test_system_info.py 11 KB

  1. import os
  2. import shutil
  3. import pytest
  4. from tempfile import mkstemp, mkdtemp
  5. from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
  6. from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
  7. from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_equal, assert_raises
  8. from numpy.distutils import ccompiler, customized_ccompiler
  9. from numpy.distutils.system_info import system_info, ConfigParser, mkl_info
  10. from numpy.distutils.system_info import AliasedOptionError
  11. from numpy.distutils.system_info import default_lib_dirs, default_include_dirs
  12. from numpy.distutils import _shell_utils
  13. def get_class(name, notfound_action=1):
  14. """
  15. notfound_action:
  16. 0 - do nothing
  17. 1 - display warning message
  18. 2 - raise error
  19. """
  20. cl = {'temp1': Temp1Info,
  21. 'temp2': Temp2Info,
  22. 'duplicate_options': DuplicateOptionInfo,
  23. }.get(name.lower(), _system_info)
  24. return cl()
  25. simple_site = """
  26. [ALL]
  27. library_dirs = {dir1:s}{pathsep:s}{dir2:s}
  28. libraries = {lib1:s},{lib2:s}
  29. extra_compile_args = -I/fake/directory -I"/path with/spaces" -Os
  30. runtime_library_dirs = {dir1:s}
  31. [temp1]
  32. library_dirs = {dir1:s}
  33. libraries = {lib1:s}
  34. runtime_library_dirs = {dir1:s}
  35. [temp2]
  36. library_dirs = {dir2:s}
  37. libraries = {lib2:s}
  38. extra_link_args = -Wl,-rpath={lib2_escaped:s}
  39. rpath = {dir2:s}
  40. [duplicate_options]
  41. mylib_libs = {lib1:s}
  42. libraries = {lib2:s}
  43. """
  44. site_cfg = simple_site
  45. fakelib_c_text = """
  46. /* This file is generated from numpy/distutils/testing/test_system_info.py */
  47. #include<stdio.h>
  48. void foo(void) {
  49. printf("Hello foo");
  50. }
  51. void bar(void) {
  52. printf("Hello bar");
  53. }
  54. """
  55. def have_compiler():
  56. """ Return True if there appears to be an executable compiler
  57. """
  58. compiler = customized_ccompiler()
  59. try:
  60. cmd = compiler.compiler # Unix compilers
  61. except AttributeError:
  62. try:
  63. if not compiler.initialized:
  64. compiler.initialize() # MSVC is different
  65. except (DistutilsError, ValueError):
  66. return False
  67. cmd = [compiler.cc]
  68. try:
  69. p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
  70. p.stdout.close()
  71. p.stderr.close()
  72. p.wait()
  73. except OSError:
  74. return False
  75. return True
  76. HAVE_COMPILER = have_compiler()
  77. class _system_info(system_info):
  78. def __init__(self,
  79. default_lib_dirs=default_lib_dirs,
  80. default_include_dirs=default_include_dirs,
  81. verbosity=1,
  82. ):
  83. self.__class__.info = {}
  84. self.local_prefixes = []
  85. defaults = {'library_dirs': '',
  86. 'include_dirs': '',
  87. 'runtime_library_dirs': '',
  88. 'rpath': '',
  89. 'src_dirs': '',
  90. 'search_static_first': "0",
  91. 'extra_compile_args': '',
  92. 'extra_link_args': ''}
  93. self.cp = ConfigParser(defaults)
  94. # We have to parse the config files afterwards
  95. # to have a consistent temporary filepath
  96. def _check_libs(self, lib_dirs, libs, opt_libs, exts):
  97. """Override _check_libs to return with all dirs """
  98. info = {'libraries': libs, 'library_dirs': lib_dirs}
  99. return info
  100. class Temp1Info(_system_info):
  101. """For testing purposes"""
  102. section = 'temp1'
  103. class Temp2Info(_system_info):
  104. """For testing purposes"""
  105. section = 'temp2'
  106. class DuplicateOptionInfo(_system_info):
  107. """For testing purposes"""
  108. section = 'duplicate_options'
  109. class TestSystemInfoReading:
  110. def setup_method(self):
  111. """ Create the libraries """
  112. # Create 2 sources and 2 libraries
  113. self._dir1 = mkdtemp()
  114. self._src1 = os.path.join(self._dir1, 'foo.c')
  115. self._lib1 = os.path.join(self._dir1, 'libfoo.so')
  116. self._dir2 = mkdtemp()
  117. self._src2 = os.path.join(self._dir2, 'bar.c')
  118. self._lib2 = os.path.join(self._dir2, 'libbar.so')
  119. # Update local site.cfg
  120. global simple_site, site_cfg
  121. site_cfg = simple_site.format(**{
  122. 'dir1': self._dir1,
  123. 'lib1': self._lib1,
  124. 'dir2': self._dir2,
  125. 'lib2': self._lib2,
  126. 'pathsep': os.pathsep,
  127. 'lib2_escaped': _shell_utils.NativeParser.join([self._lib2])
  128. })
  129. # Write site.cfg
  130. fd, self._sitecfg = mkstemp()
  131. os.close(fd)
  132. with open(self._sitecfg, 'w') as fd:
  133. fd.write(site_cfg)
  134. # Write the sources
  135. with open(self._src1, 'w') as fd:
  136. fd.write(fakelib_c_text)
  137. with open(self._src2, 'w') as fd:
  138. fd.write(fakelib_c_text)
  139. # We create all class-instances
  140. def site_and_parse(c, site_cfg):
  141. c.files = [site_cfg]
  142. c.parse_config_files()
  143. return c
  144. self.c_default = site_and_parse(get_class('default'), self._sitecfg)
  145. self.c_temp1 = site_and_parse(get_class('temp1'), self._sitecfg)
  146. self.c_temp2 = site_and_parse(get_class('temp2'), self._sitecfg)
  147. self.c_dup_options = site_and_parse(get_class('duplicate_options'),
  148. self._sitecfg)
  149. def teardown_method(self):
  150. # Do each removal separately
  151. try:
  152. shutil.rmtree(self._dir1)
  153. except Exception:
  154. pass
  155. try:
  156. shutil.rmtree(self._dir2)
  157. except Exception:
  158. pass
  159. try:
  160. os.remove(self._sitecfg)
  161. except Exception:
  162. pass
  163. def test_all(self):
  164. # Read in all information in the ALL block
  165. tsi = self.c_default
  166. assert_equal(tsi.get_lib_dirs(), [self._dir1, self._dir2])
  167. assert_equal(tsi.get_libraries(), [self._lib1, self._lib2])
  168. assert_equal(tsi.get_runtime_lib_dirs(), [self._dir1])
  169. extra = tsi.calc_extra_info()
  170. assert_equal(extra['extra_compile_args'], ['-I/fake/directory', '-I/path with/spaces', '-Os'])
  171. def test_temp1(self):
  172. # Read in all information in the temp1 block
  173. tsi = self.c_temp1
  174. assert_equal(tsi.get_lib_dirs(), [self._dir1])
  175. assert_equal(tsi.get_libraries(), [self._lib1])
  176. assert_equal(tsi.get_runtime_lib_dirs(), [self._dir1])
  177. def test_temp2(self):
  178. # Read in all information in the temp2 block
  179. tsi = self.c_temp2
  180. assert_equal(tsi.get_lib_dirs(), [self._dir2])
  181. assert_equal(tsi.get_libraries(), [self._lib2])
  182. # Now from rpath and not runtime_library_dirs
  183. assert_equal(tsi.get_runtime_lib_dirs(key='rpath'), [self._dir2])
  184. extra = tsi.calc_extra_info()
  185. assert_equal(extra['extra_link_args'], ['-Wl,-rpath=' + self._lib2])
  186. def test_duplicate_options(self):
  187. # Ensure that duplicates are raising an AliasedOptionError
  188. tsi = self.c_dup_options
  189. assert_raises(AliasedOptionError, tsi.get_option_single, "mylib_libs", "libraries")
  190. assert_equal(tsi.get_libs("mylib_libs", [self._lib1]), [self._lib1])
  191. assert_equal(tsi.get_libs("libraries", [self._lib2]), [self._lib2])
  192. @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAVE_COMPILER, reason="Missing compiler")
  193. def test_compile1(self):
  194. # Compile source and link the first source
  195. c = customized_ccompiler()
  196. previousDir = os.getcwd()
  197. try:
  198. # Change directory to not screw up directories
  199. os.chdir(self._dir1)
  200. c.compile([os.path.basename(self._src1)], output_dir=self._dir1)
  201. # Ensure that the object exists
  202. assert_(os.path.isfile(self._src1.replace('.c', '.o')) or
  203. os.path.isfile(self._src1.replace('.c', '.obj')))
  204. finally:
  205. os.chdir(previousDir)
  206. @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAVE_COMPILER, reason="Missing compiler")
  207. @pytest.mark.skipif('msvc' in repr(ccompiler.new_compiler()),
  208. reason="Fails with MSVC compiler ")
  209. def test_compile2(self):
  210. # Compile source and link the second source
  211. tsi = self.c_temp2
  212. c = customized_ccompiler()
  213. extra_link_args = tsi.calc_extra_info()['extra_link_args']
  214. previousDir = os.getcwd()
  215. try:
  216. # Change directory to not screw up directories
  217. os.chdir(self._dir2)
  218. c.compile([os.path.basename(self._src2)], output_dir=self._dir2,
  219. extra_postargs=extra_link_args)
  220. # Ensure that the object exists
  221. assert_(os.path.isfile(self._src2.replace('.c', '.o')))
  222. finally:
  223. os.chdir(previousDir)
  224. HAS_MKL = "mkl_rt" in mkl_info().calc_libraries_info().get("libraries", [])
  225. @pytest.mark.xfail(HAS_MKL, reason=("`[DEFAULT]` override doesn't work if "
  226. "numpy is built with MKL support"))
  227. def test_overrides(self):
  228. previousDir = os.getcwd()
  229. cfg = os.path.join(self._dir1, 'site.cfg')
  230. shutil.copy(self._sitecfg, cfg)
  231. try:
  232. os.chdir(self._dir1)
  233. # Check that the '[ALL]' section does not override
  234. # missing values from other sections
  235. info = mkl_info()
  236. lib_dirs = info.cp['ALL']['library_dirs'].split(os.pathsep)
  237. assert info.get_lib_dirs() != lib_dirs
  238. # But if we copy the values to a '[mkl]' section the value
  239. # is correct
  240. with open(cfg, 'r') as fid:
  241. mkl = fid.read().replace('[ALL]', '[mkl]', 1)
  242. with open(cfg, 'w') as fid:
  243. fid.write(mkl)
  244. info = mkl_info()
  245. assert info.get_lib_dirs() == lib_dirs
  246. # Also, the values will be taken from a section named '[DEFAULT]'
  247. with open(cfg, 'r') as fid:
  248. dflt = fid.read().replace('[mkl]', '[DEFAULT]', 1)
  249. with open(cfg, 'w') as fid:
  250. fid.write(dflt)
  251. info = mkl_info()
  252. assert info.get_lib_dirs() == lib_dirs
  253. finally:
  254. os.chdir(previousDir)
  255. def test_distutils_parse_env_order(monkeypatch):
  256. from numpy.distutils.system_info import _parse_env_order
  258. base_order = list('abcdef')
  259. monkeypatch.setenv(env, 'b,i,e,f')
  260. order, unknown = _parse_env_order(base_order, env)
  261. assert len(order) == 3
  262. assert order == list('bef')
  263. assert len(unknown) == 1
  264. # For when LAPACK/BLAS optimization is disabled
  265. monkeypatch.setenv(env, '')
  266. order, unknown = _parse_env_order(base_order, env)
  267. assert len(order) == 0
  268. assert len(unknown) == 0
  269. for prefix in '^!':
  270. monkeypatch.setenv(env, f'{prefix}b,i,e')
  271. order, unknown = _parse_env_order(base_order, env)
  272. assert len(order) == 4
  273. assert order == list('acdf')
  274. assert len(unknown) == 1
  275. with pytest.raises(ValueError):
  276. monkeypatch.setenv(env, 'b,^e,i')
  277. _parse_env_order(base_order, env)
  278. with pytest.raises(ValueError):
  279. monkeypatch.setenv(env, '!b,^e,i')
  280. _parse_env_order(base_order, env)