123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525 |
- import contextlib
- import itertools
- import re
- import typing
- from enum import Enum
- from typing import Callable
- import sympy
- from sympy import Add, Implies, sqrt
- from sympy.core import Mul, Pow
- from sympy.core import (S, pi, symbols, Function, Rational, Integer,
- Symbol, Eq, Ne, Le, Lt, Gt, Ge)
- from sympy.functions import Piecewise, exp, sin, cos
- from sympy.printing.smtlib import smtlib_code
- from sympy.testing.pytest import raises, Failed
- x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z')
- class _W(Enum):
- DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT = re.compile("Could not infer type of `.+`. Defaulting to float.", re.I)
- WILL_NOT_DECLARE = re.compile("Non-Symbol/Function `.+` will not be declared.", re.I)
- WILL_NOT_ASSERT = re.compile("Non-Boolean expression `.+` will not be asserted. Converting to SMTLib verbatim.", re.I)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _check_warns(expected: typing.Iterable[_W]):
- warns: typing.List[str] = []
- log_warn = warns.append
- yield log_warn
- errors = []
- for i, (w, e) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(warns, expected)):
- if not e:
- errors += [f"[{i}] Received unexpected warning `{w}`."]
- elif not w:
- errors += [f"[{i}] Did not receive expected warning `{e.name}`."]
- elif not e.value.match(w):
- errors += [f"[{i}] Warning `{w}` does not match expected {e.name}."]
- if errors: raise Failed('\n'.join(errors))
- def test_Integer():
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT] * 2) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(Integer(67), log_warn=w) == "67"
- assert smtlib_code(Integer(-1), log_warn=w) == "-1"
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(Integer(67)) == "67"
- assert smtlib_code(Integer(-1)) == "-1"
- def test_Rational():
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT] * 4) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(Rational(3, 7), log_warn=w) == "(/ 3 7)"
- assert smtlib_code(Rational(18, 9), log_warn=w) == "2"
- assert smtlib_code(Rational(3, -7), log_warn=w) == "(/ -3 7)"
- assert smtlib_code(Rational(-3, -7), log_warn=w) == "(/ 3 7)"
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT] * 2) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(x + Rational(3, 7), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(+ (/ 3 7) x)"
- assert smtlib_code(Rational(3, 7) * x, log_warn=w) == "(declare-const x Real)\n" \
- "(* (/ 3 7) x)"
- def test_Relational():
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT] * 12) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(Eq(x, y), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(assert (= x y))"
- assert smtlib_code(Ne(x, y), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(assert (not (= x y)))"
- assert smtlib_code(Le(x, y), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(assert (<= x y))"
- assert smtlib_code(Lt(x, y), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(assert (< x y))"
- assert smtlib_code(Gt(x, y), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(assert (> x y))"
- assert smtlib_code(Ge(x, y), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(assert (>= x y))"
- def test_Function():
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(sin(x) ** cos(x), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(pow (sin x) (cos x))"
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- abs(x),
- symbol_table={x: int, y: bool},
- known_types={int: "INTEGER_TYPE"},
- known_functions={sympy.Abs: "ABSOLUTE_VALUE_OF"},
- log_warn=w
- ) == "(declare-const x INTEGER_TYPE)\n" \
- my_fun1 = Function('f1')
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- my_fun1(x),
- symbol_table={my_fun1: Callable[[bool], float]},
- log_warn=w
- ) == "(declare-const x Bool)\n" \
- "(declare-fun f1 (Bool) Real)\n" \
- "(f1 x)"
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- my_fun1(x),
- symbol_table={my_fun1: Callable[[bool], bool]},
- log_warn=w
- ) == "(declare-const x Bool)\n" \
- "(declare-fun f1 (Bool) Bool)\n" \
- "(assert (f1 x))"
- assert smtlib_code(
- Eq(my_fun1(x, z), y),
- symbol_table={my_fun1: Callable[[int, bool], bool]},
- log_warn=w
- ) == "(declare-const x Int)\n" \
- "(declare-const y Bool)\n" \
- "(declare-const z Bool)\n" \
- "(declare-fun f1 (Int Bool) Bool)\n" \
- "(assert (= (f1 x z) y))"
- assert smtlib_code(
- Eq(my_fun1(x, z), y),
- symbol_table={my_fun1: Callable[[int, bool], bool]},
- known_functions={my_fun1: "MY_KNOWN_FUN", Eq: '=='},
- log_warn=w
- ) == "(declare-const x Int)\n" \
- "(declare-const y Bool)\n" \
- "(declare-const z Bool)\n" \
- "(assert (== (MY_KNOWN_FUN x z) y))"
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT] * 3) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Eq(my_fun1(x, z), y),
- known_functions={my_fun1: "MY_KNOWN_FUN", Eq: '=='},
- log_warn=w
- ) == "(declare-const x Real)\n" \
- "(declare-const y Real)\n" \
- "(declare-const z Real)\n" \
- "(assert (== (MY_KNOWN_FUN x z) y))"
- def test_Pow():
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(x ** 3, auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(pow x 3)"
- assert smtlib_code(x ** (y ** 3), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(pow x (pow y 3))"
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(x ** Rational(2, 3), auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == '(pow x (/ 2 3))'
- a = Symbol('a', integer=True)
- b = Symbol('b', real=True)
- c = Symbol('c')
- def g(x): return 2 * x
- # if x=1, y=2, then expr=2.333...
- expr = 1 / (g(a) * 3.5) ** (a - b ** a) / (a ** 2 + b)
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- [
- Eq(a < 2, c),
- Eq(b > a, c),
- c & True,
- Eq(expr, 2 + Rational(1, 3))
- ],
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-const a Int)\n' \
- '(declare-const b Real)\n' \
- '(declare-const c Bool)\n' \
- '(assert (= (< a 2) c))\n' \
- '(assert (= (> b a) c))\n' \
- '(assert c)\n' \
- '(assert (= ' \
- '(* (pow (* 7. a) (+ (pow b a) (* -1 a))) (pow (+ b (pow a 2)) -1)) ' \
- '(/ 7 3)' \
- '))'
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Mul(-2, c, Pow(Mul(b, b, evaluate=False), -1, evaluate=False), evaluate=False),
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-const b Real)\n' \
- '(declare-const c Real)\n' \
- '(* -2 c (pow (* b b) -1))'
- def test_basic_ops():
- assert smtlib_code(x * y, auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(* x y)"
- assert smtlib_code(x + y, auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(+ x y)"
- # with _check_warns([_SmtlibWarnings.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _SmtlibWarnings.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _SmtlibWarnings.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- # todo: implement re-write, currently does '(+ x (* -1 y))' instead
- # assert smtlib_code(x - y, auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(- x y)"
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(-x, auto_declare=False, log_warn=w) == "(* -1 x)"
- def test_quantifier_extensions():
- from sympy.logic.boolalg import Boolean
- from sympy import Interval, Tuple, sympify
- # start For-all quantifier class example
- class ForAll(Boolean):
- def _smtlib(self, printer):
- bound_symbol_declarations = [
- printer._s_expr(sym.name, [
- printer._known_types[printer.symbol_table[sym]],
- Interval(start, end)
- ]) for sym, start, end in self.limits
- ]
- return printer._s_expr('forall', [
- printer._s_expr('', bound_symbol_declarations),
- self.function
- ])
- @property
- def bound_symbols(self):
- return {s for s, _, _ in self.limits}
- @property
- def free_symbols(self):
- bound_symbol_names = {s.name for s in self.bound_symbols}
- return {
- s for s in self.function.free_symbols
- if s.name not in bound_symbol_names
- }
- def __new__(cls, *args):
- limits = [sympify(a) for a in args if isinstance(a, tuple) or isinstance(a, Tuple)]
- function = [sympify(a) for a in args if isinstance(a, Boolean)]
- assert len(limits) + len(function) == len(args)
- assert len(function) == 1
- function = function[0]
- if isinstance(function, ForAll): return ForAll.__new__(
- ForAll, *(limits + function.limits), function.function
- )
- inst = Boolean.__new__(cls)
- inst._args = tuple(limits + [function])
- inst.limits = limits
- inst.function = function
- return inst
- # end For-All Quantifier class example
- f = Function('f')
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- ForAll((x, -42, +21), Eq(f(x), f(x))),
- symbol_table={f: Callable[[float], float]},
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(assert (forall ( (x Real [-42, 21])) true))'
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT] * 2) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- ForAll(
- (x, -42, +21), (y, -100, 3),
- Implies(Eq(x, y), Eq(f(x), f(y)))
- ),
- symbol_table={f: Callable[[float], float]},
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-fun f (Real) Real)\n' \
- '(assert (' \
- 'forall ( (x Real [-42, 21]) (y Real [-100, 3])) ' \
- '(=> (= x y) (= (f x) (f y)))' \
- '))'
- a = Symbol('a', integer=True)
- b = Symbol('b', real=True)
- c = Symbol('c')
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- ForAll(
- (a, 2, 100), ForAll(
- (b, 2, 100),
- Implies(a < b, sqrt(a) < b) | c
- )),
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-const c Bool)\n' \
- '(assert (forall ( (a Int [2, 100]) (b Real [2, 100])) ' \
- '(or c (=> (< a b) (< (pow a (/ 1 2)) b)))' \
- '))'
- def test_mix_number_mult_symbols():
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- 1 / pi,
- known_constants={pi: "MY_PI"},
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(pow MY_PI -1)'
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- [
- Eq(pi, 3.14, evaluate=False),
- 1 / pi,
- ],
- known_constants={pi: "MY_PI"},
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(assert (= MY_PI 3.14))\n' \
- '(pow MY_PI -1)'
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Add(S.Zero, S.One, S.NegativeOne, S.Half,
- S.Exp1, S.Pi, S.GoldenRatio, evaluate=False),
- known_constants={
- S.Pi: 'p', S.GoldenRatio: 'g',
- S.Exp1: 'e'
- },
- known_functions={
- Add: 'plus',
- exp: 'exp'
- },
- precision=3,
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(plus 0 1 -1 (/ 1 2) (exp 1) p g)'
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Add(S.Zero, S.One, S.NegativeOne, S.Half,
- S.Exp1, S.Pi, S.GoldenRatio, evaluate=False),
- known_constants={
- S.Pi: 'p'
- },
- known_functions={
- Add: 'plus',
- exp: 'exp'
- },
- precision=3,
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(plus 0 1 -1 (/ 1 2) (exp 1) p 1.62)'
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Add(S.Zero, S.One, S.NegativeOne, S.Half,
- S.Exp1, S.Pi, S.GoldenRatio, evaluate=False),
- known_functions={Add: 'plus'},
- precision=3,
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(plus 0 1 -1 (/ 1 2) 2.72 3.14 1.62)'
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Add(S.Zero, S.One, S.NegativeOne, S.Half,
- S.Exp1, S.Pi, S.GoldenRatio, evaluate=False),
- known_constants={S.Exp1: 'e'},
- known_functions={Add: 'plus'},
- precision=3,
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(plus 0 1 -1 (/ 1 2) e 3.14 1.62)'
- def test_boolean():
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(x & y, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Bool)\n' \
- '(assert (and x y))'
- assert smtlib_code(x | y, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Bool)\n' \
- '(assert (or x y))'
- assert smtlib_code(~x, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(assert (not x))'
- assert smtlib_code(x & y & z, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const z Bool)\n' \
- '(assert (and x y z))'
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code((x & ~y) | (z > 3), log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const z Real)\n' \
- '(assert (or (> z 3) (and x (not y))))'
- f = Function('f')
- g = Function('g')
- h = Function('h')
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- [Gt(f(x), y),
- Lt(y, g(z))],
- symbol_table={
- f: Callable[[bool], int], g: Callable[[bool], int],
- }, log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Real)\n' \
- '(declare-const z Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-fun f (Bool) Int)\n' \
- '(declare-fun g (Bool) Int)\n' \
- '(assert (> (f x) y))\n' \
- '(assert (< y (g z)))'
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- [Eq(f(x), y),
- Lt(y, g(z))],
- symbol_table={
- f: Callable[[bool], int], g: Callable[[bool], int],
- }, log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-const x Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Int)\n' \
- '(declare-const z Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-fun f (Bool) Int)\n' \
- '(declare-fun g (Bool) Int)\n' \
- '(assert (= (f x) y))\n' \
- '(assert (< y (g z)))'
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- [Eq(f(x), y),
- Eq(g(f(x)), z),
- Eq(h(g(f(x))), x)],
- symbol_table={
- f: Callable[[float], int],
- g: Callable[[int], bool],
- h: Callable[[bool], float]
- },
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(declare-const x Real)\n' \
- '(declare-const y Int)\n' \
- '(declare-const z Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-fun f (Real) Int)\n' \
- '(declare-fun g (Int) Bool)\n' \
- '(declare-fun h (Bool) Real)\n' \
- '(assert (= (f x) y))\n' \
- '(assert (= (g (f x)) z))\n' \
- '(assert (= (h (g (f x))) x))'
- # todo: make smtlib_code support arrays
- # def test_containers():
- # assert julia_code([1, 2, 3, [4, 5, [6, 7]], 8, [9, 10], 11]) == \
- # "Any[1, 2, 3, Any[4, 5, Any[6, 7]], 8, Any[9, 10], 11]"
- # assert julia_code((1, 2, (3, 4))) == "(1, 2, (3, 4))"
- # assert julia_code([1]) == "Any[1]"
- # assert julia_code((1,)) == "(1,)"
- # assert julia_code(Tuple(*[1, 2, 3])) == "(1, 2, 3)"
- # assert julia_code((1, x * y, (3, x ** 2))) == "(1, x .* y, (3, x .^ 2))"
- # # scalar, matrix, empty matrix and empty list
- # assert julia_code((1, eye(3), Matrix(0, 0, []), [])) == "(1, [1 0 0;\n0 1 0;\n0 0 1], zeros(0, 0), Any[])"
- def test_smtlib_piecewise():
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Piecewise((x, x < 1),
- (x ** 2, True)),
- auto_declare=False,
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(ite (< x 1) x (pow x 2))'
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(
- Piecewise((x ** 2, x < 1),
- (x ** 3, x < 2),
- (x ** 4, x < 3),
- (x ** 5, True)),
- auto_declare=False,
- log_warn=w
- ) == '(ite (< x 1) (pow x 2) ' \
- '(ite (< x 2) (pow x 3) ' \
- '(ite (< x 3) (pow x 4) ' \
- '(pow x 5))))'
- # Check that Piecewise without a True (default) condition error
- expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x ** 2, x > 1), (sin(x), x > 0))
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- raises(AssertionError, lambda: smtlib_code(expr, log_warn=w))
- def test_smtlib_piecewise_times_const():
- pw = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x ** 2, True))
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(2 * pw, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Real)\n(* 2 (ite (< x 1) x (pow x 2)))'
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(pw / x, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Real)\n(* (pow x -1) (ite (< x 1) x (pow x 2)))'
- assert smtlib_code(pw / (x * y), log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Real)\n(declare-const y Real)\n(* (pow x -1) (pow y -1) (ite (< x 1) x (pow x 2)))'
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(pw / 3, log_warn=w) == '(declare-const x Real)\n(* (/ 1 3) (ite (< x 1) x (pow x 2)))'
- # todo: make smtlib_code support arrays / matrices ?
- # def test_smtlib_matrix_assign_to():
- # A = Matrix([[1, 2, 3]])
- # assert smtlib_code(A, assign_to='a') == "a = [1 2 3]"
- # A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
- # assert smtlib_code(A, assign_to='A') == "A = [1 2;\n3 4]"
- # def test_julia_matrix_1x1():
- # A = Matrix([[3]])
- # B = MatrixSymbol('B', 1, 1)
- # C = MatrixSymbol('C', 1, 2)
- # assert julia_code(A, assign_to=B) == "B = [3]"
- # raises(ValueError, lambda: julia_code(A, assign_to=C))
- # def test_julia_matrix_elements():
- # A = Matrix([[x, 2, x * y]])
- # assert julia_code(A[0, 0] ** 2 + A[0, 1] + A[0, 2]) == "x .^ 2 + x .* y + 2"
- # A = MatrixSymbol('AA', 1, 3)
- # assert julia_code(A) == "AA"
- # assert julia_code(A[0, 0] ** 2 + sin(A[0, 1]) + A[0, 2]) == \
- # "sin(AA[1,2]) + AA[1,1] .^ 2 + AA[1,3]"
- # assert julia_code(sum(A)) == "AA[1,1] + AA[1,2] + AA[1,3]"
- def test_smtlib_boolean():
- with _check_warns([]) as w:
- assert smtlib_code(True, auto_assert=False, log_warn=w) == 'true'
- assert smtlib_code(True, log_warn=w) == '(assert true)'
- assert smtlib_code(S.true, log_warn=w) == '(assert true)'
- assert smtlib_code(S.false, log_warn=w) == '(assert false)'
- assert smtlib_code(False, log_warn=w) == '(assert false)'
- assert smtlib_code(False, auto_assert=False, log_warn=w) == 'false'
- def test_not_supported():
- f = Function('f')
- with _check_warns([_W.DEFAULTING_TO_FLOAT, _W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- raises(KeyError, lambda: smtlib_code(f(x).diff(x), symbol_table={f: Callable[[float], float]}, log_warn=w))
- with _check_warns([_W.WILL_NOT_ASSERT]) as w:
- raises(KeyError, lambda: smtlib_code(S.ComplexInfinity, log_warn=w))