123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482 |
- from __future__ import annotations
- import random
- from typing import (
- Hashable,
- )
- from matplotlib import patches
- import matplotlib.lines as mlines
- import numpy as np
- from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import notna
- from pandas.io.formats.printing import pprint_thing
- from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.style import get_standard_colors
- from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.tools import (
- create_subplots,
- do_adjust_figure,
- maybe_adjust_figure,
- set_ticks_props,
- )
- from matplotlib.axes import Axes
- from matplotlib.figure import Figure
- from pandas import (
- DataFrame,
- Index,
- Series,
- )
- def scatter_matrix(
- frame: DataFrame,
- alpha: float = 0.5,
- figsize=None,
- ax=None,
- grid: bool = False,
- diagonal: str = "hist",
- marker: str = ".",
- density_kwds=None,
- hist_kwds=None,
- range_padding: float = 0.05,
- **kwds,
- ):
- df = frame._get_numeric_data()
- n = df.columns.size
- naxes = n * n
- fig, axes = create_subplots(naxes=naxes, figsize=figsize, ax=ax, squeeze=False)
- # no gaps between subplots
- maybe_adjust_figure(fig, wspace=0, hspace=0)
- mask = notna(df)
- marker = _get_marker_compat(marker)
- hist_kwds = hist_kwds or {}
- density_kwds = density_kwds or {}
- # GH 14855
- kwds.setdefault("edgecolors", "none")
- boundaries_list = []
- for a in df.columns:
- values = df[a].values[mask[a].values]
- rmin_, rmax_ = np.min(values), np.max(values)
- rdelta_ext = (rmax_ - rmin_) * range_padding / 2
- boundaries_list.append((rmin_ - rdelta_ext, rmax_ + rdelta_ext))
- for i, a in enumerate(df.columns):
- for j, b in enumerate(df.columns):
- ax = axes[i, j]
- if i == j:
- values = df[a].values[mask[a].values]
- # Deal with the diagonal by drawing a histogram there.
- if diagonal == "hist":
- ax.hist(values, **hist_kwds)
- elif diagonal in ("kde", "density"):
- from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
- y = values
- gkde = gaussian_kde(y)
- ind = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), 1000)
- ax.plot(ind, gkde.evaluate(ind), **density_kwds)
- ax.set_xlim(boundaries_list[i])
- else:
- common = (mask[a] & mask[b]).values
- ax.scatter(
- df[b][common], df[a][common], marker=marker, alpha=alpha, **kwds
- )
- ax.set_xlim(boundaries_list[j])
- ax.set_ylim(boundaries_list[i])
- ax.set_xlabel(b)
- ax.set_ylabel(a)
- if j != 0:
- ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)
- if i != n - 1:
- ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)
- if len(df.columns) > 1:
- lim1 = boundaries_list[0]
- locs = axes[0][1].yaxis.get_majorticklocs()
- locs = locs[(lim1[0] <= locs) & (locs <= lim1[1])]
- adj = (locs - lim1[0]) / (lim1[1] - lim1[0])
- lim0 = axes[0][0].get_ylim()
- adj = adj * (lim0[1] - lim0[0]) + lim0[0]
- axes[0][0].yaxis.set_ticks(adj)
- if np.all(locs == locs.astype(int)):
- # if all ticks are int
- locs = locs.astype(int)
- axes[0][0].yaxis.set_ticklabels(locs)
- set_ticks_props(axes, xlabelsize=8, xrot=90, ylabelsize=8, yrot=0)
- return axes
- def _get_marker_compat(marker):
- if marker not in mlines.lineMarkers:
- return "o"
- return marker
- def radviz(
- frame: DataFrame,
- class_column,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- color=None,
- colormap=None,
- **kwds,
- ) -> Axes:
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- def normalize(series):
- a = min(series)
- b = max(series)
- return (series - a) / (b - a)
- n = len(frame)
- classes = frame[class_column].drop_duplicates()
- class_col = frame[class_column]
- df = frame.drop(class_column, axis=1).apply(normalize)
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
- ax.set_ylim(-1, 1)
- to_plot: dict[Hashable, list[list]] = {}
- colors = get_standard_colors(
- num_colors=len(classes), colormap=colormap, color_type="random", color=color
- )
- for kls in classes:
- to_plot[kls] = [[], []]
- m = len(frame.columns) - 1
- s = np.array(
- [(np.cos(t), np.sin(t)) for t in [2 * np.pi * (i / m) for i in range(m)]]
- )
- for i in range(n):
- row = df.iloc[i].values
- row_ = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(row, axis=1), 2, axis=1)
- y = (s * row_).sum(axis=0) / row.sum()
- kls = class_col.iat[i]
- to_plot[kls][0].append(y[0])
- to_plot[kls][1].append(y[1])
- for i, kls in enumerate(classes):
- ax.scatter(
- to_plot[kls][0],
- to_plot[kls][1],
- color=colors[i],
- label=pprint_thing(kls),
- **kwds,
- )
- ax.legend()
- ax.add_patch(patches.Circle((0.0, 0.0), radius=1.0, facecolor="none"))
- for xy, name in zip(s, df.columns):
- ax.add_patch(patches.Circle(xy, radius=0.025, facecolor="gray"))
- if xy[0] < 0.0 and xy[1] < 0.0:
- ax.text(
- xy[0] - 0.025, xy[1] - 0.025, name, ha="right", va="top", size="small"
- )
- elif xy[0] < 0.0 <= xy[1]:
- ax.text(
- xy[0] - 0.025,
- xy[1] + 0.025,
- name,
- ha="right",
- va="bottom",
- size="small",
- )
- elif xy[1] < 0.0 <= xy[0]:
- ax.text(
- xy[0] + 0.025, xy[1] - 0.025, name, ha="left", va="top", size="small"
- )
- elif xy[0] >= 0.0 and xy[1] >= 0.0:
- ax.text(
- xy[0] + 0.025, xy[1] + 0.025, name, ha="left", va="bottom", size="small"
- )
- ax.axis("equal")
- return ax
- def andrews_curves(
- frame: DataFrame,
- class_column,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- samples: int = 200,
- color=None,
- colormap=None,
- **kwds,
- ) -> Axes:
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- def function(amplitudes):
- def f(t):
- x1 = amplitudes[0]
- result = x1 / np.sqrt(2.0)
- # Take the rest of the coefficients and resize them
- # appropriately. Take a copy of amplitudes as otherwise numpy
- # deletes the element from amplitudes itself.
- coeffs = np.delete(np.copy(amplitudes), 0)
- coeffs = np.resize(coeffs, (int((coeffs.size + 1) / 2), 2))
- # Generate the harmonics and arguments for the sin and cos
- # functions.
- harmonics = np.arange(0, coeffs.shape[0]) + 1
- trig_args = np.outer(harmonics, t)
- result += np.sum(
- coeffs[:, 0, np.newaxis] * np.sin(trig_args)
- + coeffs[:, 1, np.newaxis] * np.cos(trig_args),
- axis=0,
- )
- return result
- return f
- n = len(frame)
- class_col = frame[class_column]
- classes = frame[class_column].drop_duplicates()
- df = frame.drop(class_column, axis=1)
- t = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, samples)
- used_legends: set[str] = set()
- color_values = get_standard_colors(
- num_colors=len(classes), colormap=colormap, color_type="random", color=color
- )
- colors = dict(zip(classes, color_values))
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- ax.set_xlim(-np.pi, np.pi)
- for i in range(n):
- row = df.iloc[i].values
- f = function(row)
- y = f(t)
- kls = class_col.iat[i]
- label = pprint_thing(kls)
- if label not in used_legends:
- used_legends.add(label)
- ax.plot(t, y, color=colors[kls], label=label, **kwds)
- else:
- ax.plot(t, y, color=colors[kls], **kwds)
- ax.legend(loc="upper right")
- ax.grid()
- return ax
- def bootstrap_plot(
- series: Series,
- fig: Figure | None = None,
- size: int = 50,
- samples: int = 500,
- **kwds,
- ) -> Figure:
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # TODO: is the failure mentioned below still relevant?
- # random.sample(ndarray, int) fails on python 3.3, sigh
- data = list(series.values)
- samplings = [random.sample(data, size) for _ in range(samples)]
- means = np.array([np.mean(sampling) for sampling in samplings])
- medians = np.array([np.median(sampling) for sampling in samplings])
- midranges = np.array(
- [(min(sampling) + max(sampling)) * 0.5 for sampling in samplings]
- )
- if fig is None:
- fig = plt.figure()
- x = list(range(samples))
- axes = []
- ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1)
- ax1.set_xlabel("Sample")
- axes.append(ax1)
- ax1.plot(x, means, **kwds)
- ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2)
- ax2.set_xlabel("Sample")
- axes.append(ax2)
- ax2.plot(x, medians, **kwds)
- ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3)
- ax3.set_xlabel("Sample")
- axes.append(ax3)
- ax3.plot(x, midranges, **kwds)
- ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4)
- ax4.set_xlabel("Mean")
- axes.append(ax4)
- ax4.hist(means, **kwds)
- ax5 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5)
- ax5.set_xlabel("Median")
- axes.append(ax5)
- ax5.hist(medians, **kwds)
- ax6 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 6)
- ax6.set_xlabel("Midrange")
- axes.append(ax6)
- ax6.hist(midranges, **kwds)
- for axis in axes:
- plt.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8)
- plt.setp(axis.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8)
- if do_adjust_figure(fig):
- plt.tight_layout()
- return fig
- def parallel_coordinates(
- frame: DataFrame,
- class_column,
- cols=None,
- ax: Axes | None = None,
- color=None,
- use_columns: bool = False,
- xticks=None,
- colormap=None,
- axvlines: bool = True,
- axvlines_kwds=None,
- sort_labels: bool = False,
- **kwds,
- ) -> Axes:
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- if axvlines_kwds is None:
- axvlines_kwds = {"linewidth": 1, "color": "black"}
- n = len(frame)
- classes = frame[class_column].drop_duplicates()
- class_col = frame[class_column]
- if cols is None:
- df = frame.drop(class_column, axis=1)
- else:
- df = frame[cols]
- used_legends: set[str] = set()
- ncols = len(df.columns)
- # determine values to use for xticks
- x: list[int] | Index
- if use_columns is True:
- if not np.all(np.isreal(list(df.columns))):
- raise ValueError("Columns must be numeric to be used as xticks")
- x = df.columns
- elif xticks is not None:
- if not np.all(np.isreal(xticks)):
- raise ValueError("xticks specified must be numeric")
- if len(xticks) != ncols:
- raise ValueError("Length of xticks must match number of columns")
- x = xticks
- else:
- x = list(range(ncols))
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- color_values = get_standard_colors(
- num_colors=len(classes), colormap=colormap, color_type="random", color=color
- )
- if sort_labels:
- classes = sorted(classes)
- color_values = sorted(color_values)
- colors = dict(zip(classes, color_values))
- for i in range(n):
- y = df.iloc[i].values
- kls = class_col.iat[i]
- label = pprint_thing(kls)
- if label not in used_legends:
- used_legends.add(label)
- ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[kls], label=label, **kwds)
- else:
- ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[kls], **kwds)
- if axvlines:
- for i in x:
- ax.axvline(i, **axvlines_kwds)
- ax.set_xticks(x)
- ax.set_xticklabels(df.columns)
- ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
- ax.legend(loc="upper right")
- ax.grid()
- return ax
- def lag_plot(series: Series, lag: int = 1, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwds) -> Axes:
- # workaround because `c='b'` is hardcoded in matplotlib's scatter method
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- kwds.setdefault("c", plt.rcParams["patch.facecolor"])
- data = series.values
- y1 = data[:-lag]
- y2 = data[lag:]
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- ax.set_xlabel("y(t)")
- ax.set_ylabel(f"y(t + {lag})")
- ax.scatter(y1, y2, **kwds)
- return ax
- def autocorrelation_plot(series: Series, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwds) -> Axes:
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- n = len(series)
- data = np.asarray(series)
- if ax is None:
- ax = plt.gca()
- ax.set_xlim(1, n)
- ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)
- mean = np.mean(data)
- c0 = np.sum((data - mean) ** 2) / n
- def r(h):
- return ((data[: n - h] - mean) * (data[h:] - mean)).sum() / n / c0
- x = np.arange(n) + 1
- y = [r(loc) for loc in x]
- z95 = 1.959963984540054
- z99 = 2.5758293035489004
- ax.axhline(y=z99 / np.sqrt(n), linestyle="--", color="grey")
- ax.axhline(y=z95 / np.sqrt(n), color="grey")
- ax.axhline(y=0.0, color="black")
- ax.axhline(y=-z95 / np.sqrt(n), color="grey")
- ax.axhline(y=-z99 / np.sqrt(n), linestyle="--", color="grey")
- ax.set_xlabel("Lag")
- ax.set_ylabel("Autocorrelation")
- ax.plot(x, y, **kwds)
- if "label" in kwds:
- ax.legend()
- ax.grid()
- return ax
- def unpack_single_str_list(keys):
- # GH 42795
- if isinstance(keys, list) and len(keys) == 1:
- keys = keys[0]
- return keys