123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 |
- import math
- from typing import List, Optional
- import PIL.Image
- import torch
- from torch.nn.functional import conv2d, pad as torch_pad
- from torchvision import tv_tensors
- from torchvision.transforms._functional_tensor import _max_value
- from torchvision.transforms.functional import pil_to_tensor, to_pil_image
- from torchvision.utils import _log_api_usage_once
- from ._utils import _get_kernel, _register_kernel_internal
- def normalize(
- inpt: torch.Tensor,
- mean: List[float],
- std: List[float],
- inplace: bool = False,
- ) -> torch.Tensor:
- """[BETA] See :class:`~torchvision.transforms.v2.Normalize` for details."""
- if torch.jit.is_scripting():
- return normalize_image(inpt, mean=mean, std=std, inplace=inplace)
- _log_api_usage_once(normalize)
- kernel = _get_kernel(normalize, type(inpt))
- return kernel(inpt, mean=mean, std=std, inplace=inplace)
- @_register_kernel_internal(normalize, torch.Tensor)
- @_register_kernel_internal(normalize, tv_tensors.Image)
- def normalize_image(image: torch.Tensor, mean: List[float], std: List[float], inplace: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
- if not image.is_floating_point():
- raise TypeError(f"Input tensor should be a float tensor. Got {image.dtype}.")
- if image.ndim < 3:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected tensor to be a tensor image of size (..., C, H, W). Got {image.shape}.")
- if isinstance(std, (tuple, list)):
- divzero = not all(std)
- elif isinstance(std, (int, float)):
- divzero = std == 0
- else:
- divzero = False
- if divzero:
- raise ValueError("std evaluated to zero, leading to division by zero.")
- dtype = image.dtype
- device = image.device
- mean = torch.as_tensor(mean, dtype=dtype, device=device)
- std = torch.as_tensor(std, dtype=dtype, device=device)
- if mean.ndim == 1:
- mean = mean.view(-1, 1, 1)
- if std.ndim == 1:
- std = std.view(-1, 1, 1)
- if inplace:
- image = image.sub_(mean)
- else:
- image = image.sub(mean)
- return image.div_(std)
- @_register_kernel_internal(normalize, tv_tensors.Video)
- def normalize_video(video: torch.Tensor, mean: List[float], std: List[float], inplace: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
- return normalize_image(video, mean, std, inplace=inplace)
- def gaussian_blur(inpt: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: List[int], sigma: Optional[List[float]] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
- """[BETA] See :class:`~torchvision.transforms.v2.GaussianBlur` for details."""
- if torch.jit.is_scripting():
- return gaussian_blur_image(inpt, kernel_size=kernel_size, sigma=sigma)
- _log_api_usage_once(gaussian_blur)
- kernel = _get_kernel(gaussian_blur, type(inpt))
- return kernel(inpt, kernel_size=kernel_size, sigma=sigma)
- def _get_gaussian_kernel1d(kernel_size: int, sigma: float, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device) -> torch.Tensor:
- lim = (kernel_size - 1) / (2.0 * math.sqrt(2.0) * sigma)
- x = torch.linspace(-lim, lim, steps=kernel_size, dtype=dtype, device=device)
- kernel1d = torch.softmax(x.pow_(2).neg_(), dim=0)
- return kernel1d
- def _get_gaussian_kernel2d(
- kernel_size: List[int], sigma: List[float], dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device
- ) -> torch.Tensor:
- kernel1d_x = _get_gaussian_kernel1d(kernel_size[0], sigma[0], dtype, device)
- kernel1d_y = _get_gaussian_kernel1d(kernel_size[1], sigma[1], dtype, device)
- kernel2d = kernel1d_y.unsqueeze(-1) * kernel1d_x
- return kernel2d
- @_register_kernel_internal(gaussian_blur, torch.Tensor)
- @_register_kernel_internal(gaussian_blur, tv_tensors.Image)
- def gaussian_blur_image(
- image: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: List[int], sigma: Optional[List[float]] = None
- ) -> torch.Tensor:
- # TODO: consider deprecating integers from sigma on the future
- if isinstance(kernel_size, int):
- kernel_size = [kernel_size, kernel_size]
- elif len(kernel_size) != 2:
- raise ValueError(f"If kernel_size is a sequence its length should be 2. Got {len(kernel_size)}")
- for ksize in kernel_size:
- if ksize % 2 == 0 or ksize < 0:
- raise ValueError(f"kernel_size should have odd and positive integers. Got {kernel_size}")
- if sigma is None:
- sigma = [ksize * 0.15 + 0.35 for ksize in kernel_size]
- else:
- if isinstance(sigma, (list, tuple)):
- length = len(sigma)
- if length == 1:
- s = float(sigma[0])
- sigma = [s, s]
- elif length != 2:
- raise ValueError(f"If sigma is a sequence, its length should be 2. Got {length}")
- elif isinstance(sigma, (int, float)):
- s = float(sigma)
- sigma = [s, s]
- else:
- raise TypeError(f"sigma should be either float or sequence of floats. Got {type(sigma)}")
- for s in sigma:
- if s <= 0.0:
- raise ValueError(f"sigma should have positive values. Got {sigma}")
- if image.numel() == 0:
- return image
- dtype = image.dtype
- shape = image.shape
- ndim = image.ndim
- if ndim == 3:
- image = image.unsqueeze(dim=0)
- elif ndim > 4:
- image = image.reshape((-1,) + shape[-3:])
- fp = torch.is_floating_point(image)
- kernel = _get_gaussian_kernel2d(kernel_size, sigma, dtype=dtype if fp else torch.float32, device=image.device)
- kernel = kernel.expand(shape[-3], 1, kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1])
- output = image if fp else image.to(dtype=torch.float32)
- # padding = (left, right, top, bottom)
- padding = [kernel_size[0] // 2, kernel_size[0] // 2, kernel_size[1] // 2, kernel_size[1] // 2]
- output = torch_pad(output, padding, mode="reflect")
- output = conv2d(output, kernel, groups=shape[-3])
- if ndim == 3:
- output = output.squeeze(dim=0)
- elif ndim > 4:
- output = output.reshape(shape)
- if not fp:
- output = output.round_().to(dtype=dtype)
- return output
- @_register_kernel_internal(gaussian_blur, PIL.Image.Image)
- def _gaussian_blur_image_pil(
- image: PIL.Image.Image, kernel_size: List[int], sigma: Optional[List[float]] = None
- ) -> PIL.Image.Image:
- t_img = pil_to_tensor(image)
- output = gaussian_blur_image(t_img, kernel_size=kernel_size, sigma=sigma)
- return to_pil_image(output, mode=image.mode)
- @_register_kernel_internal(gaussian_blur, tv_tensors.Video)
- def gaussian_blur_video(
- video: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: List[int], sigma: Optional[List[float]] = None
- ) -> torch.Tensor:
- return gaussian_blur_image(video, kernel_size, sigma)
- def to_dtype(inpt: torch.Tensor, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float, scale: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
- """[BETA] See :func:`~torchvision.transforms.v2.ToDtype` for details."""
- if torch.jit.is_scripting():
- return to_dtype_image(inpt, dtype=dtype, scale=scale)
- _log_api_usage_once(to_dtype)
- kernel = _get_kernel(to_dtype, type(inpt))
- return kernel(inpt, dtype=dtype, scale=scale)
- def _num_value_bits(dtype: torch.dtype) -> int:
- if dtype == torch.uint8:
- return 8
- elif dtype == torch.int8:
- return 7
- elif dtype == torch.int16:
- return 15
- elif dtype == torch.int32:
- return 31
- elif dtype == torch.int64:
- return 63
- else:
- raise TypeError(f"Number of value bits is only defined for integer dtypes, but got {dtype}.")
- @_register_kernel_internal(to_dtype, torch.Tensor)
- @_register_kernel_internal(to_dtype, tv_tensors.Image)
- def to_dtype_image(image: torch.Tensor, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float, scale: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
- if image.dtype == dtype:
- return image
- elif not scale:
- return image.to(dtype)
- float_input = image.is_floating_point()
- if torch.jit.is_scripting():
- # TODO: remove this branch as soon as `dtype.is_floating_point` is supported by JIT
- float_output = torch.tensor(0, dtype=dtype).is_floating_point()
- else:
- float_output = dtype.is_floating_point
- if float_input:
- # float to float
- if float_output:
- return image.to(dtype)
- # float to int
- if (image.dtype == torch.float32 and dtype in (torch.int32, torch.int64)) or (
- image.dtype == torch.float64 and dtype == torch.int64
- ):
- raise RuntimeError(f"The conversion from {image.dtype} to {dtype} cannot be performed safely.")
- # For data in the range `[0.0, 1.0]`, just multiplying by the maximum value of the integer range and converting
- # to the integer dtype is not sufficient. For example, `torch.rand(...).mul(255).to(torch.uint8)` will only
- # be `255` if the input is exactly `1.0`. See https://github.com/pytorch/vision/pull/2078#issuecomment-612045321
- # for a detailed analysis.
- # To mitigate this, we could round before we convert to the integer dtype, but this is an extra operation.
- # Instead, we can also multiply by the maximum value plus something close to `1`. See
- # https://github.com/pytorch/vision/pull/2078#issuecomment-613524965 for details.
- eps = 1e-3
- max_value = float(_max_value(dtype))
- # We need to scale first since the conversion would otherwise turn the input range `[0.0, 1.0]` into the
- # discrete set `{0, 1}`.
- return image.mul(max_value + 1.0 - eps).to(dtype)
- else:
- # int to float
- if float_output:
- return image.to(dtype).mul_(1.0 / _max_value(image.dtype))
- # int to int
- num_value_bits_input = _num_value_bits(image.dtype)
- num_value_bits_output = _num_value_bits(dtype)
- if num_value_bits_input > num_value_bits_output:
- return image.bitwise_right_shift(num_value_bits_input - num_value_bits_output).to(dtype)
- else:
- return image.to(dtype).bitwise_left_shift_(num_value_bits_output - num_value_bits_input)
- # We encourage users to use to_dtype() instead but we keep this for BC
- def convert_image_dtype(image: torch.Tensor, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32) -> torch.Tensor:
- """[BETA] [DEPRECATED] Use to_dtype() instead."""
- return to_dtype_image(image, dtype=dtype, scale=True)
- @_register_kernel_internal(to_dtype, tv_tensors.Video)
- def to_dtype_video(video: torch.Tensor, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float, scale: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
- return to_dtype_image(video, dtype, scale=scale)
- @_register_kernel_internal(to_dtype, tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes, tv_tensor_wrapper=False)
- @_register_kernel_internal(to_dtype, tv_tensors.Mask, tv_tensor_wrapper=False)
- def _to_dtype_tensor_dispatch(inpt: torch.Tensor, dtype: torch.dtype, scale: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
- # We don't need to unwrap and rewrap here, since TVTensor.to() preserves the type
- return inpt.to(dtype)