123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764 |
- # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
- # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- import contextlib
- import functools
- from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
- import torch
- import torch.utils._pytree as pytree
- from torch.fx import Tracer, GraphModule
- from torch._subclasses.fake_tensor import FakeTensorMode
- from torch._dispatch.python import enable_python_dispatcher
- import torch.fx as fx
- from torch.fx.passes.shape_prop import _extract_tensor_metadata
- from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
- import inspect
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- import weakref
- import operator
- from torch.utils._stats import count
- from torch.utils._python_dispatch import TorchDispatchMode, _pop_mode_temporarily, _get_current_dispatch_mode
- from torch._subclasses import FakeTensor
- from .symbolic_shapes import ShapeEnv, SymDispatchMode, SymNode
- from torch.fx import Proxy
- from torch import SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool
- from torch.utils.weak import WeakTensorKeyDictionary
- __all__ = ["PythonKeyTracer", "dispatch_trace", "make_fx", "DecompositionInterpreter", "py_sym_types", "get_innermost_proxy_mode"]
- aten = torch.ops.aten
- prim = torch.ops.prim
- CURRENT_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE: Dict[torch._ops.OpOverload, Callable] = {}
- # We currently convert all SymInt to proxies before we use them.
- # This could plausibly be handled at the Dynamo level.
- pytree._register_pytree_node(torch.Size, lambda x: (list(x), None), lambda xs, _: tuple(xs))
- def fake_signature(fn, nargs):
- """FX gets confused by varargs, de-confuse it"""
- argnames = ",".join(f"arg{i}" for i in range(nargs))
- return eval(f"lambda {argnames}: fn({argnames})", {"fn": fn})
- @contextmanager
- def decompose(decomposition_table):
- old_decomposition_table = CURRENT_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE
- CURRENT_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE = decomposition_table
- try:
- finally:
- CURRENT_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE = old_decomposition_table
- # ensure we cannot collide with other properties
- proxy_slot = object()
- no_default = object()
- py_sym_types = (SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool)
- def is_sym_node(node):
- assert hasattr(node, 'meta'), "All nodes traced with proxy_tensor should have meta"
- return "val" in node.meta and isinstance(node.meta['val'], py_sym_types)
- def set_proxy_slot(obj, tracer, proxy):
- if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
- # We DO want to clobber proxies whenever we run an inplace operation
- # on a tensor, and it affects the metadata on the proxy.
- tracer.tensor_tracker[obj] = proxy
- else:
- # NB: Never clobber pre-existing proxy. Although the proxies
- # are in principle equivalent, when we do graph partitioning
- # we need there not to be spurious dependencies on tangent inputs.
- # This works because primals get their SymInts set first, and
- # THEN later we allocate tangent inputs. Make sure if a SymInt
- # is derivable from a primal that we use that.
- assert isinstance(obj, SymNode), type(obj)
- if obj not in tracer.symnode_tracker:
- tracer.symnode_tracker[obj] = proxy
- def has_proxy_slot(obj, tracer):
- assert isinstance(obj, (torch.Tensor, SymNode)), type(obj)
- return get_proxy_slot(obj, tracer, False, lambda _: True)
- # the default argument is what to return if the slot is not set.
- # the transform argument is handy if you need to extract a subfield from
- # the successfully looked up result (but NOT the default.)
- def get_proxy_slot(obj, tracer, default=no_default, transform=lambda x: x):
- if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
- tracker = tracer.tensor_tracker
- else:
- assert isinstance(obj, SymNode), type(obj)
- tracker = tracer.symnode_tracker
- if obj not in tracker:
- if default is no_default:
- raise RuntimeError(f"{obj} is not tracked with proxy for {tracer}")
- return default
- return transform(tracker[obj])
- def snapshot_fake(val):
- return val.detach()
- def unwrap_proxy(proxy_mode, e):
- if isinstance(e, torch.Tensor):
- return get_proxy_slot(e, proxy_mode.tracer, e, lambda e: e.proxy)
- elif isinstance(e, (torch.SymInt, torch.SymFloat, torch.SymBool)):
- return get_proxy_slot(e.node, proxy_mode.tracer, e, lambda e: e())
- else:
- return e
- # What invariants do we have for the 'val' set on the FX node? It has accurate
- # metadata... but only for metadata that exists "below" all other subsystems
- # (most notably autograd, but also vmap, functorch transforms, etc). This means
- # you can get the dtype, shape, stride, storage, but you CANNOT get requires_grad,
- # grad_fn, _base (_base actually may be set due to recursive call to
- # ADInplaceOrView, but you shouldn't rely on it.)
- def set_meta(proxy, val):
- if isinstance(val, FakeTensor):
- proxy.node.meta['val'] = snapshot_fake(val)
- proxy.node.meta['tensor_meta'] = _extract_tensor_metadata(val)
- elif isinstance(val, py_sym_types):
- proxy.node.meta['val'] = val
- elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
- if all(isinstance(x, FakeTensor) for x in val):
- proxy.node.meta['val'] = [snapshot_fake(x) for x in val]
- elif isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
- if not val.is_sparse:
- proxy.node.meta['tensor_meta'] = _extract_tensor_metadata(val)
- # NB: Kinda hacky, but we should try to get val as the metadata
- # everywhere
- # TODO: This doesn't properly track storages. A more robust
- # approach would be to maintain a per-trace FakeTensorMode and
- # from_real_tensor to create fake values (don't forget to
- # snapshot_fake)
- fake_tensor_mode = FakeTensorMode(allow_fallback_kernels=True)
- with fake_tensor_mode:
- proxy.node.meta['val'] = torch.empty_strided(val.shape, val.stride(), device=val.device, dtype=val.dtype)
- return proxy
- def thunkify(f, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Delays computation of f until it's called again
- Also caches the result
- """
- return functools.lru_cache(1)(functools.partial(f, *args, **kwargs))
- def track_tensor(tensor, proxy, *, constant, tracer):
- def try_set_proxy_slot(outer_s, proxy_callable, *args):
- assert callable(proxy_callable)
- if isinstance(outer_s, SymInt):
- inner_s = outer_s.node
- set_proxy_slot(inner_s, tracer, thunkify(proxy_callable, outer_s, *args))
- # The basic idea is that we need to associate each tensor/SymInt
- # with a Proxy. How do we setup this association? We just store
- # the proxy on the proxy slot of the object, keyed on the tracer
- # (so that if we have multiple tracers at the same time, they
- # don't clobber each other.)
- for i, s in enumerate(tensor.shape):
- try_set_proxy_slot(s, lambda x, i: set_meta(torch.ops.aten.sym_size(proxy, i), x), i)
- for i, s in enumerate(tensor.stride()):
- try_set_proxy_slot(s, lambda x, i: set_meta(torch.ops.aten.sym_stride(proxy, i), x), i)
- try_set_proxy_slot(tensor.numel(), lambda x: set_meta(torch.ops.aten.sym_numel(proxy), x))
- try_set_proxy_slot(tensor.storage_offset(), lambda x: set_meta(torch.ops.aten.sym_storage_offset(proxy), x))
- set_proxy_slot(tensor, tracer, _ProxyTensor(proxy, constant))
- def track_tensor_tree(inner_res, proxy_res, *, constant, tracer):
- def wrap_with_proxy(e, proxy, constant):
- if isinstance(e, torch.Tensor):
- track_tensor(e, proxy, tracer=tracer, constant=constant)
- set_meta(proxy, e)
- elif isinstance(e, py_sym_types):
- # NB: eagerly set meta here, so that the numbering is in order
- set_meta(proxy, e)
- set_proxy_slot(e.node, tracer, lambda: proxy)
- elif isinstance(e, list):
- # example use case: allreduce_ returns ([tensor], work)
- for idx, ee in enumerate(e):
- wrap_with_proxy(ee, proxy[idx], get_constant(idx))
- def get_constant(idx):
- if constant is None:
- return None
- else:
- return constant[idx]
- # Unfortunately, tree_map cannot directly be used here. As the resulting
- # object may be a proxy that represents a tuple, we may need to
- # explicitly unwrap the proxy by simulating the flattening operations.
- if isinstance(inner_res, (tuple, list)):
- if isinstance(proxy_res, fx.Proxy):
- set_meta(proxy_res, inner_res)
- for idx, e in enumerate(inner_res):
- wrap_with_proxy(e, proxy_res[idx], get_constant(idx))
- elif isinstance(inner_res, py_sym_types + (torch.Tensor,)):
- wrap_with_proxy(inner_res, proxy_res, constant)
- return inner_res
- def maybe_disable_fake_tensor_mode():
- # TODO: figure out if this API generally makes sense and bake it into the
- # library
- mb_fake_mode = _get_current_dispatch_mode()
- if isinstance(mb_fake_mode, FakeTensorMode):
- return _pop_mode_temporarily()
- else:
- return nullcontext()
- @dataclass
- class _ProxyTensor:
- proxy: Proxy
- constant: Optional[torch.Tensor]
- def fetch_sym_proxy(tracer):
- def inner(e):
- n = e.node
- if n.constant is not None:
- return n.constant
- else:
- # NB: we REQUIRE all symints to be tracked
- return get_proxy_slot(n, tracer)()
- return inner
- def fetch_tensor_proxy(tracer):
- return lambda t: get_proxy_slot(t, tracer, t)
- HANDLED_TYPES = (torch.Tensor, torch.nn.Parameter)
- def proxy_call(proxy_mode, func, args, kwargs):
- def can_handle_tensor(x):
- return type(x) in HANDLED_TYPES or has_proxy_slot(x, proxy_mode.tracer)
- # If there are any tensor subclasses, we need to handle those tensor subclasses first
- # TODO: we could use types to test this
- if not pytree.tree_all_only(torch.Tensor, can_handle_tensor, (args, kwargs)):
- return NotImplemented
- with proxy_mode:
- r = CURRENT_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE[func](*args, **kwargs)
- if r is not NotImplemented:
- return r
- with proxy_mode:
- r = func.decompose(*args, **kwargs)
- if r is not NotImplemented:
- return r
- tracer = proxy_mode.tracer
- f_args, f_kwargs = pytree.tree_map_only(torch.Tensor, fetch_tensor_proxy(tracer), (args, kwargs))
- # If there are SymInts, we also should not consider this constant.
- # However, fake tensor handling of SymInts is sufficiently broken that
- # I couldn't write a test for this case
- all_constant = (
- pytree.tree_all_only(_ProxyTensor, lambda t: t.constant is not None, (f_args, f_kwargs))
- # TODO: maybe constant SymInts should also be allowed? Not sure if
- # this can happen
- and pytree.tree_all_only((SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool), lambda _: False, (args, kwargs))
- )
- if torch.Tag.data_dependent_output in func.tags: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- # Check if all of the Tensor inputs are constants
- if all_constant:
- const_args, const_kwargs = pytree.tree_map_only(
- _ProxyTensor, lambda t: t.constant, (f_args, f_kwargs)
- )
- with maybe_disable_fake_tensor_mode():
- return func(*const_args, **const_kwargs)
- # If any of the Tensor inputs are "real" (not FakeTensor), we may
- # incorrectly burn in constants by allowing this access. Raise
- # an error in this case
- if pytree.tree_all_only(torch.Tensor, lambda t: not isinstance(t, FakeTensor), (args, kwargs)):
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"It appears that you're trying to get value out of a tracing tensor with {func} - erroring out! "
- "It's likely that this is caused by data-dependent control flow or similar. "
- "It may be possible to trace this with dynamic shapes; try setting tracing_mode='symbolic' "
- "in your make_fx call."
- )
- proxy_args, proxy_kwargs = pytree.tree_map_only(
- (SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool),
- fetch_sym_proxy(proxy_mode.tracer),
- pytree.tree_map_only(_ProxyTensor, lambda e: e.proxy, (f_args, f_kwargs))
- )
- # When we trace through a torch.tensor invocation, you never actually
- # see a torch.ops.aten.tensor call. Instead, the way this function is
- # implemented internally is that we allocate a plain tensor (this is
- # *guaranteed* to be a plain tensor, we disable all modes when doing
- # so), and then call at::lift_fresh on it (to give modes a chance to do
- # their stuff). Furthermore, the tensor argument to lift_fresh is guaranteed
- # to be freshly allocated, so we want lift_fresh to be a no-op (directly
- # returning the input argument).
- #
- # Here is the basic problem: when we trace this sequence of executions
- # into an FX graph, what happens to this call sequence? Traditionally,
- # tensor constants get interned as buffers on the FX GraphModule. But
- # this is dangerous. Consider:
- #
- # x = torch.tensor(1)
- # x.add_(2)
- #
- # Naively, this traces into:
- #
- # t = self._tensor_constant0 # initialized to torch.tensor(1)
- # x = torch.ops.aten.lift_fresh(t)
- # x.add_(2)
- #
- # If lift_fresh returns t directly, the subsequent add_ call will
- # modify the tensor constant. Really, the problem is we've violated
- # the invariant the the argument to lift is fresh. So what we should
- # preserve the invariant by replacing lift_fresh with lift_fresh_copy:
- #
- # t = self._tensor_constant0 # initialized to torch.tensor(1)
- # x = torch.ops.aten.lift_fresh_copy(t)
- # x.add_(2)
- #
- # This is what the overload modification does.
- if func is torch.ops.aten.lift_fresh.default:
- func = torch.ops.aten.lift_fresh_copy.default
- proxy_out = proxy_mode.tracer.create_proxy('call_function', func, proxy_args, proxy_kwargs,
- name=proxy_mode.tracer.graph._target_to_str(func.overloadpacket.__name__))
- # This makes DCE marginally less likely to DCE inplace operations.
- # It is not strictly necessary
- # Kind of a hacky way to test if an op is in-place or not
- if func.overloadpacket.__name__[-1] == "_" and func.overloadpacket.__name__[0] != "_":
- if isinstance(args[0], List):
- # e.g., c10d::allreduce_ returns a list of tensors as the first element
- # in the output.
- for i, a in enumerate(args[0]):
- a.proxy = proxy_out[0][i]
- else:
- args[0].proxy = proxy_out
- out = func(*args, **kwargs)
- # In some circumstances, we will be tracing in a situation where a tensor
- # is *statically* known to be a constant (currently, this only happens if
- # you run torch.tensor; deterministic factory functions like torch.arange
- # don't get this treatment). When the tensor in question is small, it's
- # helpful to due constant propagation in case we call item() (in which
- # case we can return the constant value that is known, rather than give
- # an error.) The logic here tests if constant propagation is possible
- # (because all of the inputs are constant). If so, we disable fake tensor
- # mode (if it is on) and do true compute on the constant.
- #
- # It's worth highlighting that we're making a policy decision here.
- # There is a potential that the tensor is actually quite large, and we
- # don't actually want to run the compute. The tensor being quite large
- # is one of the reasons why factory functions don't get this treatment
- # (since they can be quite large; if a parameter is initialized to a
- # constant value it will be!) Similarly, there is also a potential
- # to run an operator that blows up the size of a small tensor; we don't
- # protect against this case, but we could force, e.g., only single
- # element constant computation by testing the numel of the result before
- # propagating const-ness. Similarly, we don't require the constant to
- # live on CPU, but we could.
- any_constant = pytree.tree_any_only(_ProxyTensor, lambda t: t.constant is not None, (f_args, f_kwargs))
- constant = None
- # If this is a lift, the input tensor is guaranteed to be a
- # constant, so we keep a copy of the original argument along so
- # we can query it if we're asked to item() it at some later point
- if func is torch.ops.aten.lift_fresh_copy.default and out.numel() <= CONSTANT_NUMEL_LIMIT:
- with maybe_disable_fake_tensor_mode():
- constant = args[0].clone()
- elif (
- torch.Tag.nondeterministic_seeded not in func.tags # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- and all_constant
- and any_constant
- and pytree.tree_all_only(torch.Tensor, lambda t: t.numel() <= CONSTANT_NUMEL_LIMIT, out)
- ):
- # NB: do NOT include factories as constants
- with maybe_disable_fake_tensor_mode():
- const_args, const_kwargs = pytree.tree_map_only(
- _ProxyTensor, lambda t: t.constant, (f_args, f_kwargs)
- )
- constant = func(*const_args, **const_kwargs)
- else:
- constant = None
- track_tensor_tree(out, proxy_out, constant=constant, tracer=tracer)
- return out
- class PythonKeyTracer(Tracer):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__(autowrap_modules=())
- self.tensor_tracker = WeakTensorKeyDictionary()
- self.symnode_tracker = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # type: ignore[var-annotated]
- # In general, we don't want to make modules leaves. In principle, users of
- # this tracer might want to override this in order to turn a couple specific
- # modules into leaves in the traced graph.
- def call_module(
- self, m: torch.nn.Module, forward: Callable[..., Any], args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
- ) -> Any:
- return forward(*args, **kwargs)
- # We don't want to turn getattr calls into proxies. So we just return the actual value.
- def getattr(self, attr, attr_val, parameter_proxy_cache):
- return attr_val
- def create_arg(self, a: Any):
- if isinstance(a, torch.nn.Parameter):
- for n, p in self.root.named_parameters():
- if a is p:
- return self.create_node('get_attr', n, (), {})
- qualname: Optional[str] = None
- if not qualname:
- i = 0
- while True:
- qualname = f'_param_constant{i}'
- if not hasattr(self.root, qualname):
- break
- i += 1
- setattr(self.root, qualname, a)
- return self.create_node('get_attr', qualname, (), {})
- elif isinstance(a, (SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool)):
- assert a.node.constant is not None
- return a.node.constant
- return super().create_arg(a)
- def dispatch_trace(
- root: Union[torch.nn.Module, Callable],
- tracer: Tracer,
- concrete_args: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None,
- ) -> GraphModule:
- graph = tracer.trace(root, concrete_args)
- name = root.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(root, torch.nn.Module) else root.__name__
- return GraphModule(tracer.root, graph, name)
- def wrap_key(f, tensors, tracer):
- flat_tensors, tensors_spec = pytree.tree_flatten(tensors)
- @functools.wraps(f)
- def wrapped(*proxies):
- flat_proxies, proxies_spec = pytree.tree_flatten(proxies)
- assert len(flat_proxies) == len(flat_tensors)
- assert isinstance(_get_current_dispatch_mode(), ProxyTorchDispatchMode)
- with _pop_mode_temporarily():
- track_tensor_tree(flat_tensors, flat_proxies, constant=None, tracer=tracer)
- out = f(*tensors)
- out = pytree.tree_map_only(
- torch.Tensor,
- lambda t: get_proxy_slot(t, tracer, t, lambda x: x.proxy),
- out
- )
- out = pytree.tree_map_only(
- (SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool),
- lambda t: get_proxy_slot(t.node, tracer)(),
- out
- )
- return out
- return wrapped
- class ProxyTorchDispatchMode(TorchDispatchMode):
- def __init__(self, tracer, tracing_mode):
- self.tracer = tracer
- self.tracing_mode = tracing_mode
- self.enable_tracing = True
- self.sym_mode = ProxySymDispatchMode(tracer)
- self.trace_state = {}
- self._managers = []
- @count
- def __torch_dispatch__(self, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
- with self.sym_mode.enable(False):
- return self.inner_torch_dispatch(func, types, args, kwargs)
- def __enter__(self):
- # sym mode first, then us...
- m = self.sym_mode.enable(True)
- self._managers.append(m)
- m.__enter__()
- return super().__enter__()
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- m = self._managers.pop()
- # ...exit us first, then sym mode
- b = super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
- if not b:
- return m.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
- else:
- return m.__exit__(None, None, None)
- def inner_torch_dispatch(self, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
- if not self.enable_tracing:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- if func in [prim.device.default]:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- out = proxy_call(self, func, args, kwargs)
- return out
- class ProxySymDispatchMode(SymDispatchMode):
- def __init__(self, tracer):
- super().__init__()
- self.tracer = tracer
- # When false, we don't trace operations. If you do this, you MUST
- # call track_tensor/track_tensor_tree on all results of the operation
- # to ensure we can adeduately track the results
- self.enable_tracing = True
- @contextmanager
- def enable(self, b):
- old = self.enable_tracing
- self.enable_tracing = b
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- self.enable_tracing = old
- def _compute_proxy(self, func, args, out: Union[SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool]):
- n_args = tuple(
- get_proxy_slot(a.node, self.tracer)().node if isinstance(a, py_sym_types) else a
- for a in args
- )
- # func doesn't have a __torch_function__ that Proxy can interpose, so
- # we gotta do it manually
- n_out = self.tracer.create_node("call_function", func, n_args, {})
- p_out = fx.Proxy(n_out, self.tracer)
- set_meta(p_out, out)
- return p_out
- def __sym_dispatch__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
- if not self.enable_tracing:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- # Peephole optimize multiply by one
- # NB: be careful not to trigger guards here!
- if func == operator.mul:
- if isinstance(args[1], int) and args[1] == 1:
- return args[0]
- elif isinstance(args[0], int) and args[0] == 1:
- return args[1]
- # For speed, we assume there are no nested data structures
- # (otherwise we could use tree_map)
- # We also assume there are no keyword arguments.
- assert not kwargs
- out = func(*args, **kwargs)
- # If func returned a constant, we don't need to trace; we have
- # determined that the result is constant (no matter if the inputs
- # were symbolic) and it is no longer necessary to trace the
- # computation. This could occur if func triggered some guards.
- if isinstance(out, py_sym_types):
- # Delays tracing out the proxies on this op until we actually need it
- p_out_thunk = thunkify(self._compute_proxy, func=func, args=args, out=out)
- set_proxy_slot(out.node, self.tracer, p_out_thunk)
- return out
- # TODO: I'm not sure what the point of this class is; you can just
- # make_fx through a regular Interpreter
- class DecompositionInterpreter(torch.fx.Interpreter):
- def __init__(self, module: torch.fx.GraphModule, new_graph: torch.fx.Graph, decomposition_table=None, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(module, **kwargs)
- self.new_graph = new_graph
- self.tracer = torch.fx.proxy.GraphAppendingTracer(self.new_graph)
- # Blegh
- self.tracer.tensor_tracker = WeakTensorKeyDictionary() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- self.tracer.symnode_tracker = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- self.decomposition_table = decomposition_table
- if self.decomposition_table is None:
- self.decomposition_table = {}
- self.mode = ProxyTorchDispatchMode(self.tracer, tracing_mode="real")
- def placeholder(self, target, args, kwargs):
- out = super().placeholder(target, args, kwargs)
- proxy = torch.fx.Proxy(self.new_graph.placeholder(target), self.tracer)
- track_tensor_tree(out, proxy, constant=None, tracer=self.tracer)
- # TODO handle case where the first character of target is '*'
- return out
- def get_attr(self, target, args, kwargs):
- out = super().get_attr(target, args, kwargs)
- proxy = torch.fx.Proxy(self.new_graph.get_attr(target), self.tracer)
- track_tensor_tree(out, proxy, constant=None, tracer=self.tracer)
- return out
- # call_function, call_method, call_module get traced automatically by the outer mode.
- def output(self, target, args, kwargs):
- out = super().output(target, args, kwargs)
- def unwrap(e):
- return get_proxy_slot(e, self.tracer, e, lambda x: x.proxy.node)
- self.new_graph.output(pytree.tree_map(unwrap, out))
- return out
- def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # Should enter the mode at least once for being able to restore it later
- # See: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/82549#discussion_r934782025
- with decompose(self.decomposition_table), self.mode:
- return super().run(*args, **kwargs)
- def wrapper_and_args_for_make_fx(func, args, kwargs):
- # make_fx doesn't support kwargs, so we need to do this flattening
- # and then unflatten the args before calling func
- flat_args, spec = pytree.tree_flatten((args, kwargs))
- def wrapped(flat_args):
- fn_args, fn_kwargs = pytree.tree_unflatten(flat_args, spec)
- return func(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs)
- return wrapped, flat_args
- @contextmanager
- def disable_autocast_cache():
- old_value = torch.is_autocast_cache_enabled()
- torch.set_autocast_cache_enabled(False)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- torch.set_autocast_cache_enabled(old_value)
- def make_fx(f, decomposition_table=None, tracing_mode="real", _allow_non_fake_inputs=False):
- assert tracing_mode in ["real", "fake", "symbolic"]
- if decomposition_table is None:
- decomposition_table = {}
- @functools.wraps(f)
- def wrapped(*args):
- phs = pytree.tree_map(lambda _: fx.PH, args) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- fx_tracer = PythonKeyTracer()
- fake_tensor_mode: Any = nullcontext()
- if tracing_mode == "real":
- fake_tensor_mode = nullcontext()
- elif tracing_mode == "fake":
- fake_tensor_mode = FakeTensorMode(
- allow_fallback_kernels=True,
- allow_non_fake_inputs=_allow_non_fake_inputs)
- elif tracing_mode == "symbolic":
- shape_env = ShapeEnv()
- fake_tensor_mode = FakeTensorMode(
- allow_fallback_kernels=False,
- allow_non_fake_inputs=_allow_non_fake_inputs,
- shape_env=shape_env)
- else:
- raise AssertionError(f"Unexpected tracing type: {tracing_mode}")
- python_dispatcher_mode: Any = nullcontext()
- if tracing_mode == "symbolic":
- python_dispatcher_mode = enable_python_dispatcher()
- proxy_mode = ProxyTorchDispatchMode(fx_tracer, tracing_mode)
- arg_count = 0
- def wrap_fake(x):
- nonlocal arg_count
- if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
- # TODO: it would be nice to line these up with the names
- # FX will choose for the placeholders, but we don't
- # actually know what the names will be at this point yet
- # NB: the Source here is actually meaningless
- from torch._dynamo.source import ConstantSource
- source = ConstantSource(f"input{arg_count}")
- arg_count += 1
- return fake_tensor_mode.from_tensor(x, source=source) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- return x
- sym_mode = proxy_mode.sym_mode
- wrap_fn_map = {
- "real": lambda x: x,
- "fake": wrap_fake,
- "symbolic": wrap_fake,
- }
- args = pytree.tree_map(wrap_fn_map[tracing_mode], args)
- if not hasattr(inspect.unwrap(f), '__code__') or inspect.unwrap(f).__code__.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS:
- # FX doesn't support varargs, so we gotta fake up a wrapper
- # TODO: Would be nice to fix this at the source...
- func = fake_signature(f, len(phs))
- else:
- func = f
- # We disable the autocast cache as the autocast cache causes type conversions on parameters to
- # check a cache, which introduces untracked tensors into the graph
- #
- # We also disable tracing by any other tensor proxy-based tracers except the current. The
- # purpose of `make_fx` is to produce graphmodules as a side effect; its internal execution is
- # thus irrelevant to any external functional trace.
- with decompose(decomposition_table), fake_tensor_mode, python_dispatcher_mode, \
- sym_mode, proxy_mode, disable_autocast_cache(), disable_proxy_modes_tracing(enable_current=True):
- t = dispatch_trace(wrap_key(func, args, fx_tracer), tracer=fx_tracer, concrete_args=tuple(phs))
- # TODO: kind of a bad way to do it, should maybe figure out a better way
- if tracing_mode == "symbolic":
- t.shape_env = shape_env # type: ignore[assignment]
- return t
- return wrapped
- def get_torch_dispatch_modes():
- return torch.utils._python_dispatch._get_current_dispatch_mode_stack()
- def get_innermost_proxy_mode():
- for m in reversed(torch.utils._python_dispatch._get_current_dispatch_mode_stack()):
- if isinstance(m, ProxyTorchDispatchMode):
- return m
- return None
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def disable_proxy_modes_tracing(enable_current=False):
- modes = get_torch_dispatch_modes()
- proxy_tensor_modes = [m for m in modes if isinstance(m, ProxyTorchDispatchMode)]
- if enable_current:
- proxy_tensor_modes = proxy_tensor_modes[:-1]
- olds = [(m.enable_tracing, m.sym_mode.enable_tracing) for m in proxy_tensor_modes]
- for proxy_mode in proxy_tensor_modes:
- proxy_mode.enable_tracing = False
- proxy_mode.sym_mode.enable_tracing = False
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- for proxy_mode, (old, old_sym) in zip(proxy_tensor_modes, olds):
- proxy_mode.enable_tracing = old
- proxy_mode.sym_mode.enable_tracing = old_sym
- def get_isolated_graphmodule(func, args, kwargs, tracing_mode="real"):
- """A helper function used to get the GraphModule for the given func.
- It's expected to be used in the ProxyTensor tracing context.
- It detaches the args and kwargs from the current tracer so that the trace of
- the current graph module can be created without any side-effects.
- """
- wrapped, all_args = wrapper_and_args_for_make_fx(func, args, kwargs)
- with disable_proxy_modes_tracing():
- gm = make_fx(wrapped, tracing_mode=tracing_mode)(all_args)
- return gm