6.5 KB

  1. """ This module contains the Mathieu functions.
  2. """
  3. from sympy.core.function import Function, ArgumentIndexError
  4. from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
  5. from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import sin, cos
  6. class MathieuBase(Function):
  7. """
  8. Abstract base class for Mathieu functions.
  9. This class is meant to reduce code duplication.
  10. """
  11. unbranched = True
  12. def _eval_conjugate(self):
  13. a, q, z = self.args
  14. return self.func(a.conjugate(), q.conjugate(), z.conjugate())
  15. class mathieus(MathieuBase):
  16. r"""
  17. The Mathieu Sine function $S(a,q,z)$.
  18. Explanation
  19. ===========
  20. This function is one solution of the Mathieu differential equation:
  21. .. math ::
  22. y(x)^{\prime\prime} + (a - 2 q \cos(2 x)) y(x) = 0
  23. The other solution is the Mathieu Cosine function.
  24. Examples
  25. ========
  26. >>> from sympy import diff, mathieus
  27. >>> from import a, q, z
  28. >>> mathieus(a, q, z)
  29. mathieus(a, q, z)
  30. >>> mathieus(a, 0, z)
  31. sin(sqrt(a)*z)
  32. >>> diff(mathieus(a, q, z), z)
  33. mathieusprime(a, q, z)
  34. See Also
  35. ========
  36. mathieuc: Mathieu cosine function.
  37. mathieusprime: Derivative of Mathieu sine function.
  38. mathieucprime: Derivative of Mathieu cosine function.
  39. References
  40. ==========
  41. .. [1]
  42. .. [2]
  43. .. [3]
  44. .. [4]
  45. """
  46. def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
  47. if argindex == 3:
  48. a, q, z = self.args
  49. return mathieusprime(a, q, z)
  50. else:
  51. raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
  52. @classmethod
  53. def eval(cls, a, q, z):
  54. if q.is_Number and q.is_zero:
  55. return sin(sqrt(a)*z)
  56. # Try to pull out factors of -1
  57. if z.could_extract_minus_sign():
  58. return -cls(a, q, -z)
  59. class mathieuc(MathieuBase):
  60. r"""
  61. The Mathieu Cosine function $C(a,q,z)$.
  62. Explanation
  63. ===========
  64. This function is one solution of the Mathieu differential equation:
  65. .. math ::
  66. y(x)^{\prime\prime} + (a - 2 q \cos(2 x)) y(x) = 0
  67. The other solution is the Mathieu Sine function.
  68. Examples
  69. ========
  70. >>> from sympy import diff, mathieuc
  71. >>> from import a, q, z
  72. >>> mathieuc(a, q, z)
  73. mathieuc(a, q, z)
  74. >>> mathieuc(a, 0, z)
  75. cos(sqrt(a)*z)
  76. >>> diff(mathieuc(a, q, z), z)
  77. mathieucprime(a, q, z)
  78. See Also
  79. ========
  80. mathieus: Mathieu sine function
  81. mathieusprime: Derivative of Mathieu sine function
  82. mathieucprime: Derivative of Mathieu cosine function
  83. References
  84. ==========
  85. .. [1]
  86. .. [2]
  87. .. [3]
  88. .. [4]
  89. """
  90. def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
  91. if argindex == 3:
  92. a, q, z = self.args
  93. return mathieucprime(a, q, z)
  94. else:
  95. raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
  96. @classmethod
  97. def eval(cls, a, q, z):
  98. if q.is_Number and q.is_zero:
  99. return cos(sqrt(a)*z)
  100. # Try to pull out factors of -1
  101. if z.could_extract_minus_sign():
  102. return cls(a, q, -z)
  103. class mathieusprime(MathieuBase):
  104. r"""
  105. The derivative $S^{\prime}(a,q,z)$ of the Mathieu Sine function.
  106. Explanation
  107. ===========
  108. This function is one solution of the Mathieu differential equation:
  109. .. math ::
  110. y(x)^{\prime\prime} + (a - 2 q \cos(2 x)) y(x) = 0
  111. The other solution is the Mathieu Cosine function.
  112. Examples
  113. ========
  114. >>> from sympy import diff, mathieusprime
  115. >>> from import a, q, z
  116. >>> mathieusprime(a, q, z)
  117. mathieusprime(a, q, z)
  118. >>> mathieusprime(a, 0, z)
  119. sqrt(a)*cos(sqrt(a)*z)
  120. >>> diff(mathieusprime(a, q, z), z)
  121. (-a + 2*q*cos(2*z))*mathieus(a, q, z)
  122. See Also
  123. ========
  124. mathieus: Mathieu sine function
  125. mathieuc: Mathieu cosine function
  126. mathieucprime: Derivative of Mathieu cosine function
  127. References
  128. ==========
  129. .. [1]
  130. .. [2]
  131. .. [3]
  132. .. [4]
  133. """
  134. def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
  135. if argindex == 3:
  136. a, q, z = self.args
  137. return (2*q*cos(2*z) - a)*mathieus(a, q, z)
  138. else:
  139. raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
  140. @classmethod
  141. def eval(cls, a, q, z):
  142. if q.is_Number and q.is_zero:
  143. return sqrt(a)*cos(sqrt(a)*z)
  144. # Try to pull out factors of -1
  145. if z.could_extract_minus_sign():
  146. return cls(a, q, -z)
  147. class mathieucprime(MathieuBase):
  148. r"""
  149. The derivative $C^{\prime}(a,q,z)$ of the Mathieu Cosine function.
  150. Explanation
  151. ===========
  152. This function is one solution of the Mathieu differential equation:
  153. .. math ::
  154. y(x)^{\prime\prime} + (a - 2 q \cos(2 x)) y(x) = 0
  155. The other solution is the Mathieu Sine function.
  156. Examples
  157. ========
  158. >>> from sympy import diff, mathieucprime
  159. >>> from import a, q, z
  160. >>> mathieucprime(a, q, z)
  161. mathieucprime(a, q, z)
  162. >>> mathieucprime(a, 0, z)
  163. -sqrt(a)*sin(sqrt(a)*z)
  164. >>> diff(mathieucprime(a, q, z), z)
  165. (-a + 2*q*cos(2*z))*mathieuc(a, q, z)
  166. See Also
  167. ========
  168. mathieus: Mathieu sine function
  169. mathieuc: Mathieu cosine function
  170. mathieusprime: Derivative of Mathieu sine function
  171. References
  172. ==========
  173. .. [1]
  174. .. [2]
  175. .. [3]
  176. .. [4]
  177. """
  178. def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
  179. if argindex == 3:
  180. a, q, z = self.args
  181. return (2*q*cos(2*z) - a)*mathieuc(a, q, z)
  182. else:
  183. raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
  184. @classmethod
  185. def eval(cls, a, q, z):
  186. if q.is_Number and q.is_zero:
  187. return -sqrt(a)*sin(sqrt(a)*z)
  188. # Try to pull out factors of -1
  189. if z.could_extract_minus_sign():
  190. return -cls(a, q, -z)