123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538 |
- """Prettyprinter by Jurjen Bos.
- (I hate spammers: mail me at pietjepuk314 at the reverse of ku.oc.oohay).
- All objects have a method that create a "stringPict",
- that can be used in the str method for pretty printing.
- Updates by Jason Gedge (email <my last name> at cs mun ca)
- - terminal_string() method
- - minor fixes and changes (mostly to prettyForm)
- - Allow left/center/right alignment options for above/below and
- top/center/bottom alignment options for left/right
- """
- from .pretty_symbology import hobj, vobj, xsym, xobj, pretty_use_unicode, line_width
- from sympy.utilities.exceptions import sympy_deprecation_warning
- class stringPict:
- """An ASCII picture.
- The pictures are represented as a list of equal length strings.
- """
- #special value for stringPict.below
- LINE = 'line'
- def __init__(self, s, baseline=0):
- """Initialize from string.
- Multiline strings are centered.
- """
- self.s = s
- #picture is a string that just can be printed
- self.picture = stringPict.equalLengths(s.splitlines())
- #baseline is the line number of the "base line"
- self.baseline = baseline
- self.binding = None
- @staticmethod
- def equalLengths(lines):
- # empty lines
- if not lines:
- return ['']
- width = max(line_width(line) for line in lines)
- return [line.center(width) for line in lines]
- def height(self):
- """The height of the picture in characters."""
- return len(self.picture)
- def width(self):
- """The width of the picture in characters."""
- return line_width(self.picture[0])
- @staticmethod
- def next(*args):
- """Put a string of stringPicts next to each other.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- """
- #convert everything to stringPicts
- objects = []
- for arg in args:
- if isinstance(arg, str):
- arg = stringPict(arg)
- objects.append(arg)
- #make a list of pictures, with equal height and baseline
- newBaseline = max(obj.baseline for obj in objects)
- newHeightBelowBaseline = max(
- obj.height() - obj.baseline
- for obj in objects)
- newHeight = newBaseline + newHeightBelowBaseline
- pictures = []
- for obj in objects:
- oneEmptyLine = [' '*obj.width()]
- basePadding = newBaseline - obj.baseline
- totalPadding = newHeight - obj.height()
- pictures.append(
- oneEmptyLine * basePadding +
- obj.picture +
- oneEmptyLine * (totalPadding - basePadding))
- result = [''.join(lines) for lines in zip(*pictures)]
- return '\n'.join(result), newBaseline
- def right(self, *args):
- r"""Put pictures next to this one.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- (Multiline) strings are allowed, and are given a baseline of 0.
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import stringPict
- >>> print(stringPict("10").right(" + ",stringPict("1\r-\r2",1))[0])
- 1
- 10 + -
- 2
- """
- return stringPict.next(self, *args)
- def left(self, *args):
- """Put pictures (left to right) at left.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- """
- return stringPict.next(*(args + (self,)))
- @staticmethod
- def stack(*args):
- """Put pictures on top of each other,
- from top to bottom.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- The baseline is the baseline of the second picture.
- Everything is centered.
- Baseline is the baseline of the second picture.
- Strings are allowed.
- The special value stringPict.LINE is a row of '-' extended to the width.
- """
- #convert everything to stringPicts; keep LINE
- objects = []
- for arg in args:
- if arg is not stringPict.LINE and isinstance(arg, str):
- arg = stringPict(arg)
- objects.append(arg)
- #compute new width
- newWidth = max(
- obj.width()
- for obj in objects
- if obj is not stringPict.LINE)
- lineObj = stringPict(hobj('-', newWidth))
- #replace LINE with proper lines
- for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
- if obj is stringPict.LINE:
- objects[i] = lineObj
- #stack the pictures, and center the result
- newPicture = []
- for obj in objects:
- newPicture.extend(obj.picture)
- newPicture = [line.center(newWidth) for line in newPicture]
- newBaseline = objects[0].height() + objects[1].baseline
- return '\n'.join(newPicture), newBaseline
- def below(self, *args):
- """Put pictures under this picture.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- Baseline is baseline of top picture
- Examples
- ========
- >>> from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import stringPict
- >>> print(stringPict("x+3").below(
- ... stringPict.LINE, '3')[0]) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- x+3
- ---
- 3
- """
- s, baseline = stringPict.stack(self, *args)
- return s, self.baseline
- def above(self, *args):
- """Put pictures above this picture.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- Baseline is baseline of bottom picture.
- """
- string, baseline = stringPict.stack(*(args + (self,)))
- baseline = len(string.splitlines()) - self.height() + self.baseline
- return string, baseline
- def parens(self, left='(', right=')', ifascii_nougly=False):
- """Put parentheses around self.
- Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
- left or right can be None or empty string which means 'no paren from
- that side'
- """
- h = self.height()
- b = self.baseline
- # XXX this is a hack -- ascii parens are ugly!
- if ifascii_nougly and not pretty_use_unicode():
- h = 1
- b = 0
- res = self
- if left:
- lparen = stringPict(vobj(left, h), baseline=b)
- res = stringPict(*lparen.right(self))
- if right:
- rparen = stringPict(vobj(right, h), baseline=b)
- res = stringPict(*res.right(rparen))
- return ('\n'.join(res.picture), res.baseline)
- def leftslash(self):
- """Precede object by a slash of the proper size.
- """
- # XXX not used anywhere ?
- height = max(
- self.baseline,
- self.height() - 1 - self.baseline)*2 + 1
- slash = '\n'.join(
- ' '*(height - i - 1) + xobj('/', 1) + ' '*i
- for i in range(height)
- )
- return self.left(stringPict(slash, height//2))
- def root(self, n=None):
- """Produce a nice root symbol.
- Produces ugly results for big n inserts.
- """
- # XXX not used anywhere
- # XXX duplicate of root drawing in pretty.py
- #put line over expression
- result = self.above('_'*self.width())
- #construct right half of root symbol
- height = self.height()
- slash = '\n'.join(
- ' ' * (height - i - 1) + '/' + ' ' * i
- for i in range(height)
- )
- slash = stringPict(slash, height - 1)
- #left half of root symbol
- if height > 2:
- downline = stringPict('\\ \n \\', 1)
- else:
- downline = stringPict('\\')
- #put n on top, as low as possible
- if n is not None and n.width() > downline.width():
- downline = downline.left(' '*(n.width() - downline.width()))
- downline = downline.above(n)
- #build root symbol
- root = downline.right(slash)
- #glue it on at the proper height
- #normally, the root symbel is as high as self
- #which is one less than result
- #this moves the root symbol one down
- #if the root became higher, the baseline has to grow too
- root.baseline = result.baseline - result.height() + root.height()
- return result.left(root)
- def render(self, * args, **kwargs):
- """Return the string form of self.
- Unless the argument line_break is set to False, it will
- break the expression in a form that can be printed
- on the terminal without being broken up.
- """
- if kwargs["wrap_line"] is False:
- return "\n".join(self.picture)
- if kwargs["num_columns"] is not None:
- # Read the argument num_columns if it is not None
- ncols = kwargs["num_columns"]
- else:
- # Attempt to get a terminal width
- ncols = self.terminal_width()
- ncols -= 2
- if ncols <= 0:
- ncols = 78
- # If smaller than the terminal width, no need to correct
- if self.width() <= ncols:
- return type(self.picture[0])(self)
- # for one-line pictures we don't need v-spacers. on the other hand, for
- # multiline-pictures, we need v-spacers between blocks, compare:
- #
- # 2 2 3 | a*c*e + a*c*f + a*d | a*c*e + a*c*f + a*d | 3.14159265358979323
- # 6*x *y + 4*x*y + | | *e + a*d*f + b*c*e | 84626433832795
- # | *e + a*d*f + b*c*e | + b*c*f + b*d*e + b |
- # 3 4 4 | | *d*f |
- # 4*y*x + x + y | + b*c*f + b*d*e + b | |
- # | | |
- # | *d*f
- i = 0
- svals = []
- do_vspacers = (self.height() > 1)
- while i < self.width():
- svals.extend([ sval[i:i + ncols] for sval in self.picture ])
- if do_vspacers:
- svals.append("") # a vertical spacer
- i += ncols
- if svals[-1] == '':
- del svals[-1] # Get rid of the last spacer
- return "\n".join(svals)
- def terminal_width(self):
- """Return the terminal width if possible, otherwise return 0.
- """
- ncols = 0
- try:
- import curses
- import io
- try:
- curses.setupterm()
- ncols = curses.tigetnum('cols')
- except AttributeError:
- # windows curses doesn't implement setupterm or tigetnum
- # code below from
- # https://code.activestate.com/recipes/440694/
- from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer
- # stdin handle is -10
- # stdout handle is -11
- # stderr handle is -12
- h = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12)
- csbi = create_string_buffer(22)
- res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, csbi)
- if res:
- import struct
- (bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr,
- left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
- ncols = right - left + 1
- except curses.error:
- pass
- except io.UnsupportedOperation:
- pass
- except (ImportError, TypeError):
- pass
- return ncols
- def __eq__(self, o):
- if isinstance(o, str):
- return '\n'.join(self.picture) == o
- elif isinstance(o, stringPict):
- return o.picture == self.picture
- return False
- def __hash__(self):
- return super().__hash__()
- def __str__(self):
- return '\n'.join(self.picture)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "stringPict(%r,%d)" % ('\n'.join(self.picture), self.baseline)
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- return self.picture[index]
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.s)
- class prettyForm(stringPict):
- """
- Extension of the stringPict class that knows about basic math applications,
- optimizing double minus signs.
- "Binding" is interpreted as follows::
- ATOM this is an atom: never needs to be parenthesized
- FUNC this is a function application: parenthesize if added (?)
- DIV this is a division: make wider division if divided
- POW this is a power: only parenthesize if exponent
- MUL this is a multiplication: parenthesize if powered
- ADD this is an addition: parenthesize if multiplied or powered
- NEG this is a negative number: optimize if added, parenthesize if
- multiplied or powered
- OPEN this is an open object: parenthesize if added, multiplied, or
- powered (example: Piecewise)
- """
- ATOM, FUNC, DIV, POW, MUL, ADD, NEG, OPEN = range(8)
- def __init__(self, s, baseline=0, binding=0, unicode=None):
- """Initialize from stringPict and binding power."""
- stringPict.__init__(self, s, baseline)
- self.binding = binding
- if unicode is not None:
- sympy_deprecation_warning(
- """
- The unicode argument to prettyForm is deprecated. Only the s
- argument (the first positional argument) should be passed.
- """,
- deprecated_since_version="1.7",
- active_deprecations_target="deprecated-pretty-printing-functions")
- self._unicode = unicode or s
- @property
- def unicode(self):
- sympy_deprecation_warning(
- """
- The prettyForm.unicode attribute is deprecated. Use the
- prettyForm.s attribute instead.
- """,
- deprecated_since_version="1.7",
- active_deprecations_target="deprecated-pretty-printing-functions")
- return self._unicode
- # Note: code to handle subtraction is in _print_Add
- def __add__(self, *others):
- """Make a pretty addition.
- Addition of negative numbers is simplified.
- """
- arg = self
- if arg.binding > prettyForm.NEG:
- arg = stringPict(*arg.parens())
- result = [arg]
- for arg in others:
- #add parentheses for weak binders
- if arg.binding > prettyForm.NEG:
- arg = stringPict(*arg.parens())
- #use existing minus sign if available
- if arg.binding != prettyForm.NEG:
- result.append(' + ')
- result.append(arg)
- return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.ADD, *stringPict.next(*result))
- def __truediv__(self, den, slashed=False):
- """Make a pretty division; stacked or slashed.
- """
- if slashed:
- raise NotImplementedError("Can't do slashed fraction yet")
- num = self
- if num.binding == prettyForm.DIV:
- num = stringPict(*num.parens())
- if den.binding == prettyForm.DIV:
- den = stringPict(*den.parens())
- if num.binding==prettyForm.NEG:
- num = num.right(" ")[0]
- return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.DIV, *stringPict.stack(
- num,
- stringPict.LINE,
- den))
- def __mul__(self, *others):
- """Make a pretty multiplication.
- Parentheses are needed around +, - and neg.
- """
- quantity = {
- 'degree': "\N{DEGREE SIGN}"
- }
- if len(others) == 0:
- return self # We aren't actually multiplying... So nothing to do here.
- # add parens on args that need them
- arg = self
- if arg.binding > prettyForm.MUL and arg.binding != prettyForm.NEG:
- arg = stringPict(*arg.parens())
- result = [arg]
- for arg in others:
- if arg.picture[0] not in quantity.values():
- result.append(xsym('*'))
- #add parentheses for weak binders
- if arg.binding > prettyForm.MUL and arg.binding != prettyForm.NEG:
- arg = stringPict(*arg.parens())
- result.append(arg)
- len_res = len(result)
- for i in range(len_res):
- if i < len_res - 1 and result[i] == '-1' and result[i + 1] == xsym('*'):
- # substitute -1 by -, like in -1*x -> -x
- result.pop(i)
- result.pop(i)
- result.insert(i, '-')
- if result[0][0] == '-':
- # if there is a - sign in front of all
- # This test was failing to catch a prettyForm.__mul__(prettyForm("-1", 0, 6)) being negative
- bin = prettyForm.NEG
- if result[0] == '-':
- right = result[1]
- if right.picture[right.baseline][0] == '-':
- result[0] = '- '
- else:
- bin = prettyForm.MUL
- return prettyForm(binding=bin, *stringPict.next(*result))
- def __repr__(self):
- return "prettyForm(%r,%d,%d)" % (
- '\n'.join(self.picture),
- self.baseline,
- self.binding)
- def __pow__(self, b):
- """Make a pretty power.
- """
- a = self
- use_inline_func_form = False
- if b.binding == prettyForm.POW:
- b = stringPict(*b.parens())
- if a.binding > prettyForm.FUNC:
- a = stringPict(*a.parens())
- elif a.binding == prettyForm.FUNC:
- # heuristic for when to use inline power
- if b.height() > 1:
- a = stringPict(*a.parens())
- else:
- use_inline_func_form = True
- if use_inline_func_form:
- # 2
- # sin + + (x)
- b.baseline = a.prettyFunc.baseline + b.height()
- func = stringPict(*a.prettyFunc.right(b))
- return prettyForm(*func.right(a.prettyArgs))
- else:
- # 2 <-- top
- # (x+y) <-- bot
- top = stringPict(*b.left(' '*a.width()))
- bot = stringPict(*a.right(' '*b.width()))
- return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.POW, *bot.above(top))
- simpleFunctions = ["sin", "cos", "tan"]
- @staticmethod
- def apply(function, *args):
- """Functions of one or more variables.
- """
- if function in prettyForm.simpleFunctions:
- #simple function: use only space if possible
- assert len(
- args) == 1, "Simple function %s must have 1 argument" % function
- arg = args[0].__pretty__()
- if arg.binding <= prettyForm.DIV:
- #optimization: no parentheses necessary
- return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.FUNC, *arg.left(function + ' '))
- argumentList = []
- for arg in args:
- argumentList.append(',')
- argumentList.append(arg.__pretty__())
- argumentList = stringPict(*stringPict.next(*argumentList[1:]))
- argumentList = stringPict(*argumentList.parens())
- return prettyForm(binding=prettyForm.ATOM, *argumentList.left(function))