123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294 |
- # Unpickler restricted to loading only state dicts
- # Restrict constructing types to a list defined in _get_allowed_globals()
- # Restrict BUILD operation to `Tensor`, `Parameter` and `OrderedDict` types only
- # Restrict APPEND/APPENDS to `list`
- # In `GLOBALS` operation do not do class lookup by name, but rather rely on dictionary
- # defined by `_get_allowed_globals()` method, that contains:
- # - torch types (Storage, dtypes, Tensor, `torch.Size`),
- # - `torch._utils._rebuild` functions.
- # - `torch.nn.Parameter`
- # - `collections.OrderedDict`
- # Based of https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Lib/pickle.py
- # Expected to be useful for loading PyTorch model weights
- # For example:
- # data = urllib.request.urlopen('https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet50-0676ba61.pth').read()
- # buf = io.BytesIO(data)
- # weights = torch.load(buf, weights_only = True)
- import functools as _functools
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from pickle import (
- bytes_types,
- decode_long,
- LONG1,
- UnpicklingError,
- )
- from struct import unpack
- from sys import maxsize
- from typing import Any, Dict, List
- import torch
- # Unpickling machinery
- @_functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1)
- def _get_allowed_globals():
- rc: Dict[str, Any] = {
- "collections.OrderedDict": OrderedDict,
- "torch.nn.parameter.Parameter": torch.nn.Parameter,
- "torch.serialization._get_layout": torch.serialization._get_layout,
- "torch.Size": torch.Size,
- "torch.Tensor": torch.Tensor,
- }
- # dtype
- for t in [
- torch.complex32,
- torch.complex64,
- torch.complex128,
- torch.float16,
- torch.float32,
- torch.float64,
- torch.int8,
- torch.int16,
- torch.int32,
- torch.int64,
- ]:
- rc[str(t)] = t
- # Tensor classes
- for tt in torch._tensor_classes:
- rc[f"{tt.__module__}.{tt.__name__}"] = tt
- # Storage classes
- for ts in torch._storage_classes:
- rc[f"{ts.__module__}.{ts.__name__}"] = ts
- # Rebuild functions
- for f in [
- torch._utils._rebuild_parameter,
- torch._utils._rebuild_tensor,
- torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2,
- torch._utils._rebuild_sparse_tensor,
- torch._utils._rebuild_meta_tensor_no_storage,
- ]:
- rc[f"torch._utils.{f.__name__}"] = f
- # Handles Tensor Subclasses, Tensor's with attributes.
- # NOTE: It calls into above rebuild functions for regular Tensor types.
- rc["torch._tensor._rebuild_from_type_v2"] = torch._tensor._rebuild_from_type_v2
- return rc
- class Unpickler:
- def __init__(self, file, *, encoding: str = "bytes"):
- self.encoding = encoding
- self.readline = file.readline
- self.read = file.read
- self.memo: Dict[int, Any] = {}
- def load(self):
- """Read a pickled object representation from the open file.
- Return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified in the file.
- """
- self.metastack = []
- self.stack: List[Any] = []
- self.append = self.stack.append
- read = self.read
- readline = self.readline
- while True:
- key = read(1)
- if not key:
- raise EOFError
- assert isinstance(key, bytes_types)
- # Risky operators
- if key[0] == GLOBAL[0]:
- module = readline()[:-1].decode("utf-8")
- name = readline()[:-1].decode("utf-8")
- full_path = f"{module}.{name}"
- if full_path in _get_allowed_globals():
- self.append(_get_allowed_globals()[full_path])
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported class {full_path}")
- elif key[0] == NEWOBJ[0]:
- args = self.stack.pop()
- cls = self.stack.pop()
- if cls is not torch.nn.Parameter:
- raise RuntimeError(f"Trying to instantiate unsupported class {cls}")
- self.append(torch.nn.Parameter(*args))
- elif key[0] == REDUCE[0]:
- args = self.stack.pop()
- func = self.stack[-1]
- if func not in _get_allowed_globals().values():
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Trying to call reduce for unrecognized function {func}"
- )
- self.stack[-1] = func(*args)
- elif key[0] == BUILD[0]:
- state = self.stack.pop()
- inst = self.stack[-1]
- if type(inst) is torch.Tensor:
- # Legacy unpickling
- inst.set_(*state)
- elif type(inst) is torch.nn.Parameter:
- inst.__setstate__(state)
- elif type(inst) is OrderedDict:
- inst.__dict__.update(state)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Can only build Tensor, parameter or dict objects, but got {type(inst)}"
- )
- # Stack manipulation
- elif key[0] == APPEND[0]:
- item = self.stack.pop()
- list_obj = self.stack[-1]
- if type(list_obj) is not list:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Can only append to lists, but got {type(list_obj)}"
- )
- list_obj.append(item)
- elif key[0] == APPENDS[0]:
- items = self.pop_mark()
- list_obj = self.stack[-1]
- if type(list_obj) is not list:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Can only extend lists, but got {type(list_obj)}"
- )
- list_obj.extend(items)
- elif key[0] == SETITEM[0]:
- (v, k) = (self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop())
- self.stack[-1][k] = v
- elif key[0] == SETITEMS[0]:
- items = self.pop_mark()
- for i in range(0, len(items), 2):
- self.stack[-1][items[i]] = items[i + 1]
- elif key[0] == MARK[0]:
- self.metastack.append(self.stack)
- self.stack = []
- self.append = self.stack.append
- elif key[0] == TUPLE[0]:
- items = self.pop_mark()
- self.append(tuple(items))
- elif key[0] == TUPLE1[0]:
- self.stack[-1] = (self.stack[-1],)
- elif key[0] == TUPLE2[0]:
- self.stack[-2:] = [(self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1])]
- elif key[0] == TUPLE3[0]:
- self.stack[-3:] = [(self.stack[-3], self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1])]
- # Basic types construction
- elif key[0] == NONE[0]:
- self.append(None)
- elif key[0] == NEWFALSE[0]:
- self.append(False)
- elif key[0] == NEWTRUE[0]:
- self.append(True)
- elif key[0] == EMPTY_TUPLE[0]:
- self.append(())
- elif key[0] == EMPTY_LIST[0]:
- self.append([])
- elif key[0] == EMPTY_DICT[0]:
- self.append({})
- elif key[0] == EMPTY_SET[0]:
- self.append(set())
- elif key[0] == BININT[0]:
- self.append(unpack("<i", read(4))[0])
- elif key[0] == BININT1[0]:
- self.append(self.read(1)[0])
- elif key[0] == BININT2[0]:
- self.append(unpack("<H", read(2))[0])
- elif key[0] == BINFLOAT[0]:
- self.append(unpack(">d", self.read(8))[0])
- elif key[0] == BINUNICODE[0]:
- strlen = unpack("<I", read(4))[0]
- if strlen > maxsize:
- raise RuntimeError("String is too long")
- strval = str(read(strlen), "utf-8", "surrogatepass")
- self.append(strval)
- elif key[0] == SHORT_BINSTRING[0]:
- strlen = read(1)[0]
- strdata = read(strlen)
- if self.encoding != "bytes":
- strdata = strdata.decode(self.encoding, "strict")
- self.append(strdata)
- elif key[0] == BINPERSID[0]:
- pid = self.stack.pop()
- # Only allow persistent load of storage
- if type(pid) is not tuple and not type(pid) is not int:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"persistent_load id must be tuple or int, but got {type(pid)}"
- )
- if (
- type(pid) is tuple
- and len(pid) > 0
- and torch.serialization._maybe_decode_ascii(pid[0]) != "storage"
- ):
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Only persistent_load of storage is allowed, but got {pid[0]}"
- )
- self.append(self.persistent_load(pid))
- elif key[0] in [BINGET[0], LONG_BINGET[0]]:
- idx = (read(1) if key[0] == BINGET[0] else unpack("<I", read(4)))[0]
- self.append(self.memo[idx])
- elif key[0] in [BINPUT[0], LONG_BINPUT[0]]:
- i = (read(1) if key[0] == BINPUT[0] else unpack("<I", read(4)))[0]
- if i < 0:
- raise ValueError("negative argument")
- self.memo[i] = self.stack[-1]
- elif key[0] == LONG1[0]:
- n = read(1)[0]
- data = read(n)
- self.append(decode_long(data))
- # First and last deserializer ops
- elif key[0] == PROTO[0]:
- # Read and ignore proto version
- read(1)[0]
- elif key[0] == STOP[0]:
- rc = self.stack.pop()
- return rc
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported operand {key[0]}")
- # Return a list of items pushed in the stack after last MARK instruction.
- def pop_mark(self):
- items = self.stack
- self.stack = self.metastack.pop()
- self.append = self.stack.append
- return items
- def persistent_load(self, pid):
- raise UnpicklingError("unsupported persistent id encountered")
- def load(file, *, encoding: str = "ASCII"):
- return Unpickler(file, encoding=encoding).load()