2.2 KB

  1. """
  2. ===================================================================
  3. Statistical functions for masked arrays (:mod:`scipy.stats.mstats`)
  4. ===================================================================
  5. .. currentmodule:: scipy.stats.mstats
  6. This module contains a large number of statistical functions that can
  7. be used with masked arrays.
  8. Most of these functions are similar to those in `scipy.stats` but might
  9. have small differences in the API or in the algorithm used. Since this
  10. is a relatively new package, some API changes are still possible.
  11. Summary statistics
  12. ==================
  13. .. autosummary::
  14. :toctree: generated/
  15. describe
  16. gmean
  17. hmean
  18. kurtosis
  19. mode
  20. mquantiles
  21. hdmedian
  22. hdquantiles
  23. hdquantiles_sd
  24. idealfourths
  25. plotting_positions
  26. meppf
  27. moment
  28. skew
  29. tmean
  30. tvar
  31. tmin
  32. tmax
  33. tsem
  34. variation
  35. find_repeats
  36. sem
  37. trimmed_mean
  38. trimmed_mean_ci
  39. trimmed_std
  40. trimmed_var
  41. Frequency statistics
  42. ====================
  43. .. autosummary::
  44. :toctree: generated/
  45. scoreatpercentile
  46. Correlation functions
  47. =====================
  48. .. autosummary::
  49. :toctree: generated/
  50. f_oneway
  51. pearsonr
  52. spearmanr
  53. pointbiserialr
  54. kendalltau
  55. kendalltau_seasonal
  56. linregress
  57. siegelslopes
  58. theilslopes
  59. sen_seasonal_slopes
  60. Statistical tests
  61. =================
  62. .. autosummary::
  63. :toctree: generated/
  64. ttest_1samp
  65. ttest_onesamp
  66. ttest_ind
  67. ttest_rel
  68. chisquare
  69. kstest
  70. ks_2samp
  71. ks_1samp
  72. ks_twosamp
  73. mannwhitneyu
  74. rankdata
  75. kruskal
  76. kruskalwallis
  77. friedmanchisquare
  78. brunnermunzel
  79. skewtest
  80. kurtosistest
  81. normaltest
  82. Transformations
  83. ===============
  84. .. autosummary::
  85. :toctree: generated/
  86. obrientransform
  87. trim
  88. trima
  89. trimmed_stde
  90. trimr
  91. trimtail
  92. trimboth
  93. winsorize
  94. zmap
  95. zscore
  96. Other
  97. =====
  98. .. autosummary::
  99. :toctree: generated/
  100. argstoarray
  101. count_tied_groups
  102. msign
  103. compare_medians_ms
  104. median_cihs
  105. mjci
  106. mquantiles_cimj
  107. rsh
  108. """
  109. from ._mstats_basic import *
  110. from ._mstats_extras import *
  111. # Functions that support masked array input in stats but need to be kept in the
  112. # mstats namespace for backwards compatibility:
  113. from scipy.stats import gmean, hmean, zmap, zscore, chisquare