test_series.py 30 KB

  1. """ Test cases for Series.plot """
  2. from datetime import datetime
  3. from itertools import chain
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import pytest
  6. from pandas.compat import is_platform_linux
  7. from pandas.compat.numpy import np_version_gte1p24
  8. import pandas.util._test_decorators as td
  9. import pandas as pd
  10. from pandas import (
  11. DataFrame,
  12. Series,
  13. date_range,
  14. plotting,
  15. )
  16. import pandas._testing as tm
  17. from pandas.tests.plotting.common import (
  18. TestPlotBase,
  19. _check_plot_works,
  20. )
  21. @pytest.fixture
  22. def ts():
  23. return tm.makeTimeSeries(name="ts")
  24. @pytest.fixture
  25. def series():
  26. return tm.makeStringSeries(name="series")
  27. @pytest.fixture
  28. def iseries():
  29. return tm.makePeriodSeries(name="iseries")
  30. @td.skip_if_no_mpl
  31. class TestSeriesPlots(TestPlotBase):
  32. @pytest.mark.slow
  33. def test_plot(self, ts):
  34. _check_plot_works(ts.plot, label="foo")
  35. _check_plot_works(ts.plot, use_index=False)
  36. axes = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, rot=0)
  37. self._check_ticks_props(axes, xrot=0)
  38. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, style=".", logy=True)
  39. self._check_ax_scales(ax, yaxis="log")
  40. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, style=".", logx=True)
  41. self._check_ax_scales(ax, xaxis="log")
  42. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, style=".", loglog=True)
  43. self._check_ax_scales(ax, xaxis="log", yaxis="log")
  44. _check_plot_works(ts[:10].plot.bar)
  45. _check_plot_works(ts.plot.area, stacked=False)
  46. def test_plot_iseries(self, iseries):
  47. _check_plot_works(iseries.plot)
  48. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  49. "kind",
  50. [
  51. "line",
  52. "bar",
  53. "barh",
  54. pytest.param("kde", marks=td.skip_if_no_scipy),
  55. "hist",
  56. "box",
  57. ],
  58. )
  59. def test_plot_series_kinds(self, series, kind):
  60. _check_plot_works(series[:5].plot, kind=kind)
  61. def test_plot_series_barh(self, series):
  62. _check_plot_works(series[:10].plot.barh)
  63. def test_plot_series_bar_ax(self):
  64. ax = _check_plot_works(Series(np.random.randn(10)).plot.bar, color="black")
  65. self._check_colors([ax.patches[0]], facecolors=["black"])
  66. def test_plot_6951(self, ts):
  67. # GH 6951
  68. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, subplots=True)
  69. self._check_axes_shape(ax, axes_num=1, layout=(1, 1))
  70. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, subplots=True, layout=(-1, 1))
  71. self._check_axes_shape(ax, axes_num=1, layout=(1, 1))
  72. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, subplots=True, layout=(1, -1))
  73. self._check_axes_shape(ax, axes_num=1, layout=(1, 1))
  74. def test_plot_figsize_and_title(self, series):
  75. # figsize and title
  76. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  77. ax = series.plot(title="Test", figsize=(16, 8), ax=ax)
  78. self._check_text_labels(ax.title, "Test")
  79. self._check_axes_shape(ax, axes_num=1, layout=(1, 1), figsize=(16, 8))
  80. def test_dont_modify_rcParams(self):
  81. # GH 8242
  82. key = "axes.prop_cycle"
  83. colors = self.plt.rcParams[key]
  84. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  85. Series([1, 2, 3]).plot(ax=ax)
  86. assert colors == self.plt.rcParams[key]
  87. def test_ts_line_lim(self, ts):
  88. fig, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  89. ax = ts.plot(ax=ax)
  90. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  91. lines = ax.get_lines()
  92. assert xmin <= lines[0].get_data(orig=False)[0][0]
  93. assert xmax >= lines[0].get_data(orig=False)[0][-1]
  94. tm.close()
  95. ax = ts.plot(secondary_y=True, ax=ax)
  96. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  97. lines = ax.get_lines()
  98. assert xmin <= lines[0].get_data(orig=False)[0][0]
  99. assert xmax >= lines[0].get_data(orig=False)[0][-1]
  100. def test_ts_area_lim(self, ts):
  101. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  102. ax = ts.plot.area(stacked=False, ax=ax)
  103. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  104. line = ax.get_lines()[0].get_data(orig=False)[0]
  105. assert xmin <= line[0]
  106. assert xmax >= line[-1]
  107. self._check_ticks_props(ax, xrot=0)
  108. tm.close()
  109. # GH 7471
  110. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  111. ax = ts.plot.area(stacked=False, x_compat=True, ax=ax)
  112. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  113. line = ax.get_lines()[0].get_data(orig=False)[0]
  114. assert xmin <= line[0]
  115. assert xmax >= line[-1]
  116. self._check_ticks_props(ax, xrot=30)
  117. tm.close()
  118. tz_ts = ts.copy()
  119. tz_ts.index = tz_ts.tz_localize("GMT").tz_convert("CET")
  120. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  121. ax = tz_ts.plot.area(stacked=False, x_compat=True, ax=ax)
  122. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  123. line = ax.get_lines()[0].get_data(orig=False)[0]
  124. assert xmin <= line[0]
  125. assert xmax >= line[-1]
  126. self._check_ticks_props(ax, xrot=0)
  127. tm.close()
  128. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  129. ax = tz_ts.plot.area(stacked=False, secondary_y=True, ax=ax)
  130. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  131. line = ax.get_lines()[0].get_data(orig=False)[0]
  132. assert xmin <= line[0]
  133. assert xmax >= line[-1]
  134. self._check_ticks_props(ax, xrot=0)
  135. def test_area_sharey_dont_overwrite(self, ts):
  136. # GH37942
  137. fig, (ax1, ax2) = self.plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
  138. abs(ts).plot(ax=ax1, kind="area")
  139. abs(ts).plot(ax=ax2, kind="area")
  140. assert self.get_y_axis(ax1).joined(ax1, ax2)
  141. assert self.get_y_axis(ax2).joined(ax1, ax2)
  142. def test_label(self):
  143. s = Series([1, 2])
  144. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  145. ax = s.plot(label="LABEL", legend=True, ax=ax)
  146. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=["LABEL"])
  147. self.plt.close()
  148. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  149. ax = s.plot(legend=True, ax=ax)
  150. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=[""])
  151. self.plt.close()
  152. # get name from index
  153. s.name = "NAME"
  154. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  155. ax = s.plot(legend=True, ax=ax)
  156. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=["NAME"])
  157. self.plt.close()
  158. # override the default
  159. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  160. ax = s.plot(legend=True, label="LABEL", ax=ax)
  161. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=["LABEL"])
  162. self.plt.close()
  163. # Add lebel info, but don't draw
  164. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  165. ax = s.plot(legend=False, label="LABEL", ax=ax)
  166. assert ax.get_legend() is None # Hasn't been drawn
  167. ax.legend() # draw it
  168. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=["LABEL"])
  169. def test_boolean(self):
  170. # GH 23719
  171. s = Series([False, False, True])
  172. _check_plot_works(s.plot, include_bool=True)
  173. msg = "no numeric data to plot"
  174. with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
  175. _check_plot_works(s.plot)
  176. @pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [None, tm.makeDateIndex(k=4)])
  177. def test_line_area_nan_series(self, index):
  178. values = [1, 2, np.nan, 3]
  179. d = Series(values, index=index)
  180. ax = _check_plot_works(d.plot)
  181. masked = ax.lines[0].get_ydata()
  182. # remove nan for comparison purpose
  183. exp = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)
  184. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(np.delete(masked.data, 2), exp)
  185. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(masked.mask, np.array([False, False, True, False]))
  186. expected = np.array([1, 2, 0, 3], dtype=np.float64)
  187. ax = _check_plot_works(d.plot, stacked=True)
  188. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.lines[0].get_ydata(), expected)
  189. ax = _check_plot_works(d.plot.area)
  190. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.lines[0].get_ydata(), expected)
  191. ax = _check_plot_works(d.plot.area, stacked=False)
  192. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.lines[0].get_ydata(), expected)
  193. def test_line_use_index_false(self):
  194. s = Series([1, 2, 3], index=["a", "b", "c"])
  195. s.index.name = "The Index"
  196. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  197. ax = s.plot(use_index=False, ax=ax)
  198. label = ax.get_xlabel()
  199. assert label == ""
  200. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  201. ax2 = s.plot.bar(use_index=False, ax=ax)
  202. label2 = ax2.get_xlabel()
  203. assert label2 == ""
  204. @pytest.mark.xfail(
  205. np_version_gte1p24 and is_platform_linux(),
  206. reason="Weird rounding problems",
  207. strict=False,
  208. )
  209. def test_bar_log(self):
  210. expected = np.array([1e-1, 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4])
  211. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  212. ax = Series([200, 500]).plot.bar(log=True, ax=ax)
  213. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs(), expected)
  214. tm.close()
  215. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  216. ax = Series([200, 500]).plot.barh(log=True, ax=ax)
  217. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs(), expected)
  218. tm.close()
  219. # GH 9905
  220. expected = np.array([1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e0, 1e1])
  221. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  222. ax = Series([0.1, 0.01, 0.001]).plot(log=True, kind="bar", ax=ax)
  223. ymin = 0.0007943282347242822
  224. ymax = 0.12589254117941673
  225. res = ax.get_ylim()
  226. tm.assert_almost_equal(res[0], ymin)
  227. tm.assert_almost_equal(res[1], ymax)
  228. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs(), expected)
  229. tm.close()
  230. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  231. ax = Series([0.1, 0.01, 0.001]).plot(log=True, kind="barh", ax=ax)
  232. res = ax.get_xlim()
  233. tm.assert_almost_equal(res[0], ymin)
  234. tm.assert_almost_equal(res[1], ymax)
  235. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs(), expected)
  236. def test_bar_ignore_index(self):
  237. df = Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
  238. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  239. ax = df.plot.bar(use_index=False, ax=ax)
  240. self._check_text_labels(ax.get_xticklabels(), ["0", "1", "2", "3"])
  241. def test_bar_user_colors(self):
  242. s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
  243. ax = s.plot.bar(color=["red", "blue", "blue", "red"])
  244. result = [p.get_facecolor() for p in ax.patches]
  245. expected = [
  246. (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
  247. (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
  248. (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
  249. (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
  250. ]
  251. assert result == expected
  252. def test_rotation(self):
  253. df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 5))
  254. # Default rot 0
  255. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  256. axes = df.plot(ax=ax)
  257. self._check_ticks_props(axes, xrot=0)
  258. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  259. axes = df.plot(rot=30, ax=ax)
  260. self._check_ticks_props(axes, xrot=30)
  261. def test_irregular_datetime(self):
  262. from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.converter import DatetimeConverter
  263. rng = date_range("1/1/2000", "3/1/2000")
  264. rng = rng[[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12]]
  265. ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
  266. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  267. ax = ser.plot(ax=ax)
  268. xp = DatetimeConverter.convert(datetime(1999, 1, 1), "", ax)
  269. ax.set_xlim("1/1/1999", "1/1/2001")
  270. assert xp == ax.get_xlim()[0]
  271. self._check_ticks_props(ax, xrot=30)
  272. def test_unsorted_index_xlim(self):
  273. ser = Series(
  274. [0.0, 1.0, np.nan, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
  275. index=[1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 2.0, np.nan, 3.0, 2.0],
  276. )
  277. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  278. ax = ser.plot(ax=ax)
  279. xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
  280. lines = ax.get_lines()
  281. assert xmin <= np.nanmin(lines[0].get_data(orig=False)[0])
  282. assert xmax >= np.nanmax(lines[0].get_data(orig=False)[0])
  283. def test_pie_series(self):
  284. # if sum of values is less than 1.0, pie handle them as rate and draw
  285. # semicircle.
  286. series = Series(
  287. np.random.randint(1, 5), index=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], name="YLABEL"
  288. )
  289. ax = _check_plot_works(series.plot.pie)
  290. self._check_text_labels(ax.texts, series.index)
  291. assert ax.get_ylabel() == "YLABEL"
  292. # without wedge labels
  293. ax = _check_plot_works(series.plot.pie, labels=None)
  294. self._check_text_labels(ax.texts, [""] * 5)
  295. # with less colors than elements
  296. color_args = ["r", "g", "b"]
  297. ax = _check_plot_works(series.plot.pie, colors=color_args)
  298. color_expected = ["r", "g", "b", "r", "g"]
  299. self._check_colors(ax.patches, facecolors=color_expected)
  300. # with labels and colors
  301. labels = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
  302. color_args = ["r", "g", "b", "c", "m"]
  303. ax = _check_plot_works(series.plot.pie, labels=labels, colors=color_args)
  304. self._check_text_labels(ax.texts, labels)
  305. self._check_colors(ax.patches, facecolors=color_args)
  306. # with autopct and fontsize
  307. ax = _check_plot_works(
  308. series.plot.pie, colors=color_args, autopct="%.2f", fontsize=7
  309. )
  310. pcts = [f"{s*100:.2f}" for s in series.values / series.sum()]
  311. expected_texts = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(series.index, pcts)))
  312. self._check_text_labels(ax.texts, expected_texts)
  313. for t in ax.texts:
  314. assert t.get_fontsize() == 7
  315. # includes negative value
  316. series = Series([1, 2, 0, 4, -1], index=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])
  317. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="pie plot doesn't allow negative values"):
  318. series.plot.pie()
  319. # includes nan
  320. series = Series([1, 2, np.nan, 4], index=["a", "b", "c", "d"], name="YLABEL")
  321. ax = _check_plot_works(series.plot.pie)
  322. self._check_text_labels(ax.texts, ["a", "b", "", "d"])
  323. def test_pie_nan(self):
  324. s = Series([1, np.nan, 1, 1])
  325. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  326. ax = s.plot.pie(legend=True, ax=ax)
  327. expected = ["0", "", "2", "3"]
  328. result = [x.get_text() for x in ax.texts]
  329. assert result == expected
  330. def test_df_series_secondary_legend(self):
  331. # GH 9779
  332. df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(30, 3), columns=list("abc"))
  333. s = Series(np.random.randn(30), name="x")
  334. # primary -> secondary (without passing ax)
  335. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  336. ax = df.plot(ax=ax)
  337. s.plot(legend=True, secondary_y=True, ax=ax)
  338. # both legends are drawn on left ax
  339. # left and right axis must be visible
  340. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=["a", "b", "c", "x (right)"])
  341. assert ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  342. assert ax.right_ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  343. tm.close()
  344. # primary -> secondary (with passing ax)
  345. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  346. ax = df.plot(ax=ax)
  347. s.plot(ax=ax, legend=True, secondary_y=True)
  348. # both legends are drawn on left ax
  349. # left and right axis must be visible
  350. self._check_legend_labels(ax, labels=["a", "b", "c", "x (right)"])
  351. assert ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  352. assert ax.right_ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  353. tm.close()
  354. # secondary -> secondary (without passing ax)
  355. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  356. ax = df.plot(secondary_y=True, ax=ax)
  357. s.plot(legend=True, secondary_y=True, ax=ax)
  358. # both legends are drawn on left ax
  359. # left axis must be invisible and right axis must be visible
  360. expected = ["a (right)", "b (right)", "c (right)", "x (right)"]
  361. self._check_legend_labels(ax.left_ax, labels=expected)
  362. assert not ax.left_ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  363. assert ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  364. tm.close()
  365. # secondary -> secondary (with passing ax)
  366. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  367. ax = df.plot(secondary_y=True, ax=ax)
  368. s.plot(ax=ax, legend=True, secondary_y=True)
  369. # both legends are drawn on left ax
  370. # left axis must be invisible and right axis must be visible
  371. expected = ["a (right)", "b (right)", "c (right)", "x (right)"]
  372. self._check_legend_labels(ax.left_ax, expected)
  373. assert not ax.left_ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  374. assert ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  375. tm.close()
  376. # secondary -> secondary (with passing ax)
  377. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  378. ax = df.plot(secondary_y=True, mark_right=False, ax=ax)
  379. s.plot(ax=ax, legend=True, secondary_y=True)
  380. # both legends are drawn on left ax
  381. # left axis must be invisible and right axis must be visible
  382. expected = ["a", "b", "c", "x (right)"]
  383. self._check_legend_labels(ax.left_ax, expected)
  384. assert not ax.left_ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  385. assert ax.get_yaxis().get_visible()
  386. tm.close()
  387. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  388. "input_logy, expected_scale", [(True, "log"), ("sym", "symlog")]
  389. )
  390. def test_secondary_logy(self, input_logy, expected_scale):
  391. # GH 25545
  392. s1 = Series(np.random.randn(30))
  393. s2 = Series(np.random.randn(30))
  394. # GH 24980
  395. ax1 = s1.plot(logy=input_logy)
  396. ax2 = s2.plot(secondary_y=True, logy=input_logy)
  397. assert ax1.get_yscale() == expected_scale
  398. assert ax2.get_yscale() == expected_scale
  399. def test_plot_fails_with_dupe_color_and_style(self):
  400. x = Series(np.random.randn(2))
  401. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  402. msg = (
  403. "Cannot pass 'style' string with a color symbol and 'color' keyword "
  404. "argument. Please use one or the other or pass 'style' without a color "
  405. "symbol"
  406. )
  407. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
  408. x.plot(style="k--", color="k", ax=ax)
  409. @td.skip_if_no_scipy
  410. def test_kde_kwargs(self, ts):
  411. sample_points = np.linspace(-100, 100, 20)
  412. _check_plot_works(ts.plot.kde, bw_method="scott", ind=20)
  413. _check_plot_works(ts.plot.kde, bw_method=None, ind=20)
  414. _check_plot_works(ts.plot.kde, bw_method=None, ind=np.int_(20))
  415. _check_plot_works(ts.plot.kde, bw_method=0.5, ind=sample_points)
  416. _check_plot_works(ts.plot.density, bw_method=0.5, ind=sample_points)
  417. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  418. ax = ts.plot.kde(logy=True, bw_method=0.5, ind=sample_points, ax=ax)
  419. self._check_ax_scales(ax, yaxis="log")
  420. self._check_text_labels(ax.yaxis.get_label(), "Density")
  421. @td.skip_if_no_scipy
  422. def test_kde_missing_vals(self):
  423. s = Series(np.random.uniform(size=50))
  424. s[0] = np.nan
  425. axes = _check_plot_works(s.plot.kde)
  426. # gh-14821: check if the values have any missing values
  427. assert any(~np.isnan(axes.lines[0].get_xdata()))
  428. @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Api changed in 3.6.0")
  429. def test_boxplot_series(self, ts):
  430. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  431. ax = ts.plot.box(logy=True, ax=ax)
  432. self._check_ax_scales(ax, yaxis="log")
  433. xlabels = ax.get_xticklabels()
  434. self._check_text_labels(xlabels, [ts.name])
  435. ylabels = ax.get_yticklabels()
  436. self._check_text_labels(ylabels, [""] * len(ylabels))
  437. @td.skip_if_no_scipy
  438. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  439. "kind",
  440. plotting.PlotAccessor._common_kinds + plotting.PlotAccessor._series_kinds,
  441. )
  442. def test_kind_both_ways(self, kind):
  443. s = Series(range(3))
  444. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  445. s.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax)
  446. self.plt.close()
  447. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  448. getattr(s.plot, kind)()
  449. self.plt.close()
  450. @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", plotting.PlotAccessor._common_kinds)
  451. def test_invalid_plot_data(self, kind):
  452. s = Series(list("abcd"))
  453. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  454. msg = "no numeric data to plot"
  455. with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
  456. s.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax)
  457. @td.skip_if_no_scipy
  458. @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", plotting.PlotAccessor._common_kinds)
  459. def test_valid_object_plot(self, kind):
  460. s = Series(range(10), dtype=object)
  461. _check_plot_works(s.plot, kind=kind)
  462. @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", plotting.PlotAccessor._common_kinds)
  463. def test_partially_invalid_plot_data(self, kind):
  464. s = Series(["a", "b", 1.0, 2])
  465. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  466. msg = "no numeric data to plot"
  467. with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
  468. s.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax)
  469. def test_invalid_kind(self):
  470. s = Series([1, 2])
  471. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="invalid_kind is not a valid plot kind"):
  472. s.plot(kind="invalid_kind")
  473. def test_dup_datetime_index_plot(self):
  474. dr1 = date_range("1/1/2009", periods=4)
  475. dr2 = date_range("1/2/2009", periods=4)
  476. index = dr1.append(dr2)
  477. values = np.random.randn(index.size)
  478. s = Series(values, index=index)
  479. _check_plot_works(s.plot)
  480. def test_errorbar_asymmetrical(self):
  481. # GH9536
  482. s = Series(np.arange(10), name="x")
  483. err = np.random.rand(2, 10)
  484. ax = s.plot(yerr=err, xerr=err)
  485. result = np.vstack([i.vertices[:, 1] for i in ax.collections[1].get_paths()])
  486. expected = (err.T * np.array([-1, 1])) + s.to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1)
  487. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
  488. msg = (
  489. "Asymmetrical error bars should be provided "
  490. f"with the shape \\(2, {len(s)}\\)"
  491. )
  492. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
  493. s.plot(yerr=np.random.rand(2, 11))
  494. tm.close()
  495. @pytest.mark.slow
  496. def test_errorbar_plot(self):
  497. s = Series(np.arange(10), name="x")
  498. s_err = np.abs(np.random.randn(10))
  499. d_err = DataFrame(
  500. np.abs(np.random.randn(10, 2)), index=s.index, columns=["x", "y"]
  501. )
  502. # test line and bar plots
  503. kinds = ["line", "bar"]
  504. for kind in kinds:
  505. ax = _check_plot_works(s.plot, yerr=Series(s_err), kind=kind)
  506. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=0, yerr=1)
  507. ax = _check_plot_works(s.plot, yerr=s_err, kind=kind)
  508. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=0, yerr=1)
  509. ax = _check_plot_works(s.plot, yerr=s_err.tolist(), kind=kind)
  510. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=0, yerr=1)
  511. ax = _check_plot_works(s.plot, yerr=d_err, kind=kind)
  512. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=0, yerr=1)
  513. ax = _check_plot_works(s.plot, xerr=0.2, yerr=0.2, kind=kind)
  514. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=1, yerr=1)
  515. ax = _check_plot_works(s.plot, xerr=s_err)
  516. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=1, yerr=0)
  517. # test time series plotting
  518. ix = date_range("1/1/2000", "1/1/2001", freq="M")
  519. ts = Series(np.arange(12), index=ix, name="x")
  520. ts_err = Series(np.abs(np.random.randn(12)), index=ix)
  521. td_err = DataFrame(np.abs(np.random.randn(12, 2)), index=ix, columns=["x", "y"])
  522. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, yerr=ts_err)
  523. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=0, yerr=1)
  524. ax = _check_plot_works(ts.plot, yerr=td_err)
  525. self._check_has_errorbars(ax, xerr=0, yerr=1)
  526. # check incorrect lengths and types
  527. with tm.external_error_raised(ValueError):
  528. s.plot(yerr=np.arange(11))
  529. s_err = ["zzz"] * 10
  530. with tm.external_error_raised(TypeError):
  531. s.plot(yerr=s_err)
  532. @pytest.mark.slow
  533. def test_table(self, series):
  534. _check_plot_works(series.plot, table=True)
  535. _check_plot_works(series.plot, table=series)
  536. @pytest.mark.slow
  537. @td.skip_if_no_scipy
  538. def test_series_grid_settings(self):
  539. # Make sure plot defaults to rcParams['axes.grid'] setting, GH 9792
  540. self._check_grid_settings(
  541. Series([1, 2, 3]),
  542. plotting.PlotAccessor._series_kinds + plotting.PlotAccessor._common_kinds,
  543. )
  544. @pytest.mark.parametrize("c", ["r", "red", "green", "#FF0000"])
  545. def test_standard_colors(self, c):
  546. from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.style import get_standard_colors
  547. result = get_standard_colors(1, color=c)
  548. assert result == [c]
  549. result = get_standard_colors(1, color=[c])
  550. assert result == [c]
  551. result = get_standard_colors(3, color=c)
  552. assert result == [c] * 3
  553. result = get_standard_colors(3, color=[c])
  554. assert result == [c] * 3
  555. def test_standard_colors_all(self):
  556. from matplotlib import colors
  557. from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.style import get_standard_colors
  558. # multiple colors like mediumaquamarine
  559. for c in colors.cnames:
  560. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
  561. assert result == [c]
  562. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
  563. assert result == [c]
  564. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
  565. assert result == [c] * 3
  566. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
  567. assert result == [c] * 3
  568. # single letter colors like k
  569. for c in colors.ColorConverter.colors:
  570. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
  571. assert result == [c]
  572. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
  573. assert result == [c]
  574. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
  575. assert result == [c] * 3
  576. result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
  577. assert result == [c] * 3
  578. def test_series_plot_color_kwargs(self):
  579. # GH1890
  580. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  581. ax = Series(np.arange(12) + 1).plot(color="green", ax=ax)
  582. self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=["green"])
  583. def test_time_series_plot_color_kwargs(self):
  584. # #1890
  585. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  586. ax = Series(np.arange(12) + 1, index=date_range("1/1/2000", periods=12)).plot(
  587. color="green", ax=ax
  588. )
  589. self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=["green"])
  590. def test_time_series_plot_color_with_empty_kwargs(self):
  591. import matplotlib as mpl
  592. def_colors = self._unpack_cycler(mpl.rcParams)
  593. index = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=12)
  594. s = Series(np.arange(1, 13), index=index)
  595. ncolors = 3
  596. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  597. for i in range(ncolors):
  598. ax = s.plot(ax=ax)
  599. self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=def_colors[:ncolors])
  600. def test_xticklabels(self):
  601. # GH11529
  602. s = Series(np.arange(10), index=[f"P{i:02d}" for i in range(10)])
  603. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  604. ax = s.plot(xticks=[0, 3, 5, 9], ax=ax)
  605. exp = [f"P{i:02d}" for i in [0, 3, 5, 9]]
  606. self._check_text_labels(ax.get_xticklabels(), exp)
  607. def test_xtick_barPlot(self):
  608. # GH28172
  609. s = Series(range(10), index=[f"P{i:02d}" for i in range(10)])
  610. ax = s.plot.bar(xticks=range(0, 11, 2))
  611. exp = np.array(list(range(0, 11, 2)))
  612. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(exp, ax.get_xticks())
  613. def test_custom_business_day_freq(self):
  614. # GH7222
  615. from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessDay
  616. s = Series(
  617. range(100, 121),
  618. index=pd.bdate_range(
  619. start="2014-05-01",
  620. end="2014-06-01",
  621. freq=CustomBusinessDay(holidays=["2014-05-26"]),
  622. ),
  623. )
  624. _check_plot_works(s.plot)
  625. @pytest.mark.xfail(
  626. reason="GH#24426, see also "
  627. "github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/commit/"
  628. "ef1bd69fa42bbed5d09dd17f08c44fc8bfc2b685#r61470674"
  629. )
  630. def test_plot_accessor_updates_on_inplace(self):
  631. ser = Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
  632. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  633. ax = ser.plot(ax=ax)
  634. before = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs()
  635. ser.drop([0, 1], inplace=True)
  636. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  637. after = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs()
  638. tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(before, after)
  639. @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", ["line", "area"])
  640. def test_plot_xlim_for_series(self, kind):
  641. # test if xlim is also correctly plotted in Series for line and area
  642. # GH 27686
  643. s = Series([2, 3])
  644. _, ax = self.plt.subplots()
  645. s.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax)
  646. xlims = ax.get_xlim()
  647. assert xlims[0] < 0
  648. assert xlims[1] > 1
  649. def test_plot_no_rows(self):
  650. # GH 27758
  651. df = Series(dtype=int)
  652. assert df.empty
  653. ax = df.plot()
  654. assert len(ax.get_lines()) == 1
  655. line = ax.get_lines()[0]
  656. assert len(line.get_xdata()) == 0
  657. assert len(line.get_ydata()) == 0
  658. def test_plot_no_numeric_data(self):
  659. df = Series(["a", "b", "c"])
  660. with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="no numeric data to plot"):
  661. df.plot()
  662. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  663. "data, index",
  664. [
  665. ([1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 2, 1, 0]),
  666. ([10, 50, 20, 30], [1910, 1920, 1980, 1950]),
  667. ],
  668. )
  669. def test_plot_order(self, data, index):
  670. # GH38865 Verify plot order of a Series
  671. ser = Series(data=data, index=index)
  672. ax = ser.plot(kind="bar")
  673. expected = ser.tolist()
  674. result = [
  675. patch.get_bbox().ymax
  676. for patch in sorted(ax.patches, key=lambda patch: patch.get_bbox().xmax)
  677. ]
  678. assert expected == result
  679. def test_style_single_ok(self):
  680. s = Series([1, 2])
  681. ax = s.plot(style="s", color="C3")
  682. assert ax.lines[0].get_color() == "C3"
  683. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  684. "index_name, old_label, new_label",
  685. [(None, "", "new"), ("old", "old", "new"), (None, "", "")],
  686. )
  687. @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind", ["line", "area", "bar", "barh", "hist"])
  688. def test_xlabel_ylabel_series(self, kind, index_name, old_label, new_label):
  689. # GH 9093
  690. ser = Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
  691. ser.index.name = index_name
  692. # default is the ylabel is not shown and xlabel is index name (reverse for barh)
  693. ax = ser.plot(kind=kind)
  694. if kind == "barh":
  695. assert ax.get_xlabel() == ""
  696. assert ax.get_ylabel() == old_label
  697. elif kind == "hist":
  698. assert ax.get_xlabel() == ""
  699. assert ax.get_ylabel() == "Frequency"
  700. else:
  701. assert ax.get_ylabel() == ""
  702. assert ax.get_xlabel() == old_label
  703. # old xlabel will be overridden and assigned ylabel will be used as ylabel
  704. ax = ser.plot(kind=kind, ylabel=new_label, xlabel=new_label)
  705. assert ax.get_ylabel() == new_label
  706. assert ax.get_xlabel() == new_label
  707. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  708. "index",
  709. [
  710. pd.timedelta_range(start=0, periods=2, freq="D"),
  711. [pd.Timedelta(days=1), pd.Timedelta(days=2)],
  712. ],
  713. )
  714. def test_timedelta_index(self, index):
  715. # GH37454
  716. xlims = (3, 1)
  717. ax = Series([1, 2], index=index).plot(xlim=(xlims))
  718. assert ax.get_xlim() == (3, 1)