Tutorial_solve_reuse_decomposition.cpp 368 B

  1. Matrix3f A(3,3);
  2. A << 1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,10;
  3. PartialPivLU<Matrix3f> luOfA(A); // compute LU decomposition of A
  4. Vector3f b;
  5. b << 3,3,4;
  6. Vector3f x;
  7. x = luOfA.solve(b);
  8. cout << "The solution with right-hand side (3,3,4) is:" << endl;
  9. cout << x << endl;
  10. b << 1,1,1;
  11. x = luOfA.solve(b);
  12. cout << "The solution with right-hand side (1,1,1) is:" << endl;
  13. cout << x << endl;