123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618 |
- from __future__ import annotations
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- from typing import (
- Generator,
- )
- from pandas.plotting._core import _get_plot_backend
- from matplotlib.axes import Axes
- from matplotlib.figure import Figure
- import numpy as np
- from pandas import (
- DataFrame,
- Series,
- )
- def table(ax, data, **kwargs):
- """
- Helper function to convert DataFrame and Series to matplotlib.table.
- Parameters
- ----------
- ax : Matplotlib axes object
- data : DataFrame or Series
- Data for table contents.
- **kwargs
- Keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.table.table.
- If `rowLabels` or `colLabels` is not specified, data index or column
- name will be used.
- Returns
- -------
- matplotlib table object
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.table(
- ax=ax, data=data, rowLabels=None, colLabels=None, **kwargs
- )
- def register() -> None:
- """
- Register pandas formatters and converters with matplotlib.
- This function modifies the global ``matplotlib.units.registry``
- dictionary. pandas adds custom converters for
- * pd.Timestamp
- * pd.Period
- * np.datetime64
- * datetime.datetime
- * datetime.date
- * datetime.time
- See Also
- --------
- deregister_matplotlib_converters : Remove pandas formatters and converters.
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- plot_backend.register()
- def deregister() -> None:
- """
- Remove pandas formatters and converters.
- Removes the custom converters added by :func:`register`. This
- attempts to set the state of the registry back to the state before
- pandas registered its own units. Converters for pandas' own types like
- Timestamp and Period are removed completely. Converters for types
- pandas overwrites, like ``datetime.datetime``, are restored to their
- original value.
- See Also
- --------
- register_matplotlib_converters : Register pandas formatters and converters
- with matplotlib.
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- plot_backend.deregister()
- def scatter_matrix(
- frame: DataFrame,
- alpha: float = 0.5,
- figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- grid: bool = False,
- diagonal: str = "hist",
- marker: str = ".",
- density_kwds=None,
- hist_kwds=None,
- range_padding: float = 0.05,
- **kwargs,
- ) -> np.ndarray:
- """
- Draw a matrix of scatter plots.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frame : DataFrame
- alpha : float, optional
- Amount of transparency applied.
- figsize : (float,float), optional
- A tuple (width, height) in inches.
- ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional
- grid : bool, optional
- Setting this to True will show the grid.
- diagonal : {'hist', 'kde'}
- Pick between 'kde' and 'hist' for either Kernel Density Estimation or
- Histogram plot in the diagonal.
- marker : str, optional
- Matplotlib marker type, default '.'.
- density_kwds : keywords
- Keyword arguments to be passed to kernel density estimate plot.
- hist_kwds : keywords
- Keyword arguments to be passed to hist function.
- range_padding : float, default 0.05
- Relative extension of axis range in x and y with respect to
- (x_max - x_min) or (y_max - y_min).
- **kwargs
- Keyword arguments to be passed to scatter function.
- Returns
- -------
- numpy.ndarray
- A matrix of scatter plots.
- Examples
- --------
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 4), columns=['A','B','C','D'])
- >>> pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(df, alpha=0.2)
- array([[<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='A'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='A'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='A'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='A'>],
- [<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='B'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='B'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='B'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='B'>],
- [<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='C'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='C'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='C'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='C'>],
- [<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='D'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='D'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='D'>,
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='D'>]], dtype=object)
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.scatter_matrix(
- frame=frame,
- alpha=alpha,
- figsize=figsize,
- ax=ax,
- grid=grid,
- diagonal=diagonal,
- marker=marker,
- density_kwds=density_kwds,
- hist_kwds=hist_kwds,
- range_padding=range_padding,
- **kwargs,
- )
- def radviz(
- frame: DataFrame,
- class_column: str,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- color: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None,
- colormap=None,
- **kwds,
- ) -> Axes:
- """
- Plot a multidimensional dataset in 2D.
- Each Series in the DataFrame is represented as a evenly distributed
- slice on a circle. Each data point is rendered in the circle according to
- the value on each Series. Highly correlated `Series` in the `DataFrame`
- are placed closer on the unit circle.
- RadViz allow to project a N-dimensional data set into a 2D space where the
- influence of each dimension can be interpreted as a balance between the
- influence of all dimensions.
- More info available at the `original article
- <https://doi.org/10.1145/331770.331775>`_
- describing RadViz.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frame : `DataFrame`
- Object holding the data.
- class_column : str
- Column name containing the name of the data point category.
- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
- A plot instance to which to add the information.
- color : list[str] or tuple[str], optional
- Assign a color to each category. Example: ['blue', 'green'].
- colormap : str or :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, default None
- Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that
- name from matplotlib.
- **kwds
- Options to pass to matplotlib scatter plotting method.
- Returns
- -------
- :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- See Also
- --------
- pandas.plotting.andrews_curves : Plot clustering visualization.
- Examples
- --------
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> df = pd.DataFrame(
- ... {
- ... 'SepalLength': [6.5, 7.7, 5.1, 5.8, 7.6, 5.0, 5.4, 4.6, 6.7, 4.6],
- ... 'SepalWidth': [3.0, 3.8, 3.8, 2.7, 3.0, 2.3, 3.0, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6],
- ... 'PetalLength': [5.5, 6.7, 1.9, 5.1, 6.6, 3.3, 4.5, 1.4, 5.7, 1.0],
- ... 'PetalWidth': [1.8, 2.2, 0.4, 1.9, 2.1, 1.0, 1.5, 0.2, 2.1, 0.2],
- ... 'Category': [
- ... 'virginica',
- ... 'virginica',
- ... 'setosa',
- ... 'virginica',
- ... 'virginica',
- ... 'versicolor',
- ... 'versicolor',
- ... 'setosa',
- ... 'virginica',
- ... 'setosa'
- ... ]
- ... }
- ... )
- >>> pd.plotting.radviz(df, 'Category')
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='y(t)', ylabel='y(t + 1)'>
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.radviz(
- frame=frame,
- class_column=class_column,
- ax=ax,
- color=color,
- colormap=colormap,
- **kwds,
- )
- def andrews_curves(
- frame: DataFrame,
- class_column: str,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- samples: int = 200,
- color: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None,
- colormap=None,
- **kwargs,
- ) -> Axes:
- """
- Generate a matplotlib plot for visualising clusters of multivariate data.
- Andrews curves have the functional form:
- .. math::
- f(t) = \\frac{x_1}{\\sqrt{2}} + x_2 \\sin(t) + x_3 \\cos(t) +
- x_4 \\sin(2t) + x_5 \\cos(2t) + \\cdots
- Where :math:`x` coefficients correspond to the values of each dimension
- and :math:`t` is linearly spaced between :math:`-\\pi` and :math:`+\\pi`.
- Each row of frame then corresponds to a single curve.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frame : DataFrame
- Data to be plotted, preferably normalized to (0.0, 1.0).
- class_column : label
- Name of the column containing class names.
- ax : axes object, default None
- Axes to use.
- samples : int
- Number of points to plot in each curve.
- color : str, list[str] or tuple[str], optional
- Colors to use for the different classes. Colors can be strings
- or 3-element floating point RGB values.
- colormap : str or matplotlib colormap object, default None
- Colormap to select colors from. If a string, load colormap with that
- name from matplotlib.
- **kwargs
- Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method.
- Returns
- -------
- :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Examples
- --------
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> df = pd.read_csv(
- ... 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pandas-dev/'
- ... 'pandas/main/pandas/tests/io/data/csv/iris.csv'
- ... )
- >>> pd.plotting.andrews_curves(df, 'Name')
- <AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'width'}>
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.andrews_curves(
- frame=frame,
- class_column=class_column,
- ax=ax,
- samples=samples,
- color=color,
- colormap=colormap,
- **kwargs,
- )
- def bootstrap_plot(
- series: Series,
- fig: Figure | None = None,
- size: int = 50,
- samples: int = 500,
- **kwds,
- ) -> Figure:
- """
- Bootstrap plot on mean, median and mid-range statistics.
- The bootstrap plot is used to estimate the uncertainty of a statistic
- by relying on random sampling with replacement [1]_. This function will
- generate bootstrapping plots for mean, median and mid-range statistics
- for the given number of samples of the given size.
- .. [1] "Bootstrapping (statistics)" in \
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_%28statistics%29
- Parameters
- ----------
- series : pandas.Series
- Series from where to get the samplings for the bootstrapping.
- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, default None
- If given, it will use the `fig` reference for plotting instead of
- creating a new one with default parameters.
- size : int, default 50
- Number of data points to consider during each sampling. It must be
- less than or equal to the length of the `series`.
- samples : int, default 500
- Number of times the bootstrap procedure is performed.
- **kwds
- Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method.
- Returns
- -------
- matplotlib.figure.Figure
- Matplotlib figure.
- See Also
- --------
- pandas.DataFrame.plot : Basic plotting for DataFrame objects.
- pandas.Series.plot : Basic plotting for Series objects.
- Examples
- --------
- This example draws a basic bootstrap plot for a Series.
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> s = pd.Series(np.random.uniform(size=100))
- >>> pd.plotting.bootstrap_plot(s)
- <Figure size 640x480 with 6 Axes>
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.bootstrap_plot(
- series=series, fig=fig, size=size, samples=samples, **kwds
- )
- def parallel_coordinates(
- frame: DataFrame,
- class_column: str,
- cols: list[str] | None = None,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- color: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None,
- use_columns: bool = False,
- xticks: list | tuple | None = None,
- colormap=None,
- axvlines: bool = True,
- axvlines_kwds=None,
- sort_labels: bool = False,
- **kwargs,
- ) -> Axes:
- """
- Parallel coordinates plotting.
- Parameters
- ----------
- frame : DataFrame
- class_column : str
- Column name containing class names.
- cols : list, optional
- A list of column names to use.
- ax : matplotlib.axis, optional
- Matplotlib axis object.
- color : list or tuple, optional
- Colors to use for the different classes.
- use_columns : bool, optional
- If true, columns will be used as xticks.
- xticks : list or tuple, optional
- A list of values to use for xticks.
- colormap : str or matplotlib colormap, default None
- Colormap to use for line colors.
- axvlines : bool, optional
- If true, vertical lines will be added at each xtick.
- axvlines_kwds : keywords, optional
- Options to be passed to axvline method for vertical lines.
- sort_labels : bool, default False
- Sort class_column labels, useful when assigning colors.
- **kwargs
- Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method.
- Returns
- -------
- matplotlib.axes.Axes
- Examples
- --------
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> df = pd.read_csv(
- ... 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pandas-dev/'
- ... 'pandas/main/pandas/tests/io/data/csv/iris.csv'
- ... )
- >>> pd.plotting.parallel_coordinates(
- ... df, 'Name', color=('#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464')
- ... )
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='y(t)', ylabel='y(t + 1)'>
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.parallel_coordinates(
- frame=frame,
- class_column=class_column,
- cols=cols,
- ax=ax,
- color=color,
- use_columns=use_columns,
- xticks=xticks,
- colormap=colormap,
- axvlines=axvlines,
- axvlines_kwds=axvlines_kwds,
- sort_labels=sort_labels,
- **kwargs,
- )
- def lag_plot(series: Series, lag: int = 1, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwds) -> Axes:
- """
- Lag plot for time series.
- Parameters
- ----------
- series : Series
- The time series to visualize.
- lag : int, default 1
- Lag length of the scatter plot.
- ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional
- The matplotlib axis object to use.
- **kwds
- Matplotlib scatter method keyword arguments.
- Returns
- -------
- matplotlib.axes.Axes
- Examples
- --------
- Lag plots are most commonly used to look for patterns in time series data.
- Given the following time series
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> np.random.seed(5)
- >>> x = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(loc=1, scale=5, size=50))
- >>> s = pd.Series(x)
- >>> s.plot()
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='Midrange'>
- A lag plot with ``lag=1`` returns
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> pd.plotting.lag_plot(s, lag=1)
- <AxesSubplot: xlabel='y(t)', ylabel='y(t + 1)'>
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.lag_plot(series=series, lag=lag, ax=ax, **kwds)
- def autocorrelation_plot(series: Series, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs) -> Axes:
- """
- Autocorrelation plot for time series.
- Parameters
- ----------
- series : Series
- The time series to visualize.
- ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional
- The matplotlib axis object to use.
- **kwargs
- Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method.
- Returns
- -------
- matplotlib.axes.Axes
- Examples
- --------
- The horizontal lines in the plot correspond to 95% and 99% confidence bands.
- The dashed line is 99% confidence band.
- .. plot::
- :context: close-figs
- >>> spacing = np.linspace(-9 * np.pi, 9 * np.pi, num=1000)
- >>> s = pd.Series(0.7 * np.random.rand(1000) + 0.3 * np.sin(spacing))
- >>> pd.plotting.autocorrelation_plot(s)
- <AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'width'}, xlabel='Lag', ylabel='Autocorrelation'>
- """
- plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib")
- return plot_backend.autocorrelation_plot(series=series, ax=ax, **kwargs)
- class _Options(dict):
- """
- Stores pandas plotting options.
- Allows for parameter aliasing so you can just use parameter names that are
- the same as the plot function parameters, but is stored in a canonical
- format that makes it easy to breakdown into groups later.
- """
- # alias so the names are same as plotting method parameter names
- _ALIASES = {"x_compat": "xaxis.compat"}
- _DEFAULT_KEYS = ["xaxis.compat"]
- def __init__(self, deprecated: bool = False) -> None:
- self._deprecated = deprecated
- super().__setitem__("xaxis.compat", False)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- key = self._get_canonical_key(key)
- if key not in self:
- raise ValueError(f"{key} is not a valid pandas plotting option")
- return super().__getitem__(key)
- def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:
- key = self._get_canonical_key(key)
- super().__setitem__(key, value)
- def __delitem__(self, key) -> None:
- key = self._get_canonical_key(key)
- if key in self._DEFAULT_KEYS:
- raise ValueError(f"Cannot remove default parameter {key}")
- super().__delitem__(key)
- def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
- key = self._get_canonical_key(key)
- return super().__contains__(key)
- def reset(self) -> None:
- """
- Reset the option store to its initial state
- Returns
- -------
- None
- """
- # error: Cannot access "__init__" directly
- self.__init__() # type: ignore[misc]
- def _get_canonical_key(self, key):
- return self._ALIASES.get(key, key)
- @contextmanager
- def use(self, key, value) -> Generator[_Options, None, None]:
- """
- Temporarily set a parameter value using the with statement.
- Aliasing allowed.
- """
- old_value = self[key]
- try:
- self[key] = value
- yield self
- finally:
- self[key] = old_value
- plot_params = _Options()