22 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. """
  3. Auxiliary functions for f2py2e.
  4. Copyright 1999,2000 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved,
  5. Pearu Peterson <>
  6. Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
  7. terms of the NumPy (BSD style) LICENSE.
  9. $Date: 2005/07/24 19:01:55 $
  10. Pearu Peterson
  11. """
  12. import pprint
  13. import sys
  14. import types
  15. from functools import reduce
  16. from . import __version__
  17. from . import cfuncs
  18. __all__ = [
  19. 'applyrules', 'debugcapi', 'dictappend', 'errmess', 'gentitle',
  20. 'getargs2', 'getcallprotoargument', 'getcallstatement',
  21. 'getfortranname', 'getpymethoddef', 'getrestdoc', 'getusercode',
  22. 'getusercode1', 'hasbody', 'hascallstatement', 'hascommon',
  23. 'hasexternals', 'hasinitvalue', 'hasnote', 'hasresultnote',
  24. 'isallocatable', 'isarray', 'isarrayofstrings',
  25. 'ischaracter', 'ischaracterarray', 'ischaracter_or_characterarray',
  26. 'iscomplex',
  27. 'iscomplexarray', 'iscomplexfunction', 'iscomplexfunction_warn',
  28. 'isdouble', 'isdummyroutine', 'isexternal', 'isfunction',
  29. 'isfunction_wrap', 'isint1', 'isint1array', 'isinteger', 'isintent_aux',
  30. 'isintent_c', 'isintent_callback', 'isintent_copy', 'isintent_dict',
  31. 'isintent_hide', 'isintent_in', 'isintent_inout', 'isintent_inplace',
  32. 'isintent_nothide', 'isintent_out', 'isintent_overwrite', 'islogical',
  33. 'islogicalfunction', 'islong_complex', 'islong_double',
  34. 'islong_doublefunction', 'islong_long', 'islong_longfunction',
  35. 'ismodule', 'ismoduleroutine', 'isoptional', 'isprivate', 'isrequired',
  36. 'isroutine', 'isscalar', 'issigned_long_longarray', 'isstring',
  37. 'isstringarray', 'isstring_or_stringarray', 'isstringfunction',
  38. 'issubroutine',
  39. 'issubroutine_wrap', 'isthreadsafe', 'isunsigned', 'isunsigned_char',
  40. 'isunsigned_chararray', 'isunsigned_long_long',
  41. 'isunsigned_long_longarray', 'isunsigned_short',
  42. 'isunsigned_shortarray', 'l_and', 'l_not', 'l_or', 'outmess',
  43. 'replace', 'show', 'stripcomma', 'throw_error', 'isattr_value'
  44. ]
  45. f2py_version = __version__.version
  46. errmess = sys.stderr.write
  47. show = pprint.pprint
  48. options = {}
  49. debugoptions = []
  50. wrapfuncs = 1
  51. def outmess(t):
  52. if options.get('verbose', 1):
  53. sys.stdout.write(t)
  54. def debugcapi(var):
  55. return 'capi' in debugoptions
  56. def _ischaracter(var):
  57. return 'typespec' in var and var['typespec'] == 'character' and \
  58. not isexternal(var)
  59. def _isstring(var):
  60. return 'typespec' in var and var['typespec'] == 'character' and \
  61. not isexternal(var)
  62. def ischaracter_or_characterarray(var):
  63. return _ischaracter(var) and 'charselector' not in var
  64. def ischaracter(var):
  65. return ischaracter_or_characterarray(var) and not isarray(var)
  66. def ischaracterarray(var):
  67. return ischaracter_or_characterarray(var) and isarray(var)
  68. def isstring_or_stringarray(var):
  69. return _ischaracter(var) and 'charselector' in var
  70. def isstring(var):
  71. return isstring_or_stringarray(var) and not isarray(var)
  72. def isstringarray(var):
  73. return isstring_or_stringarray(var) and isarray(var)
  74. def isarrayofstrings(var): # obsolete?
  75. # leaving out '*' for now so that `character*(*) a(m)` and `character
  76. # a(m,*)` are treated differently. Luckily `character**` is illegal.
  77. return isstringarray(var) and var['dimension'][-1] == '(*)'
  78. def isarray(var):
  79. return 'dimension' in var and not isexternal(var)
  80. def isscalar(var):
  81. return not (isarray(var) or isstring(var) or isexternal(var))
  82. def iscomplex(var):
  83. return isscalar(var) and \
  84. var.get('typespec') in ['complex', 'double complex']
  85. def islogical(var):
  86. return isscalar(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'logical'
  87. def isinteger(var):
  88. return isscalar(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'integer'
  89. def isreal(var):
  90. return isscalar(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'real'
  91. def get_kind(var):
  92. try:
  93. return var['kindselector']['*']
  94. except KeyError:
  95. try:
  96. return var['kindselector']['kind']
  97. except KeyError:
  98. pass
  99. def isint1(var):
  100. return var.get('typespec') == 'integer' \
  101. and get_kind(var) == '1' and not isarray(var)
  102. def islong_long(var):
  103. if not isscalar(var):
  104. return 0
  105. if var.get('typespec') not in ['integer', 'logical']:
  106. return 0
  107. return get_kind(var) == '8'
  108. def isunsigned_char(var):
  109. if not isscalar(var):
  110. return 0
  111. if var.get('typespec') != 'integer':
  112. return 0
  113. return get_kind(var) == '-1'
  114. def isunsigned_short(var):
  115. if not isscalar(var):
  116. return 0
  117. if var.get('typespec') != 'integer':
  118. return 0
  119. return get_kind(var) == '-2'
  120. def isunsigned(var):
  121. if not isscalar(var):
  122. return 0
  123. if var.get('typespec') != 'integer':
  124. return 0
  125. return get_kind(var) == '-4'
  126. def isunsigned_long_long(var):
  127. if not isscalar(var):
  128. return 0
  129. if var.get('typespec') != 'integer':
  130. return 0
  131. return get_kind(var) == '-8'
  132. def isdouble(var):
  133. if not isscalar(var):
  134. return 0
  135. if not var.get('typespec') == 'real':
  136. return 0
  137. return get_kind(var) == '8'
  138. def islong_double(var):
  139. if not isscalar(var):
  140. return 0
  141. if not var.get('typespec') == 'real':
  142. return 0
  143. return get_kind(var) == '16'
  144. def islong_complex(var):
  145. if not iscomplex(var):
  146. return 0
  147. return get_kind(var) == '32'
  148. def iscomplexarray(var):
  149. return isarray(var) and \
  150. var.get('typespec') in ['complex', 'double complex']
  151. def isint1array(var):
  152. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') == 'integer' \
  153. and get_kind(var) == '1'
  154. def isunsigned_chararray(var):
  155. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  156. and get_kind(var) == '-1'
  157. def isunsigned_shortarray(var):
  158. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  159. and get_kind(var) == '-2'
  160. def isunsignedarray(var):
  161. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  162. and get_kind(var) == '-4'
  163. def isunsigned_long_longarray(var):
  164. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  165. and get_kind(var) == '-8'
  166. def issigned_chararray(var):
  167. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  168. and get_kind(var) == '1'
  169. def issigned_shortarray(var):
  170. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  171. and get_kind(var) == '2'
  172. def issigned_array(var):
  173. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  174. and get_kind(var) == '4'
  175. def issigned_long_longarray(var):
  176. return isarray(var) and var.get('typespec') in ['integer', 'logical']\
  177. and get_kind(var) == '8'
  178. def isallocatable(var):
  179. return 'attrspec' in var and 'allocatable' in var['attrspec']
  180. def ismutable(var):
  181. return not ('dimension' not in var or isstring(var))
  182. def ismoduleroutine(rout):
  183. return 'modulename' in rout
  184. def ismodule(rout):
  185. return 'block' in rout and 'module' == rout['block']
  186. def isfunction(rout):
  187. return 'block' in rout and 'function' == rout['block']
  188. def isfunction_wrap(rout):
  189. if isintent_c(rout):
  190. return 0
  191. return wrapfuncs and isfunction(rout) and (not isexternal(rout))
  192. def issubroutine(rout):
  193. return 'block' in rout and 'subroutine' == rout['block']
  194. def issubroutine_wrap(rout):
  195. if isintent_c(rout):
  196. return 0
  197. return issubroutine(rout) and hasassumedshape(rout)
  198. def isattr_value(var):
  199. return 'value' in var.get('attrspec', [])
  200. def hasassumedshape(rout):
  201. if rout.get('hasassumedshape'):
  202. return True
  203. for a in rout['args']:
  204. for d in rout['vars'].get(a, {}).get('dimension', []):
  205. if d == ':':
  206. rout['hasassumedshape'] = True
  207. return True
  208. return False
  209. def requiresf90wrapper(rout):
  210. return ismoduleroutine(rout) or hasassumedshape(rout)
  211. def isroutine(rout):
  212. return isfunction(rout) or issubroutine(rout)
  213. def islogicalfunction(rout):
  214. if not isfunction(rout):
  215. return 0
  216. if 'result' in rout:
  217. a = rout['result']
  218. else:
  219. a = rout['name']
  220. if a in rout['vars']:
  221. return islogical(rout['vars'][a])
  222. return 0
  223. def islong_longfunction(rout):
  224. if not isfunction(rout):
  225. return 0
  226. if 'result' in rout:
  227. a = rout['result']
  228. else:
  229. a = rout['name']
  230. if a in rout['vars']:
  231. return islong_long(rout['vars'][a])
  232. return 0
  233. def islong_doublefunction(rout):
  234. if not isfunction(rout):
  235. return 0
  236. if 'result' in rout:
  237. a = rout['result']
  238. else:
  239. a = rout['name']
  240. if a in rout['vars']:
  241. return islong_double(rout['vars'][a])
  242. return 0
  243. def iscomplexfunction(rout):
  244. if not isfunction(rout):
  245. return 0
  246. if 'result' in rout:
  247. a = rout['result']
  248. else:
  249. a = rout['name']
  250. if a in rout['vars']:
  251. return iscomplex(rout['vars'][a])
  252. return 0
  253. def iscomplexfunction_warn(rout):
  254. if iscomplexfunction(rout):
  255. outmess("""\
  256. **************************************************************
  257. Warning: code with a function returning complex value
  258. may not work correctly with your Fortran compiler.
  259. When using GNU gcc/g77 compilers, codes should work
  260. correctly for callbacks with:
  261. f2py -c -DF2PY_CB_RETURNCOMPLEX
  262. **************************************************************\n""")
  263. return 1
  264. return 0
  265. def isstringfunction(rout):
  266. if not isfunction(rout):
  267. return 0
  268. if 'result' in rout:
  269. a = rout['result']
  270. else:
  271. a = rout['name']
  272. if a in rout['vars']:
  273. return isstring(rout['vars'][a])
  274. return 0
  275. def hasexternals(rout):
  276. return 'externals' in rout and rout['externals']
  277. def isthreadsafe(rout):
  278. return 'f2pyenhancements' in rout and \
  279. 'threadsafe' in rout['f2pyenhancements']
  280. def hasvariables(rout):
  281. return 'vars' in rout and rout['vars']
  282. def isoptional(var):
  283. return ('attrspec' in var and 'optional' in var['attrspec'] and
  284. 'required' not in var['attrspec']) and isintent_nothide(var)
  285. def isexternal(var):
  286. return 'attrspec' in var and 'external' in var['attrspec']
  287. def isrequired(var):
  288. return not isoptional(var) and isintent_nothide(var)
  289. def isintent_in(var):
  290. if 'intent' not in var:
  291. return 1
  292. if 'hide' in var['intent']:
  293. return 0
  294. if 'inplace' in var['intent']:
  295. return 0
  296. if 'in' in var['intent']:
  297. return 1
  298. if 'out' in var['intent']:
  299. return 0
  300. if 'inout' in var['intent']:
  301. return 0
  302. if 'outin' in var['intent']:
  303. return 0
  304. return 1
  305. def isintent_inout(var):
  306. return ('intent' in var and ('inout' in var['intent'] or
  307. 'outin' in var['intent']) and 'in' not in var['intent'] and
  308. 'hide' not in var['intent'] and 'inplace' not in var['intent'])
  309. def isintent_out(var):
  310. return 'out' in var.get('intent', [])
  311. def isintent_hide(var):
  312. return ('intent' in var and ('hide' in var['intent'] or
  313. ('out' in var['intent'] and 'in' not in var['intent'] and
  314. (not l_or(isintent_inout, isintent_inplace)(var)))))
  315. def isintent_nothide(var):
  316. return not isintent_hide(var)
  317. def isintent_c(var):
  318. return 'c' in var.get('intent', [])
  319. def isintent_cache(var):
  320. return 'cache' in var.get('intent', [])
  321. def isintent_copy(var):
  322. return 'copy' in var.get('intent', [])
  323. def isintent_overwrite(var):
  324. return 'overwrite' in var.get('intent', [])
  325. def isintent_callback(var):
  326. return 'callback' in var.get('intent', [])
  327. def isintent_inplace(var):
  328. return 'inplace' in var.get('intent', [])
  329. def isintent_aux(var):
  330. return 'aux' in var.get('intent', [])
  331. def isintent_aligned4(var):
  332. return 'aligned4' in var.get('intent', [])
  333. def isintent_aligned8(var):
  334. return 'aligned8' in var.get('intent', [])
  335. def isintent_aligned16(var):
  336. return 'aligned16' in var.get('intent', [])
  337. isintent_dict = {isintent_in: 'INTENT_IN', isintent_inout: 'INTENT_INOUT',
  338. isintent_out: 'INTENT_OUT', isintent_hide: 'INTENT_HIDE',
  339. isintent_cache: 'INTENT_CACHE',
  340. isintent_c: 'INTENT_C', isoptional: 'OPTIONAL',
  341. isintent_inplace: 'INTENT_INPLACE',
  342. isintent_aligned4: 'INTENT_ALIGNED4',
  343. isintent_aligned8: 'INTENT_ALIGNED8',
  344. isintent_aligned16: 'INTENT_ALIGNED16',
  345. }
  346. def isprivate(var):
  347. return 'attrspec' in var and 'private' in var['attrspec']
  348. def hasinitvalue(var):
  349. return '=' in var
  350. def hasinitvalueasstring(var):
  351. if not hasinitvalue(var):
  352. return 0
  353. return var['='][0] in ['"', "'"]
  354. def hasnote(var):
  355. return 'note' in var
  356. def hasresultnote(rout):
  357. if not isfunction(rout):
  358. return 0
  359. if 'result' in rout:
  360. a = rout['result']
  361. else:
  362. a = rout['name']
  363. if a in rout['vars']:
  364. return hasnote(rout['vars'][a])
  365. return 0
  366. def hascommon(rout):
  367. return 'common' in rout
  368. def containscommon(rout):
  369. if hascommon(rout):
  370. return 1
  371. if hasbody(rout):
  372. for b in rout['body']:
  373. if containscommon(b):
  374. return 1
  375. return 0
  376. def containsmodule(block):
  377. if ismodule(block):
  378. return 1
  379. if not hasbody(block):
  380. return 0
  381. for b in block['body']:
  382. if containsmodule(b):
  383. return 1
  384. return 0
  385. def hasbody(rout):
  386. return 'body' in rout
  387. def hascallstatement(rout):
  388. return getcallstatement(rout) is not None
  389. def istrue(var):
  390. return 1
  391. def isfalse(var):
  392. return 0
  393. class F2PYError(Exception):
  394. pass
  395. class throw_error:
  396. def __init__(self, mess):
  397. self.mess = mess
  398. def __call__(self, var):
  399. mess = '\n\n var = %s\n Message: %s\n' % (var, self.mess)
  400. raise F2PYError(mess)
  401. def l_and(*f):
  402. l1, l2 = 'lambda v', []
  403. for i in range(len(f)):
  404. l1 = '%s,f%d=f[%d]' % (l1, i, i)
  405. l2.append('f%d(v)' % (i))
  406. return eval('%s:%s' % (l1, ' and '.join(l2)))
  407. def l_or(*f):
  408. l1, l2 = 'lambda v', []
  409. for i in range(len(f)):
  410. l1 = '%s,f%d=f[%d]' % (l1, i, i)
  411. l2.append('f%d(v)' % (i))
  412. return eval('%s:%s' % (l1, ' or '.join(l2)))
  413. def l_not(f):
  414. return eval('lambda v,f=f:not f(v)')
  415. def isdummyroutine(rout):
  416. try:
  417. return rout['f2pyenhancements']['fortranname'] == ''
  418. except KeyError:
  419. return 0
  420. def getfortranname(rout):
  421. try:
  422. name = rout['f2pyenhancements']['fortranname']
  423. if name == '':
  424. raise KeyError
  425. if not name:
  426. errmess('Failed to use fortranname from %s\n' %
  427. (rout['f2pyenhancements']))
  428. raise KeyError
  429. except KeyError:
  430. name = rout['name']
  431. return name
  432. def getmultilineblock(rout, blockname, comment=1, counter=0):
  433. try:
  434. r = rout['f2pyenhancements'].get(blockname)
  435. except KeyError:
  436. return
  437. if not r:
  438. return
  439. if counter > 0 and isinstance(r, str):
  440. return
  441. if isinstance(r, list):
  442. if counter >= len(r):
  443. return
  444. r = r[counter]
  445. if r[:3] == "'''":
  446. if comment:
  447. r = '\t/* start ' + blockname + \
  448. ' multiline (' + repr(counter) + ') */\n' + r[3:]
  449. else:
  450. r = r[3:]
  451. if r[-3:] == "'''":
  452. if comment:
  453. r = r[:-3] + '\n\t/* end multiline (' + repr(counter) + ')*/'
  454. else:
  455. r = r[:-3]
  456. else:
  457. errmess("%s multiline block should end with `'''`: %s\n"
  458. % (blockname, repr(r)))
  459. return r
  460. def getcallstatement(rout):
  461. return getmultilineblock(rout, 'callstatement')
  462. def getcallprotoargument(rout, cb_map={}):
  463. r = getmultilineblock(rout, 'callprotoargument', comment=0)
  464. if r:
  465. return r
  466. if hascallstatement(rout):
  467. outmess(
  468. 'warning: callstatement is defined without callprotoargument\n')
  469. return
  470. from .capi_maps import getctype
  471. arg_types, arg_types2 = [], []
  472. if l_and(isstringfunction, l_not(isfunction_wrap))(rout):
  473. arg_types.extend(['char*', 'size_t'])
  474. for n in rout['args']:
  475. var = rout['vars'][n]
  476. if isintent_callback(var):
  477. continue
  478. if n in cb_map:
  479. ctype = cb_map[n] + '_typedef'
  480. else:
  481. ctype = getctype(var)
  482. if l_and(isintent_c, l_or(isscalar, iscomplex))(var):
  483. pass
  484. elif isstring(var):
  485. pass
  486. else:
  487. if not isattr_value(var):
  488. ctype = ctype + '*'
  489. if ((isstring(var)
  490. or isarrayofstrings(var) # obsolete?
  491. or isstringarray(var))):
  492. arg_types2.append('size_t')
  493. arg_types.append(ctype)
  494. proto_args = ','.join(arg_types + arg_types2)
  495. if not proto_args:
  496. proto_args = 'void'
  497. return proto_args
  498. def getusercode(rout):
  499. return getmultilineblock(rout, 'usercode')
  500. def getusercode1(rout):
  501. return getmultilineblock(rout, 'usercode', counter=1)
  502. def getpymethoddef(rout):
  503. return getmultilineblock(rout, 'pymethoddef')
  504. def getargs(rout):
  505. sortargs, args = [], []
  506. if 'args' in rout:
  507. args = rout['args']
  508. if 'sortvars' in rout:
  509. for a in rout['sortvars']:
  510. if a in args:
  511. sortargs.append(a)
  512. for a in args:
  513. if a not in sortargs:
  514. sortargs.append(a)
  515. else:
  516. sortargs = rout['args']
  517. return args, sortargs
  518. def getargs2(rout):
  519. sortargs, args = [], rout.get('args', [])
  520. auxvars = [a for a in rout['vars'].keys() if isintent_aux(rout['vars'][a])
  521. and a not in args]
  522. args = auxvars + args
  523. if 'sortvars' in rout:
  524. for a in rout['sortvars']:
  525. if a in args:
  526. sortargs.append(a)
  527. for a in args:
  528. if a not in sortargs:
  529. sortargs.append(a)
  530. else:
  531. sortargs = auxvars + rout['args']
  532. return args, sortargs
  533. def getrestdoc(rout):
  534. if 'f2pymultilines' not in rout:
  535. return None
  536. k = None
  537. if rout['block'] == 'python module':
  538. k = rout['block'], rout['name']
  539. return rout['f2pymultilines'].get(k, None)
  540. def gentitle(name):
  541. ln = (80 - len(name) - 6) // 2
  542. return '/*%s %s %s*/' % (ln * '*', name, ln * '*')
  543. def flatlist(lst):
  544. if isinstance(lst, list):
  545. return reduce(lambda x, y, f=flatlist: x + f(y), lst, [])
  546. return [lst]
  547. def stripcomma(s):
  548. if s and s[-1] == ',':
  549. return s[:-1]
  550. return s
  551. def replace(str, d, defaultsep=''):
  552. if isinstance(d, list):
  553. return [replace(str, _m, defaultsep) for _m in d]
  554. if isinstance(str, list):
  555. return [replace(_m, d, defaultsep) for _m in str]
  556. for k in 2 * list(d.keys()):
  557. if k == 'separatorsfor':
  558. continue
  559. if 'separatorsfor' in d and k in d['separatorsfor']:
  560. sep = d['separatorsfor'][k]
  561. else:
  562. sep = defaultsep
  563. if isinstance(d[k], list):
  564. str = str.replace('#%s#' % (k), sep.join(flatlist(d[k])))
  565. else:
  566. str = str.replace('#%s#' % (k), d[k])
  567. return str
  568. def dictappend(rd, ar):
  569. if isinstance(ar, list):
  570. for a in ar:
  571. rd = dictappend(rd, a)
  572. return rd
  573. for k in ar.keys():
  574. if k[0] == '_':
  575. continue
  576. if k in rd:
  577. if isinstance(rd[k], str):
  578. rd[k] = [rd[k]]
  579. if isinstance(rd[k], list):
  580. if isinstance(ar[k], list):
  581. rd[k] = rd[k] + ar[k]
  582. else:
  583. rd[k].append(ar[k])
  584. elif isinstance(rd[k], dict):
  585. if isinstance(ar[k], dict):
  586. if k == 'separatorsfor':
  587. for k1 in ar[k].keys():
  588. if k1 not in rd[k]:
  589. rd[k][k1] = ar[k][k1]
  590. else:
  591. rd[k] = dictappend(rd[k], ar[k])
  592. else:
  593. rd[k] = ar[k]
  594. return rd
  595. def applyrules(rules, d, var={}):
  596. ret = {}
  597. if isinstance(rules, list):
  598. for r in rules:
  599. rr = applyrules(r, d, var)
  600. ret = dictappend(ret, rr)
  601. if '_break' in rr:
  602. break
  603. return ret
  604. if '_check' in rules and (not rules['_check'](var)):
  605. return ret
  606. if 'need' in rules:
  607. res = applyrules({'needs': rules['need']}, d, var)
  608. if 'needs' in res:
  609. cfuncs.append_needs(res['needs'])
  610. for k in rules.keys():
  611. if k == 'separatorsfor':
  612. ret[k] = rules[k]
  613. continue
  614. if isinstance(rules[k], str):
  615. ret[k] = replace(rules[k], d)
  616. elif isinstance(rules[k], list):
  617. ret[k] = []
  618. for i in rules[k]:
  619. ar = applyrules({k: i}, d, var)
  620. if k in ar:
  621. ret[k].append(ar[k])
  622. elif k[0] == '_':
  623. continue
  624. elif isinstance(rules[k], dict):
  625. ret[k] = []
  626. for k1 in rules[k].keys():
  627. if isinstance(k1, types.FunctionType) and k1(var):
  628. if isinstance(rules[k][k1], list):
  629. for i in rules[k][k1]:
  630. if isinstance(i, dict):
  631. res = applyrules({'supertext': i}, d, var)
  632. if 'supertext' in res:
  633. i = res['supertext']
  634. else:
  635. i = ''
  636. ret[k].append(replace(i, d))
  637. else:
  638. i = rules[k][k1]
  639. if isinstance(i, dict):
  640. res = applyrules({'supertext': i}, d)
  641. if 'supertext' in res:
  642. i = res['supertext']
  643. else:
  644. i = ''
  645. ret[k].append(replace(i, d))
  646. else:
  647. errmess('applyrules: ignoring rule %s.\n' % repr(rules[k]))
  648. if isinstance(ret[k], list):
  649. if len(ret[k]) == 1:
  650. ret[k] = ret[k][0]
  651. if ret[k] == []:
  652. del ret[k]
  653. return ret