32con.FALSE, os.getpid())
- self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
- sys_value = win32process.GetPriorityClass(handle)
- psutil_value = psutil.Process().nice()
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value, sys_value)
- def test_memory_info(self):
- handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- win32con.FALSE, self.pid)
- self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
- sys_value = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo(handle)
- psutil_value = psutil.Process(self.pid).memory_info()
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['PeakWorkingSetSize'], psutil_value.peak_wset)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['WorkingSetSize'], psutil_value.wset)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage'], psutil_value.peak_paged_pool)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['QuotaPagedPoolUsage'], psutil_value.paged_pool)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage'],
- psutil_value.peak_nonpaged_pool)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage'], psutil_value.nonpaged_pool)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['PagefileUsage'], psutil_value.pagefile)
- self.assertEqual(
- sys_value['PeakPagefileUsage'], psutil_value.peak_pagefile)
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value.rss, psutil_value.wset)
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value.vms, psutil_value.pagefile)
- def test_wait(self):
- handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- win32con.FALSE, self.pid)
- self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- p.terminate()
- psutil_value = p.wait()
- sys_value = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(handle)
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value, sys_value)
- def test_cpu_affinity(self):
- def from_bitmask(x):
- return [i for i in range(64) if (1 << i) & x]
- handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- win32con.FALSE, self.pid)
- self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
- sys_value = from_bitmask(
- win32process.GetProcessAffinityMask(handle)[0])
- psutil_value = psutil.Process(self.pid).cpu_affinity()
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value, sys_value)
- def test_io_counters(self):
- handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- win32con.FALSE, os.getpid())
- self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
- sys_value = win32process.GetProcessIoCounters(handle)
- psutil_value = psutil.Process().io_counters()
- self.assertEqual(
- psutil_value.read_count, sys_value['ReadOperationCount'])
- self.assertEqual(
- psutil_value.write_count, sys_value['WriteOperationCount'])
- self.assertEqual(
- psutil_value.read_bytes, sys_value['ReadTransferCount'])
- self.assertEqual(
- psutil_value.write_bytes, sys_value['WriteTransferCount'])
- self.assertEqual(
- psutil_value.other_count, sys_value['OtherOperationCount'])
- self.assertEqual(
- psutil_value.other_bytes, sys_value['OtherTransferCount'])
- def test_num_handles(self):
- import ctypes
- import ctypes.wintypes
- handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(
- self.addCleanup(ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle, handle)
- hndcnt = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
- ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetProcessHandleCount(
- handle, ctypes.byref(hndcnt))
- sys_value = hndcnt.value
- psutil_value = psutil.Process(self.pid).num_handles()
- self.assertEqual(psutil_value, sys_value)
- def test_error_partial_copy(self):
- # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/875
- exc = WindowsError()
- exc.winerror = 299
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_cwd", side_effect=exc):
- with mock.patch("time.sleep") as m:
- p = psutil.Process()
- self.assertRaises(psutil.AccessDenied, p.cwd)
- self.assertGreaterEqual(m.call_count, 5)
- def test_exe(self):
- # NtQuerySystemInformation succeeds if process is gone. Make sure
- # it raises NSP for a non existent pid.
- pid = psutil.pids()[-1] + 99999
- proc = psutil._psplatform.Process(pid)
- self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, proc.exe)
- class TestProcessWMI(WindowsTestCase):
- """Compare Process API results with WMI."""
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- cls.pid = spawn_testproc().pid
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls):
- terminate(cls.pid)
- def test_name(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- self.assertEqual(p.name(), w.Caption)
- # This fail on github because using virtualenv for test environment
- @unittest.skipIf(GITHUB_ACTIONS, "unreliable path on GITHUB_ACTIONS")
- def test_exe(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- # Note: wmi reports the exe as a lower case string.
- # Being Windows paths case-insensitive we ignore that.
- self.assertEqual(p.exe().lower(), w.ExecutablePath.lower())
- def test_cmdline(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- self.assertEqual(' '.join(p.cmdline()),
- w.CommandLine.replace('"', ''))
- def test_username(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- domain, _, username = w.GetOwner()
- username = "%s\\%s" % (domain, username)
- self.assertEqual(p.username(), username)
- @retry_on_failure()
- def test_memory_rss(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- rss = p.memory_info().rss
- self.assertEqual(rss, int(w.WorkingSetSize))
- @retry_on_failure()
- def test_memory_vms(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- vms = p.memory_info().vms
- # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394372(VS.85).aspx
- # ...claims that PageFileUsage is represented in Kilo
- # bytes but funnily enough on certain platforms bytes are
- # returned instead.
- wmi_usage = int(w.PageFileUsage)
- if (vms != wmi_usage) and (vms != wmi_usage * 1024):
- raise self.fail("wmi=%s, psutil=%s" % (wmi_usage, vms))
- def test_create_time(self):
- w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
- p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
- wmic_create = str(w.CreationDate.split('.')[0])
- psutil_create = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
- time.localtime(p.create_time()))
- self.assertEqual(wmic_create, psutil_create)
- # ---
- @unittest.skipIf(not WINDOWS, "WINDOWS only")
- class TestDualProcessImplementation(PsutilTestCase):
- """Certain APIs on Windows have 2 internal implementations, one
- based on documented Windows APIs, another one based
- NtQuerySystemInformation() which gets called as fallback in
- case the first fails because of limited permission error.
- Here we test that the two methods return the exact same value,
- see:
- https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/304.
- """
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- cls.pid = spawn_testproc().pid
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls):
- terminate(cls.pid)
- def test_memory_info(self):
- mem_1 = psutil.Process(self.pid).memory_info()
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_memory_info",
- side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg")) as fun:
- mem_2 = psutil.Process(self.pid).memory_info()
- self.assertEqual(len(mem_1), len(mem_2))
- for i in range(len(mem_1)):
- self.assertGreaterEqual(mem_1[i], 0)
- self.assertGreaterEqual(mem_2[i], 0)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(mem_1[i], mem_2[i], delta=512)
- assert fun.called
- def test_create_time(self):
- ctime = psutil.Process(self.pid).create_time()
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_times",
- side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg")) as fun:
- self.assertEqual(psutil.Process(self.pid).create_time(), ctime)
- assert fun.called
- def test_cpu_times(self):
- cpu_times_1 = psutil.Process(self.pid).cpu_times()
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_times",
- side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg")) as fun:
- cpu_times_2 = psutil.Process(self.pid).cpu_times()
- assert fun.called
- self.assertAlmostEqual(
- cpu_times_1.user, cpu_times_2.user, delta=0.01)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(
- cpu_times_1.system, cpu_times_2.system, delta=0.01)
- def test_io_counters(self):
- io_counters_1 = psutil.Process(self.pid).io_counters()
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_io_counters",
- side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg")) as fun:
- io_counters_2 = psutil.Process(self.pid).io_counters()
- for i in range(len(io_counters_1)):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(
- io_counters_1[i], io_counters_2[i], delta=5)
- assert fun.called
- def test_num_handles(self):
- num_handles = psutil.Process(self.pid).num_handles()
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_num_handles",
- side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg")) as fun:
- self.assertEqual(psutil.Process(self.pid).num_handles(),
- num_handles)
- assert fun.called
- def test_cmdline(self):
- for pid in psutil.pids():
- try:
- a = cext.proc_cmdline(pid, use_peb=True)
- b = cext.proc_cmdline(pid, use_peb=False)
- except OSError as err:
- err = convert_oserror(err)
- if not isinstance(err, (psutil.AccessDenied,
- psutil.NoSuchProcess)):
- raise
- else:
- self.assertEqual(a, b)
- @unittest.skipIf(not WINDOWS, "WINDOWS only")
- class RemoteProcessTestCase(PsutilTestCase):
- """Certain functions require calling ReadProcessMemory.
- This trivially works when called on the current process.
- Check that this works on other processes, especially when they
- have a different bitness.
- """
- @staticmethod
- def find_other_interpreter():
- # find a python interpreter that is of the opposite bitness from us
- code = "import sys; sys.stdout.write(str(sys.maxsize > 2**32))"
- # XXX: a different and probably more stable approach might be to access
- # the registry but accessing 64 bit paths from a 32 bit process
- for filename in glob.glob(r"C:\Python*\python.exe"):
- proc = subprocess.Popen(args=[filename, "-c", code],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- output, _ = proc.communicate()
- proc.wait()
- if output == str(not IS_64BIT):
- return filename
- test_args = ["-c", "import sys; sys.stdin.read()"]
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- other_python = self.find_other_interpreter()
- if other_python is None:
- raise unittest.SkipTest(
- "could not find interpreter with opposite bitness")
- if IS_64BIT:
- self.python64 = sys.executable
- self.python32 = other_python
- else:
- self.python64 = other_python
- self.python32 = sys.executable
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env["THINK_OF_A_NUMBER"] = str(os.getpid())
- self.proc32 = self.spawn_testproc(
- [self.python32] + self.test_args,
- env=env,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- self.proc64 = self.spawn_testproc(
- [self.python64] + self.test_args,
- env=env,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- def tearDown(self):
- super().tearDown()
- self.proc32.communicate()
- self.proc64.communicate()
- def test_cmdline_32(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.proc32.pid)
- self.assertEqual(len(p.cmdline()), 3)
- self.assertEqual(p.cmdline()[1:], self.test_args)
- def test_cmdline_64(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.proc64.pid)
- self.assertEqual(len(p.cmdline()), 3)
- self.assertEqual(p.cmdline()[1:], self.test_args)
- def test_cwd_32(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.proc32.pid)
- self.assertEqual(p.cwd(), os.getcwd())
- def test_cwd_64(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.proc64.pid)
- self.assertEqual(p.cwd(), os.getcwd())
- def test_environ_32(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.proc32.pid)
- e = p.environ()
- self.assertIn("THINK_OF_A_NUMBER", e)
- self.assertEqual(e["THINK_OF_A_NUMBER"], str(os.getpid()))
- def test_environ_64(self):
- p = psutil.Process(self.proc64.pid)
- try:
- p.environ()
- except psutil.AccessDenied:
- pass
- # ===================================================================
- # Windows services
- # ===================================================================
- @unittest.skipIf(not WINDOWS, "WINDOWS only")
- class TestServices(PsutilTestCase):
- def test_win_service_iter(self):
- valid_statuses = set([
- "running",
- "paused",
- "start",
- "pause",
- "continue",
- "stop",
- "stopped",
- ])
- valid_start_types = set([
- "automatic",
- "manual",
- "disabled",
- ])
- valid_statuses = set([
- "running",
- "paused",
- "start_pending",
- "pause_pending",
- "continue_pending",
- "stop_pending",
- "stopped"
- ])
- for serv in psutil.win_service_iter():
- data = serv.as_dict()
- self.assertIsInstance(data['name'], str)
- self.assertNotEqual(data['name'].strip(), "")
- self.assertIsInstance(data['display_name'], str)
- self.assertIsInstance(data['username'], str)
- self.assertIn(data['status'], valid_statuses)
- if data['pid'] is not None:
- psutil.Process(data['pid'])
- self.assertIsInstance(data['binpath'], str)
- self.assertIsInstance(data['username'], str)
- self.assertIsInstance(data['start_type'], str)
- self.assertIn(data['start_type'], valid_start_types)
- self.assertIn(data['status'], valid_statuses)
- self.assertIsInstance(data['description'], str)
- pid = serv.pid()
- if pid is not None:
- p = psutil.Process(pid)
- self.assertTrue(p.is_running())
- # win_service_get
- s = psutil.win_service_get(serv.name())
- # test __eq__
- self.assertEqual(serv, s)
- def test_win_service_get(self):
- psutil._psplatform.cext.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
- name = next(psutil.win_service_iter()).name()
- with self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess) as cm:
- psutil.win_service_get(name + '???')
- self.assertEqual(cm.exception.name, name + '???')
- # test NoSuchProcess
- service = psutil.win_service_get(name)
- if PY3:
- args = (0, "msg", 0, ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
- else:
- exc = WindowsError(*args)
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_status",
- side_effect=exc):
- self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, service.status)
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_config",
- side_effect=exc):
- self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, service.username)
- # test AccessDenied
- if PY3:
- args = (0, "msg", 0, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
- else:
- args = (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "msg")
- exc = WindowsError(*args)
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_status",
- side_effect=exc):
- self.assertRaises(psutil.AccessDenied, service.status)
- with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_config",
- side_effect=exc):
- self.assertRaises(psutil.AccessDenied, service.username)
- # test __str__ and __repr__
- self.assertIn(service.name(), str(service))
- self.assertIn(service.display_name(), str(service))
- self.assertIn(service.name(), repr(service))
- self.assertIn(service.display_name(), repr(service))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- from psutil.tests.runner import run_from_name
- run_from_name(__file__)