MatrixBase_colwise_iterator_cxx11.cpp 471 B

  1. Matrix3i m = Matrix3i::Random();
  2. cout << "Here is the initial matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
  3. int i = -1;
  4. for(auto c: m.colwise()) {
  5. c *= i;
  6. ++i;
  7. }
  8. cout << "Here is the matrix m after the for-range-loop:" << endl << m << endl;
  9. auto cols = m.colwise();
  10. auto it = std::find_if(cols.cbegin(), cols.cend(),
  11. [](Matrix3i::ConstColXpr x) { return x.squaredNorm() == 0; });
  12. cout << "The first empty column is: " << distance(cols.cbegin(),it) << endl;