123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982 |
- """
- Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method (LOBPCG).
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] A. V. Knyazev (2001),
- Toward the Optimal Preconditioned Eigensolver: Locally Optimal
- Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method.
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23, no. 2,
- pp. 517-541. :doi:`10.1137/S1064827500366124`
- .. [2] A. V. Knyazev, I. Lashuk, M. E. Argentati, and E. Ovchinnikov (2007),
- Block Locally Optimal Preconditioned Eigenvalue Xolvers (BLOPEX)
- in hypre and PETSc. :arxiv:`0705.2626`
- .. [3] A. V. Knyazev's C and MATLAB implementations:
- https://github.com/lobpcg/blopex
- """
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- from scipy.linalg import (inv, eigh, cho_factor, cho_solve,
- cholesky, LinAlgError)
- from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
- from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix
- from numpy import block as bmat
- __all__ = ["lobpcg"]
- def _report_nonhermitian(M, name):
- """
- Report if `M` is not a Hermitian matrix given its type.
- """
- from scipy.linalg import norm
- md = M - M.T.conj()
- nmd = norm(md, 1)
- tol = 10 * np.finfo(M.dtype).eps
- tol = max(tol, tol * norm(M, 1))
- if nmd > tol:
- warnings.warn(
- f"Matrix {name} of the type {M.dtype} is not Hermitian: "
- f"condition: {nmd} < {tol} fails.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=4
- )
- def _as2d(ar):
- """
- If the input array is 2D return it, if it is 1D, append a dimension,
- making it a column vector.
- """
- if ar.ndim == 2:
- return ar
- else: # Assume 1!
- aux = np.array(ar, copy=False)
- aux.shape = (ar.shape[0], 1)
- return aux
- def _makeMatMat(m):
- if m is None:
- return None
- elif callable(m):
- return lambda v: m(v)
- else:
- return lambda v: m @ v
- def _applyConstraints(blockVectorV, factYBY, blockVectorBY, blockVectorY):
- """Changes blockVectorV in place."""
- YBV = np.dot(blockVectorBY.T.conj(), blockVectorV)
- tmp = cho_solve(factYBY, YBV)
- blockVectorV -= np.dot(blockVectorY, tmp)
- def _b_orthonormalize(B, blockVectorV, blockVectorBV=None,
- verbosityLevel=0):
- """in-place B-orthonormalize the given block vector using Cholesky."""
- normalization = blockVectorV.max(axis=0) + np.finfo(blockVectorV.dtype).eps
- blockVectorV = blockVectorV / normalization
- if blockVectorBV is None:
- if B is not None:
- try:
- blockVectorBV = B(blockVectorV)
- except Exception as e:
- if verbosityLevel:
- warnings.warn(
- f"Secondary MatMul call failed with error\n"
- f"{e}\n",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=3
- )
- return None, None, None, normalization
- if blockVectorBV.shape != blockVectorV.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorV.shape} "
- f"of the orthogonalized matrix not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorBV.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the secondary matrix.\n"
- )
- else:
- blockVectorBV = blockVectorV # Shared data!!!
- else:
- blockVectorBV = blockVectorBV / normalization
- VBV = blockVectorV.T.conj() @ blockVectorBV
- try:
- # VBV is a Cholesky factor from now on...
- VBV = cholesky(VBV, overwrite_a=True)
- VBV = inv(VBV, overwrite_a=True)
- blockVectorV = blockVectorV @ VBV
- # blockVectorV = (cho_solve((VBV.T, True), blockVectorV.T)).T
- if B is not None:
- blockVectorBV = blockVectorBV @ VBV
- # blockVectorBV = (cho_solve((VBV.T, True), blockVectorBV.T)).T
- return blockVectorV, blockVectorBV, VBV, normalization
- except LinAlgError:
- if verbosityLevel:
- warnings.warn(
- "Cholesky has failed.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=3
- )
- return None, None, None, normalization
- def _get_indx(_lambda, num, largest):
- """Get `num` indices into `_lambda` depending on `largest` option."""
- ii = np.argsort(_lambda)
- if largest:
- ii = ii[:-num - 1:-1]
- else:
- ii = ii[:num]
- return ii
- def _handle_gramA_gramB_verbosity(gramA, gramB, verbosityLevel):
- if verbosityLevel:
- _report_nonhermitian(gramA, "gramA")
- _report_nonhermitian(gramB, "gramB")
- def lobpcg(
- A,
- X,
- B=None,
- M=None,
- Y=None,
- tol=None,
- maxiter=None,
- largest=True,
- verbosityLevel=0,
- retLambdaHistory=False,
- retResidualNormsHistory=False,
- restartControl=20,
- ):
- """Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method (LOBPCG).
- LOBPCG is a preconditioned eigensolver for large symmetric positive
- definite (SPD) generalized eigenproblems.
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator, callable object}
- The symmetric linear operator of the problem, usually a
- sparse matrix. Often called the "stiffness matrix".
- X : ndarray, float32 or float64
- Initial approximation to the ``k`` eigenvectors (non-sparse). If `A`
- has ``shape=(n,n)`` then `X` should have shape ``shape=(n,k)``.
- B : {dense matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator, callable object}
- Optional.
- The right hand side operator in a generalized eigenproblem.
- By default, ``B = Identity``. Often called the "mass matrix".
- M : {dense matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator, callable object}
- Optional.
- Preconditioner to `A`; by default ``M = Identity``.
- `M` should approximate the inverse of `A`.
- Y : ndarray, float32 or float64, optional.
- An n-by-sizeY matrix of constraints (non-sparse), sizeY < n.
- The iterations will be performed in the B-orthogonal complement
- of the column-space of Y. Y must be full rank.
- tol : scalar, optional.
- Solver tolerance (stopping criterion).
- The default is ``tol=n*sqrt(eps)``.
- maxiter : int, optional.
- Maximum number of iterations. The default is ``maxiter=20``.
- largest : bool, optional.
- When True, solve for the largest eigenvalues, otherwise the smallest.
- verbosityLevel : int, optional
- Controls solver output. The default is ``verbosityLevel=0``.
- retLambdaHistory : bool, optional.
- Whether to return eigenvalue history. Default is False.
- retResidualNormsHistory : bool, optional.
- Whether to return history of residual norms. Default is False.
- restartControl : int, optional.
- Iterations restart if the residuals jump up 2**restartControl times
- compared to the smallest ones recorded in retResidualNormsHistory.
- The default is ``restartControl=20``, making the restarts rare for
- backward compatibility.
- Returns
- -------
- w : ndarray
- Array of ``k`` eigenvalues.
- v : ndarray
- An array of ``k`` eigenvectors. `v` has the same shape as `X`.
- lambdas : ndarray, optional
- The eigenvalue history, if `retLambdaHistory` is True.
- rnorms : ndarray, optional
- The history of residual norms, if `retResidualNormsHistory` is True.
- Notes
- -----
- The iterative loop in lobpcg runs maxit=maxiter (or 20 if maxit=None)
- iterations at most and finishes earler if the tolerance is met.
- Breaking backward compatibility with the previous version, lobpcg
- now returns the block of iterative vectors with the best accuracy rather
- than the last one iterated, as a cure for possible divergence.
- The size of the iteration history output equals to the number of the best
- (limited by maxit) iterations plus 3 (initial, final, and postprocessing).
- If both ``retLambdaHistory`` and ``retResidualNormsHistory`` are True,
- the return tuple has the following format
- ``(lambda, V, lambda history, residual norms history)``.
- In the following ``n`` denotes the matrix size and ``k`` the number
- of required eigenvalues (smallest or largest).
- The LOBPCG code internally solves eigenproblems of the size ``3k`` on every
- iteration by calling the dense eigensolver `eigh`, so if ``k`` is not
- small enough compared to ``n``, it makes no sense to call the LOBPCG code.
- Moreover, if one calls the LOBPCG algorithm for ``5k > n``, it would likely
- break internally, so the code calls the standard function `eigh` instead.
- It is not that ``n`` should be large for the LOBPCG to work, but rather the
- ratio ``n / k`` should be large. It you call LOBPCG with ``k=1``
- and ``n=10``, it works though ``n`` is small. The method is intended
- for extremely large ``n / k``.
- The convergence speed depends basically on two factors:
- 1. Relative separation of the seeking eigenvalues from the rest
- of the eigenvalues. One can vary ``k`` to improve the absolute
- separation and use proper preconditioning to shrink the spectral spread.
- For example, a rod vibration test problem (under tests
- directory) is ill-conditioned for large ``n``, so convergence will be
- slow, unless efficient preconditioning is used. For this specific
- problem, a good simple preconditioner function would be a linear solve
- for `A`, which is easy to code since `A` is tridiagonal.
- 2. Quality of the initial approximations `X` to the seeking eigenvectors.
- Randomly distributed around the origin vectors work well if no better
- choice is known.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] A. V. Knyazev (2001),
- Toward the Optimal Preconditioned Eigensolver: Locally Optimal
- Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method.
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23, no. 2,
- pp. 517-541. :doi:`10.1137/S1064827500366124`
- .. [2] A. V. Knyazev, I. Lashuk, M. E. Argentati, and E. Ovchinnikov
- (2007), Block Locally Optimal Preconditioned Eigenvalue Xolvers
- (BLOPEX) in hypre and PETSc. :arxiv:`0705.2626`
- .. [3] A. V. Knyazev's C and MATLAB implementations:
- https://github.com/lobpcg/blopex
- Examples
- --------
- Solve ``A x = lambda x`` with constraints and preconditioning.
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> from scipy.sparse import spdiags, issparse
- >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import lobpcg, LinearOperator
- The square matrix size:
- >>> n = 100
- >>> vals = np.arange(1, n + 1)
- The first mandatory input parameter, in this test
- a sparse 2D array representing the square matrix
- of the eigenvalue problem to solve:
- >>> A = spdiags(vals, 0, n, n)
- >>> A.toarray()
- array([[ 1, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
- [ 0, 2, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
- [ 0, 0, 3, ..., 0, 0, 0],
- ...,
- [ 0, 0, 0, ..., 98, 0, 0],
- [ 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 99, 0],
- [ 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 100]])
- Initial guess for eigenvectors, should have linearly independent
- columns. The second mandatory input parameter, a 2D array with the
- row dimension determining the number of requested eigenvalues.
- If no initial approximations available, randomly oriented vectors
- commonly work best, e.g., with components normally disrtibuted
- around zero or uniformly distributed on the interval [-1 1].
- >>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
- >>> X = rng.normal(size=(n, 3))
- Constraints - an optional input parameter is a 2D array comprising
- of column vectors that the eigenvectors must be orthogonal to:
- >>> Y = np.eye(n, 3)
- Preconditioner in the inverse of A in this example:
- >>> invA = spdiags([1./vals], 0, n, n)
- The preconditiner must be defined by a function:
- >>> def precond( x ):
- ... return invA @ x
- The argument x of the preconditioner function is a matrix inside `lobpcg`,
- thus the use of matrix-matrix product ``@``.
- The preconditioner function is passed to lobpcg as a `LinearOperator`:
- >>> M = LinearOperator(matvec=precond, matmat=precond,
- ... shape=(n, n), dtype=np.float64)
- Let us now solve the eigenvalue problem for the matrix A:
- >>> eigenvalues, _ = lobpcg(A, X, Y=Y, M=M, largest=False)
- >>> eigenvalues
- array([4., 5., 6.])
- Note that the vectors passed in Y are the eigenvectors of the 3 smallest
- eigenvalues. The results returned are orthogonal to those.
- """
- blockVectorX = X
- bestblockVectorX = blockVectorX
- blockVectorY = Y
- residualTolerance = tol
- if maxiter is None:
- maxiter = 20
- bestIterationNumber = maxiter
- sizeY = 0
- if blockVectorY is not None:
- if len(blockVectorY.shape) != 2:
- warnings.warn(
- f"Expected rank-2 array for argument Y, instead got "
- f"{len(blockVectorY.shape)}, "
- f"so ignore it and use no constraints.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- blockVectorY = None
- else:
- sizeY = blockVectorY.shape[1]
- # Block size.
- if blockVectorX is None:
- raise ValueError("The mandatory initial matrix X cannot be None")
- if len(blockVectorX.shape) != 2:
- raise ValueError("expected rank-2 array for argument X")
- n, sizeX = blockVectorX.shape
- # Data type of iterates, determined by X, must be inexact
- if not np.issubdtype(blockVectorX.dtype, np.inexact):
- warnings.warn(
- f"Data type for argument X is {blockVectorX.dtype}, "
- f"which is not inexact, so casted to np.float32.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- blockVectorX = np.asarray(blockVectorX, dtype=np.float32)
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory = np.zeros((maxiter + 3, sizeX),
- dtype=blockVectorX.dtype)
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- residualNormsHistory = np.zeros((maxiter + 3, sizeX),
- dtype=blockVectorX.dtype)
- if verbosityLevel:
- aux = "Solving "
- if B is None:
- aux += "standard"
- else:
- aux += "generalized"
- aux += " eigenvalue problem with"
- if M is None:
- aux += "out"
- aux += " preconditioning\n\n"
- aux += "matrix size %d\n" % n
- aux += "block size %d\n\n" % sizeX
- if blockVectorY is None:
- aux += "No constraints\n\n"
- else:
- if sizeY > 1:
- aux += "%d constraints\n\n" % sizeY
- else:
- aux += "%d constraint\n\n" % sizeY
- print(aux)
- if (n - sizeY) < (5 * sizeX):
- warnings.warn(
- f"The problem size {n} minus the constraints size {sizeY} "
- f"is too small relative to the block size {sizeX}. "
- f"Using a dense eigensolver instead of LOBPCG iterations."
- f"No output of the history of the iterations.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- sizeX = min(sizeX, n)
- if blockVectorY is not None:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "The dense eigensolver does not support constraints."
- )
- # Define the closed range of indices of eigenvalues to return.
- if largest:
- eigvals = (n - sizeX, n - 1)
- else:
- eigvals = (0, sizeX - 1)
- try:
- if isinstance(A, LinearOperator):
- A = A(np.eye(n, dtype=int))
- elif callable(A):
- A = A(np.eye(n, dtype=int))
- if A.shape != (n, n):
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {A.shape} of the primary matrix\n"
- f"defined by a callable object is wrong.\n"
- )
- elif isspmatrix(A):
- A = A.toarray()
- else:
- A = np.asarray(A)
- except Exception as e:
- raise Exception(
- f"Primary MatMul call failed with error\n"
- f"{e}\n")
- if B is not None:
- try:
- if isinstance(B, LinearOperator):
- B = B(np.eye(n, dtype=int))
- elif callable(B):
- B = B(np.eye(n, dtype=int))
- if B.shape != (n, n):
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {B.shape} of the secondary matrix\n"
- f"defined by a callable object is wrong.\n"
- )
- elif isspmatrix(B):
- B = B.toarray()
- else:
- B = np.asarray(B)
- except Exception as e:
- raise Exception(
- f"Secondary MatMul call failed with error\n"
- f"{e}\n")
- try:
- vals, vecs = eigh(A,
- B,
- subset_by_index=eigvals,
- check_finite=False)
- if largest:
- # Reverse order to be compatible with eigs() in 'LM' mode.
- vals = vals[::-1]
- vecs = vecs[:, ::-1]
- return vals, vecs
- except Exception as e:
- raise Exception(
- f"Dense eigensolver failed with error\n"
- f"{e}\n"
- )
- if (residualTolerance is None) or (residualTolerance <= 0.0):
- residualTolerance = np.sqrt(np.finfo(blockVectorX.dtype).eps) * n
- A = _makeMatMat(A)
- B = _makeMatMat(B)
- M = _makeMatMat(M)
- # Apply constraints to X.
- if blockVectorY is not None:
- if B is not None:
- blockVectorBY = B(blockVectorY)
- if blockVectorBY.shape != blockVectorY.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorY.shape} "
- f"of the constraint not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorBY.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the secondary matrix.\n"
- )
- else:
- blockVectorBY = blockVectorY
- # gramYBY is a dense array.
- gramYBY = np.dot(blockVectorY.T.conj(), blockVectorBY)
- try:
- # gramYBY is a Cholesky factor from now on...
- gramYBY = cho_factor(gramYBY)
- except LinAlgError as e:
- raise ValueError("Linearly dependent constraints") from e
- _applyConstraints(blockVectorX, gramYBY, blockVectorBY, blockVectorY)
- ##
- # B-orthonormalize X.
- blockVectorX, blockVectorBX, _, _ = _b_orthonormalize(
- B, blockVectorX, verbosityLevel=verbosityLevel)
- if blockVectorX is None:
- raise ValueError("Linearly dependent initial approximations")
- ##
- # Compute the initial Ritz vectors: solve the eigenproblem.
- blockVectorAX = A(blockVectorX)
- if blockVectorAX.shape != blockVectorX.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorX.shape} "
- f"of the initial approximations not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorAX.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the primary matrix.\n"
- )
- gramXAX = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), blockVectorAX)
- _lambda, eigBlockVector = eigh(gramXAX, check_finite=False)
- ii = _get_indx(_lambda, sizeX, largest)
- _lambda = _lambda[ii]
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory[0, :] = _lambda
- eigBlockVector = np.asarray(eigBlockVector[:, ii])
- blockVectorX = np.dot(blockVectorX, eigBlockVector)
- blockVectorAX = np.dot(blockVectorAX, eigBlockVector)
- if B is not None:
- blockVectorBX = np.dot(blockVectorBX, eigBlockVector)
- ##
- # Active index set.
- activeMask = np.ones((sizeX,), dtype=bool)
- ##
- # Main iteration loop.
- blockVectorP = None # set during iteration
- blockVectorAP = None
- blockVectorBP = None
- smallestResidualNorm = np.abs(np.finfo(blockVectorX.dtype).max)
- iterationNumber = -1
- restart = True
- forcedRestart = False
- explicitGramFlag = False
- while iterationNumber < maxiter:
- iterationNumber += 1
- if B is not None:
- aux = blockVectorBX * _lambda[np.newaxis, :]
- else:
- aux = blockVectorX * _lambda[np.newaxis, :]
- blockVectorR = blockVectorAX - aux
- aux = np.sum(blockVectorR.conj() * blockVectorR, 0)
- residualNorms = np.sqrt(np.abs(aux))
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- residualNormsHistory[iterationNumber, :] = residualNorms
- residualNorm = np.sum(np.abs(residualNorms)) / sizeX
- if residualNorm < smallestResidualNorm:
- smallestResidualNorm = residualNorm
- bestIterationNumber = iterationNumber
- bestblockVectorX = blockVectorX
- elif residualNorm > 2**restartControl * smallestResidualNorm:
- forcedRestart = True
- blockVectorAX = A(blockVectorX)
- if blockVectorAX.shape != blockVectorX.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorX.shape} "
- f"of the restarted iterate not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorAX.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the primary matrix.\n"
- )
- if B is not None:
- blockVectorBX = B(blockVectorX)
- if blockVectorBX.shape != blockVectorX.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorX.shape} "
- f"of the restarted iterate not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorBX.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the secondary matrix.\n"
- )
- ii = np.where(residualNorms > residualTolerance, True, False)
- activeMask = activeMask & ii
- currentBlockSize = activeMask.sum()
- if verbosityLevel:
- print(f"iteration {iterationNumber}")
- print(f"current block size: {currentBlockSize}")
- print(f"eigenvalue(s):\n{_lambda}")
- print(f"residual norm(s):\n{residualNorms}")
- if currentBlockSize == 0:
- break
- activeBlockVectorR = _as2d(blockVectorR[:, activeMask])
- if iterationNumber > 0:
- activeBlockVectorP = _as2d(blockVectorP[:, activeMask])
- activeBlockVectorAP = _as2d(blockVectorAP[:, activeMask])
- if B is not None:
- activeBlockVectorBP = _as2d(blockVectorBP[:, activeMask])
- if M is not None:
- # Apply preconditioner T to the active residuals.
- activeBlockVectorR = M(activeBlockVectorR)
- ##
- # Apply constraints to the preconditioned residuals.
- if blockVectorY is not None:
- _applyConstraints(activeBlockVectorR,
- gramYBY,
- blockVectorBY,
- blockVectorY)
- ##
- # B-orthogonalize the preconditioned residuals to X.
- if B is not None:
- activeBlockVectorR = activeBlockVectorR - (
- blockVectorX @
- (blockVectorBX.T.conj() @ activeBlockVectorR)
- )
- else:
- activeBlockVectorR = activeBlockVectorR - (
- blockVectorX @
- (blockVectorX.T.conj() @ activeBlockVectorR)
- )
- ##
- # B-orthonormalize the preconditioned residuals.
- aux = _b_orthonormalize(
- B, activeBlockVectorR, verbosityLevel=verbosityLevel)
- activeBlockVectorR, activeBlockVectorBR, _, _ = aux
- if activeBlockVectorR is None:
- warnings.warn(
- f"Failed at iteration {iterationNumber} with accuracies "
- f"{residualNorms}\n not reaching the requested "
- f"tolerance {residualTolerance}.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- break
- activeBlockVectorAR = A(activeBlockVectorR)
- if iterationNumber > 0:
- if B is not None:
- aux = _b_orthonormalize(
- B, activeBlockVectorP, activeBlockVectorBP,
- verbosityLevel=verbosityLevel
- )
- activeBlockVectorP, activeBlockVectorBP, invR, normal = aux
- else:
- aux = _b_orthonormalize(B, activeBlockVectorP,
- verbosityLevel=verbosityLevel)
- activeBlockVectorP, _, invR, normal = aux
- # Function _b_orthonormalize returns None if Cholesky fails
- if activeBlockVectorP is not None:
- activeBlockVectorAP = activeBlockVectorAP / normal
- activeBlockVectorAP = np.dot(activeBlockVectorAP, invR)
- restart = forcedRestart
- else:
- restart = True
- ##
- # Perform the Rayleigh Ritz Procedure:
- # Compute symmetric Gram matrices:
- if activeBlockVectorAR.dtype == "float32":
- myeps = 1
- else:
- myeps = np.sqrt(np.finfo(activeBlockVectorR.dtype).eps)
- if residualNorms.max() > myeps and not explicitGramFlag:
- explicitGramFlag = False
- else:
- # Once explicitGramFlag, forever explicitGramFlag.
- explicitGramFlag = True
- # Shared memory assingments to simplify the code
- if B is None:
- blockVectorBX = blockVectorX
- activeBlockVectorBR = activeBlockVectorR
- if not restart:
- activeBlockVectorBP = activeBlockVectorP
- # Common submatrices:
- gramXAR = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorAR)
- gramRAR = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorAR)
- gramDtype = activeBlockVectorAR.dtype
- if explicitGramFlag:
- gramRAR = (gramRAR + gramRAR.T.conj()) / 2
- gramXAX = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), blockVectorAX)
- gramXAX = (gramXAX + gramXAX.T.conj()) / 2
- gramXBX = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), blockVectorBX)
- gramRBR = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorBR)
- gramXBR = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorBR)
- else:
- gramXAX = np.diag(_lambda).astype(gramDtype)
- gramXBX = np.eye(sizeX, dtype=gramDtype)
- gramRBR = np.eye(currentBlockSize, dtype=gramDtype)
- gramXBR = np.zeros((sizeX, currentBlockSize), dtype=gramDtype)
- if not restart:
- gramXAP = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorAP)
- gramRAP = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorAP)
- gramPAP = np.dot(activeBlockVectorP.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorAP)
- gramXBP = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorBP)
- gramRBP = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR.T.conj(), activeBlockVectorBP)
- if explicitGramFlag:
- gramPAP = (gramPAP + gramPAP.T.conj()) / 2
- gramPBP = np.dot(activeBlockVectorP.T.conj(),
- activeBlockVectorBP)
- else:
- gramPBP = np.eye(currentBlockSize, dtype=gramDtype)
- gramA = bmat(
- [
- [gramXAX, gramXAR, gramXAP],
- [gramXAR.T.conj(), gramRAR, gramRAP],
- [gramXAP.T.conj(), gramRAP.T.conj(), gramPAP],
- ]
- )
- gramB = bmat(
- [
- [gramXBX, gramXBR, gramXBP],
- [gramXBR.T.conj(), gramRBR, gramRBP],
- [gramXBP.T.conj(), gramRBP.T.conj(), gramPBP],
- ]
- )
- _handle_gramA_gramB_verbosity(gramA, gramB, verbosityLevel)
- try:
- _lambda, eigBlockVector = eigh(gramA,
- gramB,
- check_finite=False)
- except LinAlgError as e:
- # raise ValueError("eigh failed in lobpcg iterations") from e
- if verbosityLevel:
- warnings.warn(
- f"eigh failed at iteration {iterationNumber} \n"
- f"with error {e} causing a restart.\n",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- # try again after dropping the direction vectors P from RR
- restart = True
- if restart:
- gramA = bmat([[gramXAX, gramXAR], [gramXAR.T.conj(), gramRAR]])
- gramB = bmat([[gramXBX, gramXBR], [gramXBR.T.conj(), gramRBR]])
- _handle_gramA_gramB_verbosity(gramA, gramB, verbosityLevel)
- try:
- _lambda, eigBlockVector = eigh(gramA,
- gramB,
- check_finite=False)
- except LinAlgError as e:
- # raise ValueError("eigh failed in lobpcg iterations") from e
- warnings.warn(
- f"eigh failed at iteration {iterationNumber} with error\n"
- f"{e}\n",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- break
- ii = _get_indx(_lambda, sizeX, largest)
- _lambda = _lambda[ii]
- eigBlockVector = eigBlockVector[:, ii]
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory[iterationNumber + 1, :] = _lambda
- # Compute Ritz vectors.
- if B is not None:
- if not restart:
- eigBlockVectorX = eigBlockVector[:sizeX]
- eigBlockVectorR = eigBlockVector[sizeX:
- sizeX + currentBlockSize]
- eigBlockVectorP = eigBlockVector[sizeX + currentBlockSize:]
- pp = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR, eigBlockVectorR)
- pp += np.dot(activeBlockVectorP, eigBlockVectorP)
- app = np.dot(activeBlockVectorAR, eigBlockVectorR)
- app += np.dot(activeBlockVectorAP, eigBlockVectorP)
- bpp = np.dot(activeBlockVectorBR, eigBlockVectorR)
- bpp += np.dot(activeBlockVectorBP, eigBlockVectorP)
- else:
- eigBlockVectorX = eigBlockVector[:sizeX]
- eigBlockVectorR = eigBlockVector[sizeX:]
- pp = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR, eigBlockVectorR)
- app = np.dot(activeBlockVectorAR, eigBlockVectorR)
- bpp = np.dot(activeBlockVectorBR, eigBlockVectorR)
- blockVectorX = np.dot(blockVectorX, eigBlockVectorX) + pp
- blockVectorAX = np.dot(blockVectorAX, eigBlockVectorX) + app
- blockVectorBX = np.dot(blockVectorBX, eigBlockVectorX) + bpp
- blockVectorP, blockVectorAP, blockVectorBP = pp, app, bpp
- else:
- if not restart:
- eigBlockVectorX = eigBlockVector[:sizeX]
- eigBlockVectorR = eigBlockVector[sizeX:
- sizeX + currentBlockSize]
- eigBlockVectorP = eigBlockVector[sizeX + currentBlockSize:]
- pp = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR, eigBlockVectorR)
- pp += np.dot(activeBlockVectorP, eigBlockVectorP)
- app = np.dot(activeBlockVectorAR, eigBlockVectorR)
- app += np.dot(activeBlockVectorAP, eigBlockVectorP)
- else:
- eigBlockVectorX = eigBlockVector[:sizeX]
- eigBlockVectorR = eigBlockVector[sizeX:]
- pp = np.dot(activeBlockVectorR, eigBlockVectorR)
- app = np.dot(activeBlockVectorAR, eigBlockVectorR)
- blockVectorX = np.dot(blockVectorX, eigBlockVectorX) + pp
- blockVectorAX = np.dot(blockVectorAX, eigBlockVectorX) + app
- blockVectorP, blockVectorAP = pp, app
- if B is not None:
- aux = blockVectorBX * _lambda[np.newaxis, :]
- else:
- aux = blockVectorX * _lambda[np.newaxis, :]
- blockVectorR = blockVectorAX - aux
- aux = np.sum(blockVectorR.conj() * blockVectorR, 0)
- residualNorms = np.sqrt(np.abs(aux))
- # Use old lambda in case of early loop exit.
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory[iterationNumber + 1, :] = _lambda
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- residualNormsHistory[iterationNumber + 1, :] = residualNorms
- residualNorm = np.sum(np.abs(residualNorms)) / sizeX
- if residualNorm < smallestResidualNorm:
- smallestResidualNorm = residualNorm
- bestIterationNumber = iterationNumber + 1
- bestblockVectorX = blockVectorX
- if np.max(np.abs(residualNorms)) > residualTolerance:
- warnings.warn(
- f"Exited at iteration {iterationNumber} with accuracies \n"
- f"{residualNorms}\n"
- f"not reaching the requested tolerance {residualTolerance}.\n"
- f"Use iteration {bestIterationNumber} instead with accuracy \n"
- f"{smallestResidualNorm}.\n",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- if verbosityLevel:
- print(f"Final iterative eigenvalue(s):\n{_lambda}")
- print(f"Final iterative residual norm(s):\n{residualNorms}")
- blockVectorX = bestblockVectorX
- # Making eigenvectors "exactly" satisfy the blockVectorY constrains
- if blockVectorY is not None:
- _applyConstraints(blockVectorX,
- gramYBY,
- blockVectorBY,
- blockVectorY)
- # Making eigenvectors "exactly" othonormalized by final "exact" RR
- blockVectorAX = A(blockVectorX)
- if blockVectorAX.shape != blockVectorX.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorX.shape} "
- f"of the postprocessing iterate not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorAX.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the primary matrix.\n"
- )
- gramXAX = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), blockVectorAX)
- blockVectorBX = blockVectorX
- if B is not None:
- blockVectorBX = B(blockVectorX)
- if blockVectorBX.shape != blockVectorX.shape:
- raise ValueError(
- f"The shape {blockVectorX.shape} "
- f"of the postprocessing iterate not preserved\n"
- f"and changed to {blockVectorBX.shape} "
- f"after multiplying by the secondary matrix.\n"
- )
- gramXBX = np.dot(blockVectorX.T.conj(), blockVectorBX)
- _handle_gramA_gramB_verbosity(gramXAX, gramXBX, verbosityLevel)
- gramXAX = (gramXAX + gramXAX.T.conj()) / 2
- gramXBX = (gramXBX + gramXBX.T.conj()) / 2
- try:
- _lambda, eigBlockVector = eigh(gramXAX,
- gramXBX,
- check_finite=False)
- except LinAlgError as e:
- raise ValueError("eigh has failed in lobpcg postprocessing") from e
- ii = _get_indx(_lambda, sizeX, largest)
- _lambda = _lambda[ii]
- eigBlockVector = np.asarray(eigBlockVector[:, ii])
- blockVectorX = np.dot(blockVectorX, eigBlockVector)
- blockVectorAX = np.dot(blockVectorAX, eigBlockVector)
- if B is not None:
- blockVectorBX = np.dot(blockVectorBX, eigBlockVector)
- aux = blockVectorBX * _lambda[np.newaxis, :]
- else:
- aux = blockVectorX * _lambda[np.newaxis, :]
- blockVectorR = blockVectorAX - aux
- aux = np.sum(blockVectorR.conj() * blockVectorR, 0)
- residualNorms = np.sqrt(np.abs(aux))
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory[bestIterationNumber + 1, :] = _lambda
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- residualNormsHistory[bestIterationNumber + 1, :] = residualNorms
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory = lambdaHistory[
- : bestIterationNumber + 2, :]
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- residualNormsHistory = residualNormsHistory[
- : bestIterationNumber + 2, :]
- if np.max(np.abs(residualNorms)) > residualTolerance:
- warnings.warn(
- f"Exited postprocessing with accuracies \n"
- f"{residualNorms}\n"
- f"not reaching the requested tolerance {residualTolerance}.",
- UserWarning, stacklevel=2
- )
- if verbosityLevel:
- print(f"Final postprocessing eigenvalue(s):\n{_lambda}")
- print(f"Final residual norm(s):\n{residualNorms}")
- if retLambdaHistory:
- lambdaHistory = np.vsplit(lambdaHistory, np.shape(lambdaHistory)[0])
- lambdaHistory = [np.squeeze(i) for i in lambdaHistory]
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- residualNormsHistory = np.vsplit(residualNormsHistory,
- np.shape(residualNormsHistory)[0])
- residualNormsHistory = [np.squeeze(i) for i in residualNormsHistory]
- if retLambdaHistory:
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- return _lambda, blockVectorX, lambdaHistory, residualNormsHistory
- else:
- return _lambda, blockVectorX, lambdaHistory
- else:
- if retResidualNormsHistory:
- return _lambda, blockVectorX, residualNormsHistory
- else:
- return _lambda, blockVectorX