123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447 |
- #pragma once
- #include <limits>
- #include <ATen/core/Tensor.h>
- #include <ATen/native/Resize.h>
- #include <ATen/native/TensorIterator.h>
- #include <ATen/native/NonEmptyUtils.h>
- #include <ATen/WrapDimUtilsMulti.h>
- #include <c10/core/ScalarType.h>
- #include <c10/util/irange.h>
- #include <ATen/Functions.h>
- #else
- #include <ATen/ops/empty.h>
- #include <ATen/ops/scalar_tensor.h>
- #endif
- namespace at { namespace native {
- // Maximum and minimum possible scalar values, including infinities
- template <typename scalar_t>
- constexpr scalar_t upper_bound() {
- using lim = std::numeric_limits<scalar_t>;
- return lim::has_infinity ? lim::infinity() : lim::max();
- }
- template <typename scalar_t>
- constexpr scalar_t lower_bound() {
- using lim = std::numeric_limits<scalar_t>;
- return lim::has_infinity ? -lim::infinity() : lim::lowest();
- }
- static inline Tensor restride_dim(
- const Tensor& src, int64_t dim,
- IntArrayRef replacement_shape
- ) {
- auto strides = ensure_nonempty_vec(src.strides().vec());
- strides[dim] = 0;
- return src.as_strided(replacement_shape, strides);
- }
- inline void _dimreduce_setup(const Tensor &result, const Tensor &self,
- int64_t dim) {
- IntArrayRef self_sizes = self.sizes();
- std::vector<int64_t> result_sizes;
- result_sizes.insert(result_sizes.end(), self_sizes.begin(), self_sizes.end());
- result_sizes[dim] = 1;
- result.resize_(result_sizes);
- }
- inline bool _dimreduce_return_trivial(const Tensor &result, const Tensor &self,
- const Scalar& ident, int64_t dim, bool keepdim) {
- if (self.numel() == 1 && self.ndimension() == 0) {
- result.resize_({});
- result.fill_(self);
- return true;
- }
- // Return identity
- if (self.numel() == 0) {
- _dimreduce_setup(result, self, dim);
- result.fill_(ident);
- if (!keepdim) result.squeeze_(dim);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- inline bool _dimreduce_return_trivial_no_ident(Tensor &result, const Tensor &self,
- int64_t /*dim*/, bool /*keepdim*/, const char* /*fn_name*/) {
- if (self.numel() == 1 && self.ndimension() == 0) {
- result.resize_({});
- result.fill_(self);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- inline c10::optional<Tensor> _allreduce_return_trivial(
- const Tensor& self,
- const Scalar& ident) {
- // Return identity
- if (self.numel() == 0) {
- return at::scalar_tensor(ident, self.options());
- }
- return c10::nullopt;
- }
- #define OPTION_TYPE_EQUALITY_CHECK(option, out, self) \
- { \
- out.option() == self.option(),\
- "expected ", #option, " ",\
- self.option(),\
- " but found ", out.option())\
- }
- static inline void check_scalar_type_device_layout_equal(const Tensor& out, const Tensor& self) {
- OPTION_TYPE_EQUALITY_CHECK(scalar_type, out, self);
- OPTION_TYPE_EQUALITY_CHECK(device, out.options(), self.options());
- OPTION_TYPE_EQUALITY_CHECK(layout, out.options(), self.options());
- }
- static inline Tensor integer_upcast(const Tensor& self, c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) {
- ScalarType scalarType = self.scalar_type();
- ScalarType upcast_scalarType = dtype.value_or(at::isIntegralType(scalarType, /*includeBool=*/true) ? ScalarType::Long : scalarType);
- return self.toType(upcast_scalarType);
- }
- using DimMask = TensorIterator::DimMask;
- static DimVector make_dim_vector(OptionalIntArrayRef opt_dims, int64_t ndim) {
- if (opt_dims.has_value()) {
- return DimVector(opt_dims.value());
- } else {
- std::vector<int64_t> all_dims(ndim);
- std::iota(all_dims.begin(), all_dims.end(), 0);
- return DimVector(all_dims);
- }
- }
- static DimMask make_dim_mask(OptionalIntArrayRef opt_dims, int64_t ndim) {
- DimMask mask;
- if (opt_dims.has_value()) {
- auto dims = opt_dims.value();
- if (dims.empty()) {
- mask = DimMask().flip();
- } else {
- mask = at::dim_list_to_bitset(dims, ndim);
- }
- } else {
- mask = DimMask().flip();
- }
- return mask;
- }
- inline DimVector shape_from_dim_mask(const Tensor& self, DimMask mask, bool keepdim) {
- auto shape = DimVector(self.sizes());
- for (int dim = shape.size() - 1; dim >= 0; dim--) {
- if (mask[dim]) {
- if (keepdim) {
- shape[dim] = 1;
- } else {
- shape.erase(shape.begin() + dim);
- }
- }
- }
- return shape;
- }
- static void resize_reduction_result(
- Tensor& result, const Tensor& self, DimMask mask, bool keepdim,
- ScalarType /*dtype*/)
- {
- auto shape = shape_from_dim_mask(self, mask, keepdim);
- TORCH_CHECK(result.defined(), "Cannot create a new tensor inside a reduction op. You likely tried to call an operator with an out argument but the out argument was an undefined tensor.");
- at::native::resize_output(result, shape);
- }
- inline Tensor create_reduction_result(
- const Tensor& self, at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype
- ) {
- DimMask mask = make_dim_mask(dim, self.dim());
- auto shape = shape_from_dim_mask(self, mask, keepdim);
- return at::empty(shape, self.options().dtype(dtype));
- }
- static Tensor review_reduce_result(const Tensor& result, int ndim, DimMask mask, bool keepdim) {
- if (keepdim) {
- return result;
- }
- auto shape = DimVector(result.sizes());
- auto stride = DimVector(result.strides());
- for (const auto dim : c10::irange(ndim)) {
- if (mask[dim]) {
- shape.insert(shape.begin() + dim, 1);
- stride.insert(stride.begin() + dim, 0);
- }
- }
- return result.as_strided(shape, stride);
- }
- static TensorIterator make_reduction(
- const char* name, Tensor& result, const Tensor& self,
- at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim_opt,
- bool keepdim, ScalarType in_dtype, ScalarType out_dtype) {
- // check that result type and dtype match if provided
- !result.defined() || result.scalar_type() == out_dtype,
- name, ": provided dtype must match dtype of result. Got ",
- toString(result.scalar_type()),
- " and ",
- toString(out_dtype),
- ".");
- // dim={} performs an all-reduce, same as dim=None
- IntArrayRef dim = dim_opt.value_or(IntArrayRef{});
- int64_t ndim = self.dim();
- auto mask = make_dim_mask(dim, ndim);
- resize_reduction_result(result, self, mask, keepdim, out_dtype);
- auto viewed_result = review_reduce_result(result, ndim, mask, keepdim);
- namedinference::propagate_names_for_reduction(result, self, dim, keepdim);
- if (self.scalar_type() == in_dtype) {
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result, self);
- }
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result, self.to(in_dtype));
- }
- static C10_UNUSED TensorIterator make_reduction(
- const char* name, Tensor& result, const Tensor& self,
- at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType out_dtype) {
- // special case for type promotion in mixed precision, improves computational
- // efficiency.
- // not generalize this to common mismatched input/output types to avoid cross
- // product of templated kernel launches.
- const bool gpu_lowp_to_f32 = (
- self.is_cuda() && (self.scalar_type() == kHalf || self.scalar_type() == kBFloat16) && out_dtype == kFloat);
- auto in_dtype = gpu_lowp_to_f32 ? self.scalar_type()
- : self.is_complex() ? c10::toComplexType(out_dtype)
- : out_dtype;
- return make_reduction(name, result, self, dim, keepdim, in_dtype, out_dtype);
- }
- static TensorIterator make_reduction(
- const char* name, Tensor& result1, Tensor& result2, const Tensor& self,
- at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim_opt, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype1,
- ScalarType dtype2) {
- // check that result type and dtype match if provided
- (!result1.defined() || result1.scalar_type() == dtype1) && (!result2.defined() || result2.scalar_type() == dtype2),
- name, ": provided dtype must match dtype of result. Got ",
- toString(result1.scalar_type()), toString(result2.scalar_type()),
- " and ",
- toString(dtype1), toString(dtype2),
- ".");
- // dim={} performs an all-reduce, same as dim=None
- auto dim = dim_opt.value_or(IntArrayRef{});
- int64_t ndim = self.dim();
- DimMask mask = make_dim_mask(dim, ndim);
- resize_reduction_result(result1, self, mask, keepdim, dtype1);
- auto viewed_result1 = review_reduce_result(result1, ndim, mask, keepdim);
- resize_reduction_result(result2, self, mask, keepdim, dtype2);
- auto viewed_result2 = review_reduce_result(result2, ndim, mask, keepdim);
- namedinference::propagate_names_for_reduction(result1, self, dim, keepdim);
- namedinference::propagate_names_for_reduction(result2, self, dim, keepdim);
- // special case for type promotion in mixed precision, improves computational
- // efficiency.
- // We don't generalize this to common mismatched input/output types to avoid cross
- // product of templated kernel launches.
- if (self.scalar_type() == dtype1 ||
- (self.is_cuda() && self.scalar_type() == kHalf && dtype1 == kFloat)) {
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result1, viewed_result2, self);
- }
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result1, viewed_result2, self.to(dtype1));
- }
- static C10_UNUSED TensorIterator make_reduction(
- const char* name, Tensor& result1, Tensor& result2, const Tensor& self,
- at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim, bool keepdim, ScalarType dtype) {
- return make_reduction(name, result1, result2, self, dim, keepdim, dtype, dtype);
- }
- static void zero_numel_check_dims(const Tensor& self, const int64_t dim, const char *fn_name) {
- if (self.ndimension() == 0) {
- TORCH_CHECK_INDEX(dim == 0 || dim == -1, fn_name,
- ": Expected reduction dim -1 or 0 for scalar but got ", dim);
- }
- else {
- TORCH_CHECK_INDEX(self.size(dim) != 0, fn_name,
- ": Expected reduction dim ", dim, " to have non-zero size.");
- }
- }
- static void zero_numel_check_dims(const Tensor& self, const IntArrayRef dim, const char *fn_name) {
- !dim.empty(),
- fn_name, ": Expected reduction dim to be specified for input.numel() == 0. ",
- "Specify the reduction dim with the 'dim' argument.");
- for (const int64_t d : dim) {
- zero_numel_check_dims(self, d, fn_name);
- }
- }
- static std::vector<int64_t> get_zero_numel_tensor_size(
- const Tensor& self,
- const int64_t dim,
- const bool keepdim,
- const char* fn_name) {
- TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(self.numel() == 0, fn_name, ": Expected self.numel() == 0.");
- zero_numel_check_dims(self, dim, fn_name);
- std::vector<int64_t> sizes;
- if (keepdim) {
- sizes = self.sizes().vec();
- sizes[dim] = 1;
- }
- else {
- for (const auto d : c10::irange(self.dim())) {
- if (d != dim) {
- sizes.push_back(self.sizes()[d]);
- }
- }
- }
- return sizes;
- }
- // Resize the result tensor and indices when result.numel() == 0 depending on values of
- // dim and keepdim for returning tensors containing reduction results.
- // This function should be called when you are reducing a zero-numel tensor and want to
- // resize the output and return it. This function exists for resizing zero-numel
- // tensors when the size of the reduction dimension is non-zero.
- static C10_UNUSED void zero_numel_tensor_resize(Tensor& result, Tensor& result_indices,
- const Tensor& self, const int64_t dim,
- const bool keepdim, const char *fn_name) {
- auto sizes = get_zero_numel_tensor_size(self, dim, keepdim, fn_name);
- at::native::resize_output(result, sizes);
- at::native::resize_output(result_indices, sizes);
- }
- inline ScalarType get_dtype_from_self(
- const Tensor& self,
- const c10::optional<ScalarType>& dtype,
- bool promote_integers) {
- if (dtype.has_value()) {
- return dtype.value();
- }
- ScalarType src_type = self.scalar_type();
- if (promote_integers && at::isIntegralType(src_type, /*includeBool=*/true)) {
- return kLong;
- }
- return src_type;
- }
- inline ScalarType get_dtype_from_result(Tensor& result, c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) {
- TORCH_CHECK(result.defined(), "Cannot create a new tensor inside a reduction op. You likely tried to call an operator with an out argument but the out argument was an undefined tensor.");
- if (dtype.has_value()) {
- return dtype.value();
- } else {
- return result.scalar_type();
- }
- }
- } // native
- namespace meta {
- static C10_UNUSED DimVector get_reduction_shape(
- const Tensor& self,
- IntArrayRef dims,
- bool keepdim) {
- auto mask = native::make_dim_mask(dims, self.dim());
- return native::shape_from_dim_mask(self, mask, keepdim);
- }
- static void resize_reduction(
- impl::MetaBase& meta,
- const Tensor& self,
- OptionalIntArrayRef opt_dims,
- bool keepdim,
- ScalarType out_dtype) {
- DimVector dims_ = at::native::make_dim_vector(opt_dims, self.dim());
- maybe_wrap_dims(dims_, self.dim());
- auto shape = get_reduction_shape(self, dims_, keepdim);
- meta.set_output_raw_strided(0, shape, {}, self.options().dtype(out_dtype));
- namedinference::propagate_names_for_reduction(
- meta.maybe_get_output(), self, dims_, keepdim);
- }
- static void resize_reduction_with_indices(
- impl::MetaBase& meta,
- const Tensor& self,
- IntArrayRef dims,
- bool keepdim,
- ScalarType out_dtype) {
- DimVector dims_(dims);
- maybe_wrap_dims(dims_, self.dim());
- auto shape = get_reduction_shape(self, dims_, keepdim);
- meta.set_output_raw_strided(0, shape, {}, self.options().dtype(out_dtype));
- meta.set_output_raw_strided(1, shape, {}, self.options().dtype(kLong));
- namedinference::propagate_names_for_reduction(
- meta.maybe_get_output(0), self, dims_, keepdim);
- namedinference::propagate_names_for_reduction(
- meta.maybe_get_output(1), self, dims_, keepdim);
- }
- static TensorIterator make_reduction(
- const Tensor& self,
- const Tensor& result,
- OptionalIntArrayRef opt_dims,
- bool keepdim,
- ScalarType in_dtype) {
- int64_t ndim = self.dim();
- auto mask = at::native::make_dim_mask(opt_dims, ndim);
- auto viewed_result =
- at::native::review_reduce_result(result, ndim, mask, keepdim);
- if (self.scalar_type() == in_dtype) {
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result, self);
- }
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result, self.to(in_dtype));
- }
- static TensorIterator make_reduction(
- const Tensor& self,
- const Tensor& result1,
- const Tensor& result2,
- IntArrayRef dims,
- bool keepdim,
- ScalarType dtype1,
- ScalarType /*dtype2*/) {
- int64_t ndim = self.dim();
- auto mask = at::native::make_dim_mask(dims, ndim);
- auto viewed_result1 = at::native::review_reduce_result(result1, ndim, mask, keepdim);
- auto viewed_result2 = at::native::review_reduce_result(result2, ndim, mask, keepdim);
- // special case for type promotion in mixed precision, improves computational efficiency.
- // We don't generalize this to common mismatched input/output types to avoid cross product
- // of templated kernel launches.
- if (self.scalar_type() == dtype1 ||
- (self.is_cuda() && self.scalar_type() == kHalf && dtype1 == kFloat)) {
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result1, viewed_result2, self);
- }
- return TensorIterator::reduce_op(viewed_result1, viewed_result2, self.to(dtype1));
- }
- static C10_UNUSED TensorIterator make_reduction_from_out_ty(
- const Tensor& self,
- const Tensor& result,
- OptionalIntArrayRef opt_dims,
- bool keepdim,
- ScalarType out_dtype) {
- // special case for type promotion in mixed precision, improves computational
- // efficiency.
- // not generalize this to common mismatched input/output types to avoid cross
- // product of templated kernel launches.
- const bool gpu_lowp_to_f32 =
- (self.is_cuda() &&
- (self.scalar_type() == kHalf || self.scalar_type() == kBFloat16) &&
- out_dtype == kFloat);
- auto in_dtype = gpu_lowp_to_f32 ? self.scalar_type() : out_dtype;
- return make_reduction(self, result, opt_dims, keepdim, in_dtype);
- }
- } // namespace meta
- } // namespace at