123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786 |
- """Generators for geometric graphs.
- """
- import math
- from bisect import bisect_left
- from itertools import accumulate, combinations, product
- import networkx as nx
- from networkx.utils import py_random_state
- __all__ = [
- "geometric_edges",
- "geographical_threshold_graph",
- "navigable_small_world_graph",
- "random_geometric_graph",
- "soft_random_geometric_graph",
- "thresholded_random_geometric_graph",
- "waxman_graph",
- ]
- def geometric_edges(G, radius, p=2):
- """Returns edge list of node pairs within `radius` of each other.
- Parameters
- ----------
- G : networkx graph
- The graph from which to generate the edge list. The nodes in `G` should
- have an attribute ``pos`` corresponding to the node position, which is
- used to compute the distance to other nodes.
- radius : scalar
- The distance threshold. Edges are included in the edge list if the
- distance between the two nodes is less than `radius`.
- p : scalar, default=2
- The `Minkowski distance metric
- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minkowski_distance>`_ used to compute
- distances. The default value is 2, i.e. Euclidean distance.
- Returns
- -------
- edges : list
- List of edges whose distances are less than `radius`
- Notes
- -----
- Radius uses Minkowski distance metric `p`.
- If scipy is available, `scipy.spatial.cKDTree` is used to speed computation.
- Examples
- --------
- Create a graph with nodes that have a "pos" attribute representing 2D
- coordinates.
- >>> G = nx.Graph()
- >>> G.add_nodes_from([
- ... (0, {"pos": (0, 0)}),
- ... (1, {"pos": (3, 0)}),
- ... (2, {"pos": (8, 0)}),
- ... ])
- >>> nx.geometric_edges(G, radius=1)
- []
- >>> nx.geometric_edges(G, radius=4)
- [(0, 1)]
- >>> nx.geometric_edges(G, radius=6)
- [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
- >>> nx.geometric_edges(G, radius=9)
- [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]
- """
- # Input validation - every node must have a "pos" attribute
- for n, pos in G.nodes(data="pos"):
- if pos is None:
- raise nx.NetworkXError(
- f"All nodes in `G` must have a 'pos' attribute. Check node {n}"
- )
- # NOTE: See _geometric_edges for the actual implementation. The reason this
- # is split into two functions is to avoid the overhead of input validation
- # every time the function is called internally in one of the other
- # geometric generators
- return _geometric_edges(G, radius, p)
- def _geometric_edges(G, radius, p=2):
- """
- Implements `geometric_edges` without input validation. See `geometric_edges`
- for complete docstring.
- """
- nodes_pos = G.nodes(data="pos")
- try:
- import scipy as sp
- import scipy.spatial # call as sp.spatial
- except ImportError:
- # no scipy KDTree so compute by for-loop
- radius_p = radius**p
- edges = [
- (u, v)
- for (u, pu), (v, pv) in combinations(nodes_pos, 2)
- if sum(abs(a - b) ** p for a, b in zip(pu, pv)) <= radius_p
- ]
- return edges
- # scipy KDTree is available
- nodes, coords = list(zip(*nodes_pos))
- kdtree = sp.spatial.cKDTree(coords) # Cannot provide generator.
- edge_indexes = kdtree.query_pairs(radius, p)
- edges = [(nodes[u], nodes[v]) for u, v in sorted(edge_indexes)]
- return edges
- @py_random_state(5)
- def random_geometric_graph(n, radius, dim=2, pos=None, p=2, seed=None):
- """Returns a random geometric graph in the unit cube of dimensions `dim`.
- The random geometric graph model places `n` nodes uniformly at
- random in the unit cube. Two nodes are joined by an edge if the
- distance between the nodes is at most `radius`.
- Edges are determined using a KDTree when SciPy is available.
- This reduces the time complexity from $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int or iterable
- Number of nodes or iterable of nodes
- radius: float
- Distance threshold value
- dim : int, optional
- Dimension of graph
- pos : dict, optional
- A dictionary keyed by node with node positions as values.
- p : float, optional
- Which Minkowski distance metric to use. `p` has to meet the condition
- ``1 <= p <= infinity``.
- If this argument is not specified, the :math:`L^2` metric
- (the Euclidean distance metric), p = 2 is used.
- This should not be confused with the `p` of an Erdős-Rényi random
- graph, which represents probability.
- seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
- Indicator of random number generation state.
- See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
- Returns
- -------
- Graph
- A random geometric graph, undirected and without self-loops.
- Each node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the
- position of that node in Euclidean space as provided by the
- ``pos`` keyword argument or, if ``pos`` was not provided, as
- generated by this function.
- Examples
- --------
- Create a random geometric graph on twenty nodes where nodes are joined by
- an edge if their distance is at most 0.1::
- >>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(20, 0.1)
- Notes
- -----
- This uses a *k*-d tree to build the graph.
- The `pos` keyword argument can be used to specify node positions so you
- can create an arbitrary distribution and domain for positions.
- For example, to use a 2D Gaussian distribution of node positions with mean
- (0, 0) and standard deviation 2::
- >>> import random
- >>> n = 20
- >>> pos = {i: (random.gauss(0, 2), random.gauss(0, 2)) for i in range(n)}
- >>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(n, 0.2, pos=pos)
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Penrose, Mathew, *Random Geometric Graphs*,
- Oxford Studies in Probability, 5, 2003.
- """
- # TODO Is this function just a special case of the geographical
- # threshold graph?
- #
- # half_radius = {v: radius / 2 for v in n}
- # return geographical_threshold_graph(nodes, theta=1, alpha=1,
- # weight=half_radius)
- #
- G = nx.empty_graph(n)
- # If no positions are provided, choose uniformly random vectors in
- # Euclidean space of the specified dimension.
- if pos is None:
- pos = {v: [seed.random() for i in range(dim)] for v in G}
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, "pos")
- G.add_edges_from(_geometric_edges(G, radius, p))
- return G
- @py_random_state(6)
- def soft_random_geometric_graph(
- n, radius, dim=2, pos=None, p=2, p_dist=None, seed=None
- ):
- r"""Returns a soft random geometric graph in the unit cube.
- The soft random geometric graph [1] model places `n` nodes uniformly at
- random in the unit cube in dimension `dim`. Two nodes of distance, `dist`,
- computed by the `p`-Minkowski distance metric are joined by an edge with
- probability `p_dist` if the computed distance metric value of the nodes
- is at most `radius`, otherwise they are not joined.
- Edges within `radius` of each other are determined using a KDTree when
- SciPy is available. This reduces the time complexity from :math:`O(n^2)`
- to :math:`O(n)`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int or iterable
- Number of nodes or iterable of nodes
- radius: float
- Distance threshold value
- dim : int, optional
- Dimension of graph
- pos : dict, optional
- A dictionary keyed by node with node positions as values.
- p : float, optional
- Which Minkowski distance metric to use.
- `p` has to meet the condition ``1 <= p <= infinity``.
- If this argument is not specified, the :math:`L^2` metric
- (the Euclidean distance metric), p = 2 is used.
- This should not be confused with the `p` of an Erdős-Rényi random
- graph, which represents probability.
- p_dist : function, optional
- A probability density function computing the probability of
- connecting two nodes that are of distance, dist, computed by the
- Minkowski distance metric. The probability density function, `p_dist`,
- must be any function that takes the metric value as input
- and outputs a single probability value between 0-1. The scipy.stats
- package has many probability distribution functions implemented and
- tools for custom probability distribution definitions [2], and passing
- the .pdf method of scipy.stats distributions can be used here. If the
- probability function, `p_dist`, is not supplied, the default function
- is an exponential distribution with rate parameter :math:`\lambda=1`.
- seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
- Indicator of random number generation state.
- See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
- Returns
- -------
- Graph
- A soft random geometric graph, undirected and without self-loops.
- Each node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the
- position of that node in Euclidean space as provided by the
- ``pos`` keyword argument or, if ``pos`` was not provided, as
- generated by this function.
- Examples
- --------
- Default Graph:
- G = nx.soft_random_geometric_graph(50, 0.2)
- Custom Graph:
- Create a soft random geometric graph on 100 uniformly distributed nodes
- where nodes are joined by an edge with probability computed from an
- exponential distribution with rate parameter :math:`\lambda=1` if their
- Euclidean distance is at most 0.2.
- Notes
- -----
- This uses a *k*-d tree to build the graph.
- The `pos` keyword argument can be used to specify node positions so you
- can create an arbitrary distribution and domain for positions.
- For example, to use a 2D Gaussian distribution of node positions with mean
- (0, 0) and standard deviation 2
- The scipy.stats package can be used to define the probability distribution
- with the .pdf method used as `p_dist`.
- ::
- >>> import random
- >>> import math
- >>> n = 100
- >>> pos = {i: (random.gauss(0, 2), random.gauss(0, 2)) for i in range(n)}
- >>> p_dist = lambda dist: math.exp(-dist)
- >>> G = nx.soft_random_geometric_graph(n, 0.2, pos=pos, p_dist=p_dist)
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Penrose, Mathew D. "Connectivity of soft random geometric graphs."
- The Annals of Applied Probability 26.2 (2016): 986-1028.
- .. [2] scipy.stats -
- https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/stats.html
- """
- G = nx.empty_graph(n)
- G.name = f"soft_random_geometric_graph({n}, {radius}, {dim})"
- # If no positions are provided, choose uniformly random vectors in
- # Euclidean space of the specified dimension.
- if pos is None:
- pos = {v: [seed.random() for i in range(dim)] for v in G}
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, "pos")
- # if p_dist function not supplied the default function is an exponential
- # distribution with rate parameter :math:`\lambda=1`.
- if p_dist is None:
- def p_dist(dist):
- return math.exp(-dist)
- def should_join(edge):
- u, v = edge
- dist = (sum(abs(a - b) ** p for a, b in zip(pos[u], pos[v]))) ** (1 / p)
- return seed.random() < p_dist(dist)
- G.add_edges_from(filter(should_join, _geometric_edges(G, radius, p)))
- return G
- @py_random_state(7)
- def geographical_threshold_graph(
- n, theta, dim=2, pos=None, weight=None, metric=None, p_dist=None, seed=None
- ):
- r"""Returns a geographical threshold graph.
- The geographical threshold graph model places $n$ nodes uniformly at
- random in a rectangular domain. Each node $u$ is assigned a weight
- $w_u$. Two nodes $u$ and $v$ are joined by an edge if
- .. math::
- (w_u + w_v)p_{dist}(r) \ge \theta
- where `r` is the distance between `u` and `v`, `p_dist` is any function of
- `r`, and :math:`\theta` as the threshold parameter. `p_dist` is used to
- give weight to the distance between nodes when deciding whether or not
- they should be connected. The larger `p_dist` is, the more prone nodes
- separated by `r` are to be connected, and vice versa.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int or iterable
- Number of nodes or iterable of nodes
- theta: float
- Threshold value
- dim : int, optional
- Dimension of graph
- pos : dict
- Node positions as a dictionary of tuples keyed by node.
- weight : dict
- Node weights as a dictionary of numbers keyed by node.
- metric : function
- A metric on vectors of numbers (represented as lists or
- tuples). This must be a function that accepts two lists (or
- tuples) as input and yields a number as output. The function
- must also satisfy the four requirements of a `metric`_.
- Specifically, if $d$ is the function and $x$, $y$,
- and $z$ are vectors in the graph, then $d$ must satisfy
- 1. $d(x, y) \ge 0$,
- 2. $d(x, y) = 0$ if and only if $x = y$,
- 3. $d(x, y) = d(y, x)$,
- 4. $d(x, z) \le d(x, y) + d(y, z)$.
- If this argument is not specified, the Euclidean distance metric is
- used.
- .. _metric: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_%28mathematics%29
- p_dist : function, optional
- Any function used to give weight to the distance between nodes when
- deciding whether or not they should be connected. `p_dist` was
- originally conceived as a probability density function giving the
- probability of connecting two nodes that are of metric distance `r`
- apart. The implementation here allows for more arbitrary definitions
- of `p_dist` that do not need to correspond to valid probability
- density functions. The :mod:`scipy.stats` package has many
- probability density functions implemented and tools for custom
- probability density definitions, and passing the ``.pdf`` method of
- scipy.stats distributions can be used here. If ``p_dist=None``
- (the default), the exponential function :math:`r^{-2}` is used.
- seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
- Indicator of random number generation state.
- See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
- Returns
- -------
- Graph
- A random geographic threshold graph, undirected and without
- self-loops.
- Each node has a node attribute ``pos`` that stores the
- position of that node in Euclidean space as provided by the
- ``pos`` keyword argument or, if ``pos`` was not provided, as
- generated by this function. Similarly, each node has a node
- attribute ``weight`` that stores the weight of that node as
- provided or as generated.
- Examples
- --------
- Specify an alternate distance metric using the ``metric`` keyword
- argument. For example, to use the `taxicab metric`_ instead of the
- default `Euclidean metric`_::
- >>> dist = lambda x, y: sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(x, y))
- >>> G = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(10, 0.1, metric=dist)
- .. _taxicab metric: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry
- .. _Euclidean metric: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance
- Notes
- -----
- If weights are not specified they are assigned to nodes by drawing randomly
- from the exponential distribution with rate parameter $\lambda=1$.
- To specify weights from a different distribution, use the `weight` keyword
- argument::
- >>> import random
- >>> n = 20
- >>> w = {i: random.expovariate(5.0) for i in range(n)}
- >>> G = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(20, 50, weight=w)
- If node positions are not specified they are randomly assigned from the
- uniform distribution.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Masuda, N., Miwa, H., Konno, N.:
- Geographical threshold graphs with small-world and scale-free
- properties.
- Physical Review E 71, 036108 (2005)
- .. [2] Milan Bradonjić, Aric Hagberg and Allon G. Percus,
- Giant component and connectivity in geographical threshold graphs,
- in Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph (WAW 2007),
- Antony Bonato and Fan Chung (Eds), pp. 209--216, 2007
- """
- G = nx.empty_graph(n)
- # If no weights are provided, choose them from an exponential
- # distribution.
- if weight is None:
- weight = {v: seed.expovariate(1) for v in G}
- # If no positions are provided, choose uniformly random vectors in
- # Euclidean space of the specified dimension.
- if pos is None:
- pos = {v: [seed.random() for i in range(dim)] for v in G}
- # If no distance metric is provided, use Euclidean distance.
- if metric is None:
- metric = math.dist
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, weight, "weight")
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, "pos")
- # if p_dist is not supplied, use default r^-2
- if p_dist is None:
- def p_dist(r):
- return r**-2
- # Returns ``True`` if and only if the nodes whose attributes are
- # ``du`` and ``dv`` should be joined, according to the threshold
- # condition.
- def should_join(pair):
- u, v = pair
- u_pos, v_pos = pos[u], pos[v]
- u_weight, v_weight = weight[u], weight[v]
- return (u_weight + v_weight) * p_dist(metric(u_pos, v_pos)) >= theta
- G.add_edges_from(filter(should_join, combinations(G, 2)))
- return G
- @py_random_state(6)
- def waxman_graph(
- n, beta=0.4, alpha=0.1, L=None, domain=(0, 0, 1, 1), metric=None, seed=None
- ):
- r"""Returns a Waxman random graph.
- The Waxman random graph model places `n` nodes uniformly at random
- in a rectangular domain. Each pair of nodes at distance `d` is
- joined by an edge with probability
- .. math::
- p = \beta \exp(-d / \alpha L).
- This function implements both Waxman models, using the `L` keyword
- argument.
- * Waxman-1: if `L` is not specified, it is set to be the maximum distance
- between any pair of nodes.
- * Waxman-2: if `L` is specified, the distance between a pair of nodes is
- chosen uniformly at random from the interval `[0, L]`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int or iterable
- Number of nodes or iterable of nodes
- beta: float
- Model parameter
- alpha: float
- Model parameter
- L : float, optional
- Maximum distance between nodes. If not specified, the actual distance
- is calculated.
- domain : four-tuple of numbers, optional
- Domain size, given as a tuple of the form `(x_min, y_min, x_max,
- y_max)`.
- metric : function
- A metric on vectors of numbers (represented as lists or
- tuples). This must be a function that accepts two lists (or
- tuples) as input and yields a number as output. The function
- must also satisfy the four requirements of a `metric`_.
- Specifically, if $d$ is the function and $x$, $y$,
- and $z$ are vectors in the graph, then $d$ must satisfy
- 1. $d(x, y) \ge 0$,
- 2. $d(x, y) = 0$ if and only if $x = y$,
- 3. $d(x, y) = d(y, x)$,
- 4. $d(x, z) \le d(x, y) + d(y, z)$.
- If this argument is not specified, the Euclidean distance metric is
- used.
- .. _metric: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_%28mathematics%29
- seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
- Indicator of random number generation state.
- See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
- Returns
- -------
- Graph
- A random Waxman graph, undirected and without self-loops. Each
- node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the position of
- that node in Euclidean space as generated by this function.
- Examples
- --------
- Specify an alternate distance metric using the ``metric`` keyword
- argument. For example, to use the "`taxicab metric`_" instead of the
- default `Euclidean metric`_::
- >>> dist = lambda x, y: sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(x, y))
- >>> G = nx.waxman_graph(10, 0.5, 0.1, metric=dist)
- .. _taxicab metric: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry
- .. _Euclidean metric: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance
- Notes
- -----
- Starting in NetworkX 2.0 the parameters alpha and beta align with their
- usual roles in the probability distribution. In earlier versions their
- positions in the expression were reversed. Their position in the calling
- sequence reversed as well to minimize backward incompatibility.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] B. M. Waxman, *Routing of multipoint connections*.
- IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. 6(9),(1988) 1617--1622.
- """
- G = nx.empty_graph(n)
- (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = domain
- # Each node gets a uniformly random position in the given rectangle.
- pos = {v: (seed.uniform(xmin, xmax), seed.uniform(ymin, ymax)) for v in G}
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, "pos")
- # If no distance metric is provided, use Euclidean distance.
- if metric is None:
- metric = math.dist
- # If the maximum distance L is not specified (that is, we are in the
- # Waxman-1 model), then find the maximum distance between any pair
- # of nodes.
- #
- # In the Waxman-1 model, join nodes randomly based on distance. In
- # the Waxman-2 model, join randomly based on random l.
- if L is None:
- L = max(metric(x, y) for x, y in combinations(pos.values(), 2))
- def dist(u, v):
- return metric(pos[u], pos[v])
- else:
- def dist(u, v):
- return seed.random() * L
- # `pair` is the pair of nodes to decide whether to join.
- def should_join(pair):
- return seed.random() < beta * math.exp(-dist(*pair) / (alpha * L))
- G.add_edges_from(filter(should_join, combinations(G, 2)))
- return G
- @py_random_state(5)
- def navigable_small_world_graph(n, p=1, q=1, r=2, dim=2, seed=None):
- r"""Returns a navigable small-world graph.
- A navigable small-world graph is a directed grid with additional long-range
- connections that are chosen randomly.
- [...] we begin with a set of nodes [...] that are identified with the set
- of lattice points in an $n \times n$ square,
- $\{(i, j): i \in \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}, j \in \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}\}$,
- and we define the *lattice distance* between two nodes $(i, j)$ and
- $(k, l)$ to be the number of "lattice steps" separating them:
- $d((i, j), (k, l)) = |k - i| + |l - j|$.
- For a universal constant $p >= 1$, the node $u$ has a directed edge to
- every other node within lattice distance $p$---these are its *local
- contacts*. For universal constants $q >= 0$ and $r >= 0$ we also
- construct directed edges from $u$ to $q$ other nodes (the *long-range
- contacts*) using independent random trials; the $i$th directed edge from
- $u$ has endpoint $v$ with probability proportional to $[d(u,v)]^{-r}$.
- -- [1]_
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int
- The length of one side of the lattice; the number of nodes in
- the graph is therefore $n^2$.
- p : int
- The diameter of short range connections. Each node is joined with every
- other node within this lattice distance.
- q : int
- The number of long-range connections for each node.
- r : float
- Exponent for decaying probability of connections. The probability of
- connecting to a node at lattice distance $d$ is $1/d^r$.
- dim : int
- Dimension of grid
- seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
- Indicator of random number generation state.
- See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] J. Kleinberg. The small-world phenomenon: An algorithmic
- perspective. Proc. 32nd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2000.
- """
- if p < 1:
- raise nx.NetworkXException("p must be >= 1")
- if q < 0:
- raise nx.NetworkXException("q must be >= 0")
- if r < 0:
- raise nx.NetworkXException("r must be >= 1")
- G = nx.DiGraph()
- nodes = list(product(range(n), repeat=dim))
- for p1 in nodes:
- probs = [0]
- for p2 in nodes:
- if p1 == p2:
- continue
- d = sum((abs(b - a) for a, b in zip(p1, p2)))
- if d <= p:
- G.add_edge(p1, p2)
- probs.append(d**-r)
- cdf = list(accumulate(probs))
- for _ in range(q):
- target = nodes[bisect_left(cdf, seed.uniform(0, cdf[-1]))]
- G.add_edge(p1, target)
- return G
- @py_random_state(7)
- def thresholded_random_geometric_graph(
- n, radius, theta, dim=2, pos=None, weight=None, p=2, seed=None
- ):
- r"""Returns a thresholded random geometric graph in the unit cube.
- The thresholded random geometric graph [1] model places `n` nodes
- uniformly at random in the unit cube of dimensions `dim`. Each node
- `u` is assigned a weight :math:`w_u`. Two nodes `u` and `v` are
- joined by an edge if they are within the maximum connection distance,
- `radius` computed by the `p`-Minkowski distance and the summation of
- weights :math:`w_u` + :math:`w_v` is greater than or equal
- to the threshold parameter `theta`.
- Edges within `radius` of each other are determined using a KDTree when
- SciPy is available. This reduces the time complexity from :math:`O(n^2)`
- to :math:`O(n)`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int or iterable
- Number of nodes or iterable of nodes
- radius: float
- Distance threshold value
- theta: float
- Threshold value
- dim : int, optional
- Dimension of graph
- pos : dict, optional
- A dictionary keyed by node with node positions as values.
- weight : dict, optional
- Node weights as a dictionary of numbers keyed by node.
- p : float, optional (default 2)
- Which Minkowski distance metric to use. `p` has to meet the condition
- ``1 <= p <= infinity``.
- If this argument is not specified, the :math:`L^2` metric
- (the Euclidean distance metric), p = 2 is used.
- This should not be confused with the `p` of an Erdős-Rényi random
- graph, which represents probability.
- seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
- Indicator of random number generation state.
- See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
- Returns
- -------
- Graph
- A thresholded random geographic graph, undirected and without
- self-loops.
- Each node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the
- position of that node in Euclidean space as provided by the
- ``pos`` keyword argument or, if ``pos`` was not provided, as
- generated by this function. Similarly, each node has a nodethre
- attribute ``'weight'`` that stores the weight of that node as
- provided or as generated.
- Examples
- --------
- Default Graph:
- G = nx.thresholded_random_geometric_graph(50, 0.2, 0.1)
- Custom Graph:
- Create a thresholded random geometric graph on 50 uniformly distributed
- nodes where nodes are joined by an edge if their sum weights drawn from
- a exponential distribution with rate = 5 are >= theta = 0.1 and their
- Euclidean distance is at most 0.2.
- Notes
- -----
- This uses a *k*-d tree to build the graph.
- The `pos` keyword argument can be used to specify node positions so you
- can create an arbitrary distribution and domain for positions.
- For example, to use a 2D Gaussian distribution of node positions with mean
- (0, 0) and standard deviation 2
- If weights are not specified they are assigned to nodes by drawing randomly
- from the exponential distribution with rate parameter :math:`\lambda=1`.
- To specify weights from a different distribution, use the `weight` keyword
- argument::
- ::
- >>> import random
- >>> import math
- >>> n = 50
- >>> pos = {i: (random.gauss(0, 2), random.gauss(0, 2)) for i in range(n)}
- >>> w = {i: random.expovariate(5.0) for i in range(n)}
- >>> G = nx.thresholded_random_geometric_graph(n, 0.2, 0.1, 2, pos, w)
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] http://cole-maclean.github.io/blog/files/thesis.pdf
- """
- G = nx.empty_graph(n)
- G.name = f"thresholded_random_geometric_graph({n}, {radius}, {theta}, {dim})"
- # If no weights are provided, choose them from an exponential
- # distribution.
- if weight is None:
- weight = {v: seed.expovariate(1) for v in G}
- # If no positions are provided, choose uniformly random vectors in
- # Euclidean space of the specified dimension.
- if pos is None:
- pos = {v: [seed.random() for i in range(dim)] for v in G}
- # If no distance metric is provided, use Euclidean distance.
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, weight, "weight")
- nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, "pos")
- edges = (
- (u, v)
- for u, v in _geometric_edges(G, radius, p)
- if weight[u] + weight[v] >= theta
- )
- G.add_edges_from(edges)
- return G