123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398 |
- def _svds_arpack_doc(A, k=6, ncv=None, tol=0, which='LM', v0=None,
- maxiter=None, return_singular_vectors=True,
- solver='arpack', random_state=None):
- """
- Partial singular value decomposition of a sparse matrix using ARPACK.
- Compute the largest or smallest `k` singular values and corresponding
- singular vectors of a sparse matrix `A`. The order in which the singular
- values are returned is not guaranteed.
- In the descriptions below, let ``M, N = A.shape``.
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : sparse matrix or LinearOperator
- Matrix to decompose.
- k : int, optional
- Number of singular values and singular vectors to compute.
- Must satisfy ``1 <= k <= min(M, N) - 1``.
- Default is 6.
- ncv : int, optional
- The number of Lanczos vectors generated.
- The default is ``min(n, max(2*k + 1, 20))``.
- If specified, must satistify ``k + 1 < ncv < min(M, N)``; ``ncv > 2*k``
- is recommended.
- tol : float, optional
- Tolerance for singular values. Zero (default) means machine precision.
- which : {'LM', 'SM'}
- Which `k` singular values to find: either the largest magnitude ('LM')
- or smallest magnitude ('SM') singular values.
- v0 : ndarray, optional
- The starting vector for iteration:
- an (approximate) left singular vector if ``N > M`` and a right singular
- vector otherwise. Must be of length ``min(M, N)``.
- Default: random
- maxiter : int, optional
- Maximum number of Arnoldi update iterations allowed;
- default is ``min(M, N) * 10``.
- return_singular_vectors : {True, False, "u", "vh"}
- Singular values are always computed and returned; this parameter
- controls the computation and return of singular vectors.
- - ``True``: return singular vectors.
- - ``False``: do not return singular vectors.
- - ``"u"``: if ``M <= N``, compute only the left singular vectors and
- return ``None`` for the right singular vectors. Otherwise, compute
- all singular vectors.
- - ``"vh"``: if ``M > N``, compute only the right singular vectors and
- return ``None`` for the left singular vectors. Otherwise, compute
- all singular vectors.
- solver : {'arpack', 'propack', 'lobpcg'}, optional
- This is the solver-specific documentation for ``solver='arpack'``.
- :ref:`'lobpcg' <sparse.linalg.svds-lobpcg>` and
- :ref:`'propack' <sparse.linalg.svds-propack>`
- are also supported.
- random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
- `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
- Pseudorandom number generator state used to generate resamples.
- If `random_state` is ``None`` (or `np.random`), the
- `numpy.random.RandomState` singleton is used.
- If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
- seeded with `random_state`.
- If `random_state` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState``
- instance then that instance is used.
- options : dict, optional
- A dictionary of solver-specific options. No solver-specific options
- are currently supported; this parameter is reserved for future use.
- Returns
- -------
- u : ndarray, shape=(M, k)
- Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
- s : ndarray, shape=(k,)
- The singular values.
- vh : ndarray, shape=(k, N)
- Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
- Notes
- -----
- This is a naive implementation using ARPACK as an eigensolver
- on ``A.conj().T @ A`` or ``A @ A.conj().T``, depending on which one is more
- efficient.
- Examples
- --------
- Construct a matrix ``A`` from singular values and vectors.
- >>> from scipy.stats import ortho_group
- >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, diags
- >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
- >>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
- >>> orthogonal = csc_matrix(ortho_group.rvs(10, random_state=rng))
- >>> s = [0.0001, 0.001, 3, 4, 5] # singular values
- >>> u = orthogonal[:, :5] # left singular vectors
- >>> vT = orthogonal[:, 5:].T # right singular vectors
- >>> A = u @ diags(s) @ vT
- With only three singular values/vectors, the SVD approximates the original
- matrix.
- >>> u2, s2, vT2 = svds(A, k=3, solver='arpack')
- >>> A2 = u2 @ np.diag(s2) @ vT2
- >>> np.allclose(A2, A.toarray(), atol=1e-3)
- True
- With all five singular values/vectors, we can reproduce the original
- matrix.
- >>> u3, s3, vT3 = svds(A, k=5, solver='arpack')
- >>> A3 = u3 @ np.diag(s3) @ vT3
- >>> np.allclose(A3, A.toarray())
- True
- The singular values match the expected singular values, and the singular
- vectors are as expected up to a difference in sign.
- >>> (np.allclose(s3, s) and
- ... np.allclose(np.abs(u3), np.abs(u.toarray())) and
- ... np.allclose(np.abs(vT3), np.abs(vT.toarray())))
- True
- The singular vectors are also orthogonal.
- >>> (np.allclose(u3.T @ u3, np.eye(5)) and
- ... np.allclose(vT3 @ vT3.T, np.eye(5)))
- True
- """
- pass
- def _svds_lobpcg_doc(A, k=6, ncv=None, tol=0, which='LM', v0=None,
- maxiter=None, return_singular_vectors=True,
- solver='lobpcg', random_state=None):
- """
- Partial singular value decomposition of a sparse matrix using LOBPCG.
- Compute the largest or smallest `k` singular values and corresponding
- singular vectors of a sparse matrix `A`. The order in which the singular
- values are returned is not guaranteed.
- In the descriptions below, let ``M, N = A.shape``.
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : sparse matrix or LinearOperator
- Matrix to decompose.
- k : int, default: 6
- Number of singular values and singular vectors to compute.
- Must satisfy ``1 <= k <= min(M, N) - 1``.
- ncv : int, optional
- Ignored.
- tol : float, optional
- Tolerance for singular values. Zero (default) means machine precision.
- which : {'LM', 'SM'}
- Which `k` singular values to find: either the largest magnitude ('LM')
- or smallest magnitude ('SM') singular values.
- v0 : ndarray, optional
- If `k` is 1, the starting vector for iteration:
- an (approximate) left singular vector if ``N > M`` and a right singular
- vector otherwise. Must be of length ``min(M, N)``.
- Ignored otherwise.
- Default: random
- maxiter : int, default: 20
- Maximum number of iterations.
- return_singular_vectors : {True, False, "u", "vh"}
- Singular values are always computed and returned; this parameter
- controls the computation and return of singular vectors.
- - ``True``: return singular vectors.
- - ``False``: do not return singular vectors.
- - ``"u"``: if ``M <= N``, compute only the left singular vectors and
- return ``None`` for the right singular vectors. Otherwise, compute
- all singular vectors.
- - ``"vh"``: if ``M > N``, compute only the right singular vectors and
- return ``None`` for the left singular vectors. Otherwise, compute
- all singular vectors.
- solver : {'arpack', 'propack', 'lobpcg'}, optional
- This is the solver-specific documentation for ``solver='lobpcg'``.
- :ref:`'arpack' <sparse.linalg.svds-arpack>` and
- :ref:`'propack' <sparse.linalg.svds-propack>`
- are also supported.
- random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
- `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
- Pseudorandom number generator state used to generate resamples.
- If `random_state` is ``None`` (or `np.random`), the
- `numpy.random.RandomState` singleton is used.
- If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
- seeded with `random_state`.
- If `random_state` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState``
- instance then that instance is used.
- options : dict, optional
- A dictionary of solver-specific options. No solver-specific options
- are currently supported; this parameter is reserved for future use.
- Returns
- -------
- u : ndarray, shape=(M, k)
- Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
- s : ndarray, shape=(k,)
- The singular values.
- vh : ndarray, shape=(k, N)
- Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
- Notes
- -----
- This is a naive implementation using LOBPCG as an eigensolver
- on ``A.conj().T @ A`` or ``A @ A.conj().T``, depending on which one is more
- efficient.
- Examples
- --------
- Construct a matrix ``A`` from singular values and vectors.
- >>> from scipy.stats import ortho_group
- >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, diags
- >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
- >>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
- >>> orthogonal = csc_matrix(ortho_group.rvs(10, random_state=rng))
- >>> s = [0.0001, 0.001, 3, 4, 5] # singular values
- >>> u = orthogonal[:, :5] # left singular vectors
- >>> vT = orthogonal[:, 5:].T # right singular vectors
- >>> A = u @ diags(s) @ vT
- With only three singular values/vectors, the SVD approximates the original
- matrix.
- >>> u2, s2, vT2 = svds(A, k=3, solver='lobpcg')
- >>> A2 = u2 @ np.diag(s2) @ vT2
- >>> np.allclose(A2, A.toarray(), atol=1e-3)
- True
- With all five singular values/vectors, we can reproduce the original
- matrix.
- >>> u3, s3, vT3 = svds(A, k=5, solver='lobpcg')
- >>> A3 = u3 @ np.diag(s3) @ vT3
- >>> np.allclose(A3, A.toarray())
- True
- The singular values match the expected singular values, and the singular
- vectors are as expected up to a difference in sign.
- >>> (np.allclose(s3, s) and
- ... np.allclose(np.abs(u3), np.abs(u.todense())) and
- ... np.allclose(np.abs(vT3), np.abs(vT.todense())))
- True
- The singular vectors are also orthogonal.
- >>> (np.allclose(u3.T @ u3, np.eye(5)) and
- ... np.allclose(vT3 @ vT3.T, np.eye(5)))
- True
- """
- pass
- def _svds_propack_doc(A, k=6, ncv=None, tol=0, which='LM', v0=None,
- maxiter=None, return_singular_vectors=True,
- solver='propack', random_state=None):
- """
- Partial singular value decomposition of a sparse matrix using PROPACK.
- Compute the largest or smallest `k` singular values and corresponding
- singular vectors of a sparse matrix `A`. The order in which the singular
- values are returned is not guaranteed.
- In the descriptions below, let ``M, N = A.shape``.
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : sparse matrix or LinearOperator
- Matrix to decompose. If `A` is a ``LinearOperator``
- object, it must define both ``matvec`` and ``rmatvec`` methods.
- k : int, default: 6
- Number of singular values and singular vectors to compute.
- Must satisfy ``1 <= k <= min(M, N)``.
- ncv : int, optional
- Ignored.
- tol : float, optional
- The desired relative accuracy for computed singular values.
- Zero (default) means machine precision.
- which : {'LM', 'SM'}
- Which `k` singular values to find: either the largest magnitude ('LM')
- or smallest magnitude ('SM') singular values. Note that choosing
- ``which='SM'`` will force the ``irl`` option to be set ``True``.
- v0 : ndarray, optional
- Starting vector for iterations: must be of length ``A.shape[0]``.
- If not specified, PROPACK will generate a starting vector.
- maxiter : int, optional
- Maximum number of iterations / maximal dimension of the Krylov
- subspace. Default is ``10 * k``.
- return_singular_vectors : {True, False, "u", "vh"}
- Singular values are always computed and returned; this parameter
- controls the computation and return of singular vectors.
- - ``True``: return singular vectors.
- - ``False``: do not return singular vectors.
- - ``"u"``: compute only the left singular vectors; return ``None`` for
- the right singular vectors.
- - ``"vh"``: compute only the right singular vectors; return ``None``
- for the left singular vectors.
- solver : {'arpack', 'propack', 'lobpcg'}, optional
- This is the solver-specific documentation for ``solver='propack'``.
- :ref:`'arpack' <sparse.linalg.svds-arpack>` and
- :ref:`'lobpcg' <sparse.linalg.svds-lobpcg>`
- are also supported.
- random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
- `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
- Pseudorandom number generator state used to generate resamples.
- If `random_state` is ``None`` (or `np.random`), the
- `numpy.random.RandomState` singleton is used.
- If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
- seeded with `random_state`.
- If `random_state` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState``
- instance then that instance is used.
- options : dict, optional
- A dictionary of solver-specific options. No solver-specific options
- are currently supported; this parameter is reserved for future use.
- Returns
- -------
- u : ndarray, shape=(M, k)
- Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
- s : ndarray, shape=(k,)
- The singular values.
- vh : ndarray, shape=(k, N)
- Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
- Notes
- -----
- This is an interface to the Fortran library PROPACK [1]_.
- The current default is to run with IRL mode disabled unless seeking the
- smallest singular values/vectors (``which='SM'``).
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Larsen, Rasmus Munk. "PROPACK-Software for large and sparse SVD
- calculations." Available online. URL
- http://sun.stanford.edu/~rmunk/PROPACK (2004): 2008-2009.
- Examples
- --------
- Construct a matrix ``A`` from singular values and vectors.
- >>> from scipy.stats import ortho_group
- >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, diags
- >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
- >>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
- >>> orthogonal = csc_matrix(ortho_group.rvs(10, random_state=rng))
- >>> s = [0.0001, 0.001, 3, 4, 5] # singular values
- >>> u = orthogonal[:, :5] # left singular vectors
- >>> vT = orthogonal[:, 5:].T # right singular vectors
- >>> A = u @ diags(s) @ vT
- With only three singular values/vectors, the SVD approximates the original
- matrix.
- >>> u2, s2, vT2 = svds(A, k=3, solver='propack')
- >>> A2 = u2 @ np.diag(s2) @ vT2
- >>> np.allclose(A2, A.todense(), atol=1e-3)
- True
- With all five singular values/vectors, we can reproduce the original
- matrix.
- >>> u3, s3, vT3 = svds(A, k=5, solver='propack')
- >>> A3 = u3 @ np.diag(s3) @ vT3
- >>> np.allclose(A3, A.todense())
- True
- The singular values match the expected singular values, and the singular
- vectors are as expected up to a difference in sign.
- >>> (np.allclose(s3, s) and
- ... np.allclose(np.abs(u3), np.abs(u.toarray())) and
- ... np.allclose(np.abs(vT3), np.abs(vT.toarray())))
- True
- The singular vectors are also orthogonal.
- >>> (np.allclose(u3.T @ u3, np.eye(5)) and
- ... np.allclose(vT3 @ vT3.T, np.eye(5)))
- True
- """
- pass