123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392 |
- from numpy import inner, zeros, inf, finfo
- from numpy.linalg import norm
- from math import sqrt
- from .utils import make_system
- __all__ = ['minres']
- def minres(A, b, x0=None, shift=0.0, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None,
- M=None, callback=None, show=False, check=False):
- """
- Use MINimum RESidual iteration to solve Ax=b
- MINRES minimizes norm(Ax - b) for a real symmetric matrix A. Unlike
- the Conjugate Gradient method, A can be indefinite or singular.
- If shift != 0 then the method solves (A - shift*I)x = b
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator}
- The real symmetric N-by-N matrix of the linear system
- Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can
- produce ``Ax`` using, e.g.,
- ``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.
- b : ndarray
- Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
- Returns
- -------
- x : ndarray
- The converged solution.
- info : integer
- Provides convergence information:
- 0 : successful exit
- >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
- <0 : illegal input or breakdown
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- x0 : ndarray
- Starting guess for the solution.
- shift : float
- Value to apply to the system ``(A - shift * I)x = b``. Default is 0.
- tol : float
- Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when the relative
- residual is below `tol`.
- maxiter : integer
- Maximum number of iterations. Iteration will stop after maxiter
- steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
- M : {sparse matrix, ndarray, LinearOperator}
- Preconditioner for A. The preconditioner should approximate the
- inverse of A. Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the
- rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed
- to reach a given error tolerance.
- callback : function
- User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called
- as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
- show : bool
- If ``True``, print out a summary and metrics related to the solution
- during iterations. Default is ``False``.
- check : bool
- If ``True``, run additional input validation to check that `A` and
- `M` (if specified) are symmetric. Default is ``False``.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
- >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import minres
- >>> A = csc_matrix([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]], dtype=float)
- >>> A = A + A.T
- >>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1], dtype=float)
- >>> x, exitCode = minres(A, b)
- >>> print(exitCode) # 0 indicates successful convergence
- 0
- >>> np.allclose(A.dot(x), b)
- True
- References
- ----------
- Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations,
- C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1975),
- SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 12(4), pp. 617-629.
- https://web.stanford.edu/group/SOL/software/minres/
- This file is a translation of the following MATLAB implementation:
- https://web.stanford.edu/group/SOL/software/minres/minres-matlab.zip
- """
- A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
- matvec = A.matvec
- psolve = M.matvec
- first = 'Enter minres. '
- last = 'Exit minres. '
- n = A.shape[0]
- if maxiter is None:
- maxiter = 5 * n
- msg = [' beta2 = 0. If M = I, b and x are eigenvectors ', # -1
- ' beta1 = 0. The exact solution is x0 ', # 0
- ' A solution to Ax = b was found, given rtol ', # 1
- ' A least-squares solution was found, given rtol ', # 2
- ' Reasonable accuracy achieved, given eps ', # 3
- ' x has converged to an eigenvector ', # 4
- ' acond has exceeded 0.1/eps ', # 5
- ' The iteration limit was reached ', # 6
- ' A does not define a symmetric matrix ', # 7
- ' M does not define a symmetric matrix ', # 8
- ' M does not define a pos-def preconditioner '] # 9
- if show:
- print(first + 'Solution of symmetric Ax = b')
- print(first + 'n = %3g shift = %23.14e' % (n,shift))
- print(first + 'itnlim = %3g rtol = %11.2e' % (maxiter,tol))
- print()
- istop = 0
- itn = 0
- Anorm = 0
- Acond = 0
- rnorm = 0
- ynorm = 0
- xtype = x.dtype
- eps = finfo(xtype).eps
- # Set up y and v for the first Lanczos vector v1.
- # y = beta1 P' v1, where P = C**(-1).
- # v is really P' v1.
- if x0 is None:
- r1 = b.copy()
- else:
- r1 = b - A@x
- y = psolve(r1)
- beta1 = inner(r1, y)
- if beta1 < 0:
- raise ValueError('indefinite preconditioner')
- elif beta1 == 0:
- return (postprocess(x), 0)
- bnorm = norm(b)
- if bnorm == 0:
- x = b
- return (postprocess(x), 0)
- beta1 = sqrt(beta1)
- if check:
- # are these too strict?
- # see if A is symmetric
- w = matvec(y)
- r2 = matvec(w)
- s = inner(w,w)
- t = inner(y,r2)
- z = abs(s - t)
- epsa = (s + eps) * eps**(1.0/3.0)
- if z > epsa:
- raise ValueError('non-symmetric matrix')
- # see if M is symmetric
- r2 = psolve(y)
- s = inner(y,y)
- t = inner(r1,r2)
- z = abs(s - t)
- epsa = (s + eps) * eps**(1.0/3.0)
- if z > epsa:
- raise ValueError('non-symmetric preconditioner')
- # Initialize other quantities
- oldb = 0
- beta = beta1
- dbar = 0
- epsln = 0
- qrnorm = beta1
- phibar = beta1
- rhs1 = beta1
- rhs2 = 0
- tnorm2 = 0
- gmax = 0
- gmin = finfo(xtype).max
- cs = -1
- sn = 0
- w = zeros(n, dtype=xtype)
- w2 = zeros(n, dtype=xtype)
- r2 = r1
- if show:
- print()
- print()
- print(' Itn x(1) Compatible LS norm(A) cond(A) gbar/|A|')
- while itn < maxiter:
- itn += 1
- s = 1.0/beta
- v = s*y
- y = matvec(v)
- y = y - shift * v
- if itn >= 2:
- y = y - (beta/oldb)*r1
- alfa = inner(v,y)
- y = y - (alfa/beta)*r2
- r1 = r2
- r2 = y
- y = psolve(r2)
- oldb = beta
- beta = inner(r2,y)
- if beta < 0:
- raise ValueError('non-symmetric matrix')
- beta = sqrt(beta)
- tnorm2 += alfa**2 + oldb**2 + beta**2
- if itn == 1:
- if beta/beta1 <= 10*eps:
- istop = -1 # Terminate later
- # Apply previous rotation Qk-1 to get
- # [deltak epslnk+1] = [cs sn][dbark 0 ]
- # [gbar k dbar k+1] [sn -cs][alfak betak+1].
- oldeps = epsln
- delta = cs * dbar + sn * alfa # delta1 = 0 deltak
- gbar = sn * dbar - cs * alfa # gbar 1 = alfa1 gbar k
- epsln = sn * beta # epsln2 = 0 epslnk+1
- dbar = - cs * beta # dbar 2 = beta2 dbar k+1
- root = norm([gbar, dbar])
- Arnorm = phibar * root
- # Compute the next plane rotation Qk
- gamma = norm([gbar, beta]) # gammak
- gamma = max(gamma, eps)
- cs = gbar / gamma # ck
- sn = beta / gamma # sk
- phi = cs * phibar # phik
- phibar = sn * phibar # phibark+1
- # Update x.
- denom = 1.0/gamma
- w1 = w2
- w2 = w
- w = (v - oldeps*w1 - delta*w2) * denom
- x = x + phi*w
- # Go round again.
- gmax = max(gmax, gamma)
- gmin = min(gmin, gamma)
- z = rhs1 / gamma
- rhs1 = rhs2 - delta*z
- rhs2 = - epsln*z
- # Estimate various norms and test for convergence.
- Anorm = sqrt(tnorm2)
- ynorm = norm(x)
- epsa = Anorm * eps
- epsx = Anorm * ynorm * eps
- epsr = Anorm * ynorm * tol
- diag = gbar
- if diag == 0:
- diag = epsa
- qrnorm = phibar
- rnorm = qrnorm
- if ynorm == 0 or Anorm == 0:
- test1 = inf
- else:
- test1 = rnorm / (Anorm*ynorm) # ||r|| / (||A|| ||x||)
- if Anorm == 0:
- test2 = inf
- else:
- test2 = root / Anorm # ||Ar|| / (||A|| ||r||)
- # Estimate cond(A).
- # In this version we look at the diagonals of R in the
- # factorization of the lower Hessenberg matrix, Q @ H = R,
- # where H is the tridiagonal matrix from Lanczos with one
- # extra row, beta(k+1) e_k^T.
- Acond = gmax/gmin
- # See if any of the stopping criteria are satisfied.
- # In rare cases, istop is already -1 from above (Abar = const*I).
- if istop == 0:
- t1 = 1 + test1 # These tests work if tol < eps
- t2 = 1 + test2
- if t2 <= 1:
- istop = 2
- if t1 <= 1:
- istop = 1
- if itn >= maxiter:
- istop = 6
- if Acond >= 0.1/eps:
- istop = 4
- if epsx >= beta1:
- istop = 3
- # if rnorm <= epsx : istop = 2
- # if rnorm <= epsr : istop = 1
- if test2 <= tol:
- istop = 2
- if test1 <= tol:
- istop = 1
- # See if it is time to print something.
- prnt = False
- if n <= 40:
- prnt = True
- if itn <= 10:
- prnt = True
- if itn >= maxiter-10:
- prnt = True
- if itn % 10 == 0:
- prnt = True
- if qrnorm <= 10*epsx:
- prnt = True
- if qrnorm <= 10*epsr:
- prnt = True
- if Acond <= 1e-2/eps:
- prnt = True
- if istop != 0:
- prnt = True
- if show and prnt:
- str1 = '%6g %12.5e %10.3e' % (itn, x[0], test1)
- str2 = ' %10.3e' % (test2,)
- str3 = ' %8.1e %8.1e %8.1e' % (Anorm, Acond, gbar/Anorm)
- print(str1 + str2 + str3)
- if itn % 10 == 0:
- print()
- if callback is not None:
- callback(x)
- if istop != 0:
- break # TODO check this
- if show:
- print()
- print(last + ' istop = %3g itn =%5g' % (istop,itn))
- print(last + ' Anorm = %12.4e Acond = %12.4e' % (Anorm,Acond))
- print(last + ' rnorm = %12.4e ynorm = %12.4e' % (rnorm,ynorm))
- print(last + ' Arnorm = %12.4e' % (Arnorm,))
- print(last + msg[istop+1])
- if istop == 6:
- info = maxiter
- else:
- info = 0
- return (postprocess(x),info)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- from numpy import arange
- from scipy.sparse import spdiags
- n = 10
- residuals = []
- def cb(x):
- residuals.append(norm(b - A@x))
- # A = poisson((10,),format='csr')
- A = spdiags([arange(1,n+1,dtype=float)], [0], n, n, format='csr')
- M = spdiags([1.0/arange(1,n+1,dtype=float)], [0], n, n, format='csr')
- A.psolve = M.matvec
- b = zeros(A.shape[0])
- x = minres(A,b,tol=1e-12,maxiter=None,callback=cb)
- # x = cg(A,b,x0=b,tol=1e-12,maxiter=None,callback=cb)[0]