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- from typing import List, Callable
- import importlib
- import warnings
- _MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = r"Usage of '{old_location}' is deprecated; please use '{new_location}' instead."
- def lazy_deprecated_import(all: List[str], old_module: str, new_module: str) -> Callable:
- r"""Import utility to lazily import deprecated packages / modules / functional.
- The old_module and new_module are also used in the deprecation warning defined
- Args:
- all: The list of the functions that are imported. Generally, the module's
- __all__ list of the module.
- old_module: Old module location
- new_module: New module location / Migrated location
- Returns:
- Callable to asign to the `__getattr__`
- Usage:
- # In the `torch/nn/quantized/functional.py`
- from torch.nn.utils._deprecation_utils import lazy_deprecated_import
- _MIGRATED_TO = "torch.ao.nn.quantized.functional"
- __getattr__ = lazy_deprecated_import(
- all=__all__,
- old_module=__name__,
- new_module=_MIGRATED_TO)
- """
- warning_message = _MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(
- old_location=old_module,
- new_location=new_module)
- def getattr_dunder(name):
- if name in all:
- # We are using the "RuntimeWarning" to make sure it is not
- # ignored by default.
- warnings.warn(warning_message, RuntimeWarning)
- package = importlib.import_module(new_module)
- return getattr(package, name)
- raise AttributeError(f"Module {new_module!r} has no attribute {name!r}.")
- return getattr_dunder