123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348 |
- """
- Module for the ddm_* routines for operating on a matrix in list of lists
- matrix representation.
- These routines are used internally by the DDM class which also provides a
- friendlier interface for them. The idea here is to implement core matrix
- routines in a way that can be applied to any simple list representation
- without the need to use any particular matrix class. For example we can
- compute the RREF of a matrix like:
- >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.dense import ddm_irref
- >>> M = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
- >>> pivots = ddm_irref(M)
- >>> M
- [[1.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0, 1.0, 2.0]]
- These are lower-level routines that work mostly in place.The routines at this
- level should not need to know what the domain of the elements is but should
- ideally document what operations they will use and what functions they need to
- be provided with.
- The next-level up is the DDM class which uses these routines but wraps them up
- with an interface that handles copying etc and keeps track of the Domain of
- the elements of the matrix:
- >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
- >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.ddm import DDM
- >>> M = DDM([[QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3)], [QQ(4), QQ(5), QQ(6)]], (2, 3), QQ)
- >>> M
- [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
- >>> Mrref, pivots = M.rref()
- >>> Mrref
- [[1, 0, -1], [0, 1, 2]]
- """
- from __future__ import annotations
- from operator import mul
- from .exceptions import (
- DMShapeError,
- DMNonInvertibleMatrixError,
- DMNonSquareMatrixError,
- )
- from typing import Sequence, TypeVar
- from sympy.polys.matrices._typing import RingElement
- T = TypeVar('T')
- R = TypeVar('R', bound=RingElement)
- def ddm_transpose(matrix: Sequence[Sequence[T]]) -> list[list[T]]:
- """matrix transpose"""
- return list(map(list, zip(*matrix)))
- def ddm_iadd(a: list[list[R]], b: Sequence[Sequence[R]]) -> None:
- """a += b"""
- for ai, bi in zip(a, b):
- for j, bij in enumerate(bi):
- ai[j] += bij
- def ddm_isub(a: list[list[R]], b: Sequence[Sequence[R]]) -> None:
- """a -= b"""
- for ai, bi in zip(a, b):
- for j, bij in enumerate(bi):
- ai[j] -= bij
- def ddm_ineg(a: list[list[R]]) -> None:
- """a <-- -a"""
- for ai in a:
- for j, aij in enumerate(ai):
- ai[j] = -aij
- def ddm_imul(a: list[list[R]], b: R) -> None:
- for ai in a:
- for j, aij in enumerate(ai):
- ai[j] = aij * b
- def ddm_irmul(a: list[list[R]], b: R) -> None:
- for ai in a:
- for j, aij in enumerate(ai):
- ai[j] = b * aij
- def ddm_imatmul(
- a: list[list[R]], b: Sequence[Sequence[R]], c: Sequence[Sequence[R]]
- ) -> None:
- """a += b @ c"""
- cT = list(zip(*c))
- for bi, ai in zip(b, a):
- for j, cTj in enumerate(cT):
- ai[j] = sum(map(mul, bi, cTj), ai[j])
- def ddm_irref(a, _partial_pivot=False):
- """a <-- rref(a)"""
- # a is (m x n)
- m = len(a)
- if not m:
- return []
- n = len(a[0])
- i = 0
- pivots = []
- for j in range(n):
- # Proper pivoting should be used for all domains for performance
- # reasons but it is only strictly needed for RR and CC (and possibly
- # other domains like RR(x)). This path is used by DDM.rref() if the
- # domain is RR or CC. It uses partial (row) pivoting based on the
- # absolute value of the pivot candidates.
- if _partial_pivot:
- ip = max(range(i, m), key=lambda ip: abs(a[ip][j]))
- a[i], a[ip] = a[ip], a[i]
- # pivot
- aij = a[i][j]
- # zero-pivot
- if not aij:
- for ip in range(i+1, m):
- aij = a[ip][j]
- # row-swap
- if aij:
- a[i], a[ip] = a[ip], a[i]
- break
- else:
- # next column
- continue
- # normalise row
- ai = a[i]
- aijinv = aij**-1
- for l in range(j, n):
- ai[l] *= aijinv # ai[j] = one
- # eliminate above and below to the right
- for k, ak in enumerate(a):
- if k == i or not ak[j]:
- continue
- akj = ak[j]
- ak[j] -= akj # ak[j] = zero
- for l in range(j+1, n):
- ak[l] -= akj * ai[l]
- # next row
- pivots.append(j)
- i += 1
- # no more rows?
- if i >= m:
- break
- return pivots
- def ddm_idet(a, K):
- """a <-- echelon(a); return det"""
- # Bareiss algorithm
- # https://www.math.usm.edu/perry/Research/Thesis_DRL.pdf
- # a is (m x n)
- m = len(a)
- if not m:
- return K.one
- n = len(a[0])
- exquo = K.exquo
- # uf keeps track of the sign change from row swaps
- uf = K.one
- for k in range(n-1):
- if not a[k][k]:
- for i in range(k+1, n):
- if a[i][k]:
- a[k], a[i] = a[i], a[k]
- uf = -uf
- break
- else:
- return K.zero
- akkm1 = a[k-1][k-1] if k else K.one
- for i in range(k+1, n):
- for j in range(k+1, n):
- a[i][j] = exquo(a[i][j]*a[k][k] - a[i][k]*a[k][j], akkm1)
- return uf * a[-1][-1]
- def ddm_iinv(ainv, a, K):
- if not K.is_Field:
- raise ValueError('Not a field')
- # a is (m x n)
- m = len(a)
- if not m:
- return
- n = len(a[0])
- if m != n:
- raise DMNonSquareMatrixError
- eye = [[K.one if i==j else K.zero for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
- Aaug = [row + eyerow for row, eyerow in zip(a, eye)]
- pivots = ddm_irref(Aaug)
- if pivots != list(range(n)):
- raise DMNonInvertibleMatrixError('Matrix det == 0; not invertible.')
- ainv[:] = [row[n:] for row in Aaug]
- def ddm_ilu_split(L, U, K):
- """L, U <-- LU(U)"""
- m = len(U)
- if not m:
- return []
- n = len(U[0])
- swaps = ddm_ilu(U)
- zeros = [K.zero] * min(m, n)
- for i in range(1, m):
- j = min(i, n)
- L[i][:j] = U[i][:j]
- U[i][:j] = zeros[:j]
- return swaps
- def ddm_ilu(a):
- """a <-- LU(a)"""
- m = len(a)
- if not m:
- return []
- n = len(a[0])
- swaps = []
- for i in range(min(m, n)):
- if not a[i][i]:
- for ip in range(i+1, m):
- if a[ip][i]:
- swaps.append((i, ip))
- a[i], a[ip] = a[ip], a[i]
- break
- else:
- # M = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 2]])
- continue
- for j in range(i+1, m):
- l_ji = a[j][i] / a[i][i]
- a[j][i] = l_ji
- for k in range(i+1, n):
- a[j][k] -= l_ji * a[i][k]
- return swaps
- def ddm_ilu_solve(x, L, U, swaps, b):
- """x <-- solve(L*U*x = swaps(b))"""
- m = len(U)
- if not m:
- return
- n = len(U[0])
- m2 = len(b)
- if not m2:
- raise DMShapeError("Shape mismtch")
- o = len(b[0])
- if m != m2:
- raise DMShapeError("Shape mismtch")
- if m < n:
- raise NotImplementedError("Underdetermined")
- if swaps:
- b = [row[:] for row in b]
- for i1, i2 in swaps:
- b[i1], b[i2] = b[i2], b[i1]
- # solve Ly = b
- y = [[None] * o for _ in range(m)]
- for k in range(o):
- for i in range(m):
- rhs = b[i][k]
- for j in range(i):
- rhs -= L[i][j] * y[j][k]
- y[i][k] = rhs
- if m > n:
- for i in range(n, m):
- for j in range(o):
- if y[i][j]:
- raise DMNonInvertibleMatrixError
- # Solve Ux = y
- for k in range(o):
- for i in reversed(range(n)):
- if not U[i][i]:
- raise DMNonInvertibleMatrixError
- rhs = y[i][k]
- for j in range(i+1, n):
- rhs -= U[i][j] * x[j][k]
- x[i][k] = rhs / U[i][i]
- def ddm_berk(M, K):
- m = len(M)
- if not m:
- return [[K.one]]
- n = len(M[0])
- if m != n:
- raise DMShapeError("Not square")
- if n == 1:
- return [[K.one], [-M[0][0]]]
- a = M[0][0]
- R = [M[0][1:]]
- C = [[row[0]] for row in M[1:]]
- A = [row[1:] for row in M[1:]]
- q = ddm_berk(A, K)
- T = [[K.zero] * n for _ in range(n+1)]
- for i in range(n):
- T[i][i] = K.one
- T[i+1][i] = -a
- for i in range(2, n+1):
- if i == 2:
- AnC = C
- else:
- C = AnC
- AnC = [[K.zero] for row in C]
- ddm_imatmul(AnC, A, C)
- RAnC = [[K.zero]]
- ddm_imatmul(RAnC, R, AnC)
- for j in range(0, n+1-i):
- T[i+j][j] = -RAnC[0][0]
- qout = [[K.zero] for _ in range(n+1)]
- ddm_imatmul(qout, T, q)
- return qout