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  1. """Functions for generating line graphs."""
  2. from collections import defaultdict
  3. from functools import partial
  4. from itertools import combinations
  5. import networkx as nx
  6. from networkx.utils import arbitrary_element
  7. from networkx.utils.decorators import not_implemented_for
  8. __all__ = ["line_graph", "inverse_line_graph"]
  9. def line_graph(G, create_using=None):
  10. r"""Returns the line graph of the graph or digraph `G`.
  11. The line graph of a graph `G` has a node for each edge in `G` and an
  12. edge joining those nodes if the two edges in `G` share a common node. For
  13. directed graphs, nodes are adjacent exactly when the edges they represent
  14. form a directed path of length two.
  15. The nodes of the line graph are 2-tuples of nodes in the original graph (or
  16. 3-tuples for multigraphs, with the key of the edge as the third element).
  17. For information about self-loops and more discussion, see the **Notes**
  18. section below.
  19. Parameters
  20. ----------
  21. G : graph
  22. A NetworkX Graph, DiGraph, MultiGraph, or MultiDigraph.
  23. create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)
  24. Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.
  25. Returns
  26. -------
  27. L : graph
  28. The line graph of G.
  29. Examples
  30. --------
  31. >>> G = nx.star_graph(3)
  32. >>> L = nx.line_graph(G)
  33. >>> print(sorted(map(sorted, L.edges()))) # makes a 3-clique, K3
  34. [[(0, 1), (0, 2)], [(0, 1), (0, 3)], [(0, 2), (0, 3)]]
  35. Edge attributes from `G` are not copied over as node attributes in `L`, but
  36. attributes can be copied manually:
  37. >>> G = nx.path_graph(4)
  38. >>> G.add_edges_from((u, v, {"tot": u+v}) for u, v in G.edges)
  39. >>> G.edges(data=True)
  40. EdgeDataView([(0, 1, {'tot': 1}), (1, 2, {'tot': 3}), (2, 3, {'tot': 5})])
  41. >>> H = nx.line_graph(G)
  42. >>> H.add_nodes_from((node, G.edges[node]) for node in H)
  43. >>> H.nodes(data=True)
  44. NodeDataView({(0, 1): {'tot': 1}, (2, 3): {'tot': 5}, (1, 2): {'tot': 3}})
  45. Notes
  46. -----
  47. Graph, node, and edge data are not propagated to the new graph. For
  48. undirected graphs, the nodes in G must be sortable, otherwise the
  49. constructed line graph may not be correct.
  50. *Self-loops in undirected graphs*
  51. For an undirected graph `G` without multiple edges, each edge can be
  52. written as a set `\{u, v\}`. Its line graph `L` has the edges of `G` as
  53. its nodes. If `x` and `y` are two nodes in `L`, then `\{x, y\}` is an edge
  54. in `L` if and only if the intersection of `x` and `y` is nonempty. Thus,
  55. the set of all edges is determined by the set of all pairwise intersections
  56. of edges in `G`.
  57. Trivially, every edge in G would have a nonzero intersection with itself,
  58. and so every node in `L` should have a self-loop. This is not so
  59. interesting, and the original context of line graphs was with simple
  60. graphs, which had no self-loops or multiple edges. The line graph was also
  61. meant to be a simple graph and thus, self-loops in `L` are not part of the
  62. standard definition of a line graph. In a pairwise intersection matrix,
  63. this is analogous to excluding the diagonal entries from the line graph
  64. definition.
  65. Self-loops and multiple edges in `G` add nodes to `L` in a natural way, and
  66. do not require any fundamental changes to the definition. It might be
  67. argued that the self-loops we excluded before should now be included.
  68. However, the self-loops are still "trivial" in some sense and thus, are
  69. usually excluded.
  70. *Self-loops in directed graphs*
  71. For a directed graph `G` without multiple edges, each edge can be written
  72. as a tuple `(u, v)`. Its line graph `L` has the edges of `G` as its
  73. nodes. If `x` and `y` are two nodes in `L`, then `(x, y)` is an edge in `L`
  74. if and only if the tail of `x` matches the head of `y`, for example, if `x
  75. = (a, b)` and `y = (b, c)` for some vertices `a`, `b`, and `c` in `G`.
  76. Due to the directed nature of the edges, it is no longer the case that
  77. every edge in `G` should have a self-loop in `L`. Now, the only time
  78. self-loops arise is if a node in `G` itself has a self-loop. So such
  79. self-loops are no longer "trivial" but instead, represent essential
  80. features of the topology of `G`. For this reason, the historical
  81. development of line digraphs is such that self-loops are included. When the
  82. graph `G` has multiple edges, once again only superficial changes are
  83. required to the definition.
  84. References
  85. ----------
  86. * Harary, Frank, and Norman, Robert Z., "Some properties of line digraphs",
  87. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser. 9 (1960), 161--168.
  88. * Hemminger, R. L.; Beineke, L. W. (1978), "Line graphs and line digraphs",
  89. in Beineke, L. W.; Wilson, R. J., Selected Topics in Graph Theory,
  90. Academic Press Inc., pp. 271--305.
  91. """
  92. if G.is_directed():
  93. L = _lg_directed(G, create_using=create_using)
  94. else:
  95. L = _lg_undirected(G, selfloops=False, create_using=create_using)
  96. return L
  97. def _lg_directed(G, create_using=None):
  98. """Returns the line graph L of the (multi)digraph G.
  99. Edges in G appear as nodes in L, represented as tuples of the form (u,v)
  100. or (u,v,key) if G is a multidigraph. A node in L corresponding to the edge
  101. (u,v) is connected to every node corresponding to an edge (v,w).
  102. Parameters
  103. ----------
  104. G : digraph
  105. A directed graph or directed multigraph.
  106. create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional
  107. Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.
  108. Default is to use the same graph class as `G`.
  109. """
  110. L = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using, default=G.__class__)
  111. # Create a graph specific edge function.
  112. get_edges = partial(G.edges, keys=True) if G.is_multigraph() else G.edges
  113. for from_node in get_edges():
  114. # from_node is: (u,v) or (u,v,key)
  115. L.add_node(from_node)
  116. for to_node in get_edges(from_node[1]):
  117. L.add_edge(from_node, to_node)
  118. return L
  119. def _lg_undirected(G, selfloops=False, create_using=None):
  120. """Returns the line graph L of the (multi)graph G.
  121. Edges in G appear as nodes in L, represented as sorted tuples of the form
  122. (u,v), or (u,v,key) if G is a multigraph. A node in L corresponding to
  123. the edge {u,v} is connected to every node corresponding to an edge that
  124. involves u or v.
  125. Parameters
  126. ----------
  127. G : graph
  128. An undirected graph or multigraph.
  129. selfloops : bool
  130. If `True`, then self-loops are included in the line graph. If `False`,
  131. they are excluded.
  132. create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)
  133. Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.
  134. Notes
  135. -----
  136. The standard algorithm for line graphs of undirected graphs does not
  137. produce self-loops.
  138. """
  139. L = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using, default=G.__class__)
  140. # Graph specific functions for edges.
  141. get_edges = partial(G.edges, keys=True) if G.is_multigraph() else G.edges
  142. # Determine if we include self-loops or not.
  143. shift = 0 if selfloops else 1
  144. # Introduce numbering of nodes
  145. node_index = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(G)}
  146. # Lift canonical representation of nodes to edges in line graph
  147. edge_key_function = lambda edge: (node_index[edge[0]], node_index[edge[1]])
  148. edges = set()
  149. for u in G:
  150. # Label nodes as a sorted tuple of nodes in original graph.
  151. # Decide on representation of {u, v} as (u, v) or (v, u) depending on node_index.
  152. # -> This ensures a canonical representation and avoids comparing values of different types.
  153. nodes = [tuple(sorted(x[:2], key=node_index.get)) + x[2:] for x in get_edges(u)]
  154. if len(nodes) == 1:
  155. # Then the edge will be an isolated node in L.
  156. L.add_node(nodes[0])
  157. # Add a clique of `nodes` to graph. To prevent double adding edges,
  158. # especially important for multigraphs, we store the edges in
  159. # canonical form in a set.
  160. for i, a in enumerate(nodes):
  161. edges.update(
  162. [
  163. tuple(sorted((a, b), key=edge_key_function))
  164. for b in nodes[i + shift :]
  165. ]
  166. )
  167. L.add_edges_from(edges)
  168. return L
  169. @not_implemented_for("directed")
  170. @not_implemented_for("multigraph")
  171. def inverse_line_graph(G):
  172. """Returns the inverse line graph of graph G.
  173. If H is a graph, and G is the line graph of H, such that G = L(H).
  174. Then H is the inverse line graph of G.
  175. Not all graphs are line graphs and these do not have an inverse line graph.
  176. In these cases this function raises a NetworkXError.
  177. Parameters
  178. ----------
  179. G : graph
  180. A NetworkX Graph
  181. Returns
  182. -------
  183. H : graph
  184. The inverse line graph of G.
  185. Raises
  186. ------
  187. NetworkXNotImplemented
  188. If G is directed or a multigraph
  189. NetworkXError
  190. If G is not a line graph
  191. Notes
  192. -----
  193. This is an implementation of the Roussopoulos algorithm[1]_.
  194. If G consists of multiple components, then the algorithm doesn't work.
  195. You should invert every component separately:
  196. >>> K5 = nx.complete_graph(5)
  197. >>> P4 = nx.Graph([("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("c", "d")])
  198. >>> G = nx.union(K5, P4)
  199. >>> root_graphs = []
  200. >>> for comp in nx.connected_components(G):
  201. ... root_graphs.append(nx.inverse_line_graph(G.subgraph(comp)))
  202. >>> len(root_graphs)
  203. 2
  204. References
  205. ----------
  206. .. [1] Roussopoulos, N.D. , "A max {m, n} algorithm for determining the graph H from
  207. its line graph G", Information Processing Letters 2, (1973), 108--112, ISSN 0020-0190,
  208. `DOI link <>`_
  209. """
  210. if G.number_of_nodes() == 0:
  211. return nx.empty_graph(1)
  212. elif G.number_of_nodes() == 1:
  213. v = arbitrary_element(G)
  214. a = (v, 0)
  215. b = (v, 1)
  216. H = nx.Graph([(a, b)])
  217. return H
  218. elif G.number_of_nodes() > 1 and G.number_of_edges() == 0:
  219. msg = (
  220. "inverse_line_graph() doesn't work on an edgeless graph. "
  221. "Please use this function on each component separately."
  222. )
  223. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  224. if nx.number_of_selfloops(G) != 0:
  225. msg = (
  226. "A line graph as generated by NetworkX has no selfloops, so G has no "
  227. "inverse line graph. Please remove the selfloops from G and try again."
  228. )
  229. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  230. starting_cell = _select_starting_cell(G)
  231. P = _find_partition(G, starting_cell)
  232. # count how many times each vertex appears in the partition set
  233. P_count = {u: 0 for u in G.nodes}
  234. for p in P:
  235. for u in p:
  236. P_count[u] += 1
  237. if max(P_count.values()) > 2:
  238. msg = "G is not a line graph (vertex found in more than two partition cells)"
  239. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  240. W = tuple((u,) for u in P_count if P_count[u] == 1)
  241. H = nx.Graph()
  242. H.add_nodes_from(P)
  243. H.add_nodes_from(W)
  244. for a, b in combinations(H.nodes, 2):
  245. if any(a_bit in b for a_bit in a):
  246. H.add_edge(a, b)
  247. return H
  248. def _triangles(G, e):
  249. """Return list of all triangles containing edge e"""
  250. u, v = e
  251. if u not in G:
  252. raise nx.NetworkXError(f"Vertex {u} not in graph")
  253. if v not in G[u]:
  254. raise nx.NetworkXError(f"Edge ({u}, {v}) not in graph")
  255. triangle_list = []
  256. for x in G[u]:
  257. if x in G[v]:
  258. triangle_list.append((u, v, x))
  259. return triangle_list
  260. def _odd_triangle(G, T):
  261. """Test whether T is an odd triangle in G
  262. Parameters
  263. ----------
  264. G : NetworkX Graph
  265. T : 3-tuple of vertices forming triangle in G
  266. Returns
  267. -------
  268. True is T is an odd triangle
  269. False otherwise
  270. Raises
  271. ------
  272. NetworkXError
  273. T is not a triangle in G
  274. Notes
  275. -----
  276. An odd triangle is one in which there exists another vertex in G which is
  277. adjacent to either exactly one or exactly all three of the vertices in the
  278. triangle.
  279. """
  280. for u in T:
  281. if u not in G.nodes():
  282. raise nx.NetworkXError(f"Vertex {u} not in graph")
  283. for e in list(combinations(T, 2)):
  284. if e[0] not in G[e[1]]:
  285. raise nx.NetworkXError(f"Edge ({e[0]}, {e[1]}) not in graph")
  286. T_neighbors = defaultdict(int)
  287. for t in T:
  288. for v in G[t]:
  289. if v not in T:
  290. T_neighbors[v] += 1
  291. return any(T_neighbors[v] in [1, 3] for v in T_neighbors)
  292. def _find_partition(G, starting_cell):
  293. """Find a partition of the vertices of G into cells of complete graphs
  294. Parameters
  295. ----------
  296. G : NetworkX Graph
  297. starting_cell : tuple of vertices in G which form a cell
  298. Returns
  299. -------
  300. List of tuples of vertices of G
  301. Raises
  302. ------
  303. NetworkXError
  304. If a cell is not a complete subgraph then G is not a line graph
  305. """
  306. G_partition = G.copy()
  307. P = [starting_cell] # partition set
  308. G_partition.remove_edges_from(list(combinations(starting_cell, 2)))
  309. # keep list of partitioned nodes which might have an edge in G_partition
  310. partitioned_vertices = list(starting_cell)
  311. while G_partition.number_of_edges() > 0:
  312. # there are still edges left and so more cells to be made
  313. u = partitioned_vertices.pop()
  314. deg_u = len(G_partition[u])
  315. if deg_u != 0:
  316. # if u still has edges then we need to find its other cell
  317. # this other cell must be a complete subgraph or else G is
  318. # not a line graph
  319. new_cell = [u] + list(G_partition[u])
  320. for u in new_cell:
  321. for v in new_cell:
  322. if (u != v) and (v not in G_partition[u]):
  323. msg = (
  324. "G is not a line graph"
  325. "(partition cell not a complete subgraph)"
  326. )
  327. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  328. P.append(tuple(new_cell))
  329. G_partition.remove_edges_from(list(combinations(new_cell, 2)))
  330. partitioned_vertices += new_cell
  331. return P
  332. def _select_starting_cell(G, starting_edge=None):
  333. """Select a cell to initiate _find_partition
  334. Parameters
  335. ----------
  336. G : NetworkX Graph
  337. starting_edge: an edge to build the starting cell from
  338. Returns
  339. -------
  340. Tuple of vertices in G
  341. Raises
  342. ------
  343. NetworkXError
  344. If it is determined that G is not a line graph
  345. Notes
  346. -----
  347. If starting edge not specified then pick an arbitrary edge - doesn't
  348. matter which. However, this function may call itself requiring a
  349. specific starting edge. Note that the r, s notation for counting
  350. triangles is the same as in the Roussopoulos paper cited above.
  351. """
  352. if starting_edge is None:
  353. e = arbitrary_element(G.edges())
  354. else:
  355. e = starting_edge
  356. if e[0] not in G.nodes():
  357. raise nx.NetworkXError(f"Vertex {e[0]} not in graph")
  358. if e[1] not in G[e[0]]:
  359. msg = f"starting_edge ({e[0]}, {e[1]}) is not in the Graph"
  360. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  361. e_triangles = _triangles(G, e)
  362. r = len(e_triangles)
  363. if r == 0:
  364. # there are no triangles containing e, so the starting cell is just e
  365. starting_cell = e
  366. elif r == 1:
  367. # there is exactly one triangle, T, containing e. If other 2 edges
  368. # of T belong only to this triangle then T is starting cell
  369. T = e_triangles[0]
  370. a, b, c = T
  371. # ab was original edge so check the other 2 edges
  372. ac_edges = len(_triangles(G, (a, c)))
  373. bc_edges = len(_triangles(G, (b, c)))
  374. if ac_edges == 1:
  375. if bc_edges == 1:
  376. starting_cell = T
  377. else:
  378. return _select_starting_cell(G, starting_edge=(b, c))
  379. else:
  380. return _select_starting_cell(G, starting_edge=(a, c))
  381. else:
  382. # r >= 2 so we need to count the number of odd triangles, s
  383. s = 0
  384. odd_triangles = []
  385. for T in e_triangles:
  386. if _odd_triangle(G, T):
  387. s += 1
  388. odd_triangles.append(T)
  389. if r == 2 and s == 0:
  390. # in this case either triangle works, so just use T
  391. starting_cell = T
  392. elif r - 1 <= s <= r:
  393. # check if odd triangles containing e form complete subgraph
  394. triangle_nodes = set()
  395. for T in odd_triangles:
  396. for x in T:
  397. triangle_nodes.add(x)
  398. for u in triangle_nodes:
  399. for v in triangle_nodes:
  400. if u != v and (v not in G[u]):
  401. msg = (
  402. "G is not a line graph (odd triangles "
  403. "do not form complete subgraph)"
  404. )
  405. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  406. # otherwise then we can use this as the starting cell
  407. starting_cell = tuple(triangle_nodes)
  408. else:
  409. msg = (
  410. "G is not a line graph (incorrect number of "
  411. "odd triangles around starting edge)"
  412. )
  413. raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
  414. return starting_cell